1_LBBJ_April12_2016_LBBJ 4/9/16 6:31 PM Page 1 April 12-25, 2016 Long Beach’s Newsmagazine www.lbbizjournal.com Minimum Wage Decision: THIRD SECToR REpoRT Follow The State Or Keep Leading Nonprofits: Long Beach Ordinance? What Should I By SEAN BELK Now that state lawmakers have Staff Writer raised California’s minimum Concern Boards wage, however, the city council The Most? ow that the state legisla- may decide to change its original N ture has increased the plan that still has yet to be en- acted, Long Beach City Attorney I By JEFFREY WILCOX minimum wage in California to Charles Parkin told the Business EXCLUSIVE TO THE BUSINESS JOURNAL $15 an hour incrementally by 2022, the Long Beach City Journal in a phone interview. “It’s a policy decision for the sk several leaders of non- Council must decide whether to city council,” he said. “This mini- A profit organizations or raise wages at a faster pace than mum wage at the state level has associations what should be the the state under a city policy pro- certain advantages, and getting buzz in their board meetings Grand Prix Association of Long Beach President and CEO Jim Michaelian shows posed earlier this year or to hold there faster has certain advantages right now, and one can’t help but off the official artwork for this year’s Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach, held April off entirely. 15-17. The colorful poster is the work of French artist Erwin Dazelle. (Photograph for other groups.” wonder if there would be any On January 19, the city council by the Business Journal’s Larry Duncan) Long Beach’s plan was consid- common threads. agreed in a 6-2 vote to draft an or- ered somewhat of a compromise Searching for actual common- 42ND ANNUAL TOYOTA GRAND PRIX OF LONG BEACH dinance that would increase the between the needs of the local alities amongst nonprofit organ- minimum wage to $13 an hour by business community and the na- izations as relevant baseline Race To Play Up Fan Favorites, 2019. Under the proposal, if a tional union-backed “Fight For comparisons is more difficult study shows no negative eco- $15” campaign after Mayor than many business leaders Say Goodbye To Pro/Celebrity Race nomic impacts after the first three Robert Garcia authorized a six- might think. A common relation- years of implementation, the min- I By SAMANTHA MEHLINGER month process that involved sur- ship with the Internal Revenue imum wage would eventually rise Senior Writer Service may define a sector of to $15 an hour by 2021. (Please Continue To Page 22) the economy, but it hardly con- stitutes an industry. he 42nd Annual Toyota Nevertheless, for those boards T Grand Prix of Long Beach Beacon Economics Teams Up With whose primary objective is creat- marks the continuation of the CSULB For April 29 Economic Forum ing a measured social benefit for longest consecutive title sponsor- others, it would appear as though ship in motorsports, as Toyota Inside: Stories Include Interviews With Long-time Race Announcer I By SAMANTHA MEHLINGER spect to trends in California and a common thread about board- begins its new multi-year con- Bruce Flanders and Driver Graham Rahal Senior Writer the nation. room buzz is emerging. That’s tract to stay on as title sponsor of Providing this big picture ex- according to findings released by the weekend-long event, taking Jim Michaelian, president and his year’s Regional Eco- pertise is Christopher Thorn- Nonprofit Quarterly, a leading place April 15 through 17. While CEO of the Grand Prix Associa- T nomic Forum, presented berg, founder of Beacon publication of the sector, that the auto company is recommit- tion of Long Beach, which plans on April 29 by California State Economics, an independent re- asked its readers in February to ting to this role, this year will be and manages the event, told the University, Long Beach’s Depart- search and consulting firm that identify the top three areas that the last for the event’s Toyota Business Journal that the decision ment of Economics, promises to also just so happens to be work- will or should concern nonprofit Pro/Celebrity Race, which is cel- to make this the final year for the put the state of the city’s econ- ing in tandem with the City of boards during the year ahead. ebrating its 40th anniversary. (Please Continue To Page 4) omy in larger context with re- Long Beach on its economic de- (Please Continue To Page 31) velopment efforts. Beacon Economics has had a be- MORE PERSPECTIvES: Businesses And Public Entities To Become More hind-the-scenes relationship with 29 – Inside City Hall CSULB’s Department of Econom- Rainy Day Funds And Stabilization Sustainable As State Mandates Organics Recycling ics for several years, assisting with Start With Transparency Not A Poll (Please Continue To Page 25) 29 – Technology And Innovation I postable food items and tree least eight cubic yards of organic What Is Engineering, Anyway? By SEAN BELK 29 – HealthWise Staff Writer trimmings. waste per week are required, as of Union Members Don’t Let Sleep Be A Dream Under Assembly Bill (AB) April 1, to have such materials 30 – Trade And Transportation n order to meet the state’s new 1826, California businesses, edu- picked up and recycled separately Set To Vote On Training Workers Of Tomorrow Imandate for diverting waste cational institutions and multi- from regular trash and recyclables. 