INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL FOR RWANDA CaseNo. ICTR-98-44-I c The PROSECUTOR Vo 1 Édouard KAREMERA .o Mathieu NGIRUMPATSE :71 Joseph NZIRORERA Amended Indictment of 24 August2005 TheProsecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda ("The Prosecutor"), pursuantto theauthority stipulated inArticle 17 of theStatute of theInternational CriminalTribunal for Rwanda (the "Statute ofthe Tribunal"), charges: Édouard KAREMERA Mathieu NGIRUMPATSE Joseph NZIRORERA Pursuantto Article2 ofthe Statute ofthe Tribunal, with: (i) ConspiracyTo CommitGenocide, (ii) Directand Public Incitement To Genocide,and (iii)Genocide,or Alternatively (iv) ComplicityIn Genocide PursuanttoArticle 3 of the Statute of theTribunal, with: (v) Rape,and (vi) Extermination,as CrimesAgainst Humanity PursuanttoArticle 4 ofthe Statute ofthe Tribunal, with: (vii)Murderand CausingViolence to Healthand Physicalor Mental WelI-Beingas SeriousViolations of Article3 Commonto the GenevaConventions and Additional Protocol II. PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/9699e2/ The Accused Io Particularsof the Accused 1. Édouard KAREMERA, alias RUKUSANYA, was born in Mwendo commune, Kibuyepréfecture, in 1951.Édouard KAREMERA was trainedas a lawyerand was Ministerof theInterior in theInterim Government of 8 April1994, taking the oath of officeon 25 May1994 and continuing in thatcapacity until the Interim Government fledffom Rwandain July1994. During 1994 Édouard KAREMERA was also First Vice-Presidentof the MRNDpolitical party and a memberof theparty’s Steering Committee,serving in thatcapacity since July 1993. 2. Mathieu NGIRUMPATSEwas bore in 1939 in Tare commune, Kigali-rural préfecture,Rwanda. Mathieu NGIRUMPATSE was trainedas a lawyerand during 1994was President of theMRND political party and a memberof theparty’s Steering Committee,serving in that capacitysince July 1993.Mathieu NGIRUMPATSE previouslyserved as Ministerof Justicein Rwanda’sfirst "multi-party" government of 31 December1991, and was alsoSecretary-General of the MRND fromMay 1992 throughJuly 1993 and a memberof itsSteering Committee. Previously he wasalso Ambassadorto Germanyand Ethiopia, Director General for ForeignAffairs in the President’soffice and general manager of SONARWA,an insurancecompany. 3, JosephNZIRORERA was born in 1950 in Mukingocommune, Ruhengeripréfecture, Rwanda.During 1994 JosephNZIRORERA was National-Secretaryof the MRND politicalparty and a memberof itsSteering Committee, serving in thatcapacity since July 1993.Joseph NZIRORERA was alsoa memberof the Chambredes Députésin the AssembléeNationale, representing the MRND and Ruhengeripréfecture in that capacity,and servedas Présidentof the AssembléeNationale in the Interim Governmentof 8 April 1994. PreviouslyJoseph NZIRORERA was Ministerof PublicWorks in the MRND govemmentof 15 January1989 and was Ministerof Industry,Mines and Artisanryin theMRND governments formed on 9 July1990 and on 4 February1991. JosephNZIRORERA was a memberof the MRND Steering Committeethroughout the period 1992 - 1994and even prior to 1991. II.lndividual criminal responsibility 4. Édouard KAREMERA, Mathieu NGIRUMPATSE, and Joseph NZIRORERA are individuallycriminally responsible forthe crimes referred to inArticles 2, 3 and4 of theStatute of theTribunal and described in thisindictment, which they planned, instigated,ordered, committed, or in whoseplanning, preparation, or execution they otherwiseaided and abetted. Committing in this indictment also refers to participation ina jointcriminal enterprise asa co-perpetrator. 5, Édouard KAREMERA, Mathieu NGIRUMPATSE, and Joseph NZIRORERA participatedin a joint criminal enterprise as set out in paragraphs 9 to 14.The purpose of thisjoint criminal enterprise was the destruction of the Tutsi population inRwanda throughthe commission of crimes in violationof Articles 2, 3, and4 ofthe Statute of theTribunal. 6. Thisjoint criminal enterprise came into existence before January 1994 and continued untilat least July 1994. Participants in this joint criminal enterprise included Édouard KAREMERA, Mathieu NGIRUMPATSE, and Joseph NZIRORERA and the followingindividuals andclasses ofpersons: AmendedIndictment of24 August 2005 2 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/9699e2/ (i) militaryauthorities, including Augustin BIZIMANA, Minister of Defense;Col. ThéonesteBAGOSORA, Directeur de cabinetin the Ministryof Defense;Lt. Col. Anatole NSENGIYUMVA, commandant de secteur in Gisenyi; Col. Tharcisse RENZAHO,préfet of Kigali-ville;Augustin BIZIMUNGU, Army Chief of Staff,and Augustin NDINDILIYIMANA, Chief of Staff of the Gendarmerie; Protais MPIRANYA,Commander of the PresidentialGuard Battalion;Aloys NTABAKUZE, Commander of the Para-CommandoBattalion; François-XavierNZUWONEMEYE, Commanderof the ReconnaissanceBattalion; Innocent SAGAHUTU,Second-in- command