WHSR-ATH Carbide Drill for SR machining The diagrams and table data are examples of test results, and are not guaranteed values. “ ” is a registered trademark of MOLDINO Tool Engineering, Ltd. Attentions on Safety 1. Cautions regarding handling (1) When removing the tool from its case (packaging), be careful that the tool does not pop out or is dropped. Be particularly careful regarding contact with the tool flutes. (2) When handling tools with sharp cutting flutes, be careful not to touch the cutting flutes directly with your bare hands. 2. Cautions regarding mounting (1) Before use, check the outside appearance of the tool for scratches, cracks, etc. and that it is firmly mounted in the collet chuck, etc. (2) If abnormal chattering, etc. occurs during use, stop the machine immediately and remove the cause of the chattering. 3. Cautions during use (1) Before use, confirm the dimensions and direction of rotation of the tool and milling work material. (2) The numerical values in the standard cutting conditions table should be used as criteria when starting new work. The cutting conditions should be adjusted as appropriate when the cutting depth is large, the rigidity of the machine being used is low, or according to the conditions of the work material. (3) Cutting tools are made of a hard material. During use, they may break and fly off. In addition, cutting chips may also fly off. Since there is a danger of injury to workers, fire, or eye damage from such flying pieces, a safety cover should be attached when work is performed and safety equipment such as safety goggles should be worn to create a safe environment for work. (4) There is a risk of fire or inflammation due to sparks, heat due to breakage, and cutting chips. Do not use where there is a risk of fire or explosion. Please caution of fire while using oil base coolant, fire prevention is necessary. (5) Do not use the tool for any purpose other than that for which it is intended. 4. Cautions regarding regrinding (1) If regrinding is not performed at the proper time, there is a risk of the tool breaking. Replace the tool with one in good condition, or perform regrinding. (2) Grinding dust will be created when regrinding a tool. When regrinding, be sure to attach a safety cover over the work area and wear safety clothes such as safety goggles, etc. (3) This product contains the specified chemical substance cobalt and its inorganic compounds. When performing regrinding or similar processing, be sure to handle the processing in accordance with thelocal laws and regulations regarding prevention of hazards due to specified chemical substances. Official Web Site http://www.moldino.com/en/ Head Office Hulic Ryogoku Bldg. 8F, 4-31-11, Ryogoku, Sumida-ku, Tokyo, Japan 130-0026 Database for selection Cutting Tool Products【 TOOL SEARCH】 International Sales Dept. : TEL +81-3-6890-5103 FAX +81-3-6890-5128 Search Web Europe MOLDINO Tool Engineering Europe GmbH Brazil MMC METAL DO BRASIL LTDA. Itterpark 12, 40724 Hilden,Germany. Rua Cincinato Braga, 340 13° andar.Bela Vista – CEP 01333-010 São Paulo – SP ., Brasil Tel +49-(0)2103-24820 Fax +49-(0)2103-248230 Tel +55(11)3506-5600 Fax +55(11)3506-5677 China MOLDINO Tool Engineering (Shanghai), Ltd. Thailand MMC Hardmetal (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. MOLDINO Division Room 2604-2605, Metro Plaza, 555 Loushanguan Road, Changning