CHAPTER TWO Airport Facility Requirements ChapterChapter OneOne To properly plan for the future of Livermore DESIGN CRITERIA Municipal Airport, it is necessary to translate forecast aviation demand into the speciic types The FAA publishes Advisory Circular (AC) and quantities of facilities that can adequately 150/5300-13A, Airport Design, to guide serve the identiied demand. This chapter uses airport planning. The AC provides guidance the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on various design elements of an airport approved forecasts, as well as established intended to maintain or improve safety at air- planning criteria, to determine the airside (i.e., ports. The design standards include airport runways, taxiways, navigational aids, marking elements such as runways, taxiways, safety and lighting) and landside (i.e., hangars, aircraft areas, and separation distances. According parking apron, and automobile parking) to the AC, "airport planning should consider facility requirements. both the present and potential aviation needs and demand associated with the airport." The objective of this effort is to identify, in Consideration should be given to planning general terms, the adequacy of the existing runway and taxiway locations that will meet airport facilities and outline what new future separation requirements even if the facilities may be needed, and when these may width, strength, and length must increase be needed to accommodate forecast demands. later. Such decisions should be supported by A recommended airport layout concept will the aviation demand forecasts, coordinated be presented that consolidates all facility with the FAA, and shown on the Airport requirements into a single development Layout Plan (ALP). concept for the airport. 2-1 FINAL - SEPTEMBER 2014 FAA AC 150/5300-13A, Airport Design is based upon planned development with was published on September 28, 2012. It no operational component, while the RRC replaces AC 150/5300-13, Airport Design describes the current operational capabil- which was dated September 29, 1989. ities of a runway where no special operat- The latter was subject to 18 published ing procedures are necessary. The RRC changes over 23 years. for a runway is established based upon the minimum runway to taxiway center- The previous Airport Design AC estab- line separation. lished the design standards based primar- ily on the Airport Reference Code (ARC). Paragraph 4 defined the ARC as “a coding DESIGN AIRCRAFT system used to relate airport design crite- ria to the operational and physical charac- The selection of appropriate FAA design teristics of the airplanes intended to oper- standards for the development and loca- ate at the airport.” tion of airport facilities is based primarily upon the characteristics of the aircraft In the current AC, the definition of the which are currently using or are expected Airport Reference Code is found in Para- to use the airport. The critical design air- graph 102.i. and reads, “An airport desig- craft is used to define the design parame- nation that signifies the airport’s highest ters for the airport. In most cases, the de- Runway Design Code (RDC), minus the sign aircraft is a composite aircraft repre- third (visibility) component of the RDC. senting a collection of aircraft classified The ARC is used for planning and design by three parameters: Aircraft Approach only and does not limit the aircraft that Category (AAC), Airplane Design Group may be able to operate safely on the air- (ADG), and Taxiway Design Group (TDG). port.” In the case of an airport with multiple runways, a design aircraft is selected for The RDC is defined in Paragraph each runway. The first consideration is 102.mmm. as, “A code signifying the design the safe operation of aircraft likely to use standards to which the runway is to be the airport. Any operation of an aircraft built.” Paragraph 105.c. indicates that the that exceeds design criteria of the airport Aircraft Approach Category (AAC), the may result in either an unsafe operation Airplane Design Group (ADG), and the or a lesser safety margin unless air traffic approach visibility minimums combine to control Standard operating Procedures form the RDC of a particular runway. (SOPs) are in place for those operations; These provide the information needed to however, it is not the usual practice to determine certain design standards that base the airport design on an aircraft that apply. uses the airport infrequently. The current Airport Design AC introduces The design aircraft is defined as the most not only the RDC, but also the Runway demanding category of aircraft, or family Reference Code (RRC). The RRC is de- of aircraft, which conducts at least 500 fined as, “A code signifying the current op- operations per year at the