ST CUTHBERT (OUT) PARISH COUNCIL COUNCIL SUMMONS Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council, which Members are summoned to attend, will be held REMOTELY on Wednesday 5th May 2021 at 7pm. Michele Exton PARISH CLERK St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council c/o Monitoring Officer Mendip District Council Cannards Grave Road Shepton Mallet BA4 5BT T: 07498 780143 E: [email protected] W: www.stcuthbertout-pc.gov.uk Please note that this meeting will be held remotely Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority meetings) (England) Regulations 2020. The Chairman will begin the formal business of the Council which is open to the public to attend. The meeting will be hosted by Zoom software. To access this meeting, click Meeting Link. The Meeting ID is 850 4033 3047 and the Passcode is 716334. During the meeting there is an opportunity for Members of the Public to speak. Please see item 05. Public Question Time for remote attendance details for Members of the Public who wish to speak. Visit the website to view all supporting papers for the agenda below. CONFIDENTIAL papers are only sent to elected members and are not available on line. All documents are PDF (or equivalent) and can be downloaded to a suitable device. A G E N D A 01. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN 02. ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN Page 1 of 4 St Cuthbert Out (Wells) Parish Council – Full Council 03. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND TO CONSIDER THE REASONS GIVEN Council to receive apologies for absence and, if appropriate, to resolve to approve the reasons given LGA 1972 s85(1). 04. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any interests they may have in agenda items that accord with the requirements of the Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 SI No.1159. (NB this does not preclude any later declarations). 04.01. To receive declarations of interest from Councillors on items on the agenda. 04.02. To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any). 04.03. To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate. 05. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC To agree any items to be dealt with after the Public and Press has been excluded from the meeting within the requirements of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act (as amended) 1960. Items 18 and 19. 06. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS 07. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Members of the Public who would like to speak via Zoom on any item are asked to email [email protected] and register their request. Public speaking time is normally restricted to 15 minutes in total (up to 3 minutes per speaker) at the discretion of the Chairman. The Chairman will call from those who have indicated that they would like to speak. Alternatively, written comments can be emailed and will be represented to the Council. As issues raised in the public session may not relate to items on the agenda, no resolution for action can be taken. 08. LOCAL AUTHORITY REPORTS To receive reports either in person or in writing from: • Avon & Somerset Police • Somerset County Councillors • Mendip District Councillors 09. MINUTES OF ST CUTHBERT (OUT) PARISH COUNCIL HELD REMOTELY ON MONDAY 22ND MARCH 2021 To confirm and sign as correct record the minutes of the Council held remotely on Monday 22nd March 2021 (attached). 10. TO APPOINT COMMITTEES The Council to consider appointments to the following Committees (The Chairman and Vice-Chairman serve as ex officio on all Committees) (Members can nominate themselves): • Asset Management Committee (5 Councillors) • Emergency Plan Committee (5 Councillors) • Finance & Scrutiny Committee (5 Councillors) • Planning Committee (8 Councillors) • Staffing Committee (5 Councillors) Page 2 of 4 St Cuthbert Out (Wells) Parish Council – Full Council 11. TO APPOINT MEMBERS TO WORKING PARTIES The Council to consider appointments to the following Working Parties (Members can nominate themselves): • Allotments (2 Councillors – meetings are held during the working week daytime. Some knowledge/keen interest of allotments would be advantageous) • Environment (minimum 4 Councillors) • Fingerposts (minimum 4 Councillors) • Local Authority Reorganisation Research Group (minimum 4 Councillors) • Neighbourhood Plan (minimum 4 Councillors) • Parish Footpaths (minimum 4 Councillors) • Planning (minimum 4 Councillors) 12. TO APPOINT MEMBERS TO OUTSIDE ORGANISATIONS The Council to consider appointments to the following organisations (Members can nominate themselves): • Brittaines Charity (1 Councillor) • Community Speed Watch Representative (CSW) (1 Councillor) • Coxley Village Hall (2 Councillors) • PACT (4 Councillors) • Parish Path Liaison Officer (PPLO) (1 Councillor) • Horrington Primary School Community Governor (1 Councillor) 13. TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR ALL COMMITTEES To review the terms of reference of the Asset Management, Finance & Scrutiny, Planning and Staffing Committees (ANNEX D1, D2, D3 & D4). 14. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT To review and approve a schedule of items of expenditure and issuing of payment (ANNEX A & B) LGA 1972 s150 (5). An appointed Member at the meeting to verify all bank reconciliations produced by the RFO (ANNEX C). 15. TO APPROVE THE COUNCIL’S SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS FOR 2021/22 To consider and approve the draft meeting schedule for 2021/2022 (ANNEX E). 16. PROPOSALS FOR A UNITARY AUTHORITY To update Members on the proposals for a unitary authority. 17. ENVIRONMENT WORKING GROUP To receive a progress report from the Council’s Environment Working Group (EWG) and decide on further actions. 18. TO APPROVE A QUOTE FOR THE COUNCIL’S INSURANCE 2021/22 To consider the quotation(s) for the Council’s insurance 2021/22 (ANNEX F). 19. PURCHASE OF A SPEED INDICATOR DEVICE (SID) To consider the recommendation of the Asset Management Committee 31st March 2021 to purchase a Speed Indicator Device (ANNEX G). 20. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 28h June 2021. Page 3 of 4 St Cuthbert Out (Wells) Parish Council – Full Council 21. DATE OF NEXT PARISH MEETING 12th April 2022. Page 4 of 4 St Cuthbert Out (Wells) Parish Council – Full Council .
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