§ 90e TITLE 16—CONSERVATION Page 116 § 90e. Pasayten Wilderness, Okanogan and Mount typographical errors in such legal descriptions Baker National Forests; designation; aboli- and maps may be made. tion of North Cascades Primitive Area classi- (b) Upon the filing of the legal descriptions fication and maps as provided for in subsection (a) of this section the Pasayten Wilderness and the ad- (a) In order to further the purposes of the Wil- ditions to the Glacier Peak Wilderness shall be derness Act [16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.], there is here- administered by the Secretary of Agriculture in by designated, subject to valid existing rights, accordance with the provisions of the Wilderness the Pasayten Wilderness within and as a part of Act [16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.] and thereafter shall the Okanogan National Forest and the Mount be subject to the provisions of the Wilderness Baker National Forest, comprising an area of Act governing areas designated by that Act as about five hundred thousand acres lying east of wilderness areas, except that any reference in Ross Lake, as generally depicted in the area des- such provisions to the effective date of the Wil- ignated as ‘‘Pasayten Wilderness’’ on the map derness Act shall be deemed to be a reference to referred to in section 90 of this title. the effective date of this subchapter. (b) The previous classification of the North Cascades Primitive Area is hereby abolished. (Pub. L. 90–544, title VI, § 603, Oct. 2, 1968, 82 Stat. 930; Pub. L. 103–437, § 6(e), Nov. 2, 1994, 108 (Pub. L. 90–544, title VI, § 601, Oct. 2, 1968, 82 Stat. 4585.) Stat. 930.) REFERENCES IN TEXT REFERENCES IN TEXT The Wilderness Act, referred to in subsec. (b), is Pub. The Wilderness Act, referred to in subsec. (a), is Pub. L. 88–577, Sept. 3, 1964, 78 Stat. 890, as amended, which L. 88–577, Sept. 3, 1964, 78 Stat. 890, as amended, which is classified generally to chapter 23 (§ 1131 et seq.) of is classified generally to chapter 23 (§ 1131 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1131 of Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1131 of this title and Tables. this title and Tables. Effective date of the Wilderness Act, referred to in § 90e–1. Glacier Peak Wilderness, Wenatchee and subsec. (b), means the date of enactment, Sept. 3, 1964, Mount Baker National Forests; extension of of such Act. Effective date of this subchapter, referred to in sub- boundaries sec. (b), means the date of enactment, Oct. 2, 1968, of The boundaries of the Glacier Peak Wilder- this subchapter. ness, an area classified as such more than thirty AMENDMENTS days before the effective date of the Wilderness 1994—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 103–437 substituted ‘‘Com- Act [16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.] and being within and mittee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate a part of the Wenatchee National Forest and the and the Committee on Natural Resources of the House Mount Baker National Forest, subject to valid of Representatives’’ for ‘‘Interior and Insular Affairs existing rights, are hereby extended to include Committees of the United States Senate and House of portions of the Suiattle River corridor and the Representatives’’. White Chuck River corridor on the western side thereof, comprising areas totaling about ten § 90e–3. Area review; report to the President thousand acres, as depicted in the area des- Within two years from October 2, 1968, the Sec- ignated as ‘‘Additions to Glacier Peak Wilder- retary of the Interior shall review the area with- ness’’ on the map referred to in section 90 of this in the North Cascades National Park, including title. the Picket Range area and the Eldorado Peaks (Pub. L. 90–544, title VI, § 602, Oct. 2, 1968, 82 area, and shall report to the President, in ac- Stat. 930.) cordance with section 1132(c) and (d) of this title, his recommendation as to the suitability REFERENCES IN TEXT or nonsuitability of any area within the park for The Wilderness Act, referred to in text, is Pub. L. preservation as wilderness, and any designation 88–577, Sept. 3, 1964, 78 Stat. 890, as amended, which is of any such area as a wilderness area shall be ac- classified generally to chapter 23 (§ 1131 et seq.) of this complished in accordance with said section title. For complete classification of this Act to the 1132(c) and (d). Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1131 of this title and Tables. (Pub. L. 90–544, title VI, § 604, Oct. 2, 1968, 82 Effective date of the Wilderness Act, referred to in Stat. 931.) text, means the date of enactment, Sept. 3, 1964, of such act. SUBCHAPTER XI—MOUNT RAINIER NATIONAL PARK § 90e–2. Map and legal description, filing with Congressional committees; correction of er- § 91. Establishment; boundaries; trespassers rors; applicability of Wilderness Act All those certain tracts, pieces, or parcels of (a) As soon as practicable after October 2, 1968, land lying and being in the State of Washington, the Secretary of Agriculture shall file a map and and within the boundaries particularly described legal description of the Pasayten Wilderness and as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point three of the Glacier Peak Wilderness, as hereby modi- miles east of the northeast corner of township fied, with the Committee on Energy and Natural numbered 17 north, of range 6 east of the Wil- Resources of the Senate and the Committee on lamette meridian; thence south through the cen- Natural Resources of the House of Representa- tral parts of townships numbered 17, 16, and 15 tives, and such descriptions shall have the same north, of range 7 east of the Willamette merid- force and effect as if included in this subchapter: ian, 18 miles more or less, subject to the proper Provided, however, That correction of clerical or easterly or westerly offsets, to a point three Page 117 TITLE 16—CONSERVATION § 93 miles east of the northeast corner of township (Mar. 2, 1899, ch. 377, § 2, 30 Stat. 994; June 12, numbered 14 north, of range 6 east of the Wil- 1917, ch. 27, § 1, 40 Stat. 153.) lamette meridian; thence east on the township line between townships numbered 14 and 15 CODIFICATION north, 18 miles more or less to a point 3 miles The words ‘‘In addition to the powers and duties enu- west of the northeast corner of township 14 merated in section 3 of this title, not inconsistent with north, of range 10 east of the Willamette merid- this section’’ were added to relate this section to later ian; thence northerly subject to the proper eas- law, defining the duties of the Secretary of the Interior terly or westerly offsets, 18 miles more or less, as to national parks. to a point 3 miles west of the northeast corner An additional provision in the first sentence making it the duty of the Secretary of the Interior as soon as of township numbered 17 north of range 10 east practicable to make such rules and regulations as he of the Willamette meridian (but in locating said might deem necessary or proper for the care and man- easterly boundary, wherever the summit of the agement of the park has been omitted as executed. Cascade Mountains is sharply and well defined, A provision of the original section for the disposition the said line shall follow the said summit, where of the proceeds of leases for buildings for accommoda- the said summit line bears west of the easterly tion of visitors and other revenues from the park has line as herein determined); thence westerly been omitted as superseded by section 452 of this title. along the township line between said townships ‘‘Pacific National Forest’’ was substituted for ‘‘Pa- numbered 17 and 18 to the place of beginning, cific Forest Reserve’’ on authority of act Mar. 4, 1907, are dedicated and set apart as a public park to ch. 2907, 34 Stat. 1269, which provided that forest re- serves shall hereafter be known as national forests. be known and designated as the Mount Rainier National Park, for the benefit and enjoyment of REPEALS the people; and all persons who shall locate or Repeal of provisions of this section relating to grant- settle upon or occupy the same, or any part ing rights-of-way to railway or tramway companies for thereof, except as hereafter provided, shall be purpose of building and operating a railway or tram- considered trespassers and be removed there- way, so far as they relate to lands within Mount from. Rainier National Park, see section 92a of this title. (Mar. 2, 1899, ch. 377, § 1, 30 Stat. 993.) § 92a. Rights-of-way for railways, tramways, and SHORT TITLE cable lines Pub. L. 108–312, § 1, Oct. 5, 2004, 118 Stat. 1194, provided The provisions of section 92 of this title, that: ‘‘This Act [enacting section 110d of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 110d of this granting rights-of-way, under such restrictions title] may be cited as the ‘Mount Rainier National and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior Park Boundary Adjustment Act of 2004’.’’ may establish, to any railway or tramway com- pany or companies for the purpose of building, § 92. Control; regulations; grants for buildings; constructing, and operating a railway, con- rights-of-way; fish and game; removal of tres- structing and operating a railway or tramway passers line or lines, so far as the same relate to lands Mount Rainier National Park shall be under within the Mount Rainier National Park, Wash- the exclusive control of the Secretary of the In- ington, are repealed: Provided, however, That terior.
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