■ 1 , ■■ •■ . V. ■ ■ : ^ > »' ■■ - . '■♦ , ^-^. I.',' ., :\,;:;;v :, .1 ,- Averagelhiily Net Preib Run , ' THURSDAY, MARCH 7 » 196T itflf t|,g Week--Eiidad''' i ‘ ; -r yxGE TWENTY-F^tJR March 2, l057___ ” 1 2 ^ 4 ^ 9 ^ / Bala tonight ehnaglng to anew Mis# Karolyn M. Kale, daughter The msetlttgi of Ui^ Gonnsc- flnrrlen by tatu rd ay m olnitag. -Lew. arPrrandhtr": Paul Mi-. ~~Kl^rSr-m-tlcut-' . cut VAUey-Ssctlbn Lo^e Will Hold Member of the Aodit y- la SO*, flatarday m&w iflarHea, V.’. Center St was recently InlU- cah Chemical Soeft y will be held du of Circulation y a U ttie aeMeir. H igh se-S0. ated into Gamml t ' Beta sorority Saturday. at the Moore Labora­ Monthly Manchester— A City of Village Charm H m Uary tniUanw Group of the at Miami University, - Oxford, tory, of-Cheml; try, Amherst Col­ 7 ^ --------- ^ 8«<^d ConfrecKtlonel Women’t Ohio. A fyeahman enrolled in the lege, at 4:50 p.m. Dr. - Eugene O. Scandla Lodge, No. 23, Order of tiMgoe win hold a food ude fol- school >of arts and sciences, she Rochow of Harvard University will Vasa,’Will hold its monthly meet­ ■VOL. L X X V l,\ . 134 V ■'(SlJttJWlJ^PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.,'FRIDAY. MARCH 8, 1957 (Claeslflcd AdvertlaUig on Page 14) ' X ' ‘ PRICE * Io#tiia the 10 .a.tn. service at the was named outstanding pledge of speak on'.’The Relative EHectro- ing tonight at 8 otclock in Orange ^ '^ u r a , Suiidky. Mrs. John F. Bu- the year. , negatiVtUeg in Group IV." , Hall. ^ .............. JiA. ,74 Overlook Of., heads the Mrs. Dorothy Nelson, wtll be in­ cosnlnlttee. i , Mrs. Dorothy ‘Beale ,of Talcott- stile d as vice chairman to fill the io h d iiify The 'midweek service at the Sal­ •im^pired term, Lennart Tor- .ville is spending A month in Holfy- vation Army tonight will be con­ a t Redg Push Adoniram Oouncil, Ko. 14. RSM, wood and other parts of,California. ducted by' Mrs: Major John Pick­ stenSQn. All sick reports will be win hpM a special meetin; tomor* Her son. Stuart Currier Beale, is handled, by her for the remainder row s^*8 p.m. In the Masonic Tem­ up and Mrs. Myrtle. !McComb.* The of the year 1957, , Elaine a student at the University of topic vin be ‘‘What 'We' Shohlo Biias Strife, ple, HoCkvUle, and wlU confer de- California. During. Mrs. Beale’s Do In Lent.” A soUnd motion pic­ Members wjio'have birthdays in FRESH FRUI absence, her mother, Mrs. Jeanette ture will be shown after the serv­ March will be remembered during Reminds Yo^ ****** J • |lla Talcott of ESaste]rn Point, is the social hour following the meet­ ice, ,illustrating ■ the work of the to reach for an apple ifi>, lioyal Circle of Kings Daugh­ spending some time ' in Talcott- Army in many countries of the ing. * Probe Told ters will’Jwid its regular meeUng vllle. X world, , v f' Dues for hospital benefit plan. stead of a sweet . Or BETWEEN Monday night at' T;45 in the Fed- No. 2, are now past due, and the —The Mamhester Square ~Dan^ financial secretary—urges all to -mind your ’ vegetables, Baton Rpuge, La., -Marcl^ 8 i •gaUonal Church. Surgical dress­ will omit its weekly club dance \-King David Lodge, No.’ 31, pay. fruits, milk, green Leafy Let Pinflrljtirst Garden F re ^ ^ u its and Vegetables lead the ^ (JP)—A ^ eg ro ex-Comraunist ings for the hospital will he folded. Monday at the Waddell School. lOpF, will meet tomorrow at 7:30 vegetables, whole grain wqy td Fewer cavities and a/healthier, happier life lor your tesUfiw today he wanted “to A social hoiiVyrtU follow, in charge The regular workshop will be held p.iX in Odd Fellows Hall. A so­ Washingtonton Looge. No. 117, brmids every day . do Anything' I can to combat of Mni. Alice Kftt and Mist Grace the following week, March 18 at cial hour with refreshments will LOL willf meet tomorrow night idmilyvXServe them lor dessert, anct/^'or between meal snacks.. Sowter. 7 :S0 p.m. -----—- follow the bu'smess meeting. at 8 o'clock dh Orange Hall, «ggs four, times weekly, Apples, Oranges and Pears, Carrots, Celery and Nuts are |ust the Communist party’s use. meat four times weekly of the Negro race as a pawn and all the dentists in a. few ol the delicacies you'll find lor be-tter Dental.. Health *at fomenting racial strife.” town will go out of busi­ Pinehurst. Lst nature supplement your tootribrush for day-long Leonard Patteraon, Jamaica, N. proteclionx . Y,. made the - statement as he --------------- ness . No danger . openeji'fila testimony. a ^ n g Deplored by the fact that The 61year-old former Commu­ decays are becoming nist was the first witness as segre­ more widespread and at gation leaders »pened t)te second Evacuated Technic an earlier age, the den­ FRESH UP