Disctrict,Shanghai, 200051, China 622 Emporium Tower, Floor 22/1-4, Sukhumvit Road, Klong Tan, Klong Toei, Tel +86-(0)21-3366-3058 Fax +86-(0)21-3366-3050 Bangkok 10110, Thailand TEL:+66-(0)2-661-8175 FAX:+66-(0)2-661-8176 America MITSUBISHI MATERIALS U.S.A. CORPORATION DETROIT OFFICE Customer service India Hitachi Metals (India) Pvt. Ltd. 41700 Gardenbrook Road, Suite 120, Novi, MI 48375-1320 U.S.A. Plot No 94 & 95,Sector 8, IMT Manesar ,Gurgaon-122050 , Haryana, India Tel +1(248) 308-2620 Fax +1(248) 308-2627 Tel +91-124-4812315 Fax +91-124-2290015 CHICAGO OFFICE 300 N Martingale Road, Suite 500, Schaumburg, IL 60173, U.S.A. Tel +1(847) 252-6371 Fax +1(248) 308-2627 DISTRIBUTED BY: Mexico MMC METAL DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. Av. La Cañada No.16, Parque Industrial Bernardo Quintana, El Marques, Querétaro, CP 76246, México Tel +52-442-1926800 New Product New s No.1702E -5 2021-7 Specifications for the products listed in this catalog are subject to change 2021-7(K) without notice due to replacement or modification. Printed using vegetable oil ink. Printed in JAPAN 2017-1:FP Suppression of stress corrosion cracking Line Up in the cooling hole of the mold Features of WHSR-ATH φDc φDs Flute lengthR R Under neck lengthR2 Overall length L Employs high rigidity groove shape and double margin R h8 h6 Suppresses chatter while drilling 08/20/30WHSR -ATH Carbide Size (mm) Employs oil hole and special thinning Item code Stock Radius Tool dia. Flute length Under neck length Overall length Shank dia. R Dc R R2 L Ds Increases chip removability to improve surface 08WHSR0300-ATH ● 1.5 3 37 40 85 4 roughness of hole wall 08WHSR0400-ATH ● 2 4 48 51 97 4 08WHSR0500-ATH ● 2.5 5 62 65 114 6 Employs edge shape with sharpness 08WHSR0600-ATH ● 3 6 70 73 123 6 and strength 08WHSR0700-ATH ● 3.5 7 81 84 133 8 08WHSR0800-ATH ● 4 8 92 95 145 8 Reduces scratches and gurge on hole wall surface, also suppresses tool chipping 08WHSR0850-ATH ● 4.25 8.5 99 102 154 10 L/D=8 08WHSR0900-ATH ● 4.5 9 104 107 158 10 08WHSR0950-ATH ● 4.75 9.5 110 113 165 10 Employs high-hardness ultrafine grain 08WHSR1000-ATH ● 5 10 115 118 170 10 carbide and ATH Coating 08WHSR1050-ATH ● 5.25 10.5 122 125 181 12 Possible to use for a wide range of steels regardless 08WHSR1100-ATH ● 5.5 11 127 130 185 12 of before or after heat treatment 08WHSR1150-ATH ● 5.75 11.5 133 136 192 12 08WHSR1200-ATH ● 6 12 138 141 197 12 20WHSR0300-ATH ● 1.5 3 71 74 119 4 20WHSR0400-ATH ● 2 4 94 97 143 4 20WHSR0500-ATH ● 2.5 5 119 122 171 6 Applications 20WHSR0600-ATH ● 3 6 142 145 195 6 ATH Coating WHSR-ATH 20WHSR0700-ATH ● 3.5 7 166 169 218 8 20WHSR0800-ATH ● 4 8 189 192 242 8 Cast iron Carbon steel Stainless steel Pre-hardened Hardened φ3~φ12 8D・20D・30D Alloy steel steel steel [ Items ] 20WHSR0850-ATH ● 4.25 8.5 201 204 256 10 ~50HRC Mold making Parts processing 42 L/D=20 20WHSR0900-ATH ● 4.5 9 213 216 267 10 20WHSR0950-ATH ● 4.75 9.5 224 227 279 10 20WHSR1000-ATH ● 5 10 236 239 291 10 20WHSR1050-ATH ● 5.25 10.5 249 252 308 12 Technology 20WHSR1100-ATH ● 5.5 11 260 263 318 12 20WHSR1150-ATH ● 5.75 11.5 272 275 331 12 corner 20WHSR1200-ATH ● 6 12 283 286 342 12 Stress corrosion cracking may occur around the corner of the cooling edge scratches hole or scratches on the hole wall surface in die casting or plastics 30WHSR0300-ATH ● 1.5 3 101 104 149 4 30WHSR0400-ATH ● 2 4 134 137 183 4 molds. 