of the ReconnaissanceBattalion; Col. Anatole GASAKE, National Coordinatorof the Civil DefenseProgram; Col. Ephrem SETAKO;Lt. Boniface HASENGINEZA, commandant de bataillon in Ruhengeri; Lt. Samuel IMANISHIMWE,a commander in Cyangugu. (ii)political authorities at the nationaland regionallevel, including Theodore SINDIKUBWABO,Interim President;Jean KAMBANDA,Prime Minister;Callixte NZABONIMANA, Minister of Youth and Sports; Pauline NYIRAMASUHUKO, Ministerof Familyand Gender;Eliézer NIYITEGEKA, Minister of Information; JustinMUGENZI, Minister of Commerce;Casimir BIZIMUNGU, Minister of Health; and Jerôme-Clément BICAMUMPAKA, Minister of Foreign Affairs; André NTAGERURA, Minister of Transportation; André RWAMAKUBA, Minister of Primary and SecondaryEducation; Agnès NTAMABYALIRO,Minister of Justice; Emmanuel NDINDABAHIZI, Minister of Finance; Callixte KALIMANZIRA, Directeurde cabinetin the Ministryof the Interior; ClémentKAYISHEMA, préfet of Kibuye;Sylvain NSABIMANA, préfet of Butare;Emmanuel BAGAMBIKI, préfet of Cyangugu;Juvenal KAJELIJELI, bourgmestre of Mukingo;and LaurentSEMANZA, bourgmestreof Bicumbi; Marc MPOZAMBEZI,bourgmestre of Rubavu; Charles SIKUBWABO,bourgmestre of Gishyita;Aloys NDIMBATI,bourgmestre of Gisovu; Sylvestre GACUMBITSI, bourgmestre of Rusumo; Jean-Baptiste GATETE, bourgmestre of Murambi; Jean Paul AKAYESU, bourgmestre of Taba; Mika MUHIMANA,conseiller of Gishyita; (iii)influential businessmen, Akazu, and politicalparty leaders affiliated with "Hutu Power"including Jean Bosco BARAYAGWIZA,a leaderof the CDR political party;Ferdinand NAHIMANA, an academic;Félicien KABUGA, a businessman;Obed RUZINDANA, a businessman;Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZO,a businessman;Hassan NGEZE,a journalist;Froudouald KARAMIRA, a nationalleader of "Hutu Power" associatedwith the MDR party;Donat MUREGO,a nationalleader of "HutuPower" associated with the MDR party; Hyacinthe NSENGIYUMVARAFIKI, a national leader of "Hutu Power"associated with the PSD party; FrancoisNDUNGUTSE, a national leader of "Hutu Power" associated with the PSD party; Gerard NTAKIRUTIMANA,a medicaldoctor; Alfred MUSEMA,Director of the Gisovu Tea Factory; Michel BAGARAGAZA, the head of OCIR-Thé; Esdras BAHEZA, a businessman;Jean Baptiste NYABUSORE, Director of ISAE; Jean Damascene NIYOYITA, President of the MRND for Mukingo commune; Assiel NDISETSE, conseillerof Busogosecteur; (iv) leadersof the Interahamweand Impuzaumpagambipolitical party "youth wing"militias and the "civildefense" program including Robert KAJUGA, national presidentof the MRND-Interahamwe;Georges RUTAGANDA, first vice-presidentof the MRND-Interahamwe;Bernard MANIRAGABA, an Interahamweleader in Kigali; Yusuf MUNYAKAZI,an Interahamweleader in Cyangugu;Col. Aloys SIMBA, leader of the "civildefense" in Gikongoro;Col. Alphonse NTEZIRYAYO, préfet and leader of the "civildefense" in Butare;Col. RWAGAFILITIA, leader of the "civildefense" in AmendedIndictment of 24 August 2005 3 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/9699e2/ Kibungo;Bernard MUNYAGISHARI, President of the Interahamwein Gisenyi;Maj. JeanDamascene UKULIKIYEYEZU, leader of the "civildefense" in Gitarama;and OmarSERUSHAGO, an Interahamweleader in Gisenyi; TheProsecutor is unable to specifically identify each and every participant inthe joint criminalenterprise. Thisis the best information available atthis time. 7. Thecrimes enumerated in Counts 2, 3, 4, 6, and7 of thisindictment were within the objectof thejoint criminal enterprise. The crimes enumerated in Counts 3, 4, and5 werethe natural and foreseeable consequences of the execution of theobject of the jointcriminal enterprise and the accused were aware that such crimes were the possible outcomeof the execution ofthe joint criminal enterprise. 8, In orderfor thejoint criminal enterprise to succeedin itsobjective, Édouard KAREMERA, Mathieu NGIRUMPATSE, and Joseph NZIRORERA worked in concertwith or throughseveral individuals in the joint criminal enterprise. Each participantorco-perpetrator within the joint criminal enterprise played his own role or rolesthat significantly contributed tothe overall objective ofthe enterprise. Theroles ofthe participants orco-perpetrators include, but are not limited to, the following: 9. Édouard KAREMERA, Mathieu NGIRUMPATSE, and Joseph NZIRORERA constitutedthe national executive leadership of the MRND political party and, along with SecondVice-President Ferdinand KABAGEMA, comprised its Steering Committee.In their respective capacities as President, National-Secretary, andFirst andSecond Vice-Presidents they participated in the MRND Political Bureau [made up of theSteering Committee and the MRND Chairmen at theprefectural level] and the MRNDCentral Committee [made up of the SteeringCommittee and rivemembers fromevery préfecture].
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