I 1 Worcestershire ns1ness Alvechurch. -------------------- • • ----- ..... ~ --- ... ,. --- .. _....... _ 1\LVECfl URCH. --------- BAXKERS :-Lloyds Bank. POPULATION: -2,207. CHURCH :-The parish rhurch was re-built, with POSTAL :-A money order and telegra,lJh cffirr, the exception of the tower, in 1861. Parts of S.O. Worcestershire. the old buildi •g. notably the 1'\orma'l Door- way and the Norman .Arches of tlw north PUBLIC BUILDINGS :-Public Library & Read· ai~;le were retained and dove-tailed into thE> ing Room. new structure. The restoration was carried out in the Early Englhh style, the best featurE' RAILWAYS :-The station is on the Birmingham bPing the East wi dow. The living is a and Redditch branch of the Midland Railw:1y rectOTy in the diooe•e ot \Vorcester, in the gift of the Bishop of Worcester, anJ is held SITUATION :-·In the East Worc-estershire Parlia­ by the Bishop L. G. Myln-e, D.D. mentary Division, 12!- miles (by rail) S.S. W. of Birmingham. Allwood J, butcher Lloyd3 Bank, Ltd, Birmingham I"d -J Partriclgt' Baseley T K, butcher, The Square agent Bird T, baker, Wharf bakery MALIN W H, manfr of every description of Inundell F, boot maker, Swan st N.P. croohet, macrame, and rug wool hooks, Burman W, dairyman Grange Farm Lion st Cragg & Son, builders, Lion at Matthews H H, builder and contractor, Birming· CORBETT F, miller & corn merchant, Aherhurch ham ·rd mill Morris J G, baker Dunkley Junr., Perambulator Works Peel Dr, surgeon Foster R C, saddler and harness makN, Birm;ng- Reading J W, chimney t>wcep, Red Lion st ham rd RED LION HOTEL. - G Morton, proprietor. Foster W, shooing smith. The Square Ales, V\'ines, spirits and <ligars. Parties catered Hanks J, baker & confectioner, Birmingham rd for. Billiard saloon. Motor Garage Huins J, boot maker, Red Lion st Rooke Miss, grocer HOLMES ;r F, cycle agent, dealer and repairer, Ryh.nd •.r, bookseller .k stationer, Pc-5t Office, The "Kettering House," Red Lion st. All cycole Square accessories kept in stock. Shells and Pratts Swan Inn. - F J Newbould motor spirit and vacuum oils \Vadams "V N, oarrie1 Hunt G & Son, painters and deoorators Ward H, plumber, painter etc., The Square \Yililon J B & Son, grocers & drapers, The Square \Yi~hers T A & Scn, coal merchants, New whari ---------------------- -·-------------------------~------~--------------------------- ASTWOOD BANK. ---------- BA~KERS: -Capital and Counties Bank. CHURCH :-The varish church. dedicated to St. Lloyds Bank. Mathias, is a sto !e building in the Early Eng­ li ... h style, eref'ted in 1883 as a chapel of &Jfl<' to Feck-enham in which Parieh it i11. Rev. R COP~TY COU~T :-lield at Redditch. R Verity. 2 I Woroestershirt us1ness A~twood Bank EARLY CLOSING DAY :-Thursday. RAILWAYS :-The station (Studley and Astwcod Bank) is between Redditch and Broom June POPULATION: -1,630. tio.n on the Midland Railway, and is 2! milee from the village. POST.AL :-A money order and telegraph office, under Redditch. TRADE :-The manufacture of needles and steel trade. • Alcester Co-operative Industrial Society, Ltd, Eves- Lewis H, grooer, etc, Fo.regate st ham rd Lloyd's Bank, Ltd, Evesham rd-E Perkina, Andrews Bros, chemists & grocerlS, Woreester Sit manager Arthars R, draper & hosier, ~Ia1ket place Mander C, painter and paperhanger, Chapel st Austin A W, ·'booot & shoe maker, Foreg,ate st MANDER FRANK (late Nathaniel Mander). Bell Inn, Evesham rd painter, glazier, paperhanger, and sign w.riter, Betterton M A, butoher "Ivydell," Chapel st. All orders will receive Bourne J Y, toilet pin manfr, Evesham rd personal attention Brcokes J, plumber, Friargate st MORRIS YEOMANS, manfl"S of all kinds of Capital & Counties Bank, I. td, W orces!er o~r. noodles & crochet hooks, Blake and ell other Ohatterley W C, fancy repository, High st hooks. Springs, etc. Telegraphic addre58, Yeo- Cox W, Senr, monumental sculptor, Church !'C mans, Astw()()d Bank Orown Hotel Cktct Fellows Arms, Foregat.e st Fleetwood W J, tir~1b"r dPRler. Evesl:arn rd Parker Ml'S A, g-rocer & provision dealer Gibbons F, confectioner, Evesham rd t'aJCe Bros., needle manfrs Gibbons J, boot & shce maker, l<~vesham rd Perkim J & Sons, Ltd, sewing machine needlo Gregory H, boot, shoe & hosiery warehouse, Eves· manfrs, Albion Works ham rd Peters D, wheelwright & coffin maker, Foregate 9t HEMMING F, grocer, provision and hardware RED LION INN-W H JMDes, propr. Si;a.bling dealer, Butler st & cyclists accommodation. Wines Slpirits and Heritage G, watch and clock repairer, Evesham rd cigars HODGES C, bookseller, stationer, and fancy Sarsons Mrs W R, baker, Foregate st goods dealer. Bookbinding promptly executed. Shrimpton W, tea dealer, stationer, tewsagent, and Agent for the Genernl Life Assurance Co., Lon- glass & china dlr, Post Office don and Lanoat>hlre Fire and Accident