30WHSR0500-ATH ● 2.5 5 169 172 221 6 By using a carbide drill for SR machining, it is possible to round the 30WHSR0600-ATH ● 3 6 202 205 255 6 hole bottom and to reduce scratches on thehole wall, thereby 30WHSR0700-ATH ● 3.5 7 236 239 288 8 suppressing stress corrosion cracking and extending the life of the 30WHSR0800-ATH ● 4 8 269 272 322 8 molds. 30WHSR0850-ATH ● 4.25 8.5 286 289 341 10 L/D=30 30WHSR0900-ATH ● 4.5 9 303 306 357 10 Rz 13μm 30WHSR0950-ATH ● 4.75 9.5 320 323 374 10 Hole cross section 30WHSR1000-ATH ● 5 10 336 339 391 10 Coolant after drilling 30WHSR1050-ATH ● 5.25 10.5 353 356 412 12 hole 30WHSR1100-ATH ● 5.5 11 370 373 429 12 30WHSR1150-ATH ● 5.75 11.5 387 390 445 12 30WHSR1200-ATH ● 6 12 404 407 460 12 Molding ●: portion Stocked items. SR Re-grinding compatibility range table machining (SR:Sphere Radius) Re-grinding compatibility Item code Product Tool dia. Shape range(mm) Rz 2μm (mm) End Hole cross section WHSR-ATH Carbide drill for SR machining 3~12 3~12 Figure: Image of cooling holes of mold after SR machining 02 03 Suppression of stress corrosion cracking Line Up in the cooling hole of the mold Features of WHSR-ATH φDc φDs Flute lengthR R Under neck lengthR2 Overall length L Employs high rigidity groove shape and double margin R h8 h6 Suppresses chatter while drilling 08/20/30WHSR -ATH Carbide Size (mm) Employs oil hole and special thinning Item code Stock Radius Tool dia. Flute length Under neck length Overall length Shank dia. R Dc R R2 L Ds Increases chip removability to improve surface 08WHSR0300-ATH ● 1.5 3 37 40 85 4 roughness of hole wall 08WHSR0400-ATH ● 2 4 48 51 97 4 08WHSR0500-ATH ● 2.5 5 62 65 114 6 Employs edge shape with sharpness 08WHSR0600-ATH ● 3 6 70 73 123 6 and strength 08WHSR0700-ATH ● 3.5 7 81 84 133 8 08WHSR0800-ATH ● 4 8 92 95 145 8 Reduces scratches and gurge on hole wall surface, also suppresses tool chipping 08WHSR0850-ATH ● 4.25 8.5 99 102 154 10 L/D=8 08WHSR0900-ATH ● 4.5 9 104 107 158 10 08WHSR0950-ATH ● 4.75 9.5 110 113 165 10 Employs high-hardness ultrafine grain 08WHSR1000-ATH ● 5 10 115 118 170 10 carbide and ATH Coating 08WHSR1050-ATH ● 5.25 10.5 122 125 181 12 Possible to use for a wide range of steels regardless 08WHSR1100-ATH ● 5.5 11 127 130 185 12 of before or after heat treatment 08WHSR1150-ATH ● 5.75 11.5 133 136 192 12 08WHSR1200-ATH ● 6 12 138 141 197 12 20WHSR0300-ATH ● 1.5 3 71 74 119 4 20WHSR0400-ATH ● 2 4 94 97 143 4 20WHSR0500-ATH ● 2.5 5 119 122 171 6 Applications 20WHSR0600-ATH ● 3 6 142 145 195 6 ATH Coating WHSR-ATH 20WHSR0700-ATH ● 3.5 7 166 169 218 8 20WHSR0800-ATH ● 4 8 189 192 242 8 Cast iron Carbon steel Stainless steel Pre-hardened Hardened φ3~φ12 8D・20D・30D Alloy steel steel steel [ Items ] 20WHSR0850-ATH ● 4.25 8.5 201 204 256 10 ~50HRC Mold making Parts processing 42 L/D=20 20WHSR0900-ATH ● 4.5 9 213 216 267 10 20WHSR0950-ATH ● 4.75 9.5 224 227 279 10 20WHSR1000-ATH ● 5 10 236 239 291 10 20WHSR1050-ATH ● 5.25 10.5 249 252 308 12 Technology 20WHSR1100-ATH ● 5.5 11 260 263 318 12 20WHSR1150-ATH ● 5.75 11.5 272 275 331 12 corner 20WHSR1200-ATH ● 6 12 283 286 342 12 Stress corrosion cracking may occur around the corner of the cooling edge scratches hole or scratches on the hole wall surface in die casting or plastics 30WHSR0300-ATH ● 1.5 3 101 104 149 4 30WHSR0400-ATH ● 2 4 134 137 183 4 molds.
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