5. SPELLING (See also ‘‘Compounding Examples’’ and ‘‘Abbreviations and Letter Symbols’’) 5.1. The Government Printing Office uses Webster’s Third New International Dictionary as its guide for the spelling of words not appearing in the MANUAL. Colloquial and dialect spellings are not used unless required by the subject matter or specially requested. The tendency of some producers of computer-assisted publications to rely on the limited capability of some spell-checking programs adds importance to the MANUAL’s list. Preferred and difficult spellings 5.2. In addition to indicating the preferred forms of words with variant spellings, the list also contains other words frequently mis- spelled or causing uncertainty. (See also ‘‘Word Division,’’ a supple- ment to the STYLE MANUAL.) A afterward(s) appall, -ed, -ing battalion abattoir afterword appareled, -ing bazaar aberration aging aquatic behoove abetter aid (n., v.) aqueduct beneficent abettor (law) aide archeology benefited, -ing abridgment aide-de-camp arrester bettor (wagerer) absorb (take in) albumen (egg) artifact beveled, -ing adsorb albumin artisan biased, -ing (adhesion) (chemistry) ascendance, -ant blessed abysmal align ascent (rise) bloc (group) a cappella allottee assent (consent) block (grants) accede (yield) all ready assassinate blond (masc., fem.) exceed (surpass) (prepared) atheneum bluing accepter already attester born (birth) acceptor (law) (previous) autogiro borne (carried) accessory all right awhile (for bouillon (soup) accommodate altogether some time) bullion (metal) accordion (completely) a while (a short boulder accouter all together time) bourgeoisie accursed (collectively) ax breach (gap) acetic (acid) aluminum aye breech (lower ascetic (austere) ambidextrous part) acknowledgment ameba B brier acoustic ampoule backward briquet, -ted, -ting adapter analog baloney Britannia adjurer analogous (nonsense) broadax adjuster anemia bologna bronco ad nauseam anesthetic (sausage) brunet (masc., adviser aneurysm bandanna fem.) advisor (law) anomalous buccaneer bargainer buncombe adz anonymous bargainor (law) bunion aegis antediluvian baritone bur affect (influence, antibiotics (n.) bark (boat) burned v.) antibiotic (adj.) barreled, -ing bus, bused, buses, effect (result, anyway (adv.) bastille busing finish, n., v.) anywise (adv.) bathyscaph butadiene 63 VerDate 27-JAN-2000 02:20 Oct 08, 2000 Jkt 185155 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 9955 Sfmt 9968 C:\BILL\STYLE\CHAPTER.005 pfrm35 PsN: pfrm35 64 CHAPTER 5 C cite (quote) deliverer electronics (n.) caffeine site (place) deliveror (law) electronic (adj.) calcareous clamor demagog eleemosynary calcimine climactic (climax) demarcation elicit (to draw) caldron climatic dependent illicit (illegal) calender (paper (climate) descendant (n., embarrass finish) cocaine adj.) embed caliber coconut desecrater embellish caliper cocoon desiccate emboweled, -ing calk (spike) coleslaw desuetude emboweler caulk (seal) colloquy detractor emigrant (go calligraphy colossal develop, -ment from) callus (n.) combated, -ing device immigrant (go callous (adj.) commenter (contrivance) into) calorie commentor (law) devise (convey) emigree canceled, -ing commingle dextrous eminent(famous) cancellation commiserate diagramed, -ing imminent candor complement diagrammatic (soon) canister (complete) dialed, -ing employee cannot compliment dialog enameled, -ing canoeing (praise) diaphragm encage cantaloup confectionery diarrhea encase canvas (cloth) confidant (masc., dickey encave canvass (solicit) fem.) dieresis enclasp capital (city, confident (sure) dieretic enclose money) confirmer dietitian enclosure capitol confirmor (law) diffuser encumber (building) conjurer dike encumbrance carabao (sing., pl.) encyclopedia connecter dilettante carat (gem weight) endorse, -ment dinghy (boat) caret (omission connector (road) endwise mark) connoisseur diphtheria enfeeble karat (gold consecrator discreet (prudent) enforce, -ment weight) consensus discrete engraft carbureted, -ing consignor (distinct) enroll, -ed, -ing, carburetor consulter disheveled, -ing -ment Caribbean consummate disk enshade caroled, -ing contradicter dispatch ensheathe carotene control, -lable, -ling dissension ensnare cartilage converter distention ensure (guarantee) caster (roller) conveyor distill, -ed, -ing, insure (protect) castor (oil) cookie -ment entrench casual coolie distributor entrepreneur (informal) cornetist diverter entrust causal (cause) corollary divorcee entwine catalog, -ed, -ing corvette doctoral envelop (v.) cataloger councilor (of doctrinaire envelope (n.) catsup council) doggerel enwrap caviar counselor dossier eon caviled, -er, -ing (adviser) doweled, -ing epaulet, -ed, -ing center counseled, -ing downward epiglottis centipede cozy dreadnought epilog cesarean crawfish dreamed equaled, -ing chairmaned