AFRICANPUBLISHING REVIEW A Newsletter of the African Publishers Network • ISSN: 2665-0959 • VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 1 • FEB 2019 INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION IN THIS ISSUE TO ORGANIZE THE SECOND EDITION OF International Publishers Association REGIONAL SEMINAR IN NAIROBI to organize the second edition of Re- 01 he second edition of Interna- Kenyan Publishers Association, gional Seminar in Nairobi tional Publishers Associa- the host, is the umbrella body T APNET offers publishing training to tion (IPA) Seminar is being held for book publishers in Kenya. two Burundian delegates 02 on 14th and 15th June, 2019 at The Association is the largest the Movenpick Hotel and Res- publishers association in East- The Turkish Press & Publishers Copy- right & Licensing Society (TBYM) to idences, Nairobi, Kenya. The ern Africa. Its contributions 05 Seminar is themed: “Africa Ris- organize the 4th Istanbul Fellowship including capacity building, Programme ing: Realising Africa’s Potential advocacy, restructuring of pub- as a Global Publishing Leader lishing, trade promotion have APNET participates in the 28th Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, 2018 06 in the 21st Century.” The host of advanced the Kenyan book in- the Seminar is Kenyan Publish- dustry and it is also the leader Tunis International Book Fair invites ers Association (KPA). in Eastern Africa. Kenya is one APNET for collective exhibition 07 of the few countries in Africa This upcoming seminar will 2019 World International Book Fair that has attained 1:1 book ratio Calendar 08 bring together presidents of Af- of educational books to pupils/ rican publishers’ associations, students. This Nairobi Seminar APNET participates in the 70th Frank- 11 executives of IPA and some vet- is building on the first seminar furt Book Fair eran African and foreign book to increase success in the pub- APNET signs an MoU with Turkish industry players to discuss issues lishing landscape of Africa. Publishers Association 11 affecting the publishing industry Workshop on African Book Trade … in Africa. The Nairobi seminar is The first IPA Regional Semi- 12 envisioned as a versatile forum What Paths? nar was held at Eko Hotels & that will critically bring to the Suites, Lagos, Nigeria on 9th Sharjah International Book Fair hosts realization of all, that Africa has 13 May, 2018. APNET and 12 African publishers the potential of becoming a glob- al publishing leader. • Continued on page 4 WIPO meeting with APNET and Afri- 14 can Publishers CONTACT DETAILS: African Publishers Network (APNET) Publishing in the 21st century: The So- Location: Bureau of Ghana Languages Building, Kawukudi Culture, cio-Economic Contribution of the Pub- 16 adjacent to AMA Building, behind 37 Military Hospital lishing Industry in Africa Address: P.O. Box LT 471, Laterbiokorshie, Accra, Ghana. Telephone: +233 302 912764 / +233 24 694 6773 / +233209115191 Book Market In Morocco 18 Email: [email protected]/www.african-publishers.net APNET OFFERS PUBLISHING TRAINING TO TWO BURUNDIAN DELEGATES PNET had the pleasure to The training started on Monday industry economy, copyright Ahost and offer training to two 17th December and ended on 21st protection delegates from Bujumbura, Bu- December, 2018 at the Copyright 5. Strategy to promote young rundi namely: MR DIEUDON- Office, Accra – Ghana. publishers & Partnership Re- NÉ NSHIMIRIMANA, Director search with APNET of Bandima Editions and Presi- The Board of APNET engaged dent of Burundian Book Publish- four (4) highly experienced and On 17th December, 2018 (Day ers Association together with MR knowledgeable resource per- 1), Mr Asare Konadu Yamoah, JEAN BOSCO NZIGAMIYE, sons (publishers) to facilitate the APNET Board Member and also Director of Burundian Center for training on different topics. The CEO of Adaex Educational Pub- Reading and Cultural Animation participants acquired knowledge lications officially welcomed Mr (CEBULAC) under the Ministry through presentations, had in- Dieudonné and Mr Jean Bosco of Culture and Sports. teractive meetings and gathered on behalf of APNET Chairman, information from the schedule of Mr Samuel Kolawole and the The purpose of the mission to topics below: entire Board. He indicated that APNET was to learn best prac- 1. National Book Policy – Tech- one of the cardinal objectives tices in publishing, international nical Process of APNET is to provide training book fair organization and re- 2. Electronic Publishing, Mar- for its members (publishers) to search; all to help provide book keting/Book Trade build capacity for quality books industry structures and to also 3. International Book Fair in to promote literacy and the pub- advance the publishing industry Burundi in March, 2019 lishing industry for national de- in Burundi. 