Making A Difference Warm up to Two Transcona Women Are Recognized For Their Quality! Contributions To Community F5( ((VWL RQFX PDWH ALU UQDFH By Robin Chase, Views Editor CRQG & LWLRQLQ UQLWV J Local businesswoman Jean Delorme and Colleen Tackaberry, Resource Coordinator with Transcona Council for Seniors (TCS) Call About Inc., were among eight recipients who were honoured in late October Energy-Efficient by the Manitoba Council on Aging (MCA) with Recognition Awards Gas Furnaces 2XWVWDQGLQJ1R+DVVOH for their dedication to serving Seniors and improving the quality of life 5HSODFHPHQWOLPLWHG for older Manitobans. The awards – given to both Seniors and ZDUUDQW\ SURWHFWLRQ younger individuals who work with Seniors — were announced 4XLHWRSHUDWLRQ (QHUJ\ October 28 by Jim Rondeau, Provincial Minister for Healthy HIILFLHQFLHV DVKLJKDV Living, Youth & Seniors. $)8( “Seniors are a vital-and-valuable part of our families, communi- ties and province, and these extraordinary individuals and groups are being recognized for their efforts on behalf of Seniors and all Manitobans,” said Rondeau. “We are pleased and honoured to cel- * No Hassle ReplacementTM limitedwarranty applies to selected models installedon or after ebrate with those who have made a difference in the lives of older January 1, 2006. Some restrictionsapply. See your dealer or Tempstar.com for details. Continued on page 4 Tempstar .com ANNUAL WODVW kQRZD BRR ULFHV. FURNACE \HDU’VS IIHU! WLPHR LLPLWHG SERVICE $ .61 61 includes Cleaning, Tune-Up & Inspection plus applicable taxes Jean Delorme holds her Manitoba Council on Aging Recognition Award, flanked by her daughters Barb & Kim with Radisson MLA Bidhu Jha at far left and his Constituency Assistant Ken Jhass in the background. Mr. Jha nominated Jean for her long record of 792-2906 activism and community service in Transcona. This is the second www.comfortec.ca award for Jean in the space of a year. She previously received an SERVING TRANSCONA SINCE 2001 Outstanding Community Service Award for her service to Please mention coupon at time of booking. Expiry January 31/11 Transcona & Winnipeg. 138-701 Regent Ave. W ! Extra Value Coupon Index ! Winnipeg, MB R2C 1S3 Kehler Realty Ltd...................... Page 4 ABC Power Tools...................... Page 18 Park City Mazda ....................... Page 9 Phar Syde................................. Page 19 Phone 224-4015 Andrea Harris ........................... Page 10 Hoskin Window & Doors.......... Page 23 Fax 224-2734 Vickar Chevrolet, Mitsubishi, J.L.R. Jewellers ........................ Page 24 Nissan ...................................... Page 12 CM Engrave.............................. Page 24 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7:00 am – 8:00 pm Dorothy Reflexologist Polar Windows ......................... Page 24 Friday - 7:00 am – 7:00 pm Foot & Hand ........................... Page 14 Species Technology.................. Page 24 Saturday - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Vickar Nissan ........................... Page 17 Massage Therapy Available Proudly serving Transcona since 1983 The Best In Sight Eye-Friendly Toys For A Safe Holiday By Elisa Fiorentino, O.D. The holidays are filled with anticipa- dent can happen when a toy is not age- Blocks are great for almost any age as tion of gifts and new toys. When making or-developmentally appropriate. long as corners and edges are blunted. decisions for selecting new toys, par- Parents can avoid eye injuries by keep- Beware of long-handled toys such as ents need to tell Santa and loved ones ing this in mind when they are shopping. mops, brooms, pony sticks and rakes. to pick eye-safe and age-appropriate Toys To Avoid — Try to avoid toys Check to make sure that they have toys for children. Many times, an acci- with sharp-or-rough edges or pieces. rounded handles and you should close- ly watch children under two years of age with such toys. Remember that toys which might be suitable for an older child could be dangerous for a younger child. Supervise Your Kids — Always supervise children in situations where they might share toys with younger sib- lings. Avoid slingshots, dart guns and arrows for children under six-years-old. Avoid them completely if there are younger children in the house. If you do have these types of toys, make sure there is close adult supervision. Recommended Toys — Great toys for children are those that stimulate visual development, improve hand-eye coordination and demonstrate spatial relationships. Toys for children under age two include brightly-coloured mobiles, stuffed animals, activity gyms, blocks, balls, stacking-and-nesting toys, buckets, measuring cups, puzzles, Seasons Greetings shape-sorters and musical toys. Appropriate and eye-friendly toys from all of us at for children over age two include child- Transcona Optical sized household items such as brooms, rakes, vacuums, lawn mowers, and refrigerator-and-stove sets. Also suit- able are outside toys such as sandbox- es, kiddie pools, riding toys, and back- yard gyms and swings. Magnetic letters, stringing beads, toy cash registers and similar items are great for fine-motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Have