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National Institute of Justice United States Department of Justice 1 Washington, D. C. 20531 !, , (r QUEENSLAND POLICE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT 87911 U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice 1982 This document has been reproduced exactly .as recei~e? from the person or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the authors and do. not nec~ssarlly represent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been granted by Queensland Government to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF POLICE , Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permis­ Mr T. M. LEWIS, O.B.E., G.M.;Q.P.M., B.A., Dip.Pub.Admin. sion of the copyright owner. FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th JUNE 1982 FRONT COVER: The magnificent skyline of Surfers Paradise provides a backdrop for the latest addition to the Queensland Police Air Wing fleet, the seven-passenger all-weather, pressurized prop-jet Cessna 441, which has provided the Department with greater mobility and access to areas not -serviced by regular public transport. PRESENTED TO PARLIAMENT BY COMMAND REAR COVER: The growing importance of the Air Wing in police operations cannot be too highly stressed in a State the size of Queensland ... (Top left) Police pilots Constable J. McKenzie, Sergeant M. Gannon and Constable P. Carveth (seated) prepare flight plans in the Air Wing operational centre .at Brisbane Airport. (Top right) The six-passenger all-weather pressurized Cessna 421 C is used in transport operations generally in the northern and central areas of the State. (Bottom left) Pilots Carveth and McKenzie check flight documents during a refuelling stop on a transport operation. (Bottom right) The third aircraft of the Air Wing and the first twin-engine model By A,ulhority: S. R. HAMPSON, Government Printer. Queensland to be purchased, the six-passenger all-weather Cessna 402B. (Cent!";!) The 402B comes in for a smooth landing on one of the grass Wt:;;'ltarn Queensland strips which allows Police Air Wing aircraft to move personnel around the State with ease. 1\ - QUEENSLAND POLICE DEPARTMENT . f '/, I ') COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE : I tj l! U 10th September, 1982 The Honourable R. J. HINZE, M.L.A. Minister for Local Government, Main Roads and Police, Brisbane, Q. 4000 Dear Sir, I have the honou r to submit the Annual Report of the Queensland Police Department for the 12 months ended 30th June, 1982. It is pleasing to be able to report for the 5th consecutive year a crime clear-up rate in excess of 50 per cent. For the year past, Queensland police officers have excelled in selflessly applying themselves to maintaining our Department as the most effective in the Commonwealth. In so dOing, an all-time record crime clear-up rate of 53·07 per cent was set. This is a clear indication of the high morale existing in all sections throughout the State and a recognition of how valuable Government support has been in recent years in providing badly needed additional manpower and sufficient finance to improve the living and working conditions of officers across a biOad front. The magnitude of this achievement can only be understood when set against the spiralling crime rate, booming population, the steady drain on experienced management through the optional early retirement scheme, and the man-hours lost because of the need for specialized training of many personnel in preparation for the XII Commonwealth Games. The pressures brought about by the first three factors will continue to affect the Department's operational effectiveness and long-term planning in the years ahead. However, I trust the continued backing of the Government, made possible through the vigorous representations by you, Sir, for yet more human and material resources, will allow the Department to build on its already fine traditions. The results set out in the following pages clearly outline the teamwork and efficiency which have characterized all aspects of our activity during the past 12 months. Credit is due to many people for the overall improvement in police performance, and it is this spirit of co-operation that gives Queenslanders a pOlice service of which they can be justly proud. On behalf of all members, I thank you for your interest in police matters during the year. Yours faithfully I ...:J .l'Y'\.J • c:fe. tW" C T. M. Lewis Commissioner of Police PRINCIPAL OFFICERS INSIGNIA OF RANK T. M. LEWIS, O.B.E., .G.M., Q.P.M., B.A., Dip.Pub.Admin. COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER L. R. DUFFY, Q.P.M. