卐 Hitler | Atlantis | Aztecs | Hollywood | Babylon | Rapture | Rennes | Rosslyn | UFO | 666✵ The real “Beast” of the Bible is a very different person. Instead of being a frightening person, he will be greatly honored, respected, and loved by the majority of the world. He will also be accepted as the prophesied "Messiah" to rule the world in peace and prosperity. When [his] Anti-Christian Kingdom is finally destroyed, the world will not rejoice in thanksgiving for their release from oppression and Satanic control. They will do just the opposite. People will “weep and mourn” over Babylon’s collapse (Revelation 18:11). They will “bewail” and “lament” because this kingdom of human excellence and perfection has come to an end. Trade and craft will have reached dazzling heights of prosperity under the “Beast.” Culture and the fine arts will show the apex of human accomplishment during his reign. The Secret of the Number 666 [JESUS CHRIST speaking to Israel] I have come in my Father's name and you (Israel) have rejected me (as the Messiah) but another is coming (Antichrist) who shall come in his own name, and him you will receive and accept. And how could you ever believe me when you only accept each other's praise whilst never desiring the glory that can only come from God? But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom you have placed all your hopes. For had you believed Moses, and understood his writing (the Torah) then ye would have believed me, for he wrote of me and my coming. John 5:43-46; The Holy Bible Then Jesus said unto the twelve: Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the Prophets concerning me shall be accomplished. For I shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, to be mocked, spitefully treated, spitted on, scourged, put to death, but on the third day I shall rise again. And they understood none of these things which He spoke. [Amazingly, modern Jews are still ignorant of the meaning behind Isaiah 53 to this very day, which is why they shall accept a very non-suffering Messiah, who makes no claims of removing Sin.] Luke 18:31-34; The Holy Bible [Newly Resurrected Christ speaking to His Disciples] This is what I meant before, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses, and in the Prophets, and in the Psalms concerning Me. Then He opened their understanding so that they finally understood the whole of the Jewish Scriptures. And He said unto them, Thus it is written, the Messiah was to suffer, be killed, then rise from the dead on the third day: And that remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are my witnesses of these things. Luke 24:44-45; The Holy Bible FROM CAIN TO ANTICHRIST: THE ANGLO-MASONIC ROYAL SECRET EXPOSED Since the dawn of man, the conspiracy has existed. Down thru the ages it has had a solitary, albeit sinister goal. It is so ancient, but worthy of noting for all time, that the Bible itself warns us of it by fifteen verses into the third chapter of Genesis, where God foretells of the epic war between the Morning Star Christ and the Morning Star Satan via the seed of Satan against the seed of Adam. God further indicates that this same war between what will become the elite controllers of this world, ultimately against the rest of mankind, reflects that of Heaven's First War, when Lucifer announced his 5 "I Wills" and so desired to place himself as God, to rule over all. As such, while God no longer allowed Satan to reside next to His Throne, God allowed Satan's mutiny, knowing that it would end one day in the Antichrist and an Apocalypse, on earth, resulting in either a soul's elevation back to God, or eternal damnation with Satan, if one so chooses it. In this way, God only receives souls unto Him that would never later rise up in mutiny, as Lucifer had done, they knowing full well the price of such sin. Thus, we have to critically ask ourselves, what have we done, or what are we still doing, to allow Satan's control to fester in this world? Even if saved, we need to always be asking ourselves what else could we do to expose Satan's increasing control over this world, while at the same time helping to bring Christ's own Kingdom into this world, on a daily basis. Moreover, what did each of us do to help his neighbor be able to remain in his blindness, or be given sight to these many things which are at work daily against him, and us all? For we shall be judged by such things. Have we earnestly sought the Truth, and if knowing the Truth, how far did we then go to reveal it, to others? For myself, despite the factors of events that came to work against it, I have sought out the Truth, of everything, and this is my report. I am absolutely certain that the elites who secretly govern us all, never expected one person could have affected so much change in the world against their coming One World Leader, but with God's great help, even supernatural help, along the way, I have done just that. People *are* beginning to wake up from their slumber like never before, and the day is coming by which Christ promised me at six years of age, that I would expose the Beast, and that through exposing him, would many turn to Christ and renounce this world, their flesh, and the Devil. Understand, it is because Satan's men ultimately govern this world's corrupting system from top to bottom, that by our generation, he has been given such wide-reaching power over all our lives, from what we eat, via their genetically tainted foods that bring us under a manageable population control, to what your children learn at schools via the paganized public education system, to even what kind of increasingly Occult-orientated films you take them to see, all of it is to break down the last semblance of Christian belief, and in its place institute a belief system where pagan gods, magic, dominance by force, ancient bloodlines, and a return to the mythic super-powers of legendary heroes, kings, and kingdoms, rule. Today, increasingly younger children among us can recite authentic magical spells taken from some of the most wicked Occult books written today, because the media directed at them is absolutely saturated with it. The media, however, are counting on the fact that websites like the one before you, has escaped your view, so that they may continue the pagan indoctrination of your children. Of course, Satan's own people would have you believe it's all completely harmless, and only encourage that your child see it as fun. But, as you'll soon learn, what may be fun, can have devastating results on your spirit, as well as that protection God affords most children under a certain age. If you have children, and you're seeing these trends toward hero- worship, magical-based thinking, the Occult, in all its forms, being directed at your children of an impressionable age, remove it quickly from every area of their lives, and, tell them why. What you may not know, yet, is how the modern Satanic religion is advancing in larger strides today, albeit hiding itself behind such introductions to Satanism as today's pagan Wicca and Witchcraft youth movements, as well as the things which introduce them initially toward fascination of the dark side of spirituality to begin with. In very real terms, the Occult today and their attacks on our youth is comparable with the Hitler Youth Movement of the past, because both were/are being operated by a twisted hierarchy whose 'elite leaders' believe they can manipulate a generation, for Hitler/Satan himself. As such, because innocent kids are more easily beguiled, they will be told again and again that Wicca, for one example, has nothing to do with worshipping Satan as God, even though that's exactly what they are doing. Any amount of serious research easily proves that everything of the Occult, including Wicca/Witchcraft, was born out of Satanic worship. In fact, the vast majority of Occult tomes have authors who wantonly make the clearest of distinctions regarding all Occult, New Age, and Metaphysical roads leading to Satan, their "God." So is it any wonder that not knowing about these more lucid assertions would confuse today's youth, pushed into such hatred against God and the Bible, into one of Satan's alternative (decoy) belief systems that remove a soul far from his own Creator? Answer: No, this was in fact Satan's modus operandi since the beginning. Remember, Satan works in counterfeit actions to God's Will, thus, he finds ways to counterfeit not only God, but God's Word, 'Religion,' Messiah, and even Heaven itself. Just as Christ arrives bringing with him a Heavenly New Age of peace and prosperity, so too will the Antichrist, in counterfeit, to tempt those who would follow after him instead of Christ. The same wicked minds who fill our children's heads with subtle forms of Satanic worship via Witchcraft, are today, as we approach the time of Antichrist's revealing, also admitting in their own website and historical blogs, the once, secret knowledge regarding Cain, his "mark," and his descendants.
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