THE INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES Previous Issue : Vol. 80, No.2, pp. 89–188 Vol. 80, No.3 March 2010 CONTENTS ANIMAL HEALTH Molecular typing of field isolate of Salmonella by using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) 191 Anand Kumar and Mumtesh Kumar Saxena Occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in domestic yaks in Sikkim 195 H Rahman, P Pal and S Bandyopadhyay Evaluation of methanolic extract of Allium sativum and Saussurea costus in yaks with infectious 199 keratoconjunctivitis Samiran Bandyopadhyay, T K Biswas, D Sasmal, I Samanta and M K Ghosh Ultrasound guided biopsy and fine needle aspiration biopsy of splenic and prostatic affections in dogs 203 S K Mahajan, S S Singh, J Mohindroo, N S Saini, N Singh and N K Sood Effect of granulosa cells monolayer and oviductal epithelial cells co-culture on cleavage rate and 209 embryo development of in-vitro fertilized goat oocytes K P Singh, Atul Saxena, S D Kharche and Praneeta Singh Changes in endometrial histology following enrofloxacin therapy in crossbred cows suffering from endometritis 213 J K Prasad, M S Saxena, S K Rastogi and J P Korde Serum lipid profile during lactation in buffalo 217 P M Tripathi, S D Ingole, B T Deshmukh, A S Nagvekar and S V Bharucha Clinico-haematobiochemical profile in chronic anaemic crossbred cattle 220 R K Bhardwaj, C S Randhawa, S S Randhawa And P S Dhaliwal Short Communications Isolation and molecular characterization of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas 225 aeruginosa from mortality in ducks in Kashmir, India S D Qureshi, S A Wani, I Hussain, M T Banday, I A Mir, S Farooq and M A Bhat Estimations of blood plasma metabolites following melatonin implants treatment for initiation 229 of ovarian cyclicity in true anestrus buffalo heifers Jagir Singh, S P S Ghuman, D Dadarwal, M Honparkhe, G S Dhaliwal and A K Jain Factors influencing gestation length of Thoroughbred mares in India 232 Sumeet Sharma and G S Dhaliwal ANIMAL PRODUCTION MHC-DRB exon-2 (BuLA-DRB3) polymorphism in Banni breed of Indian buffalo 234 Jyotsna Dhingra Behl, Rahul Behl and N K Verma Role of additive and multiplicative age correction factors in sire evaluation of Hariana cattle 239 D S Dalal and A S Khana Prediction of lactation milk yield from test day records in Murrah buffaloes 244 D Chakraborth, S S Dhaka, B L Pander, A S Yadav, S Singh and P K Malik Genetic analysis of lactation traits in Jamunapari goats 246 R Roy and Ajoy Mandal Effect of naturally fermented rice straw based diet on the performance of buffalo calves 249 M Wadhwa, K Kaur and M P S Bakshi Effect of feeding raw or water soaked rapeseed cake on carcass characteristics and meat quality in kids 253 M Palanivel, K Sharma, Narayan Dutta and S K Mendiratta Micro-minerals status in goats of different age in semi-arid region of India 258 Neeru Bhooshan, Puneet Kumar and M C Yadav Effect of concentrate levels on the production performance of Angora rabbits 262 R S Bhatt, Davendra Kumar, R B Shrama and K S Risam Short Communications Estimation of genetic parameters in Sahiwal cattle using single and multi-trait restricted maximum 266 likelihood method S Banik and R S Gandhi Sire evaluation using single and multiple trait animal models in Sahiwal cattle 269 S Banik and R S Gandhi Effect of seasonal variation on primary physiological responses of yak 271 G Krishnan, K P Ramesha, G Kandeepan, V S Chouhan and S Jayakumar Price : Rs 125.00 per copy 636 (3) CODEN : IJLAA4 80 (3) : 189–272 (2010) II ISSN 0367–8318 MARCH 2010 The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH NEW DELHI 3 Indian J Anim Sci Vol. 80 No. 3 pp. 189–272 New Delhi March 2010 VOL.80, NO. 3 VOL.80, NO. THE INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES VOL.80, NO. 3 NO. VOL.80, THE INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES MARCH 2010 R.N. 14357/57 Postal Regd. No. DL(C)–12/1146/10–12 Price : Rs 125.00 per copy Highlights of Forthcoming Issue (April 2010) • Molecular detection of Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in crossbred cows based on genus specific gap gene and species specific aroA gene PCR assay • Uterine torsion in bovines: a review • Insulin-like growth factor-I and -II in buffalo ovary: mRNA expressions and partial sequences • Effect of Bt cotton plants on oxidative stress in sheep • Effect of age and reproductive state on phosphatase enzymes and steroid hormones profile in Indian goats • Biochemical and enzymatic changes in downer cow syndrome • Therapeutic and residual efficacy analysis of some anti-tick compounds against natural Boophilus microplus infestation in crossbred cattle • Inventorization of Gaushala resources and their use in breed improvement and conservation programmes • Environmental and genetic effects on growth traits of Chokla sheep • On-farm evaluation of urea molasses multi-nutrient blocks enriched with minerals in goats • Carcass and meat quality characteristics of designated indigenous sheep breeds of India • Identification of single nucleotide variations in the genes related to reproduction in