Energy Tip of the Day ENERGY CONSERVATION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERYONE Don't preheat your oven, al- though recipes often tell you that. In some cases, GAZETTE to do just this is just a waste of energy. If you're cooking something at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba a slow, steady temperature, just set the oven to the designated temperature and put your dish in. Naturally, this won't work with Volume 37 Number 204 Thursday, October 21, 1982 dishes that require a high ini- tial temperature. ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART? Reagan's !hang-in-there' policy irks O'Neill PEORIA, Ill. (AP)--President Reagan troubles on past Democratic adminis- brought on by Reagan's sanctions campaigned in the Midwest yesterday. trations. against the Soviet natural gas pipe- In Peoria, a crowd of 150 demonstra- Reagan declared "I didn't cause line. Reagan said a president some- tors protesting unemployment gather- this recession," as he appeared in times has to make decisions that are ed peacefully across the street from behalf of House Minority Leader "painful even to his best friends.' the Civic Center. They chanted and Bob Michel--whose area has been hard However, Reagan unveiled new farm Digest u 1 programs and told the GOP fundraiser sang while Reagan attended the fes- hit by unemployment. must stick with his UADOR (AP)--The president of tivities inside. In a speech, Rea- Some of that unemployment, at a that the nation until recovery Ecuador has declared a state of gan again blamed America' s economic Caterpillar tractor plant, was economic policies The president launches a emergency in the South American comes. round of campaign appearances for nation, banning public protests Republican candidates in Nebraska on the eve of a workers' strike SECDE F: 'We favor freeze, but not this one!' today. by a leftist' union. Osvaldo Hurt- SAN FRANCISCO (UPI)--While 75 pro- Weinberger, an active member of ado took the action Wednesday night In Boston, House Speaker Tip testers picketed outside, U.S. Se- the San Francisco's Grace Cathedral following three days of demonstra- O'Neill says President Reagan's at- cretary of Defense Caspar Weinber- Episcopal congregation, was one of tions, bus burnings and an attempt titude concerning the unemployed is ger told a San Francisco audience three speakers at a church seminar to march on the presidential pal- "incredible and inexcusable." The yesterday the Reagan administration on Proposition 12--the nuclear ace. House Democratic leader told mem- wants an arms freeze--but not now. freeze initiative. bers of the American Public Transit NOWA HUTA (AP)--Ten-thousand peo- Weinberger says that in regards Association in Boston yesterday al- ple turned out Wednesday in the to Proposition 12--"Yes, we favor a though joblessness stands at more Polish city of Nowa Huta for the freeze, but not this one." Charity Bazaar gives than 10 percent, Reagan's response funeral of a young solidarity The protesters created no pro- is "hang in there." O'Neill said member killed in last week's blems, and the only disruptions in You great bargains Reagan's attitude makes compromise riots. The city now is reported the church assembly came from difficult. calm amid tight security measures. three people who shouted "murderer," by JOC Law Reed ''liar," and a lengthy accusation SWEDEN (AP)--Swedish authorities Next week on Saturday (Oct. 30), that the U.S. supports war in El Labor Secretary offers are processing the asylum requests a Charity Bazaar will be held at the Salvador. of 15 adults and five children who McCalla Hangar. According to Also outside the church were mem- defected from Poland in a small Chairwoman Vicki Daignault, the ba- bers of the "World Suicide Club," Unemployed jobs, but. plane. One of the Poles who made zaar is normally held in the Wind- who hold that anyone isn't doing the dangerous trip over stormy jammer during the week. The reason anything to stop nuclear war is a NEW JERSEY (AP)--Labor Secretary Baltic waters says the banning of for the change this year is to allow member in good standing. Raymond Donovan says he has a plas the Solidarity union "was the last those people who work during the day Weinberger told the 200-member to put unemployed people to 'ok straw" in the group's decision to to shop at the bazaar. audience the Reagan administration repairing highways and i idges. flee Poland. In addition to the great bargains knows a nuclear war "cannot be won Speaking in New Jersey yesterday, to be had at the bazaar, at least and must never be fought." He Donovan said the plan would cost rains SPAIN (AP)--Torrential one other benefit to the GTMO comm- said peace is attainable through $2 billion--money he said could come awned massive floods and burst