PUBLIC MEETING AGENDA Transportation Commission MEETING DATE Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 7:30 a.m. MEETING LOCATION https://tempe.webex.com/tempe/onstage/g.php?MTID=e8f15334b2ea9c4d976c2449e3c35e4c8 Join Via Cisco Webex Meeting Event password: cCUE8rTq5m8 United States Toll+1-408-418-9388 Access Code/Event Number: 146 543 8421 ACTION or AGENDA ITEM PRESENTER INFORMATION 1. Public Appearances JC Porter, Information The Transportation Commission welcomes public Commission Chair comment for items listed on this agenda. There is a three-minute time limit per citizen. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes JC Porter, Action The Commission will be asked to review and approve Commission Chair meeting minutes from the June 9, 2021 meeting. 3. Welcome New Commissioner Alice Bimrose JC Porter, Information Commission Chair 4. Electrification of Bus Fleet Mackenzie McGuffie, Valley Metro Information Staff will present information related to the regional and Sam Stevenson, Engineering & effort to include electric buses in its fleet. Transportation Department 5. Regional Transit Fare Collection System Joe Bowar, City of Phoenix, Tyler Information Staff will provide an update on the progress of Olson, Valley Metro and implementing a new region-wide fare collection Sam Stevenson, Engineering & system. Transportation Department 6. Climate Action Plan Braden Kay, Sustainability Office Information Information will be provided on the status of the Climate Action Plan. 7. Streetcar Update Tony Belleau, Engineering & Information Information on the status of the streetcar including Transportation Department final construction and anticipated operations will be discussed. 8 . Department & Regional Transportation Updates Engineering & Transportation Information Staff and commission members will provide Department Staff and information on relevant meetings and events. Transportation Commissioners 9. Future Agenda Items JC Porter, Information Commission may request future agenda items . Commission Chair According to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, the Transportation Commission may only discuss matters listed on the agenda. The city of Tempe endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. With 48 hours advance notice, special assistance is available at public meetings for sight and/or hearing-impaired persons. Please call 350-4311 (voice) or for Relay Users: 711 to request an accommodation to participate in a public meeting. Minutes City of Tempe Meeting of the Transportation Commission June 8, 2021 Minutes of the meeting of Tempe Transportation Commission held on Tuesday, June 8, 2021, 7:30 a.m. via Cisco Webex. (MEMBERS) Present: Jeremy Browning John Christoph Alana Chavez Langdon David A. King John Federico Peter Schelstraete Brian Fellows Bobbie Cassano Pam Goronkin Susan Conklu David Sokolowski Dawn Hocking JC Porter Paul Hubbell (MEMBERS) Absent: None City Staff Present: Abel Gunn, Transportation Financial Analyst Robert Yabes, Principal Planner Laura Kajfez, Neighborhood Services Specialist TaiAnna Yee, Public Information Officer Amanda Nelson, Public Information Officer Sue Taaffe, Senior Management Assistant Marilyn DeRosa, Engineering & Transportation Director Shauna Warner, Neighborhood Program Manager Eric Iwersen, Transit Manager Chase Walman, Planner II Cathy Hollow, Traffic Engineer Rebecca Rothman, Arts Administrator Julian Dresang, Deputy Engineering & Transportation Director James Sweig, Lieutenant Tony Belleau, Streetcar Project Manager Ed Bond, Senior Civil Engineer Isaac Chavira, Interim Deputy Engineering & Transportation Director Jeff Yazzie, Civil Engineer Ambika Adhikari, Principal Planner Nanette Odell, ADA Compliance Specialist Sam Stevenson, Senior Transportation Planner Guests Present: Bobby Zokaites Jason Harrington Jessica Parks Robert Forrest Ray Carranza Commission Chair JC Porter called the meeting to order at 7:32 a.m. Agenda Item 1 – Public Appearances None Agenda Item 2 – Minutes JC Porter introduced the minutes of the May 18 meeting of the Transportation Commission and asked for a motion for approval. Transportation Commission June 8, 2021 2 Motion: Commissioner David King Second: Commissioner Paul Hubbell Decision: Approved by Commissioners Jeremy Browning John Christoph John Federico David A. King Brian Fellows Peter Schelstraete Pam Goronkin Bobbie Cassano David Sokolowski Susan Conklu JC Porter Dawn Hocking Paul Hubbell Agenda Item 3 – Title VI Major Service Change and Service Equity/Fare Equity Policy Robert Forrest with Valley Metro provided an update on the proposed Title VI policy changes. Topics included: • Title VI background • Title VI policies • Service changes and equity policy • Fare equity policy • Community involvement Commissioners were encouraged to go the Valley Metro web site to submit official public comment. Agenda Item 4 - Character Area 1 Papago / North Tempe Plan Ambika Adhikari gave an update on the Character Area 1 Papago / North Tempe project. Topics included: • Background • Demographics • Public meetings • Survey responses • Design principles • Next steps Discussion included access to stores where residents may purchase medication and food. Commissioners were asked to email Ambika Adhikari answers to the following questions: 1. What priority(ies) listed here would best help this Commission serve the interest of the community? 