airport. Plan- erational capabilities of a runway and as- ning for future aircraft use is of particular sociated parallel taxiway.” Like the RDC, importance since the design standards the RRC is composed of the same three are used to plan separation distances be- components: the AAC, ADG, and runway tween facilities. These future standards visibility minimums. The RDC, however, must be considered now to ensure that 2-2 FINAL – SEPTEMBER 2014 short term development does not pre- to the visibility minimums expressed by clude the long range potential needs of runway visual range (RVR) values in feet the airport. of 1,200, 1,600, 2,400, 4,000 and 5,000. The third component should read “VIS” Exhibit 2A summarizes representative for runways designed for visual approach design aircraft categories. As shown on use only. Generally, runway standards the exhibit, the airport does not currently, are related to aircraft approach speed, nor is it expected to, regularly serve larg- aircraft wingspan, and designated or er commercial transport aircraft such as planned approach visibility minimums. Boeing 737, 747, 757, or 767. Large Table 2A presents the RDC parameters. transport aircraft are used by commercial carriers which do not currently use, nor are they expected to use, the airport TAXIWAY DESIGN GROUP (TDG) through the planning period. However, some of the largest business jets, such as The TDG relates to the undercarriage di- the Gulfstream V are capable of operating mensions of the design aircraft. Taxi- at the airport under certain conditions. way/taxilane width and fillet standards, and in some instances, runway to taxiway In order to determine airfield design re- and taxiway/taxilane separation re- quirements, a design aircraft, or group of quirements are determined by TDG. It is aircraft with similar characteristics, is de- appropriate for taxiways to be planned termined for each runway. This determi- and built to different TDG standards nation begins with a review of aircraft based on expected use. currently using the airport and those ex- pected to use the airport in the future The TDG standards are based on the Main planning period. Gear Width (MGW) and the Cockpit to Main Gear (CMG) distance. The taxiway design elements determined by the appli- RUNWAY DESIGN CODE (RDC) cation of the TDG include the taxiway width, taxiway edge safety margin, taxi- The AAC, ADG, and approach visibility way shoulder width, taxiway fillet dimen- minimums are combined to form the RDC sions, and in some cases, the separation of a particular runway. The RDC provides distance between parallel taxi- the information needed to determine cer- ways/taxilanes. Other taxiway elements tain design standards that apply. The first such as the taxiway safety area (TSA), tax- component, depicted by a letter, is the iway/taxilane object free area (TOFA), AAC and relates to aircraft approach taxiway/taxilane separation to parallel speed (operational characteristics). The taxiway/taxilanes or fixed or movable ob- second component, depicted by a Roman jects, and taxiway/taxilane wingtip clear- numeral, is the ADG and relates to either ances are determined solely based on the the aircraft wingspan or tail height (phys- wingspan (ADG) of the design aircraft uti- ical characteristics) - whichever is most lizing those surfaces. restrictive. The third component relates 2-3 FINAL – SEPTEMBER 2014 A-I • Beech Baron 55 C-II, D-II • Cessna Citation X (750) • Beech Bonanza • Gulfstream 100, • Cessna 150 200,300 12-MP-12-2A-02/04/13 • Cessna 172 • Challenger 300/600 • Cessna Citation Mustang • ERJ-135, 140, 145 • Eclipse 500/550 • CRJ-200/700 • Piper Archer • Embraer Regional Jet • Piper Seneca • Lockheed JetStar • Hawker 800 less than B-I • Beech Baron 58 C-III, D-III 100,000 lbs. • ERJ-170 • Beech King Air 100 • CRJ 705, 900 • Cessna 402 • Falcon 7X • Cessna 421 • Gulfstream 500, • Piper Navajo 550, 650 • Piper Cheyenne • Global Express, Global 5000 • Swearingen Metroliner • Q-400 • Cessna Citation I (525) over B-II • Super King Air 200 C-III, D-III 100,000 lbs. • ERJ-90 • Cessna 441 • Boeing Business Jet • DHC Twin Otter • B-727 • Super King Air 350 • B-737-300, 700, 800 • Beech 1900 • MD-80, DC-9 • Citation Excel (560), • A319, A320 Sovereign (680) • Falcon 50, 900, 2000 • Citation Bravo (550) • Embraer 120 A-III, B-III C-IV,, D-IV • DHC Dash 7 • B-7B-75757 • DHC Dash 8 • B-7B-76767 • DC-3 • CC-130-130 Hercules • Convair 580 • DDC-8-70C-8-70 • Fairchild F-27 • MD-1MD-111 • ATR 72 • ATP C-I, D-I • Beech 400 D-V • B-747-4B-747-40000 • Lear 31, 35, 45, 60 • B-77B-7777 • Israeli Westwind • B-7B-78787 • A-330A-330,, A-340 Note: Aircraft pictured is identified in bold type. Exhibit 2A AIRCRAFT REFERENCE CODES TABLE 2A Runway Design Code Parameters Aircraft
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