creneled, -ing drought erysipelas chaise longue crystaled, -ing dueled, -ing escaloped, -ing chancellor crystalline duffelbag escapable channeled, -ing crystallize dullness esophagus chaperon cudgeled, -ing dumfound esthetic chautauqua cyclopedia dwelt etiology chauvinism czar dyeing (coloring) evacuee chiffonier dying (death) evanescent chile con carne D eviscerate chili (pepper) darndest E evocative chiseled, -ing debarkation eastward exhibitor chlorophyll decaffeinated ecstasy exhilarate cigarette decalog edema exonerate citable defense edgewise exorbitant VerDate 27-JAN-2000 02:20 Oct 08, 2000 Jkt 185155 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 9955 Sfmt 9968 C:\BILL\STYLE\CHAPTER.005 pfrm35 PsN: pfrm35 SPELLING 65 expellent fuselage imperiled, -ing lath (wood) expose´ (n., fusillade impostor lathe (machine) exposure) impresario laureled expose (v., to G imprimatur leukemia lay open) gaiety inculcate leveled, -ing exsiccate gaily indict (to accuse) leveler extant (in galosh indite (to liaison existence) gamboled, -ing compose) libelant extent (range) garrote inequity libeled, -ing extoll, -ed, -ing gauge (unfairness) libelee eying gazetteer iniquity (sin) libeler eyrie gelatin inferable license genealogy infold licenser (issuer) F generalissimo ingenious licensor falderal germane (skillful) fantasy glamorous ingenuous (grantor) farther (distance) glamour (simple) licorice further (degree) glycerin innocuous likable favor gobbledygook innuendo lilliputian fecal goodbye inoculate linage (lines) feces graveled, -ing inquire, inquiry lineage fetal gray install, -ed, -ing, (descent) fetish grievous -ment liquefy fetus groveled, -ing installation liquor fiber gruesome instill, -ed, -ing liqueur fiche (microfiche) guarantee (n., v.) insure (protect) liter filigree guaranty (n., ensure livable finable law) (guarantee) loath (reluctant) finagle guerrilla intelligentsia loathe (detest) financier (warfare) interceptor lodestar fiord gorilla (ape) interment (burial) lodestone flammable (not guesstimate internment lodgment inflammable) guttural (jail) logistics (n.) flection gypsy intern logistic (adj.) fledgling intervener louver flexitime H intervenor (law) luster flier hallelujah intransigent (n., lyonaise flotage hara-kiri adj.) flotation harass iridescent M fluorescent harebrained italic madam focused, -ing healthful Mafia forbade (for health) J maim forbear (endurance) healthy (with jalopy maize (corn) forebear health) jalousie maze (ancestor) heinous jerry-(built) (labyrinth) foresee hemoglobin jury-(rigged) maneuver forgettable hemorrhage jeweled, -ing, -er manifold forgo (relinquish) heterogeneous jewelry forego (precede) hiccup judgeship manikin format, formatted, highfalutin judgment mantel (shelf) formatting hijack jujitsu mantle (cloak) forswear homeopath juxtaposition manywise (adv.) fortissimo homogeneity marbleize forward (ahead) homolog K marijuana foreword hors d’oeuvre kerneled, -ing marshaled, -ing (preface) hypocrisy kerosene marshaler fricassee hypotenuse kidnaped, -ing marveled, -ing fuchsia kidnaper marvelous fueler I kilogram material (goods) idiosyncrasy knapsack materiel fulfill, -ed, -ing, (military) -ment idyl kopek kumquat meager fulsome imminent (soon) medaled, -ing fungus (n., adj.) eminent L medalist funneled, -ing (famous) labeled, -ing medieval furor impaneled, -ing lacquer metaled, -ing fuse (all meanings) impasse landward metalize VerDate 27-JAN-2000 02:20 Oct 08, 2000 Jkt 185155 PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 9955 Sfmt 9968 C:\BILL\STYLE\CHAPTER.005 pfrm35 PsN: pfrm35 66 CHAPTER 5 meteorology organdie porcelaneous responser (weather) overseas or oversea practice (n., v.) (electronics) metrology precedence reveled, -er, -ing (weights and P (priority) rhyme, rhythmic measures) pajamas precedents RIFing, RIFed, meter paleontology (usage) RIFs mil (1⁄1000 inch) paneled, -ing pretense rivaled, -ing mill (1⁄1000 paraffin preventive roweled, -ing dollar) paralleled, -ing principal (chief) ruble mileage parallelepiped principle miliary parceled, -ing (proposition) S (tuberculosis) partisan privilege saccharin (n.) milieu pastime proffer saccharine (adj.) milk cow patrol, -led, -ling programmed, sacrilegious millenary (1,000) peccadillo -mer,-ming salable millinery (hats) pedant (n.) programmatic millennium pedantic (adj.) prolog sandaled, -ing minable peddler promissory savable missilry penciled, -ing pronunciation savanna misspell pendant (n.) propel, -led, -ling savior miter pendent (u.m.) propellant (n.) Saviour (Christ) moccasin percent propellent (adj.) scalloped, -ing modeled, -ing peremptory prophecy (n.) schizophrenia modeler (decisive) prophesy (v.) scion (horticulture) mold preemptory ptomaine scurrilous mollusk (preference) pubic (anatomy) seismology molt perennial
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