Waste Paper Collection Next Week - See Notice Below Vol. XIX, No. 972 ESTABLISHED 1024 HILLSIDE, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS WASTE PAPER COLLECTION Elks Flag Day 31 Graduating At U. S. side Salvage Committee will be held here next week, eremony Monday Elnmhing Vacancy as follows: Tn fUe Armed 'Services Dispute High School Scene Of 237 Get Diplomas Friday June 18—For area south of Hillside Ave. J^rncrndNayioi-, Army • Haul C£NStt Annual Observance Next Wednesday Night Army; Norwood Pierson, Navy; Saturday June 19—For area north of Hillside Albert Salkauskas, Army; Waiter Hillside Lodge 1591, B F . O. Elks, Remains Unfilled Thirty-one members 0i the class Ave. -wiiU.hold_ita^g.nniml Flag n a y nh- Sarhicke,' Navy; Chester Spring- Settled Of 1943 a t H illside High- ■ School, stead,__ Army: Seymour Bternln, New Appointee Quits .. Only old newspapers and magazines are desired. servance Monday- evening June 14 w hich is to -be graduated n e x t W ed­ Navy; John Thomas, Natfy; Ge6*>gc Construction Firm a t 8:16 p. m . l a the Hillside High nesday evening June 10, are in the Veraerber, Navy;. Robert WalEw, "Next Day,-Lacking Bundles should be tied up and placed at curb by Bchool auditorium. Local public arm ed forces of the United Btates. Marines; William Heffner and Don­ Defense Test To Reimburse Three officials and organization le ad e rs w ill This~Js ain exceptionally large num- ald Aroune. Required License 9 A M. be platform guecl^ Iiurt-H.i: orvH-niy-a- jjfir, ci)n.sicifiidngj*hat. tiift total n u m ­ For Their Expenses ^ ‘he-eonimeiiGflmeiit-Di-ogmm—wiii- During Blackout The problem of finding a qualified tlons have been requested to take ber of graduates is 237. grid—acceplablersuccessortoffyrmflr— part. revolve about the theme, “The Class - A friendly settlement ended the The~ figure; represents o v e r o n e Plumbing Inspector Hugo W. Bo­ : The principal ad dress of t h e occa­ of ’43 and the War,” which wiU be Volunteers Respond deadlock between victory gardeners quarter of 'the male enrollment of ber Lz still faced the Board of Health sion will be given by Allan H . Fish, iMl a t the school. highlighted by a studeitt pageant in on Clinton place and Conklin ave. Merchants Air B’nai Brith To To 23 Incidents today fdHowing -the sudden resig­ chairman oi the Red" Cross in Jer­ three parts, “Hillside High School nue and the City Construction Co. Members of the class in service, at tlie Battle ‘Front,”' “Hillside High nation of Boberte last Thursday, sey Oil®. Mayor George W. Herlich b u t who will receive diplomas never­ Hillside's detense workers had; mot, at a meeting of the Township School on the. Home Front” and afternoon on the disclosure that his will greet the. .audience o n. behalf theless, are Henry.Anderson, Navy; their first opportunity to “do their Committee Tuesday night at I Their Troubles Keceive Charter “Hillside High Schopl in the Future,” office is under Investigation by the of the. officials. Robert Bloom, Martaes; Roy Britt, Stuff” under blackout conditions Abram P. Morris Junior High Many- members -of- -the class - Will county prosecutor’s office. The board Cite Difficulty In A ir Corps; slack Broderick. Navy; First Officers Will - Invocation will be by Rev. John participate in the pageant. during^-theteslr^blaekout^Tuesday" acted - quickly " t ^ vacancy John Jr Ftanerty, pastor of St. Munson Burke, Navy; Robert Carey, night and acquitted themselves in Interruption by a n extended black- Getting Scarce Items Also Be Installed T here will be several. short pre­ last Thursday night by . naming Les­ Catherine’s Church. Veterans groups Navy; Waiter Coyne, Navy; Leonard a manner , to elicit the praise of lie R. Tichenor Sr. for the remainder - Out however, almost tied up the a meeting of local merchants last . .Presentation of charter to the Delunas, ’Navy; Albert Dill, M arines; sentations interspersed with choral Hugo B. Qensel, chairman of the sale of the property again a s Coni- and- their auxiliaries will ta k e part responses, musical selections and oi the year a t $120 a m onth, but Thursday night with the price con­ newly organized Hillside Lodge 1514, Robert Finn, Navy; Frederick Fisch* Hillside D efense Council.. and otliei- mltteemcn Hugo S. Qensel mid' ir. massing a t th e colors' and! /the scores. Supervising Principal Ar­ he resigned the next day on dis­ trol panel of the Hillside War price B'na-L Brith, and installation of the pledge of allegiance will h e led b j er, Navy; J o h n GDI, Navy; W illiam defense leaders, covering that he does not have the Harry B. Vogel had to rush out to first officers will take place at a. Gravalec, Air Corps; Luther How­ thur G. Woodfleid an d Wilbur'1 H. their defense duties. Three com­ and.Rationing Board In the Hillside Frank M, M itchell. Frank- W . Dilkes, Cox, high school principal, will pre­ The volunteers had to respond to required state license whibti the law dinner Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. exalted ruler of the Elks, will; lead ard, Air Corps; John Hughes, Navy; x3 cuttereni types of incidents and •demands. mitteemen remained .and the hesi­ Avenue School turned out to be a a t Clinton 'M anor, Newark. The Calvin Kohl, Navy; Howard Lapp, sent the class and William~ M. session of complaints by the mer­ the pageantry of the flag and Ernest Raphael, president of the Board of hi the main responded promptly. The Board of. Health will hold a tancy of Robert O. Thompson in organization has over .50 charter Navy; Walter Mahnken. Marines; going along with Mayor George W. chants on their inability to obtain, V. Rettino, p a s t exalted ru ler, will Education, will present the diplomas. Borne uehiys were the result of work­ special meeting tonight to consider, members. Casimir Makomaski, Air Corps; ers being stopped by w ardens to be Herlich and Benjamin Hale almost soarce commodities. W ith about 200- lead in singing of ‘‘America.’’ applications >for the post. It is un­ Officers to be installed are Henry O ther members of the class are laentined. T his will probably be resulted, in another postponement merchants, representing 80 percent Miss Patricia Jennings, h ig h school derstood that several Hillside resir (ioldhor. president; Samuel Ehren- student who won ihe local.and dis­ Abromowitz, Eleanor Chesney, Jean Etling, Henry remedied in the future, as the sug-' of the sale In the face of dwindling Of tne total here, In attendance, Ackerman, Margaret Chesney, William Human, Mary dents have the required sta te license! kranz, first .vice president; Irving trict oratpry contests sponsored by some of whom are interested in -priority time. several cited the fact that whole- M imu’jy.-second vice p reflftdent: Ab- AnteU. Melviu , Chuita. Estelle Feiman, Doris the American Legion, will' give her Bahret, William dehs take down license numbers of filling the vacancy. Threaten to Stay salers and other sources of supply raham Mankowitz, njonitor; Paul Ciarin, Zona Feins. Sidney have gone out of business while those prize-winning oration. “The Road to Bajack, Olga The three gardeners were Mrs. Hollander, assistant monitor; Allan Victory.” Clark, Robert a Feldman, Edna 1 Incidents to„,whlcli ?tlie volunteers ..T he first suggesttan. that, inyesti-- wbO' remain are loathe to bike on B$kef, Charles, Jacob Scarr apd Mrs. Samuel Wein- Bochner, treasurer; Jesse J. Wasser- Olay, Audrey Fitzsimmons, George gation of Bobertz does n o t Involve new trade. the high school orchestra, under Ball, Warren were called were at the following blatt, of ABO Williamson avenue, and man, recording secretary; B ernard the direction of Daniel Kautzman, Connelly, Alice Floyd, Richard locations; Salem avenue and Fran­ misappropriation of municipal funds Bieg, Gene uobk, David Mrs. George Ness, of 251 W illiam­ Harry Salzman, State OFA price Harkavy, financial secretaryf: Paul will provide tile music w ith* uni­ Fresolone,. Vito cis place; 1299 Bright stre et; Maple came in an appendage to the audi­ Blake, Lorraine sCoppola, Mary tor's report to tlie Township Com- specialist, replied that while the Granick, guardian.__ formed Girl ScouLs serving as ushers. Garrity, William......y avenue andJ3elleview terrace; Wood? son avenue.' They were represented law prohibits the. forced sale of Blazler, R uth -Corby, Chester Gearon, William mittce Tuesday night.. The report by an attorney, Harry Levin, of New­ The committee which arranged Block, Helen Coulter, Claire i uir avenue and Virginia, street; merchandise In combination with Gebhardt, Rudolph1 Liberty avenue and Ryan street; included the .following insertion: ark, Levin In a.letter to the com­ the installation consists of Man­ Boutot, Marilouise Cowan, Gloria "ueriain alleged irregularities in other items, there Is little that au­ Gioas, John Bay view a n d Williamson avenues; mittee scored the Inequities of the kowitz, chairm an, Messrs. Goldhor, Bracher, Josephine Cqx, Virginia one-*.aU-'ths» tow nship; offices, which thorities can do if wholesalers or Gohzer, Lawrence Sanford avenue and Fairyiew place; arrangements that had been mnso Granick, Hollander, Harkavy and Defense Council Brown, Alberta Curtis, William , Go ties m an, Harold were ndt apparent to us nor Sus* Jobbers decide to lim it their sales, Hillside an d Oakland avenues; between the gardeners and th e tow n­ Jacob Bosehberg. Brunner, Helen Danheim, Walter oeptibie to aisclosure T m ffrth e offi­ either ’through lack 1 of sufficient uroeger, Dorothy Princeton avenue and Bloy street; ship, and1 he indicated the vegetable The Program Bruns.
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