1906 THE LONDON GAZETTE, MARCH 21, 1899.' Lieutenant A. G. Prbthero, the Welsh Regiment The South-East of Scotland Artillery (Southern Dated 12th May, 1898. Division}, Elliott Sotheby Armstrong, Gent., The undermentioned Officers are granted the to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 22nd March, provisional rank of Captain whilst serving in 1899. the Army Pay Department:— INFANTRY. Lieutenant C. C. Todd, the Boyal Dublin Fusi- 3rd Battalion, the Eoyal Scots (Lothian Regiment}, liers. Dated 12th May, 1898. Captain #nd Honorary Major P. N. Salmond Lieutenant A. G. Prothero, the Welsh Regiment resigns his Commission ; also is permitted to Dated 12th May, 1898. retain his rank, and to wear the prescribed Army Veterinary Department, Veterinary-Captain uniform on his retirement. Dated 22nd March, John Thomas Dibhen to be Veterinary-Major. 1899. Dated 15th March, 1899. 3rd Battalion, the Queen's (Royal West Surrey BREVET. Regimenf), Constantine Ridout Wills, Gent., to The undermentioned Officers to be Majors :— be Supernumerary Second Lieutenant, without Captain C. J. Ratnsden, Seaforth Highlanders pay or allowances, under the provisions of para- (Ross-shire Buffs, the Duke of Albany's), in graph 11 of the Militia Regulations, 1898 recognition of his services in the Soudan, Dated 22nd March, 1899. including the battles of Atbara and Khartum. 4th Battalion, the Lincolnshire\ Regiment,' Richard Dated leth November, 1898. Wellesley, Gent, to be Second Lieutenant. Captain H. M. Grenfell, 1st Life Guards, in Dated 22nd March, 1899. recognition of his services during the recent 3rd Battalion, the Prince Albert's (Somersetshire operations in the Soudan, including the battle Light Infantry}, Barry Hartwell, Gent, to be of Khartum. Dated 7th December, 1898. Second Lieutenant Dated 22nd March, 1899. MEMORANDA. 4M Battalion, the Prince of Wales's Own (West Supernumerary Major-General the Honourable Yorkshire Regiment}, Second Lieutenant A. S. Neville G. Lyttelton, C.B., Assistant Military Carlyon resigns his Commission. Dated 22nd Secretary at Head Quarters, to be Major-General, March, 1899. vice W. Black, C.B., retired. Dated 10th February, 1899. 4th Battalion, the Eoyal Irish Eegiment, The Brevet Colonel D. A. Johnston, from Lieu- undermentioned Second Lieutenants to be Lieu- tenant-Colonel Royal Engineers, is granted the tenants :— substantive rank of Colonel in the Army on J. G. Devenish. Dated 22nd March, 1899. appointment as Director-General of the Ordnance C. G. Holland. Dated 22nd March, 1899. Survey. Dated 14th March, 1899. 3rd and 4th Battalions, the Cameronians (Scottish Colonel (temporary Major-General) Napoleon Rifles}, The undermentioned Second Lieu- Arnott, Director-General of Military Works in tenants to be Lieutenants :— India, retires on an Indian pension. Dated 9th C. J. Lynch. Dated 22nd March. 1899. March, 1899. P. J. Maguire. Dated 22nd March, 1899. The undermentioned Officers retire on retired J. Birkbeck. Dated 22nd March, 1899. pay. Dated 22nd March, 1899 :— 4th Battalion, the East Surrey Regiment, Frederick Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel Cuthbert George Mansford, Esq., late Captain 6lh Bat- G. Collingwood, C.B., half-pay. talion, the Rifle Brigade, to be Captain. Dated Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur C. Borton, half-pay. 22nd March, 1899. Captain Charles G. E. J. Manneis, half-pay. 3rd Battalion, the Border Regiment, The under- RESERVE OF OFFICERS. mentioned Second Lieutenants to be Lieu- Harold Croker Springall Thompson, Esq., late tenants :— Captain The Prince of Wales's Volunteers T. W. T. Isaac. Dated 22nd March, 1899. (South Lancashire Regiment), to be Captain. B. 0. Palmer. Dated 22nd March, 1899. Dated 22nd March, 1899. 3rd Battalion, the Oxfordshire Light Infantry, ARMY MEDICAL RESERVE OF Charles Frederick Napier Bartlett, Gent., to OFFICERS. be Second Lieutenant. Dated 22nd March, Surgeon-Lieutenant Charles Edward Reading Ib99. Bucknill, 2nd Volunteer Battalion The East 3rd Battalion, the Essex Regiment, Second Lieu- Lancashire Regiment, to be Surgeon-Lieutenant. tenant R. Neave resigns his Commission. Dated 22nd March, 1899. Dated 22nd March, 1899. 3rd and 4th Battalions, the Northamptonshire Regimetit, Captain H. M. Stockdale is granted War Office, 21st March, 1899. the honorary rank of Major. Dated 22nd MILITIA. March, 1839. The undermentioned Lieutenants tqbe Captains:— ROTAL ARTILLERY. L. H. Marti neau. Dated 22nd March, 1899. The Kent Artillery (Eastern Division), The under- W. T. B., Marquis of Exeter. Dated 22nd mentioned Gentlemen to be Second Lieu- March, 1899. tenants :— Vivian Gordon. Dated 22nd March, 1899. 8rtZ Battalion, the King's (Shropshire Light William Douglas Enslie Woolley. Dated Infantry}, Captain and Honorary Major H. V. 22nd March, 1899. Russell to be Major. Dated 22nd March, 1899. Charles Ronald Brownlow Carrington. Captain W. C. Pryce is granted the honorary rank Dated 22nd March, 1899. of Major. Dated 22nd March, 1899. The Pembroke Artillery ( Western Division}, Super- 4f£ Battalion, the Duke of Cambridge's Own numerary Lieutenant P. A. Legg to be Lieu- (Middlesex Eegiment), Lieutenant E. B. D. tenant within the Establishment. Dated 22nd Chichester resigns his Commission. Dated March, 1899. 22nd March, 1899..
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