riverine Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) • Influence of genetic and non genetic factors on growth profile of Bharat Merino sheep in semi arid region of Rajasthan • Housing and feeding managemental practices for goat followed in South Gujarat • Activity of extracts of Synzium aromaticum against microbes of veterinary importance THE INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES is indexed in the AGRIS, database of the FAO; the Science Citation Index and the Current Contents (Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences), published by the Institute of Scientific Information, Philadelphia. It is also indexed in the abstracting journals of the CAB International as well as all the major abstracting services of the world. Printed by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, and published by Dr T P Trivedi, Project Director (DIPA), on behalf of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, and printed at M/s Print Process, 225, DSIDC Complex, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase I, New Delhi 110 020; and published at ICAR, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan I, Pusa, New Delhi 110 012. Editor : Aruna T Kumar. EDITORIAL BOARD DR K M L PATHAK Deputy Director-General (Animal Sciences) Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi 110 114 DR M K BHOWMIK DR (MRS) A A SHERIKAR Foremerly Director (Research), P-26, Udyan Park, 3, Chanditala Formerly Professor and Head, Atlanta Co-op. Housing Society, Branch Road, P.O. New Alipur, Kolkata 700 053 6-Sherikar Niwas, Plot 29, Sector 40, Nerula (Sea woods), DR P K JOSHI Navi Mumbai 400 706 Director, National Academy of Agricultural Research DR K T SAMPAT Management, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500 030 Director, National Institute for Animal Nutrition and Physiology, DR N KONDAIAH Adugodi, Bangalore, Karnataka 560 030 Director, National Research Centre on Meat, Hyderabad, DR B C SARKHEL Andhra Pradesh 500 030 Director, Biotechnology Centre, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa DR LAL KRISHNA Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 482 104 Assistant Director-General (Animal Health), Indian Council of DR M C SHARMA Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi 110 014 Director, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar SHRI R R LOKESHWAR Pradesh 243 122 Former Chief Editor (Eng.), 5712 Vedavathy Block, Nandi DR A K SRIVASTAVA Enclave, 2nd Cross, 3rd Phase, 5th Block, Banashanker Director, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana Stage-3, Bangalore, Karnataka 560 085 132 001 DR A K MISHRA DR T P TRIVEDI Project Director, Project Directorate on Cattle, Meerut Cantt, Project Director, Directorate of Information and Publications Uttar Pradesh 250 001 of Agriculture, KAB I, Pusa, New Delhi 110 012 Assistant Editor : ARUNA T KUMAR Incharge (English Editorial Unit) : DR R P SHARMA Chief Production Officer : VIRENDER KUMAR BHARTI Technical Officer (Production) : ANIL KUMAR SETH Senior Artist : NARENDRA BAHADUR Annual Subscription Inland Foreign Individual Rs 500 US $ 125 Institutional Rs1500 US $ 375 Single copy Rs 125 US $ 32 For any editorial enquiry please contact: ARUNA T KUMAR, Ph: 011–25841004, 011–25842221 EXTN 612 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] For subscription and advertisement please contact: S K JOSHI Business Manager DIRECTORATE OF INFORMATION AND PUBLICATIONS OF AGRICULTURE INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH KRISHI ANUSANDHAN BHAVAN, NEW DELHI 110 012 Telefax: 011–25843657, E-mail: [email protected] • All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only • The Council does not assume any responsibility for opinions offered by the authors in the articles and no material in any form can be reproduced without permission of the Council • The Council is not responsible for any delay, whatsoever, in publication/delivery of the periodicals to the subscribers due to unforeseen circumstances or postal delay • Readers are recommended to make appropriate enquiries before sending money, incurring expenses or entering into commitments in relation to any advertisement appearing in this publication. The Council does not vouch for any claims made by the advertisers of products and services. The publisher and the editor of the publication shall not be held liable for any consequences in the event of such claims not being honoured by the advertisers. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 80 (3): 191–94, March 2010 Molecular typing of field isolate of Salmonella by using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) ANAND KUMAR1 and MUMTESH KUMAR SAXENA2 Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand 263 145 India Received: 7 May 2007; Accepted: 18 September 2009 ABSTRACT In present study molecular typing of poultry isolates was carried out by RAPD-PCR by 5 reported primers. All used primers for 28 isolates were generated 359 loci in total. None of these loci showed common banding pattern.
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