E612 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 10, 2009 women being honored, including entre- the large and growing global demand for sea- I am pleased to congratulate Edith Lit for preneurs, educators and hometown heroes food, to reduce fishing pressure on declining her outstanding efforts and share her good whose community service is considered ex- wild fish populations, and to improve our na- work with my colleagues in the United States traordinary. tion’s food security and health. The growing Congress and the American people. This year’s Shirley Noble Volunteerism demand for marine fishery resources is cur- f Award will be given to Doris Zampella, owner rently being met through imported seafood PERSONAL EXPLANATION and executive vice president of E.A. produced in coastal ponds or sea cages in Boniakowski Agency Inc. in Green Brook. other countries around the world. Doris also is a founding partner of two insur- f HON. TIMOTHY V. JOHNSON ance agencies, Jaz Maz Enterprises LLC, and OF ILLINOIS owns and operates three Rita’s franchises in EARMARK DECLARATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Central Jersey. She is a volunteer Emergency Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Medical Technician with the Martinsville Res- HON. GUS M. BILIRAKIS Mr. JOHNSON of Illinois. Madam Speaker, cue Squad. OF FLORIDA unfortunately last night, March 9, 2009, I was I am pleased to congratulate Doris Zampella IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unable to cast my votes on H. Res. 210, H. for her outstanding efforts and share her good Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Res. 222, and H.R. 131. work with my colleagues in the United States Had I been present for Roll Call #110, on Congress and the American people. Mr. BILIRAKIS. Madam Speaker, pursuant suspending the Rules and passing H. Res. f to the House Republican standards on ear- 210, Expressing the sense of the House of marks, I am submitting the following informa- Representatives that providing breakfast in EARMARK DECLARATION tion regarding an earmark I received as part of schools through the National School Breakfast H.R. 1105, the Omnibus Appropriations Act for Program has a positive impact on classroom HON. VERN BUCHANAN Fiscal Year 2009. performance, I would have voted ‘‘Aye.’’ OF FLORIDA Member requesting: Congressman GUS M. Had I been present for Roll Call #111, on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BILIRAKIS suspending the Rules and passing H. Res. Bill number: H.R. 1105 Tuesday, March 10, 2009 222, Congratulating the National Assessment Account: OJP—Byrne Discretionary Grants Governing Board on its 20th Anniversary in Mr. BUCHANAN. Madam Speaker, pursuant Name of requesting entity: Phoenix House measuring student academic achievement, I to the Republican Leadership standards on Address of requesting entity: 6604 Harney would have voted ‘‘Aye.’’ earmarks, I am submitting the following infor- Road, Tampa, Florida 33610 Had I been present for Roll Call #112, on mation regarding earmarks I received as part Description: The $200,000 will be used to suspending the Rules and passing H.R. 131, of H.R. 1105, the Omnibus Appropriations Act, help develop an enhanced residential sub- the Ronald Reagan Centennial Commission 2009: stance abuse treatment program for women in Act, I would have voted ‘‘Aye.’’ Requesting Member: Congressman VERN Hillsborough County, Florida. This funding is f BUCHANAN justified because Byrne discretionary grants Bill Number: H.R. 1105 are used to help states and local communities EARMARK DECLARATION Account: NOAA—Operations, Research, prevent drug abuse and crime, which is the and Facilities purpose of this program. HON. JO ANN EMERSON OF MISSOURI Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Mote Ma- f rine Laboratory IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Address of Requesting Entity: 1600 Ken COMMENDING THE OUTSTANDING Tuesday, March 10, 2009 WOMEN OF SOMERSET COUNTY Thompson Parkway, Sarasota, Fl. 34236 Mrs. EMERSON. Madam Speaker, pursuant Description of Request: I secured $500,000 to the House Republican standards on ear- for Science Consortium for Ocean Replenish- HON. LEONARD LANCE marks, I am submitting the following informa- ment (SCORE) at Mote Marine Laboratory. OF NEW JERSEY tion in regards to H.R. 1105, the Consolidated SCORE is a multi-state initiative for the re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2009. covery of the nation’s ocean fisheries. Its ap- Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Requesting Member: Rep. JO ANN EMERSON proach is to replenish diminishing marine fish- Bill Number: H.R. 1105 eries stocks based on scientific protocols de- Mr. LANCE. Madam Speaker, I rise in honor Account: COPS-Meth veloped through a highly coordinated national of National Women’s History Month, and I Requesting Entity: Southeast Missouri Drug effort focused on demonstration of successful would like to congratulate a number of out- Task Force stock enhancement. This fast-track strategy standing women who will be recognized at the Address of Requesting Entity: P.O. Box has the