a unity comes of it. All the proceeds a two-oronged policy of deterrence from the existing $8 billion High- .m in drought-ridden southern from the bazaar work their way back and arms reduction--but both sides way Trust Fund. Spain Wednesday, forcing 100,000 into the community as donations. must be equal before any new nego- But sources say the plan is not people to flee towns inundated by Typical of the areas that receive tiations begin. meeting with the approval of the say six feet of water. Officials money from the proceeds are the zoo, Weinberger said the arms freeze White House. And when asked about drowned. at least eight people the library, and the Red Cross. sought by the Episcopalian House the plan yesterday, White House and and the 750,000 Cali- spokesman Larry Speakes said: "We NORTHERN IRELAND (AP)--Some 25,000 All sales will be cash sales of Bishops who brought Proposition don't go for quick fixes." troops are on alert in northern bring plenty of cash to buy those fornians a goal of the admin- Ireland, bracing for an escalation home-made baked goods, Christmas 12 to life is But he asserted changes in guerrilla attacks. Voting has goodies, and souvenirs. istration. due to Pre- "WE AL. HAVE ended in the election for a new in Soviet leadership, Breshnev's ill health, A CONSUMING provincial assembly. And police Here's your chance for bargains, mier Leonid this a particularly dangerous say they expect increased trouble bargains, bargains-- Saturday, Oct. make INTEREST IN U.S. nuclear arms up- from the Irish Republican Army 30, at the McCalla Hangar from noon time to stop ENERGY." and its Marxist offshoot. until 4 p.m. grading. Commissioned Tuesday, GTMO now has own SIMA Cmdr. Charles W. Gnilka, by Lt. Cmdr. Keith Maynard USN, Commander Naval Surface Forces, the Atlantic Fleet. monites, USN, addressed his new command and The establishment of Shore Inter- Atlantic, congratulating SIMA GTMO After reading the orders directing assembled guests on the antici- mediate Maintenance Activity, Guan- on becoming the seventh SIMA under him to take command of SIMA GTMO, a the future of SIMA GTMO. tanamo Bay, Cuba (SIMA GTMO) was his command to serve the ships of tradition at commissioning cere- paged Cmdr. Gnilka said plans already formally recognized in commission- exist for a phased replacement of ing ceremonies Tuesday. the SIMA's equipment, much of which Capt. Henry C. Atwood, Jr., USN, is 40 years old. He also said the Commanding Officer, Naval Surface would be ordering in addition- Force Atlantic, Readiness Support Navy al personnel with the Navy Enlisted Group, Norfolk, Va., the guest (NEC's) which would speaker at the ceremonies, called Classifications to repair the sophisti- e commissioning "A new phase in allow them and systems in to- life of Guantanamo Bay's ship cated machinery day's technologically complex ships. facilities." pair touched on some of the ad- Prior to becoming a SIMA, the re- He also vanced management techniques which, pair facilities and personnel made ,, along with the upgraded physical up the Ship Repair Department of i plant and manning, would once again U.S. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay. put SIMA GTMO "in the mainstream of Ship repair facilities here stretch the ship repair business." back in an uninterrupted chain to In addition to its mission of re- 1903 when the Construction and Re- pairing Atlantic Fleet ships deploy- pair Department of the Naval Opera- ed to the Caribbean, SIMA GTMO also ting Base had blacksmith, paint, :$ w supply services to U.S. Coast and carpenter shops on Hospital Cay will ., Guard vessels, service craft of the in the middle of the Bay. Naval Station, and vessels of allied Capt. Atwood went on to discuss navies. the impressive reputation of Guan- Bay's ship repair facilities tanamo Cmdr. Gnilka concluded his remarks by the efforts of which were built with an admonition that SIMA GTMO of Navy men almost four generations must "never forget its roots of con- he dealt with those and women. When tinual dedication of repair service facilities while aboard ships ear- TUESDAY WAS THE OFFICIAL COMMISSIONING CEREMONIES OF SIMA GTMO. THE to the fleet." lier in his career, Capt. Atwood joined by Capt. At- traditional cake cutting was performed by Capt. Henry Atwood, Jr., He then was said he always received, "Profession- Chief Petty Naval Surface Force Atlantic, Readiness Support wood and Command Master al help on short notice with a little Commanding Officer, Commanding Officer, Officer BTCM W. H. Allen for the could have been expected." Group, Norfolk, Va., (left) Q.dr. Charles Gnilka, more than cutting of the traditional cake to Capt. Atwood also read a message SIMA GTMO, (center) and Command Master Chief W. H.
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