4. Development of the Book velopment. Mr Yamoah gave a APNET Newsletter 2 brief history about the publishing Ganu, Policy Analyst and CEO, • Opportunity for some Bu- industry in Ghana and the Gha- GAVOSS Education PLC Ltd, rundian students to come to na Book Publishers Association Accra. He took the participants the Department for practical (GBPA) which came into being through the technical processes knowledge over a short peri- in 1975. He also thanked the del- in developing the national book od. egates for choosing Ghana over policy and how to promulgate the • Invitation of some Ghanaian all the other African countries policy into law. The following lecturers from the Depart- and stated that APNET is ready are some of the topics covered in ment to train/teach students to put together technical team his presentations and the details in Burundi. to help set up structures for the of the presentation is attached: • Assistance to restructure the book industry in Burundi. • Rationale for the Project publishing training centre in • Objectives of the Project Burundi. Mr Jean Bosco said that the • Diagnostic Study of the Book • Promotion of books with lo- government is committed to in- Industry cal contents. culcating cultural values into • Drafting of National Book The Head of Deprtment, Mr Reu- the Burundians. They want to Policy. ben Glover, pledged their support change the minds of the Burun- • Advocacy Work for Adoption for the Burundian delegates. The dians from the over dominance of Policy meeting ended with the resolu- of foreign culture through books. On 18th December, 2018 (Day tion of signing an MoU between He indicated that government is 2), the delegates were led to the the Department of Publishing committed to supporting pub- Department of Publishing Stud- Studies and Burundi. lishers to build structures and to ies at the Kwame Nkrumah Uni- advance the publishing industry. versity of Science and Technolo- 19th December, 2018 (DAY 3), It was revealed that Burundi has gy (KNUST), Kumasi in Ashanti the Electronic Publishing, Mar- only two unedited books in their Region of Ghana. The Depart- keting/ Book Trade was facilitat- local language. As a result, the ment runs a structured training ed by Mr Kwabena Agyepong, a government is ready to support programme where people are publisher with deep insight and the publications of local books trained to become professional experience in electronic pub- that tell the story and cultural val- publishers, illustrators, designers lishing. Mr Agyepong explained ues of the Burundians and make and printers. what electronic publishing is and the country proud of their own. listed Examples of Digital forms The meeting involved 11 lectur- and Medium for e-books. Other Mr Dieudonné added that the ers, one administrator and one topics covered in his presentation publishing baseline is zero and technician of the Department at are: would be happy for APNET to 11:30am. Mr Ernest Oppong, • Factors to consider in making give them the needed support. He the Acting Executive Direc- the decision to publish elec- stated that the government wants tor, briefed them about APNET tronically to partner Bandima Editions and training for the delegates, a brief • The process of electronic Burundian Book Publishers As- picture of the state of Burundian publishing sociation to organize the first edi- publishing structure and pointed • The strategies to pitch your tion of the Burundi International out the purpose of the visit. ebook effectively – varia- Book Fair in March, 2019. tions, metadata and Choosing Mr Bosco requested the follow- the right e-book platform The technical processes of the ing services from the Publishing • E-book publishers including book policy development was Studies Department: Kobo Writing Life, Amazon facilitated by Dr Kwaku Mensah Kindle Direct Publishing, 3 APNET Newsletter tation details the stage by stage process for the setting up of the infrastructure for a book industry economy. The Acting Executive Director of APNET based on his experience of the Ghana International Book Fair and other international book fairs presented on steps to orga- nise a successful international book fair in Burundi. He made a Smashwords, Blurb, Book- Development of the Book Indus- short presentation on the detailed Baby, iBooks Author, Lulu, try Economy, Copyright Protection Project proposal submitted to Mr NOOK Press, Vook, eBookIt, and also Strategy to promote young Dieudonné. Scribd, Booktango, Trafford publishers & Partnership Research and iUniverse. with APNET were facilitated by Mr APNET issued certificate of par- Asare Konadu Yamoah, a veteran ticipation to the delegates and publisher in Ghana with also much helped to provide the needed ma- insight in copyright. His presen- terials and information.
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