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SUPER INTENDENT SUPER INTENDENT GRADEl GRADE2 S. M. HALE, M.V.o., Q.P.M. INSPECTOR GRADE 1 INSPECTOR GRADE2 I NSPECTO R GRAD E 3 ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER A. MURPHY, Q.P.M. (Personnel) ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER (Crime and Services) T. S. C. ATKINSON, Q.P.M. ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER E. R. CHERRY, Q.P.M. (Operations) ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER (Traffic and General) N. T. CREEVEY, Q.P.M. ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER SENIOR SERGEANT SERGEANT l/c SERGEANT 2/c (Training and Legal) SERGEANT 3/c SENIOR CONSTABLE CONSiABLE l/c B. J. GAlLAGHER SECRETARY E. I. CARTER, B.Econ., Dip.lnlm.Processlng, Dlp.Ag.Ext., M.A.C.S. OFFICER IN CHARGE I PLANNING AND RESEARCH BRANCH I TABLE OF CONTENTS LEGISLATION REQUIRING POLICE ATTENTION I f! Page Set out below is a list of Acts and other legislation which may require police attention, II INTRODUCTION either in whole or in part:- ] Aboriginal Relics Preservation Act Land Act IMPORTANT VISITS Aborigines Act Liquor Act 4 Age of Majority Act Litter Act Air Navigation Act ) HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR Local Authorities Act 5 Animals Protection Act Local Government (Aboriginal Lands) Act Art Unions and Amusements Act Local Government Act )1 COMMONWEALTH GAMES PLANNING AucUqneers and Agents Act 6 Austnilian Constitutions Act Magistrates Courts Act [; CRIME- Magistrates Courts Rules Australian Courts Act Selected Crime Australian States Constitution Act Main Roads Act II Meat Industry Act General Crime Bail Act Medical Act Total Offences .. Beach Protection Act Mental Health Act Offences Against the Person . '. Bills of Sale and other Instruments Act Mining Act ~ Offences Involving Violence to Property Brands Act Mock Auctions Act Offences by Children . Brisbane Forest Park Act Motor Vehicles (Control) Act Drugs Cattle Stealing Prevention Act National Parks and Wildlife Act Fraud Cemetery Act Native Plants Protection Act Prostitution, Liquor, Gam'i~g and 'Betti~~ Noise Abatement Act Censorship of Films Act Unlawful Use of Motor Vehicles .. Chari!~l?le Funds Acts Children's Services Act Oaths Act Collections Act Objectionable Literature Acts TRAFFIC- Colonial Act Confirmation Act Offenders Probation and Parole Act Control and Enforcement Colonial Laws Validity Act Pawnbrokers Act 12 Commission of Inquiry Acts Police Act TRAINING- Commonwealth Games Act Police Complaints Tribunal Act General .. Companies Act Police (Photographs) Act Queensland Police Academy 15 Constitution Act Police Superannuation Act Queensland Police College .. 15 Coroners Act Poor Prisoners Defence Act 16 Criminal Code Poultry Industry Act Training of First Year Constables Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act Prisons Act Driver Training Wing . 17 Criminal Practice Rules Public Entertainment (Licensing) Act Driver Training Centre-Mount Cotton 17 17 Decentralization of Magistrates Courts Act Pyramid Selling Schemes (Elimination) Act Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act Queensland Marine Act PUBLIC ORDER­ Driving Training Centre Act Queensland Police Welfare Club Act General Education Act Rabbits Act Emergency Squad 18 Elections Act Racing and Betting Act Task Force, Brisbane 18 Electricity Act Radioactive Substances Act 18 Evidence Act Railways Act Task Force Reserve .. Explosives Act Rural Fires Act PUblic Safety Response Team 19 Rescue Squad 19 Fauna Conservation Act Sale of Goods Act State of Emergency 19 Films Review Act Second-hand Wares Act 19 Firearms and Offensive Weapons Act State Counter-Disaster Organization Act Fire Brigades Act State Transport Act SEARCHES-LAND, SEA AND AIR Fisheries Act Stock Act 20 Forestry Act Stock Routes and Rural Lands Protection ADMINISTRATION_ Fugitive Offenders Act Act Gaming Act Suppression of Gambling Acts General Resources-Manpower 21 Hawkers and Pedlers Act Territorial Water Jurisdiction Act 22 Health Act (Imperial) Personnel-Recruiting .. Accident Investigation Committee .. 22 Hide, Skin and Wool Dealers Act Torres Strait Islanders Act 23 Hire-purchase Act Tow-Truck Act Administration Branch Auto Theft Squad 23 Inclosed Land Act Traffic Act and Regulations Trust Accounts Act Bomb and Arson Squad 24 Inebriates Institution Act 24 Inspection of Machinery Act Unordered Goods and Services Act Break and Enter Squad Invasion of Privacy Act Breath Analysis Section 25 Vagrants, Gaming, and Other Offences Act 25 Jury Act Vexatious Litigants Act Brisbane Mobile Patrols Brisbane Watchhouse 26 Justices Act • Warehousemen's Liens Act 27 Justice,~ of the Peace Act Bureau of Criminal Illtelligence-Q'deensl~~d Weekend Detention Act 28 Juvenile Smoking Suppression Act Wheat Markcting Board Act Child Abuse Committee .
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