UWM Christmas Dance POST Dec. 8 Volume I University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee, Wednesday, December 5, 11956 No. XU Actors Do Note to Hungarian Tells 'Huck Finn' ^e's SuPP°rf Blood Drive To Faculty and Students of UWM: are unable to donate blood on this Have you or your family ever date but want to be members of this club, can make, an appoint­ Of Recent Crisis needed blood? This is a reminder Dec. 5,6,9 ment to go to the Milwaukee Blood that the university does have a Revolutionary activities in Hun­ Center at 763 N. 18th st., by phon­ and radio and TV representatives Huck Finn and his pal Jim will blood bank to serve everyone, in­ gary will be the subject of a talk ing WE 3-5000. However, to gain will be especially invited to heap foe brought to life on the Univer­ cluding your immediate family. by Hungarian student Istvan Las- the benefits of the University blood the speech. sity of Wisconsin—Milwaukee stage We are on a two-for-one basis— zlo at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 11, bank you must mention the UWM Since 1953, Istvan attended the that is, our blood bank provides at the University of Wisconsin- tonight as the University Theatre to the people there. University of Sopron. Twenty-one) presents its second production of two pints of blood to the bank for Milwaukee. He will speak in the years old, he was a leader of stu« every pint of blood the patient re­ To be eligible for whole blood in auditorium on the Kenwood cam­ the season, an adaptation of the dents who expressed strongly- ceives. This covers the service fee. time of need you must be on record pus in a meeting open to the JMark Twain classic. democratic and anti-communisfi Mention this program to your fam­ public. sentiments. He was one of the The play will be presented to­ ily physician so that he is aware of Library Hours—Kenwood At 9:15 p.m. Laszlo will speak military* leaders of the "county" o£ Campus night and Thursday at 8:15 p.m. your partnership in this blood in the Union lounge at a closed which Sopron is the capital. 8a.m.-5 p.m. daily. and on Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m., bank. reception for which free tickets No Political Involvements "p.m.-9 p.m. Monday through With Eugene Howard and Fred Unit Here Friday may be obtained from the National On Nov. 3, 1956 the newly-ap* Gebert playing the leading roles. In the past the blood bank has Thursday. Student association office in the pointed minister of state, Imre King and Duke Included donated freely to the Veterans' hos­ 9 a.m.-12 noon Saturday. Union. Nagy, en route to Budapest from Adapted for stage production by pital at Wood, Wis. This year the Military Leader Vienna, was stopped by Sopron; Frank M. Whiting and Corinne annual Vets' club blood drive is as having donated blood to this Istvan will be accompanied by students and informed that he ttickert, the production records the combined with that of the Uni­ bank, or be on record as having Ralph Delia Cava, USNSA Area would not find it possible to go to versity blood bank drive. In this taken part in the program but dis­ Specialist (Latin America) and an Budapest. He resolved to present NOTICE way you will receive the benefits qualified as an active donor for interpreter. Public officials, deans, his case before the UN. of the blood bank and also help medical reasons. students of Milwaukee area schools, Persons attempting to find a th^ veterans at Woods. Nagy chose Istvan to accompany motive in this narrative will Robert E. Morris, him, their venture being financed be prosecuted; persons at­ A mobile unit will be at the Dean of Student Affairs. by the Social Democratic party of tempting to find a moral in it Union on the Kenwood campus on Herman Kluge, Calendar of Events Austria. Lack of political involve­ will be banished; persons at­ Friday, Dec. 7, from 9 a.m. to 11 Dean of Men. ments was one of the criteria a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 5— tempting to find a plot in it Dr. O. Rowlands, "Sportnite," WRA, women's gym, which the minister of state set will be shot. Requirements Listed Dr. Thomas Malloy, 7:30-9:30 p.m. down as vital in selecting his Members of the faculty, civil Student Physicians. "Huckleberry Finn," University student companion. UWM Veterans' Club. Unique flavor of the original Twain service staff, or any students, who Theatre, auditorium, 8:15 p.m, Michigan Is Next Stop novel. Colorful characters retained Thursday, Dec. 6— Istvan presented his story to the from the book include King and "Huckleberry Finn," University United States Senate Internal Se­ puke, who will be played by Henry Faculty Members, Students Theatre, auditorium, 