TODAY! day of legislative investigaluri He^' signed to show Communist pres­ tists themselves are be­ ENJOY BETTER BARGAINS WITH BEHEI sure is behind racial integration hind it. Scientific re­ QUALITY AT PINEHURST efforts in the South. By Israelis StiUatW ar search has proven th ^ Also scheduled- to testify was Manning Johnson of New York, United Nations, N. Y,» Cairo, Egypt, March 8 <g) the most important sin­ At Pinehurst you will find the gle' erivironmen^l factor ahother Negro former Communist. March 8 </P)—Secretary. Gen­ -Egyptian officials reiteis finest quality Idaho Baking Pota­ .Would Rule NAAGP eral Dag Hammarskjold an­ ed today that Israeli ships for good sounef'teeth is toes and Maine Russet all around ,x\ A » farmer top Red testified the proper. fo&dF becau.se potatoes. Green Beans, Pars­ yesterday that Communists, were, nounced today that Lsrael has ^Nbarr^ from using the the teeth are formed af­ nips, Peppers, large Bermuda. snatching at leadership of the fully, complied with U.N. de­ Suez ’‘Hamburg" Onions. Beet Greens ­ National Association for Advance­ mands that it withdraw from ‘The Egyptian government’s ter we are born. What we and Broccoli and Cauliflower and Pair Switches Itches ment of Colored Pepple, after aban­ PdsiUott U thHItaUU U technical­ Hgte'* Jrask GMmd LARGE GRADE "A" eat, -makes them dr de­ Eggplanj,. 1— - Jacquelfai ’Grote. 6, left, and slater, Susan, 7, point accusing'fingers doning a Dixie drive behind Com­ the Gaza Strip ai\d the Sharm ly at war writh Isnel, even thou^ XLOCAL FRESH cays them . • . after learning they have traded diseases at Long Beach, Calif. munist fronts; el Sheikh area of Egypt. it signed an atmUOae in 1949, ‘Ihe APPLES PROM PERO 'S<Man has the m erles and Jacquelyn now has chickenpox. • 'IV’o Joseph Z. Koinfedder, a white ban on Israeli ahlpplnEwas in af­ COFFEE Sweets? Natural ones wqblu ago it was the other way around. Quarantine: Isn't •offi­ Detroit, Mich., tailor ’Who - helped Tel Avii, Israel, March 8 fect long before the X ^eli EOGS please . honey, pure McIntosh or BoldwiiiK i ’ cial out the girls are in social isolation. ' form the U.S. Communist party in (/P)—-Israeli forces turned Freneh-Brltish attack on " 1 W E A T S maple sugar and dried lb. 15c 1919, told the Jo^nt Legislative over control of Sharm el last fall. •<'/ » Committee on Segregation that The owner of a Dutdi _____ _ fruits . Don’t give yoUr "the NAA(JP has cooled off on ^heikh to the United Nations Uia 499-ton Vidala, has pjrotMtsd m m ___________ small fr>’ a sucker to ap­ Wonderful Doliclbut sponsoring front groups with the tj^ay flind began their with­ against seizure of his cioip>'1)diuid frt fbr a pease his tears . A Apples^ swaut, 3 lbs. S9e Lie Bletector Shows Communists... The Communtllts drawal from the last territory for the IsraeU port of^mifa. Up 49® are now trying to unite with the a .to now the protest -to Egyptian dried pryne’ll do the dry-- NAACP.” won in the inva-sion of Egypt. Crisp Large Stalks This, was!^ announced by ao authorities has produced no result. Wood’s of Skipper’s Dock Duble 6>i4uthin" ing up just as well . if ■ The’ star witness for the seg- The Vidala has been held at Suez KRAFTS VaVfETA Concentrated you start out that way CELERY, bunch 33c regationlsU at the first open ses- Israeli military spokesman,, who Witness ‘Untruthful’ said .a small contingent of troops since last Octobbr. ’Tis.the very yoijng alon said, "the high point of Com­ Two aihaU.ihipa started moving CHEESE SPREAD NOT munist infiltration, ideological and would remain for'several days to the dentists are working Fancy, Mellow D'Anjou complete removal of equipment through the canal today, and Clam Bisque ONE ' IJrs. Helen (Big Helen') Hardy, Egypt wa# expected to turn on the on, the time wbdn the PEARS, 6 for 49c Washington, lyiarchx;^ (A>) ■ ‘(Oonttnued on Page iFifteen) from the strategic are'S .guarding —Mayor Terry D./^Sdirunk an admitted "call house" madam, the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba. green Ugtat that would..p«rmit.re­ LB. FOWL I89m « , teeth are being formed. had- testified she paid Zusman for move of two remaining major oh- Young and Tender, Golden of Portland -demapned a\lie Finnish troops of the /U.N. PEG. Yes,' for this price you get TWO plump young fowl to give sending customers to her from his struotiona that would, open the 8 9 can Green leafy vegetables CARROTS, bunch lOe detector tirat to ^ y to support night club,' the Desert Room. Emergency Force moved in ftom cshal to medijini size ships for you plenty of servings, or some to save for another day.
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