CONTENTS Page Sl. No Title Number 1 Preface 1 2 Abbreviations 3 3 Executive Summary 7 4 Profile of the College 11 5 Criterion I: Curricular Aspects 25 6 Criterion II: Teaching-Learning and Evaluation 61 7 Criterion III: Research, Consultancy and Extension 91 8 Criterion IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 157 9 Criterion V: Student Support and Progression 185 10 Criterion VI: Governance, Leadership and Management 219 11 Criterion VII: Innovations and Best Practices 241 Department Evaluative Reports 12 Civil Engineering 255 13 Mechanical Engineering 283 14 Electrical and Electronics Engineering 306 15 Electronics and Communication Engineering 326 16 Computer Science and Engineering 354 17 Chemical Engineering 370 18 Architecture 394 19 Master of Computer Applications 410 Annexures 20 A. Declaration by the Head of the Institution 424 21 B. Certificate of Compliance 425 22 C. AICTE Approval Order 426 23 D. Certificate of Recognition u/s 2(f) and 12(B) UGC Act 431 24 E. Council of Architecture Approval 432 25 F. Government Order Regarding Minority Status 433 26 G. Audited Statements of Accounts 434 PREFACE TKM College of Engineering, the first Government-aided engineering college in Kerala, is situated in the cashew hub of Kerala, the city of Kollam. The college was established by Janab Thangal Kunju Musaliar, a magnanimous name that rings loud in the educational, economic and socio-cultural development of the city of Kollam. An ace entrepreneur and a great visionary, he set his own life as an example of sheer determination, hard work, courage and leadership. In 1950, while at the peak of his business career, Janab Musaliar foresaw the tremendous importance of education in the years to come. This thought paved way for the formation of TKM Educational Trust in 1956. The trust has the heritage of holding up firmly the values of the late Musaliar. The college is the first and foremost institution for technical education, run by the TKM College Trust, headed by Janab Shahal Hassan Musaliar. The trust established institutions such as TKM College of Engineering, TKM Institute of Technology, TKM College of Arts and Sciences, TKM Institute of Management, TKM School of Communication and Information Technology, TKM Centenary Public School, TKM Higher Secondary School, and recently the TKM School of Architecture. Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of Independent India, laid the foundation stone for the college in 1956. The college was formally inaugurated by Prof. Humayun Kabir, the then Minister for Scientific and Cultural Affairs, Government of India in 1958. At its start, the college began its stride with the three basic branches of engineering – Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. Today it is a renowned technical institution in India, offering courses in eight branches of engineering at under graduate level and seven courses at post-graduate level. It is also an approved research centre for Mechanical and Civil Engineering. It is supported by about 375 eminent staff members; teaching and non-teaching, and about 800 students are admitted every year in various disciplines. The college is affiliated to the University of Kerala and APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University and is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. As envisaged by its founder, TKM College of Engineering has become an outstanding centre of excellence in Kerala, catering to the needs of higher education to all sections of society and stands as an example of a model learning centre. The main objective of TKM College of Engineering is to provide value- based education to its students and to develop the overall personality of the students by enhancing their creativity, self-confidence, communication and leadership skills. The College is very pleased to submit this Self Study Report (SSR) for National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Assessment. TKMCE/SSR Page 1 TKMCE/SSR Page 2 ABBREVATIONS ABP Anand Basar Patrika AICTE All India Council for Technical Education AO Accounts Officer AQAR Annual Quality Assurance Reports ARCH Architecture ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers BoS Board of Studies CA Continuous Assessment CAD Computer Aided Design CAI Course Assessment Index CAP Centralized Allotment Process CAS Career Advancement Scheme CAT Common Admission Test CC Class Committee CCF Central Computing Facility CE Civil Engineering CEE Commissioner of Entrance Examinations CERD Centre For Engineering Research And Development CET College of Engineering Trivandrum CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average CGPU Career Guidance and Placement Unit CHE Chemical Engineering CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing CO Course Outcome CPB College Planning Board CSE Computer Science and Engineering CSI Computer Society of India