8:15 p.m. curity subcommittee on Nov. 14. Bartel and Gary Sette, respectively. His plan to see the UN did not Friday, Dec. 7— materialize. Ac ording to the author of the Movie, Union cafeteria, 7:30-9 novel, the story of Huckleberry Plan Hungarian Fund Drive p.m. He is convinced that his best ' Finn has no plot. The faculty drive for funds alternative is that of appearing To raise money for scholarships Saturday, Dec. 8— b; 'ore student groups whom he Plotkin Designs Cover started last Monday and will run for Hungarian students who have Basketball, UWM vs. Loras col­ . considers akin to himself in think* for two weeks until Monday, Dec. Directing the "plotless" play will come to America, several faculty lege, fieldhouse, 8:15 p.m. ing. He believes that in this way, 17. A letter has been sent from the be Lester Fuhrmann, assistant pro­ members and students on campus Sunday, Dec. 9— he can best promote the love for1 executive committee to the faculty fessor in the speech department have begun a campaign for funds. "Huckleberry Finn," University freedom. for special solicitation on the UWM and adviser to the University Chairman of the executive com­ Theatre, auditorium, 3 p.m. Istvan will have come from Min« campus. Theatre. On the production crew mittee for the drive for the Hun­ Monday, Dec. 10— neapolis and Madison and will pro­ ere Farouk Vania, technical direc­ garian ' students is Joseph W. It is estimated that there is a Holiday Singers' concert, Union ceed to Michigan after speaking in tor; Marion Korth, stage manager; Kenny, director of the evening di- need for about $1,000 for living ex­ lounge, 8:15 p.m. Milwaukee. Charles Gloor, music director; El- penses. Considering this figure, the roy Migascz, box office manager; average contribution from each UWM POST Phone Numbers Martin Wiviott, house manger; and faculty member is hoped to be Jerry Smirl, business manager. Kenwood campus— around $3. Regents Pick Freeman, Trump WO 2-2410, Ext, 10. Costumes for the production were Prof. Vytas S. Vardys of the po­ designed by Georgia Rogalski. Downtown campus— BR 6-7660, Ext. 51. litical science department has For New Posts in University Crew chiefs include Diane Uel- stated that "there is strong feel­ men, props; Dick Jungck, scenery; Dr. Maxwell M. Freeman of the 1951. His appointment as Univer« Bob Kaschel, lighting; Alice Fin- vision at the University of Wis­ ing among the faculty end students University of Wisconsin—Milwau­ sity registrar in Madison takes ef­ ley, makeup; and Jacky Wolf, consin—Milwaukee. Student mem­ that the university community kee English department was re­ fect at once. costumes. The program design for bers on the executive committee should join other groups in facili­ cently named acting associate dean In this post, Trump will have direction over the University's of­ the play was done by Linda Plot- are Dick Solowicz and John Rod- tating the integration of these of the College of Letters and kin. den. fice of admissions, the recorder's refugees into this community and Science. office, and the office of student that a scholarship fund would be a The duties of Gordon Hafer- personnel statistics and studies. Regents Give State Legislature concrete and appropriate way to becker, who resigned to accept a express sympathy and support." deanship at Wisconsin State col­ Theatre Sets Remodeling, Repairing Projects It was pointed out by Vardys lege, Stevens Point, will be as­ that some private universities in sumed by Dr. Freeman. His ap­ UWM are science, heating, and fine Emergency remodeling and re­ other cities have provided funds for pointment was made on a part- Tryout Dates pairs for both the University of arts buildings and numerous class­ Hungarian scholarship grants. An­ time basis to permit him to con­ Wisconsin — Milwaukee and the rooms. Improvements and con­ other UWM scholarship fund has Tryouts for "Cry, the Beloved University of Wisconsin will be the struction will also take place in already been committed to UWM tinue as chairman of the English Country," the third production of first projects in the list of pros­ Superior, River Falls, Stevens students. department at UWM. the season for the University Thea­ Point and Whitewater. Eau-Claire, pective improvements for the state Trump Is Registrar tre, will be held from 4 to 7 p.m.s Platteville, Stout, and La Crosse of Wisconsin's higher educational Dr. Freeman is a graduate of on Dec. 10 and 11 in room M119. system. colleges are also slated for these Prospective February 1957 Stu­ the University of Wisconsin where Students unable to appear at these Other prospective projects for improvements.
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