Assurance Smith J & Sons, needle manu~cturers Company, and the General Aooident Assurance Trout Bros, oonfectionel"S Co11>oration Ltd Turner H & Sons, licensed hruwkers Hodge3 C; hairdr~ser WARWOOD H, bake.r, elc., Evesham rd. Fami- Hollington G & Sons, needle manfrs, St. Crispin lies and shopkeeiX:Jrs wait-ed on daily Works, and Yew Tree Needle Works WHITE LION HOTEL, Evesham rd - Dan. Houg'hton T, greengrocer, Evesham rd Dibble, proprietor. Good accommodation for Ruins Boot Stores, Butler st cyclists. Good stabling. Commercials catered lluxley G, builder & contractor, Evesham rd for at moderate charges Jones T, shoeing smith, Evesham rd Woodman Commercial Inn, Evesham rd Kendall W & Son, cycle -spokes mnfrs, Avenue Yeomans H, butcher works BELBROlTGHTON. EARLY CLOSING DAY: -Thursday 1 p.m. RAILWAYS : -The nearest station is Hagley, on the Great Western Railway, 3! miles distant. POPULATION : -'1,831. There is a frequent service o£ motors from • Stourbridge Town Station. POSTAL: -A money order and telegraph offiC(·. Bate J, photographer and stationer, Post Office Horse Shoe Inn Baylis W, builder and contractor Knobell Dr, surgeon Brett T E, butcher LACY W H, grooor, provision dealer & baker,. Freeman's Refreshment Rooms High st Freeman R, builder and oontraotor Leek, saddler and harness maker Handley & Sons, bakers and grocers-, High st Moore Miss, draper, Victoria House Jiarris G, boot maker, High st N~sh I, m<tnfr of scythes, kniv~ etc. Worcestershire nsiness Belbroughton New Inn, Church Square Weaver & Guest, grocers, The Stores Poulton R E, build~ Wilson J B & Sons, grocers, etc Price J, shooing smith Woodhouse T, grocer Queen's Hotel Working Men's Club Talbot Hotel DLEY. • BA~KERS :-London City and Midland Bank. POSTAL :-A head office; mails are despatched t( London at 7-50 a.m., 10-50 a.m., 12-40 p.m COUNTY COURT :-Held at Kidderminster. and 9-35 p.m.; and are delivered from Lon don at 8-0 a.m., 3-30 p.m. and 7-10 p.m. EARLY CLOSING DAY :-Wednesday. PUBLIC BUILDINGS:- HISTORY: -The town was 'incorporated by a Bewdley Institute, Load Street. charter of Edward IV., and until 1885 The Grammar School, founded by chartf'r it returned one member to Parliament. •I 1 the the reign of James I. Civil War the town declared for the King The Town Hall, in High Street, is a hand and was twice taken by the Parliamentarians some stone building, the under part beint. and regained by the Royalists. It carried on, used as a market. at one time, a large trade i 1 Welsh flannel, Working Men's Club, Wribbenhall. cotton goods, corn and wool, but with the . advent of railways, this trade rapidly declined. RAILWAYS :-The statiOn IS on the Bewdley and Horn combs are now manufactured and there Shrewsbury branch of the Great Western are tanneries and breweries. Railway. MARKET DAY :-Saturday. SITUATION :-In the Bewdley Parliamentary Division, 3 miles W. by S. of Kidderminster. POPULATION: 2,745 . • Ainsworth Mrs H, apartments, Forest House Farmer J, builder and oontractor,.. Severn Valley Allcock T, grocer, &c., 93 Westgate Buildings, Wribbenhall Anchor Inn, \Velch Gate G Smith Farrington A and M, grocers, Load l't Andel'!«ln J', P.Tocer, fl1- Load st Gardner T & Son, coal & timber merchants, 28 Angel Hot~l-Mrs. C Alien, proprietress Severn side Beacall W, tanner, Severn Tannerv George Hotel, Load st Bell R, pork butcher, 17 Welch Gate Great Western Grocery Stores, \Vribbenhall Bewdley Dining Rooms, 78 Load st-J Wilks, propr Great Western Hotel, Wribbenhall Bewdley Institute, I,oad st Handley W, groc<>r. Severn side south Bewdley & W ribbenhall Working M ens Club, Hanglin, butcher, H ~reford House, Load st Bl~ck Boy. Hotel, Wribbenhall Harcomhe and Som, drapers, 62 Load st Bl1g~ts Private Ho~el, Load st . , ~emingway & So~, !'olicijors, Load st Boro Stores, 1 High st-H Hillier, propru~t.::>r Hmton A, confectwner, f Load sli Bowdler R, fishmonger, &o., 41 Load st Hinton W R, tailor, 13 Load !'t Bradley & Co., drapers, 20 Load st Ho.Uingsworth ~lrs registry office, Load st Bridge Dining & Tea Rooms, 74 Load st Hor:1 & Trumpet Dog Lane CENTB:AL DINING AND BOARJ?I~G Ho~ell F, boot ~nd shoe dealer, 56 Load st Estab~1shme~t, 40 Lo~d st-H ~unt, Spec~al Humpher<>on G J & Sons, horn mnfrs, 64 High st attention paid to cychsts and VISitors. Parties Humpherson J, tobacconist, 72 Load st catered for. Terms moderate Hunt T practical hand-sewn boot and shoo maker Cliflord R N, chemist, Load lilt 8 Load st Cock & Magpie Hotel, Severn Side North HUNT WILLIAM builder and contractor Cddrick T, builder, Load s.t authorised plumbe;, painte;, decorator am Coles ~· waggonette propne~r: Dog Lane builders' merchant, 40 Load st. Also coal mer Coopers, baker, grocer etc., \\ nbben.hall h t Crooke C, chemist, 55 Lord st c an .
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