30 – Small Business Dollars & Sense from landfills, the City of Long family residential complexes with Organic waste includes com- Decertification Preparing Kids For Financial Success Beach and other local jurisdic- five or more units that generate at (Please Continue To Page 16) 30 – Effective Leadership tions in California are now Nearly 800 IAM Ways To Transform Interruptions tasked with making sure busi- City Employees To 31 – Realty Views nesses and public entities recycle Vote On Leaving Union Owning Still Cheaper Than Renting organic waste, such as com- Long Beach Business Journal I EORGE CONOMIDES PRSRT STD By G E 2599 E. 28th Street, Suite 212 U.S. POSTAGE Publisher Signal Hill, CA 90755-2139 PAID 562/988-1222 • www.lbbizjournal.com Los Angeles, CA t’s been about six months PERMIT NO. 447 I since the first of three groups of city employees associated with the International Associa- tion of Machinists & Aerospace Workers (IAM) filed paperwork Leigh Behrens, left, recycling specialist for the Long Beach Environmental Services Bureau (ESB), and Diko Melkonian, general superintendent for ESB, visit with Dana for a vote to leave their union. Robertson, owner of Restauration, a restaurant on 4th Street’s Retro Row that has Following a lengthy procedure been partnering with the city to recycle organic waste into compost for local urban that involved state and city offi- farms. (Photograph by the Business Journal’s Larry Duncan) (Please Continue To Page 21) 1_LBBJ_April12_2016_LBBJ 4/9/16 6:31 PM Page 2 This Edition’s Inside This Issue Advertisers 4 Toyota Grand Prix Of Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific 15 & 24 • Michaelian Talks Grand Prix And More, from Page 1 Big E Pizza 22 • Second Generation Superstar Graham Rahal Boulevard Cadillac 13 • Schedule Of Events, Circuit Map Brix at the Shore 22 Buono’s Pizzeria 23 • Long-Time Sponsors Lend Manpower, Services And Support Bustamante, George/Warshauer, Steve/ • The Voice Of The Toyota Grand Prix, Bruce Flanders Jacques, Cameron – CBC BLAIR WESTMAC 28 • Race Car Driver Photos California Resources Corporation 5 Catalina Express 25 Going Green Chronic Tacos 2 14 • Earth Day 2016: Long Beach Contributions To A Global Movement City of Long Beach, Department of Financial Management, Purchasing Division 18 • North Long Beach Company Now 100 Percent Solar-Powered City of Long Beach, • State Mandate For Organics Recycling Not Far Off, from Page 1 Environmental Services Bureau 16 & 17 Coast Auto Care & Tires 13 Evans & Silver 27 18 Technology Eye Physicians of Long Beach 26 • Pursuing Digital Transformation To Create Frictionless Experience Grounds Bakery & Café 23 HCVT 9 • Free Event To Educate Business Owners About Cybersecurity Holiday Inn Long Beach Airport 9 INCO Commercial 26 20 Newswatch International City Bank 21 • Southwest Airlines To Launch Flights From Long Beach On June 5 Irvine-Parker, Barbara – • Aerial Tram Discusses With Queen Mary Task Force Keller Williams Pacific Estates 28 • Tax Revenue Sharing May Spur Hotel Development John S. Meek Company 2 Kafe Neo 23 • Minimum Wage Decision, from Page 1 Knightling 27 • Stalled Riverwalk Development Heading To Appeals Court LB Walker Automotive 13 • Beacon Economics Teams Up With CSULB, from Page 1 Long Beach Airport 9 • BNSF Officials Say Rail Yard Project May Not Move Forward Long Beach Commercial Real Estate Council 24 • Long Beach Transit Receives First Battery Electric Bus Long Beach Symphony 20 • In The News: New Hyatt GM, Tierra Mia Coffee, Carrington Long Beach Transit 3 Long Beach Water Department 15 Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce 25 Manitou 11 29 Perspectives Michael Levy Gallery 27 Naples Rib Company 23 Pacific Gateway 19 Port of Long Beach Back Cover Free: Long Beach Business Journal Digital Edition, The Carson Center 6 Monday Morning Coffee and NewsFlash – Sign up at: www.lbbizjournal.com Volterra Dental 27 Find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter: @LBBizJourn From Qualified HUB Section 3 Subcontractors & Suppliers For The Following Project: "*") % ) # .',# #" .$% 48-4237-32.22 )#'&#%&%*&"&)$$ &%"#%. %#/' / !# %/'#(* /'""*!& !$/'""*! #% - + - 0 1 36854#/ $ *")-%"-:2469 ,05321852.7545),05321856.4375 #"''.##+" #"/ #!$","'"&'#&%#)& ,#"&% $%#$#& &#%$%($(#"#"'&$%#'/ 1_LBBJ_April12_2016_LBBJ 4/9/16 6:31 PM Page 3 1_LBBJ_April12_2016_LBBJ 4/9/16 6:31 PM Page 4 4 Long Beach Business Journal TOYOTA GRAND PRIX OF LONG BEACH April 12-25, 2016 Grand Prix Association of Long Beach President & CEO Jim Michaelian leads his team in a thumbs up to the 42nd running of the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach.
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