CSIR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research CUSAT Cochin University of Science and Technology DAC Department Academic Committee DELNET Developing Library Network DIY Do It Yourself DMC Department Management Committee DQAC Department Quality Assurance Cell DRDO Defence Research and Development Organisation DST Department of Science and Technology DTE Director of Technical Education ECE Electronics and Communication Engineering EEE Electrical and Electronics Engineering FDP Faculty Development Programme FET Faculty of Engineering and Technology FMC Facility Management Committee TKMCE/SSR Page 3 FS Foreign Students GA Graduate Attribute GATE Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering GPA Grade Point Average HMC Hostel Management Committee HoD Head of Department ICSC Integrated Community Service Centre ICT Information and Communication Technologies IE Institution of Engineers IEDC Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Cell IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEI The Institution of Engineers India IETE The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers IIC Industrial Instrumentation and Control IIIC Industry Institution Interaction Cell IISc Indian Institute of Science IIT Indian Institute of Technology IMA Indian Medical Association INFLIBNET Information and Library Network IPR Intellectual Property Rights IQAC Internal Quality Assurance Cell IQAS Internal Quality Assurance System IRE Indian Rare Earths Limited ISRO Indian Space Research Organization ISTE Indian Society for Technical Education KEAM Kerala Engineering Agricultural, Medical Entrance Examination KEAN Kerala Engineering Graduates Association of Northeast America KMML The Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited KSEB Kerala State Electricity Board KTU APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University LPSC Liquid Propulsion System Centre MCA Master of Computer Application MCM Merit Cum Means ME Mechanical Engineering MEA Mechanical Engineering Association MHRD Ministry of Human Resource Development MODROBS Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence Scheme MOOC Massive Online Open Courseware MoU Memorandum of Understanding NAAC National Assessment and Accreditation Council NASA National Association for Students of Architecture NATA National Aptitude Test in Architecture NBA National Board of Accreditation TKMCE/SSR Page 4 NIIST National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology NIT National Institute of Technology NITTTR The National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research NPTEL National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning NSS National Service Scheme OCI Overseas Citizenship of India OER Open Educational Resources OLPV One Library Per Village OPAC Online Public Access Catalogue PE Production Engineering PEO Programme Educational Objective PIO Person of Indian Origin PO Programme Outcome PTA Parent Teachers Association QEEE Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education QIP Quality Improvement Programme RPS Research Promotion Scheme SAC Student Affairs Committee SEBC Socially and Educationally Backward Community SILK Steel Industrials Kerala Limited SS Senior Superintend STEPS Students of TKM for the Empowerment of People and Society STTP Short Term Training Programme SWC Students Welfare Committee TAGA TKMCE Alumni Global Association TEQIP Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme TKM Thangal Kunju Musaliar TKMCE Thangal Kunju Musaliar College of Engineering VLSI Very Large Scale Integration VSSC Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre TKMCE/SSR Page 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GENESIS OF THE INSTITUTION TKM College of Engineering, started by the TKM College Trust, was founded by Janab Thangal Kunju Musaliar, a leading industrialist, philanthropist and a great visionary. Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of the Republic of India, laid the foundation stone of this first Government-Aided Engineering College in Kerala in the private sector in 1956. The College was inaugurated by Prof. Humayun Kabir, the then Union Minister for Scientific Research and Cultural Affairs, in 1958. The aims and objectives of the TKM College Trust are to establish educational institutions of excellence to serve the society in enhancing the quality of human life. The Trust has established many other institutions to impart quality education in respective areas. The excellent academic ambience and state of the art facilities in these institutions make them trend setters in the education scenario of the state of Kerala. Following Institutions are being run by the TKM College Trust: Year of Sl. No. Name of the Institution Location Establishment 1 TKM College of Engineering 1958 Karicode, Kollam 2 TKM College of Arts and Science 1967 Karicode,
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