Shrikes & Vireos , cont. SP S F W Warblers SP S F W SP S F W Cardinals & Allies U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service _____ Philadelphia Vireo _____ Blue-winged Warbler R R R R _____ Summer Tanager R R R R _____ Red-eyed Vireo _____ Golden-winged Warbler R R F F F _____ Scarlet Tanager U U Bird Checklist of the Ten Thousand ______Black Whiskered Vireo _____ Tennessee Warbler R R U U R _____ Northern Cardinal C C C C _____ Orange-crowned Warbler U U U _____ Rose-breasted Grosbeak U U R Islands National Wildlife Refuge Jays & Crows _____ Nashville Warbler R R _____ Blue Grosbeak R R _____ Blue Jay F F F F _____ Northern Parula C C C C _____ Indigo Bunting U U U _____ Florida Scrub-Jay R R R R _____ Yellow Warbler R R U R _____ Painted Bunting U U U _____ American Crow C C C C _____ Chestnut-sided Warbler R U _____ Fish Crow C C C C _____ Magnolia Warbler U U R Blackbirds _____ Cape May Warbler R R _____ Bobolink R R Swallows _____ Black-throated Blue Warbler F F R _____ Red-winged Blackbird C C C C _____ Purple Martin F F U _____ Yellow-rumped Warbler F F C _____ Eastern Meadowlark R R R R _____ Tree Swallow C C C _____ Black-throated Green Warbler U U U _____ Yellow-headed Blackbird R R _____ Northern Rough- _____ Blackburnian Warbler R R R _____ Rusty Blackbird R R winged Swallow U U U U _____ Yellow-throated Warbler F R F F _____ Common Grackle C C C C _____ Bank Swallow R R _____ Pine Warbler C C C C _____ Boat-tailed Grackle C C C C _____ Cliff Swallow R R _____ Prairie Warbler F F F F _____ Bronzed Cowbird R R R _____ Cave Swallow R R R _____ Palm Warbler C C C _____ Brown-headed Cowbird U U U U _____ Barn Swallow F U C R _____ Bay-breasted Warbler R R _____ Shiny Cowbird R R _____ Blackpoll Warbler U U _____ Orchard Oriole R R Titmice & Chickadees _____ Cerulean Warbler R R _____ Baltimore (Northern) Oriole U U U _____ Carolina Chickadee F F F F _____ Black -and-white Warbler F F F _____ Tufted Titmouse F F F F _____ American Redstart F F F _____ Prothonotary Warbler U U F Nuthatches _____ Worm-eating Warbler U U R Birding Ethics _____ Brown-headed Nuthatch F F F F _____ Swainson's Warbler R R _____ Ovenbird F F F When visiting public or private lands, it is Wrens _____ Northern Waterthrush U U U important that you practice and promote _____ Carolina Wren C C C C _____ Louisiana Waterthrush U U U _____ House Wren F F F _____ Kentucky Warbler R R ethical behavior while viewing and _____ Sedge Wren U U U _____ Connecticut Warbler R R photographing wildlife. Although you may not _____ Marsh Wren U U U _____ Common Yellowthroat C F C C think your individual actions are harmful to _____ Hooded Warbler U U wildlife, the cumulative effect of individual Gnatcatchers & Kinglets _____ Wilson's Warbler R R R _____ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher C C C C _____ Canada Warbler R R actions can jeopardize wildlife’s ability to _____ Ruby-crowned Kinglet U U U _____ Yellow-breasted Chat R R survive. Thrushes Sparrows _____ Eastern Bluebird U U U U _____ Eastern Towhee F F F F Do not disturb nesting, feeding, or resting _____ Veery F F _____ Bachman's Sparrow R R R birds and other wildlife. _____ Gray-cheeked Thrush F F _____ Chipping Sparrow R R R When photographing birds, do not “push” _____ Swainson's Thrush F F _____ Field Sparrow U U U too close or “linger” too long. _____ Hermit Thrush U U U _____ Savannah Sparrow R R U _____ Wood Thrush R R _____ Grasshopper Sparrow U U U Do not use recorded calls or make other _____ American Robin F F C _____ Henslow's Sparrow R alarming noises on the Refuge. _____ Nelson's Sparrow R R Do not feed wildlife on the Refuge. Mockingbirds & Thrashers _____ Seaside Sparrow R R R R _____ Gray Catbird C C C _____ Lincoln's Sparrow R Do not litter. Many birds and other wildlife _____ Northern Mockingbird C C C C _____ Swamp Sparrow U R U die after becoming entangled in fishing _____ Brown Thrasher F F F F _____ White-throated Sparrow R R lines, 6-pack rings and other trash, or when Ten Thousand Islands _____ White-crowned Sparrow R they mistake garbage, especially plastic, for Starlings _____ Dickcissel R R R National Wildlife Refuge food. _____ Common Myna R R R R _____ Clay-colored Sparrow R R _____ European Starling F F F F _____ Lark Sparrow R R R 12085 State Road 29 South Pipits Cardueline Finches Immokalee, FL 34142 _____ American Pipit R R R _____ House Finch R R R R E-mail: [email protected] _____ American Goldfinch U U U Phone Number: 239-657-8001 Waxwings _____ Cedar Waxwing F F F Old World Sparrows _____ House Sparrow U U U U Photos by: Mark Danaher/USFWS Birds of the Ten Thousand Islands SP S F W SP S F W SP S F W Rails & Allies Doves Storks R R R R National Wildlife Refuge _____ Yellow Rail R R R _____ Rock Dove _____ Wood Stork C C C C R R R R _____ Black Rail R R R _____ Eurasian Collared-Dove R R R R _____ Clapper Rail U U U U _____ White-winged Dove Frigatebirds F F F F Observer(s): __________________________________ _____ King Rail U U U U _____ Mourning Dove _____ Magnificent F F F F _____ Virginia Rail R R R _____ Common Ground-Dove Date:_______________________________________ Frigatebird R R R R U U U U _____ Sora U U U _____ White-crowned Dove Time: ______________________________________ _____ Purple Gallinule U U U U Gannets, Cormorants & Darters _____ Common Moorhen C C C C Cuckoos Weather:____________________________________ _____ Northern Gannet R _____ American Coot C F C C _____ Yellow-billed Cuckoo U U U _____ Double-crested Cormorant C C C C Location(s):__________________________________ ______Limpkin U U U U _____ Mangrove Cuckoo U U U U _____ Anhinga C C C C Plovers Owls Relative Abundance Pelicans _____ Black-bellied Plover F F F F _____ Barn Owl U U U U C= Common, seen in good numbers in appropriate habitat and _____ American White Pelican C U C C _____ Snowy Plover R R R _____ Eastern Screech-Owl F F F F season _____ Brown Pelican C C C C _____ Wilson's Plover U U U U _____ Great Horned Owl U U U U F= Fairly Common, seen in moderate numbers in appropriate _____ Semipalmated Plover U U U U _____ Barred Owl C C C C habitat and season Bitterns, Herons, Ibis & Spoonbills _____ Piping Plover R R R U= Uncommon, seen in small numbers and/or not seen every _____ American Bittern F R F F _____ Killdeer F F F F Nightjars & Swifts time in appropriate habitat and season _____ Least Bittern F F F F _____ Common Nighthawk F C F R= Rare, seen in small numbers, and/or less than one a year _____ Great Blue Heron C C C C Oystercatchers, Stilts & Avocets _____ Chuck-will's-widow C C C R Seasonal Occurrence _____ Great Egret C C C C _____ American Oystercatcher U U U U _____ Eastern Whip-poor-will U U U SP= Spring (March-May) _____ Snowy Egret C C C C _____ Black-necked Stilt F U R R _____ Chimney Swift R R R S= Summer (June-August) _____ Little Blue Heron C C C C _____ American Avocet R R F= Fall (September-November) _____ Great White Heron U U U U Hummingbirds W= Winter (December-February) _____ Wurdemann’s Heron U U U U Sandpipers U R U U _____ Ruby-throated Hummingbird _____ Tricolored Heron C C C C _____ Spotted Sandpiper U U U SP S F W _____ Rufous Hummingbird R Waterfowl _____ Reddish Egret U U U U _____ Solitary Sandpiper R R R _____ Black-bellied Whistling-Duck R R R R _____ Cattle Egret F F F F _____ Greater Yellowlegs F F F Kingfishers _____ Fulvous Whistling-Duck R R R R _____ Green Heron C C C C _____ Willet F F F F C R C C _____ Belted Kingfisher _____ Snow Goose R _____ Black-crowned Night-Heron F U F F _____ Lesser Yellowlegs U U U _____ Canada Goose R _____ Yellow-crowned Night-Heron U U U U _____ Whimbrel U U U U Woodpeckers _____ Wood Duck U U U U _____ White Ibis C C C C _____ Long-billed Curlew R _____ Red-headed Woodpecker R R R _____ Gadwall R _____ Glossy Ibis F F F F _____ Marbled Godwit R R R _____ Red-bellied Woodpecker C C C C _____ American Wigeon R R _____ Roseate Spoonbill U U U U _____ Ruddy Turnstone C C C C _____ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker U U U _____ Mallard R R _____ Red Knot U U U _____ Downy Woodpecker F F F F _____ Mottled Duck F F F F Hawks, Kites, Eagles & Allies _____ Sanderling C C C C _____ Hairy Woodpecker R R R R _____ Blue-winged Teal _____ Black Vulture C C C C _____ Semipalmated Sandpiper R U R C R F C _____ Red-cockaded Woodpecker R R R R _____ Green-winged Teal _____ Turkey Vulture C C C C _____ Western Sandpiper C U F C R R _____ Northern Flicker F F F F _____ Northern Shoveler _____ Osprey C C C C _____ Least Sandpiper U U U R R _____ Pileated Woodpecker F F F F _____ Northern Pintail _____ Swallow-tailed Kite F F U R _____ White-rumped Sandpiper R R R R _____ Ivory-billed Woodpecker (E) _____ Canvasback ______Snail Kite U U U U _____ Pectoral Sandpiper R R R R _____ Redhead _____ Bald Eagle U U U U _____ Dunlin F U F F R R R Flycatchers _____ Ring-necked Duck _____ Golden Eagle U U U U _____ Short-billed Dowitcher C F C C R R R _____ Eastern Wood-Pewee _____ Lesser Scaup _____ Northern Harrier U U U _____ Long-billed Dowitcher R R R R R R R _____ Acadian Flycatcher _____ Black Scoter _____ Sharp-shinned Hawk U U U _____ Wilson's (Common) Snipe U U U R R R _____ Least Flycatcher R R _____ Common Goldeneye _____ Cooper's Hawk U U U _____ American Woodcock R R U U U _____ Eastern Phoebe F R F F _____ Hooded Merganser _____ Red-shouldered Hawk F F F F C C C C U U U _____ Great Crested Flycatcher _____ Red-breasted Merganser _____ Broad-winged Hawk R R R Gulls, Terns & Skimmers R R R R _____ Western Kingbird _____ Ruddy Duck _____ Red-tailed Hawk U U U U _____ Bonaparte's Gull R R R F F F R R R R _____ Eastern Kingbird _____ Muscovy Duck ______Short-Tailed
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