a happy, fun and safe holiday. (Dr. Elisa Fiorentino is a member of Transcona Optometric Group located at Transcona Optical, 212 Regent 212 Regent Ave., West Avenue West in Downtown Transcona.) v Transcona Views - December 2010 - Page 2 112 REGENT AVE. WEST SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR OVER 55 YEARS We wish you a Safe and Happy Holiday Season and the Best for 2011 Sheilagh Ball Carrie Ozarko Lynn Carlson • • Auto Broker Only HOURS: Monday to Friday: 9:00 - 5:30, Saturday: 10:00 - 2:00 Transcona Views - December 2010 - Page 3 Downtown Transcona, has been tire- less over the years in raising community Two Transcona Women Are Recognized For spirit with various ventures and projects, Their Contributions To Community and thereby doing her part – and a big one – in enhancing the quality of life in our community. For the purposes of this Continued from page 1 award, she was specifically recognized for her contributions to the Transcona Hi Manitobans.” MCA Chairman Jean- have made significant contributions on Neighbour Festival, to the business Yves Rochon added, “Seniors have behalf of Seniors and this province.” community and in providing business much to offer and our award recipients Jean Delorme, proprietor of experiences to students. In late 2009, are people who understand this and Another Look Bridal Fashions in she was also successful in spearheading efforts to return the iconic Hi Neighbour Sam statue to Transcona. In her role as TCS Resource Coordinator, Colleen Tackaberry has transformed the Council for Seniors into one of the top organizations anywhere when it comes to providing resources and activities for Seniors – and Seniors in Transcona have benefitted greatly. For her award, Colleen was specifically cited for the many Seniors’ exercise groups she has started, for creating a recovery group which deals with addictions and runs elder-abuse prevention workshops, and for expanding the annual TCS Health Fair “from a church basement to 30 Colleen Tackaberry, Resource Coordinator with Transcona Council for Seniors booths in a major shopping centre” Inc., is flanked by her son Michael Lewicki (left) and Radisson MLA Bidhu Jha (Kildonan Place). after receiving her Manitoba Council on Aging Recognition Award on October 28 The MCA was set up in 1980 as an at the Manitoba Legislature. Mr. Jha nominated Colleen for the award, calling her advisory body to the Provincial “an effective communicator, thoughtful, an organizer with a kind personality – always Government’s Minister responsible with a positive attitude, a smile, and over time has become a pillar in the community for Seniors. The Recognition Awards for Seniors.” (Photos submitted to The Views) were established in 1996 to recognize extraordinary individuals for their exem- 132 Regent Ave. West, plary efforts on behalf of Seniors and to Winnipeg, MB R2C 1P9 pay tribute to Seniors who continue to contribute to their communities. The awards are held every year during October which is Seniors & Elders Merry Christmas to all our valued customers Month in Manitoba. and Best Wishes for the New Year from… The awards foster respect and social inclusion which are key aspects of an age-friendly community, Rondeau noted. “Manitoba developed the Age-Friendly Manitoba Initiative to support Seniors in leading active, socially-engaged and independent lives that contribute to healthy aging. The provincial initiative works together Art Kehler 222-0149 Jeremy Kehler 222-0001 Gus Miller 224-0078 with communities to enhance many ini- Serving the community for over 43 years! tiatives and services that benefit Mention this ad and receive a Seniors and support the health, inde- complimentary market evaluation of your home. pendence and well-being of all This is not intended to solicit properties already listed. Manitoba Seniors.” v Transcona Views - December 2010 - Page 4 Transcona Views - December 2010 - Page 5 Club Meetings Resume In New Gardens Of Delight Year — Transcona Garden Club will not meet in December. Regular Club Meetings will resume in January. Passing On Some Points Watch for the release of a new Club For Decorating With Poinsettias Program Schedule shortly. A couple of workshops are also being planned. The By Domia Derkach Junior Program will begin later in 2011; however, information about the The short days of the season are a insects. These plants do not like the Junior Garden Club is available at time of rest or slow-down for most cold and do not like to be wrapped too any time. If you know of any children plants. However, there are a few that tightly. Double-bag the plant to give who might be interested, tell them to are grown especially for the holiday sea- some insulation when going from call. (For more information about both son and these require special attention. store-to-car and car-to-house. At the Garden Club and the Junior For example, the Poinsettia – a popular home, keep the plant out of cold drafts. Program, and their activities, call 224- holiday plant – is seen as a symbol of Maintain even moisture and use luke- 2356 or 222-0236.) Christmas.
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