NEW BRITAIN DAILY HERALD, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1923. 9 FLASHES OF LIFE: MORE THAN 17 Baseball at a Glance State Seeks to Her In Cabaret Now j c Hang MILLION CARS REGISTERED IN U. S. Speaking AMERICAN LEAGUE Meeting Munich Great quantity of froth lor's congregation has condemned It of YeatorJaj'a Result on beer has led to riots. Indictments as "a shady play on words." It re- , Players Sports Detroit New Tork S. of bartenders for short measure are fers to u big engineering project. imuiiinmitimuuwuimmmimm SMITH 11A1T.! (First game). KAlUj 11 Earl Smith, bus been In contemplated. The Falcons A. C. football team New York 7. Detroit . catcher, Wayne, N. J. Francis A. Burdctt. of Pi- will hold a practice session at Bt. the service tho Pittsburgh blind, Is houso. A 7 , (Second game). ' building himself a 7 rates for a lit t lo than one New "Scotch" Mary's Held at o'clock tonight. No other gamea scheduled. nioro York Synthetic watchman when ho lost his sight, ha The team will stack up against the season, coming here from the mado In Germany, lias be. n appeas- became, a skilled carpentor. llo as federal at feat Tbomaston team In that town The Standing Braves, gained prominence a ing parched throats here, to of New Giunta Huckner Sunday and all players are urged Won Lost P.C. member the' York torney says. New York Forty-Secon- d street, attend the drill tonight. Following Washington ft It: .MS from 1919 to 1922, where ho alter- tho heart of New York, sold to the be a meet KranK "Cat-Kyc- ) t v the Held work, there will Philadelphia ,. ... S7 5 .& nated behind the bat with Milwaukee Tho race for city In 1S25 for MO, is celebrating v F ing of the football squad at which St. Loula SI 69 ,M0 Snyder, and hns participated in two Lll," lookout for burglars, has Its centennial w rialty values In discussed. de- Inioortant matters will be Detroit 79 it ,&23 world series, both against tho New been won by Buffalo, the first to the millions. Chicago 7 7.S .503 York Yankees. mand her extradition out of a num- will b this .300 ' ' - Scot- rislnvllle represented Cleveland 70 St .461 He has hit about for the ; ber of cities that want her. London Full granaries In It has bten .var on the gridiron as New York 6S SI .447 Pirates and appears to be satlsflrd tf '; land have caused Thanksgiving serv l I he past. As the rivalry between Boston 44 105 Mb In his new berth after having had New York Cowan, here as ices In tho open fields. towns Is Lady ,,1'lalnvllle and the nearby differences with tho New York and delegato to a season Is antici- Ills very keen, good Games Today Boston managements In the past. congress In Washington. Is making Genoa Prince Philip and la of a motor. pated. Open date. Smith the rugged type, con a fight nt homo ugalnst the teaching bride are honeymooning by stant talker on the Held. lie stands of communism to children. She says - men are asked to Is ot The following- NATIONAL LEAGUE 5 feet 10 inches, and weighs the communists have set up Sunday Washington Your car ono to S. icport In Nerl's billiard parlor lU'sults ISO pounds. schools all over England. 17,7 1'l. "U!i registered In tho U. A. over Yesterday's show. talk arrangements: Nalbanlan, New York 9, 7. Karl has had two big batting the latest statistics brothers, Naaman broth- Brooklyn In Cambridge St, Louis 4, Boston 3. years in the majors, .330 in is:i A,usa, Oil. There's a sicn un Pan- - -- Is 5 2 In. ers. Sparks, Warner, Marnelll, Other clubs not scheduled. and .335 last year, when hn shifted Main street reading "Amisa, the Dam Helena. Mont.' Snow i Icls, Colelln, Bailey, Johnson, Living -- - i here. from the Bravea to lila present W i 1 ' I City." The ltcverend Oliver bay- deep ston, Griffin, Dibbles and JJ, Bugbee, The Standing Jackson, All others who are Inter- the winter months he en ' ' Vii, 7z J Won Lost P.C. During , ested, are welcome to report. In the real estate business In 4 t Pittsburgh 94 57 .623 gages .A ' WOOD IS ABSOLVED Mrs. Elizabeth V. Tost SB 04 the of his birth. Hot Springs, f .573 . wav at New York city ViamtinltnnK nre under the Ark. He Is 28 old. Dies Illness former with Cincinnati 73 72 .523 years After Long: Joseph T.yccll, Baptist pastor, present time to secure games now Is In St. Louis 75 75 .500 J1 'X- i Mrs. Kll7.abeth V. a cabaret singer a Chlcage some good teams about the .':;M'l V ",'...; i jl! In Minis Hint (Gelrsch) Tost, very 6S 81 .456 'J'": Hefcrec Bankruptcy hotel. Ho left the ministry after on slate and an open challenge hns Brooklyn GootTi PinAn;s wife of Harold B. Post died yester- Boston 69 S3 .454 in t Violated of his parishioners filed suit for Ubccn Issued to any team In tho state Johnny Gooch, born Smyrna, Young Man Has day afternoon at her home, 47 67 S4 .444 1 and chnrged the pastor with 150 in weignr. Chicago Ten., in 899 Is playing lila fifth f.'j , averaging pounds 63 S5 .426 ?;l J. BrooUlawn street, following a long being too friendly with his wife. Games can be arranged by phoning Philadelphia .... season behind he bnt for Pitts- yfijf Bankruptcy Proceedings. at ISO been from illness. Although not affiliated with or writing Meyer Sneldeman, burgh, having purchased New York. Sept. 29 Frcder- - Flalnvlllc. nnsscll Games Today of the Southern Asso- any local societies, she was well to Store L Whiting street, Birmingham tck W. nppoimeu Effect Entrance well Known in Brooklyn at Philadelphia. ciation In 1921. Like iC.c..':kll0wn for w0.,( ,n VBrlou, rivR. Wlnlnger, sporting September, tho federal court In the Leonard , will assist In Other clubs not scheduled. Is man, by (,nte,.pl.i(,l.3 alui rf.inlilMcnn actlvi. Through Ventilation Grate circles In tho slate, Earl Smith, he a rugged case, today in the Wood, Jr., bankruptcy ,ips sh0 Wilg bon, ln thl3 clty, Bridgeport, Sept. 29 (M TWO boys, coaching the eleven. one who guards the phitc made bis findings, in which Tn sea public Jmic, nui luia boen a Ufe. 10 and 11 ot were way. the oft had not been years age taken he held that Wood ons r0CPivinfr raUca-guilt- y will be the day for son he is an automobile salesman - res),pnti h,r into custody by the police last night Saturday big ot irregularity in his af- , the who are members of Gooch started his diamond career any lion opa, rui)lic schools. and will be In juvenile court tomor- youngsters fairs. Besides she Is sur- - the Paradise Tark baseball team at News, Vn then went to her husband, row for entering the Healy meat Newport The were conducted at R when will be' taken to New for two until he hearings vlvr() ,,y daughter, Virginia Q. market Sunday night through a ven they Birmingham years St. Georgo, Slaten Island, as Wood t,ost . a R ,York as guests of the New Britain was sold to Pittsburgh. In 1922 he gmi) Jol)n 10(it. fo,lr M. Illation grating In the cellar. claims Great Kills as his home. (o r. i.Rul stoeckel of Hartford. tstre- club and will bo treated to 105 and hit for .329 ("HE A.- - jj,.. Friday, Frank Healy, proprietor, Rotary caught games Wood testified at the hearings thatIMrs ot Mrs. the spectacle of the New York This season he has held his average n.ivt,, i)viim tlli!, ci. ported the theft of (23 from th his was caused by the Frank Hemmer of N. .T., of kees and the Philadelphia Athletics. 5 10 1 bankruptcy Newark, store, and no means entrance Gooch stands feet. of a stock company tncuer ,,, teams In action For- ISO. He Before a at Marion, 111., member of which said he failure Mr3 ptoinman of this city, could be found. Last night he drop- l,two big league Washington and Pittsburgh inches, snd weighs about jury every at-a- venture in Seanton, Pa., and lhroc brothers, Reinhold ped into the store on his way horn against eacn otner. bats either right or left handed. had no compunctions voting lo luuip; a woman for mur- deser-- against trlhutrd his failure to the j G,,irs(,h of N,Mvark, Richard R. and found the two small boys there. tified in der if the evidence were sufficient, Mrs. Tate and her N. Isn't the only treat Twirling Departments Ruby lions of his partner and leading o,.rscJi of Glen Ridge, J., and They showed him the grating In th Tliis, however, PLTKINP.UGH SENATORS whom He mu in store for the boys, as many other husband are being' tried on charges of poisoning her former man In the company, willlnm C.eirseh of Newark. The cellar, which was so small that K one - sido lines are being planned. One Obtained by Washington In, husband, Jodie A confession which she is alleged not name. funeral will be held Wednesday aft- was not thought possible (or anyone llerrington. Wood 2 of them will be a through Bronx New York, Sept, 29. Pitching, It of the big trades of baseball, Roger n his petition. gave hlsl(,nioon at her late home at o'clock to squeeze through.
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