Clinton County News*, 4-H Crpp Show ftews from high schools New exchange INSIDE: election guide—Page 1 B Page 4 A of the county —Page 11 B students — Page 2 A 1 I j&H&ftm^^ I 1 8 $ Witches and goblins and fairies and princesses and just plain kids trick-or-treated in St. Johns Open bids Nov. 9 on East Essex, Eureka additions Construction bids on the two invest the money and draw in­ new additions to the East Essex terest" onjt, withdrawing from it V' and Eureka elementary schools* as construction proceeds. will be opened by the board of Two^ trustees from the board" education next Wednesday night. will be designated to sign a It is one of the first big steps lease contract with a commjinity in the school district's building group which wants to lease the program. Plans for the new ele­ old Rheubottom school for use mentary buildings In the south­ as a cpmmunity center. Ilth Year No. 28 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3, 1966 2 SECTIONS - 34 PAGES 10 CENTS west and southeast parts of the district are expected to be ready for bids by. mid-December. IN ANOTHER building pro­ gram step, the board last week Local, Senate approved preliminary drawings .and site plans for the new high school near the city park. The building will -contain three cir­ cular clustery of rooms and one structure of conventional style. races sharpen The largest circular area will contain a library and the other two commercial and science rooms. The building willfrontonSlck- election interest les Street, with the circular Local races in St. .Johns and DeWitt clusters pointing toward Lansing Street. A parking area will be Township 'and the statewide competition for west of the buildThg, with drives U.S. senator/are expected' to spur voter opening onto Sickles. interest at the polls in next T-uesday's gen-* THE SCHOOL BOARD next eral election. iymWAWfc^^ Wednesday will also take bids But there's lots of on the sale of two rural one- room schools which have been other excitement on We'll burn abandoned. Sealed bids will be the ballots, too. opened for the Church School the candles! building only, and auction bids Besides races for all state­ The candles will burn into the wiU be received for the Page wide offices and for mayor and wee hours of the nlghtnextTues­ School building and site. council seats in the City of De- day as the Clinton county News Witt, there are several proposals staff works l&te to compile ,the In other action at the board's for voters to decide on. special meeting last week, the results of the election In Clin­ Central National Bank of St. ton County. Next week's issue THE FIVE-WAY race for the of The News -will provide elec­ Johns was named as depository two city commission seats in St. for- the building and site fund tion results tabulated as late as Johns is drawing the most pre­ 6 a.m. Wednesday morning. checking account. Supt. Earl election comment from city Lancaster was authorized to con­ The new $47,000 addition to the Church of the Nazarene at 5I5N. Lansing Street in St. Johns voters. Incumbent Raymond tact various banks about invest­ Kentfield Jr. is seeking reelec­ ing the $5.4 million building and will be formally dedicated at special services at 2:30 p.m. this Sunday. The addition provides is shaping for incumbent Les­ GEORGE LIBEY tion for a six-year term. Doug­ ter J. Allen in his bid for re­ site fund obtained from a bond five new classrooms, more seating space in the sanctuary and more room'for the church's nursery. las Carpenter, John A. Furry, issue. The board's desire is to election to the Michigan State Six of the seven former pastors of the-church will attend the dedication. Mr s Jeanne Rand and Lorenz Legislature 'from the 88th Dis­ Name new Tiedt are also seeking seats on trict. Allen, a Republican, nar­ the commission. Only two are rowly won nomination overThell available: Kentfield's and one M. Woods in theAugustprimary. Merchant Nazarene^ to dedicate new held by Mayor Jack Smit who is Now Allen will be pitted against not seeking reelection. Democratic hopeful Joe Hanus St. Johns voters will also de­ of rural Ashley. Allen is from for Libey :; Boron cide yes or no on a proposed Ithaca. $47,000 addition Sunday charter amendment resolution The new $140,000 bridge over dies at 94 that would authorize the city OTHER RACES of local in­ the Maple River west of Elsie Six of the seven former pas­ of the church. The house is being, Rev D. E. Weitz of Reed City, commission to prescribe the sal­ terest will find Republican in­ was to be formally dedicated • "* Edward P. Boron, St. Johns' tors of the Church of the Naz­ remodeled and painted and will be '195,6»1962; and. Rev Erwln Self aries of commissioners. No lim­ cumbent Blair G. Woodman up Wednesday afternoon and named arene In St. Johns will attend itation to the salary increase is after a retiring member of the oldest active businessman, died rented. The other lots* will be of Midland, 1963-1964. Rev Mr against Democrat SanfordVolker c last Wednesday evening at Clin­ the .formal dedication this Sun­ made* into parking space that will, Raymond has been here since included in the wording on the in the race-for state represent­ board of road commissioners. , ton Memorial Hospital following day of the church's new $47,000 accomodate about 30 cars for January 1965. ^ ballot. Present commissioners ative from the 87th District, The bridge will be.narried the a short Illness. He was 94 years addition. parking for church-goers, All of the former pastors ex­ and those elected next Tuesday and incumbent Republican Emil George Libey Bridge. Libey, of would not be affected by the old. / The building, in use for about cept the Rev Mr VanAmberg'wlIl (See ELECTION, Page 2-A) Elsie, has been a member of Mr Boron was the founder and a month, is receiving the final REV ELDON Raymond, pastor be able to be present for the proposal, since the law says they the road commission board for owner of the E. F. Boron Co., touches of workmen this week in of the church now, said rent re­ dedication^ The Rev Fletcher cannot grant themselves a sal­ 18 year's; he will retire in Jan­ household accessories store now preparation for the dedication. ceived on, the house is expected Galloway of .the Midland First ary increase during their cur­ uary when his current term on located at 122 N. Clinton Ave­ The special service will start to make .the payments on the three Church of the' Nazarene will be rent term of office. the board expires, ,*. nue. The business was founded at 2:30 p.m. lots. Members of the church have the speaker. Special music will in 1923. The new addition to the church been volunteering their time and be provided, by the church. DEWITT TOWNSHIP has a two- The dedication was schedule'd Mr Boron had been in good at 515 N. Lansing Street was effort in.Axing up the house at party race—and It looks like a I CHECK THE ALPHABET :§ for 2:30 p.m. and was to include a formal ribbon - cutting cere­ health until a short lime ago • EDWARD BORON started in March of this year. 609 N. Lansing Street. SUNDAY 'SCHOOL'teachers close one—for supervisor, clerk, i mony in the presence of town­ and had continued to take an The annex, 35 x 40- feet in size will be in the classrooms before treasurer and trustees. Reginald | WANT Average attendance at Sunday v -y ship and county officials. active part in the business de­ HE ENTERED THE St. Johns ' at the rear of the original church and after the service. Nelson, who narrowly defeated | SOMETHING? spite his 94 years. Not content building, provides five new Sun­ school in recent weeks has been Incumbent Supervisor Oliver An- Speakers were to include Der- business world in 1890 when he 105, Rev MrRaymond said, and At the morning worship ser­ rill Shinabery, chairman of the to sit behind the desk, he sold, started on a three-year term of day school classrooms, a fel­ gell in the August primary, is |: Sometimes people :§ cut linoleum and carried pack­ lowship hall, pastor^s office, new the extra parking space provided vice seven new members Will the Republican Party candidate Clinton County Board of Super­ work for the late C. A. Putt in the two lots is badly needed. be received into the church. A |: forget they can use :•:• visors who will read a resolu­ ages. as a- grocery clerk. Then he nursery, enlarged rest rooms running against Democrat Roy and an enlarged sanctuary. Presently churchgoers must candlelight communion service (Jack) Andrews. :§ the'News Want Ads ;| tion naming the bridge; Duplain • Mr Boron served as mayor spent six years in a dry goods park on Lansing Street or along. Sunday evening will round out Township Supervisor George of St. Johns in 1908 and alsowas store owned by the late John Giles on a one-car-deep park­ -a^busy, special day .for members The new City of DeWitt is $ to advertise things |: Moore; and Elsie President Dur- on the* St. Johns school board Hicks'. IN ADDITION, three existing having a non-partisan race for wood Conklin. classrooms were remodeled and ing strip, \ )t of The church.
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