potential to be more cost-effective and Somerset County’s Commission on the Status 1763, Sikeston, Missouri 63801 timely than policy measures traditionally used of Women awards in New Jersey’s Seventh Description of Request: Provide an earmark to conserve and sustain ocean resources. The Congressional District. of $165,000 to supplement and support oper- consortium includes institutions from Florida, The Commission presents awards annually ations of the Southeast Missouri Drug Task New Hampshire, Washington and University of in celebration of National Women’s History Force (SEMO DTF). SEMO DTF is a multi-ju- Southern Mississippi. Month in March. This year there are 17 risdictional drug task force unit that serves a Requesting Member: Congressman VERN women being honored, including entre- 10 county area of Southeast Missouri. The BUCHANAN preneurs, educators and hometown heroes unit conducts both cover and overt investiga- Bill Number: H.R. 1105 whose community service is considered ex- tions into the possession, manufacture, and Account: Cooperative State Research Edu- traordinary. distribution of controlled substances. The cation and Extension Service—SRG Legal This year’s Hometown Hero Award winner is funds will be spent as follows: $28,000 for per- Name of Requesting Entity: Mote Marine Lab- Edith Lit of Manville. sonnel, $68,000 for overtime compensation, oratory For the past seven years, Edith has orga- $60,000 for equipment, $2,500 for tele- Address of Requesting Entity: 1600 Ken nized a ‘‘Wish List’’ campaign to make the communication services, $5,000 for supplies, Thompson Parkway, Sarasota, Fl. 34236 holidays brighter for clients of Alternatives Inc. and $1,500 for personnel expenses. Description of Request: I secured $416,000 by encouraging her fellow Somerset County f sustainable aquaculture food technology inno- Library System employees to adopt a person COMMENDING THE OUTSTANDING vations. or family. WOMEN OF SOMERSET COUNTY Mote Marine Laboratory and the University For the past three years, she has included of Texas Marine Science Institute are seeking the Somerset Regional Animal Shelter in the funds for a five-year research program to de- libraries’ ‘‘Wish List’’ drive. HON. LEONARD LANCE OF NEW JERSEY velop innovative and sustainable technologies Edith also participates in the ‘‘point in time’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to farm marine fishes on land and to expand survey conducted by the county Department of the supply of safe seafood for U.S. con- Human Services to identify homeless individ- Tuesday, March 10, 2009 sumers. A critical need exists for inland re-cir- uals and families, and actively organizes co- Mr. LANCE. Madam Speaker, I rise in honor culating aquaculture technologies to reduce workers and friends to help too. of National Women’s History Month, and I VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:51 Mar 11, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10MR8.020 E10MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS March 10, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E613 would like to congratulate a number of out- And finally, light switches and thermostats Month in March. This year there are 17 standing women who will be recognized at the must be at a reachable height from a wheel- women being honored, including entre- Somerset County’s Commission on the Status chair. preneurs, educators and hometown heroes of Women awards in New Jersey’s Seventh Adopting these standards for a single family whose community service is considered ex- Congressional District. home is not prohibitively expensive. The aver- traordinary. The Commission presents awards annually age added cost for homes built with accessi- This year’s Education Award winner is in celebration of National Women’s History bility features is between $100 and $600. Ret- Helen ‘‘Chickie’’ Haines of Hillsborough. Month in March. This year there are 17 rofitting a home, on the other hand, can cost Chickie has helped educate thousands of stu- women being honored, including entre- several thousand dollars. dents in her 38 years with the Bound Brook preneurs, educators and hometown heroes Architects and builders would also have lati- School District. whose community service is considered ex- tude in how they comply with the act. For ex- She started as an elementary school teach- traordinary. ample, the zero step entrance can be placed er, and in 2004 became principal of the Lafay- This year’s Education Award winner is at the front, side, or back of the home. The ette and LaMonte elementary schools, earning Karyn Malinowski of Manville. Karyn is the di- accessible route can even go through an at- the ‘‘Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers’’ rector of the Rutgers Equine Science Center tached garage. In addition, the zero step en- award in 2002. Chickie has served on at the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment trance requirements can be waived if the ter- Hillsborough’s Township Committee, Zoning Station in New Brunswick. rain makes compliance impractical.
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