2. Are there any priorities not listed which would better help this Commission serve the community? Agenda Item 5 – ADA and Sidewalk Infrastructure Nanette Odell, Jeff Yazzie and Ed Bond updated the Commission on the status of the ADA Transition Plan. Topics included: • Background • Performance measures • Phase I • Phase II • Phase III • Completed projects • Active transportation projects Transportation Commission June 8, 2021 3 • Future projects Discussion included Orbit flag zones, Title VI and the ADA Transition Plan as it relates to transit service changes, and how projects are determined to be categorized as complete. Agenda Item 6 - Country Club Way Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvement Project Chase Walman, Bobby Zokaites, Ray Carranza and Jason Harrington presented the 60% design plans for the project. Topics included: • Background • 30% design feedback • 60% design • Public art component • Landscaping • Next steps Discussion included crosswalks and the intersection of Shutterfly and Elliot. Agenda Item 7 - Speed Enforcement Lieutenant James Sweig provided an update about Tempe’s Traffic Bureau Division as it relates to speed enforcement. Topics included: • Purpose • Mission (enforcement and education) • Reasons for collisions • Injuries and fatality locations • Proactive enforcement/SEMS program • Street racing Discussion included street racing, educational outreach and marijuana as it relates to DUI. Agenda Item 8- Upcoming Transportation Public Meetings & Announcements JC Porter announced that the July meeting has been canceled and that the August meeting will be in person. Agenda Item 9 – Future Agenda Items The following future agenda items have been previously identified by the Commission or staff: • July 13 - Canceled • August 10 1. Transit Fund & Program Update 2. Scottsdale Road Bike Lanes 3. Streetcar Construction Update 4. Ash/University Intersection & 1st/Ash/Rio Roundabout Update • September 14 1. Regional Transit Fare Collection Systems 2. Transit Shelter Design 3. Climate Action Plan 2021 Update 4. Open Streets 5. Electrification of Buses • October 12 1. Annual Report Transportation Commission June 8, 2021 4 2. Commuter Rail Study/ MAG Commuter Rail Plan 3. AZ State Rail Plan/AZDOT Phoenix-Tucson Corridor Plan 4. Streetscape Transportation Enhancement Program 5. North/South Rail Spur MUP • November 9 1. Transit Security Update 2. Crosswalk Signal Countdown & Signal Detection for Bicycles • December 14 1. Personal Delivery Devices 2. Transit Fund & Program Update 3. Mobility Hubs 4. Transportation Demand Management Plan/Transportation Management Association • TBD: BRT Study • TBD: Bike Bait (once program resumes) The next meeting is scheduled for August 10, 2021 in the Don Cassano Community Room located at 200 E. Fifth Street, Tempe. The meeting was adjourned 9:34 a.m. Prepared by: Sue Taaffe Reviewed by: Isaac Chavira MEMORANDUM TO: Transportation Commission FROM: Eric Iwersen, Interim Deputy Engineering and Transportation Director (480-350-8810) Sam Stevenson, Interim Transit Manager (480-858-7765) DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Electrification of Bus Fleet PURPOSE The purpose of this memo is to provide the Commission with an update on staff efforts to explore the latest battery-electric bus technology and road-mapping of a small-scale initial investment for further exploration and testing. CITY COUNCIL STRATEGIC PRIORITY • Quality of Life 3.26: Achieve a multimodal transportation system (20-minute city) where residents can walk, bicycle, or use public transit to meet all basic daily, non-work needs. • Quality of Life 3.29: Achieve ratings of “Very Satisfied” or “Satisfied” with the “Overall Satisfaction with Transit System in Tempe” greater than or equal to 80% as measured by the City of Tempe Transit Survey. BACKGROUND Over the past several years, the City of Tempe has remained engaged in emerging transit vehicle technologies including alternatively fueled vehicles and zero-emission vehicles for future fleet replacement considerations. During the summer of 2020, the city partnered with Valley Metro and three electric vehicle manufacturers: Proterra, BYD, and New Flyer, to simulate revenue service in our harsh
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