Settlement Monitor: Quarterly Update on Developments Author(s): Geoffrey Aronson Source: Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 25, No. 4 (Summer, 1996), pp. 125-136 Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the Institute for Palestine Studies Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2538020 Accessed: 26-02-2015 20:41 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. University of California Press and Institute for Palestine Studies are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Palestine Studies. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 20:41:59 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions QUARTERLY UPDATE ON DEVELOPMENTS EDITED BY GEOFFREY ARONSON The Changing of the Guard Labor and Likud in theElections Campaign: Portending a SmoothTransition.. 126 1996 LikudParty Platform: Provisions Relevant to Settlements...... ......... 127 Future Face of the West Bank? YESHA'sResponse to Oslo ................ ............................... 128 A Reporton BypassRoads, by LAWE (excerpts)........ .................... 129 Road Map forIDF Redeployment-TheWest Bank-1996 ...... ............... 134 Facts and Figures Settlersand Settlementsat a Glance ........... ............................ 135 Land ConfiscationsSince Oslo............................................ 136 PropertyViolations from Oslo I throughFebruary 1996 (chart) ..... ......... 136 GeoffreyAronson, a writerand analystspecializing in theMiddle East, is theeditor of the Report on Israeli Settlementin theOccupied Territories (hereinafter Settlement Report), a Washington-basedbimonthly news- letterpublished by the Foundation for Middle East Peace. Unless otherwise stated, the items in thissection havebeen written by Geoffrey Aronson directly for this section or drawn from material written by him for theSettlement Report. The Institutefor Palestine Studies is gratefulto theFoundation for permission to drawon itsmaterial. Major documents relating to settlementsappear in the"Documents and SourceMate- rial"section. Journalof PalestineStudies XXV, no. 4 (Summer 1996), pp. 125-136. This content downloaded from on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 20:41:59 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 126 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES THE CHANGING OF THE GUARD Labor Encourages Settlers The preelectionseason provideda fo- Labor and Likud in the Elections Cam- rumfor the Labor party leaders to amplify paign: Portendinga Smooth Transition theirviews on the futureof settlements. Without exception, these statements [An earlierversion of thisarticle appeared demonstratedLabor's intentionto reas- in theSettlement Report, May 1996.] sure settlersand Israelis generallythat theyintend to preservethe special status Benjamin Netanyahu'selection has of settlersand settlementsachieved dur- generatedmuch speculation on thefuture ingthe Oslo processas wellas to continue direction of Israel's settlementpolicy. Israelimilitary control of settlement areas. Thereis evidenceto suggest,however, that Haim Ramon,Peres's ministerof the the differencesbetween Labor and Likud interiorand leader of a youngergenera- on settlementare less pronouncedthan tionof "doves"in the Labor party,stated conventionalwisdom would haveit. In an that"Yossi Beilin's idea is the only solu- articleon 3 June,for example, Ha'Aretz re- tion: thatis, most of the settlerswill re- portedthat Labor cabinetminister Yossi main underIsraeli rule and the question Beilin in the wake of the electionshad ofsovereignty over these areas will remain "stressedthat there is not todaya mean- open for fifteento twentyyears." Beilin ingfulgap betweenthe stands of the two had expresseda preferencefor the crea- major parties,but rathera joint under- tion of large blocs of Israeli settlements standingon thecentral issues, including a annexedto Israelin theWest Bank. "As for definedtimetable for the peace process the settlementsnot under Israeli sover- and a finalsolution that will be acceptable eignty,"he added,"no one is suggestingto to mostof theright-wing parties." evacuateor movethem. The optionswill Alreadyduring the e ectioncampaign, be in the hands of settlersthemselves: to Labor and Likud were both heading for stay in an area not under Israeli sover- thepolitical center in searchof the critical eignty,with some securityagreement, or swingvotes that held the key to political to moveto anotherplace withgovernment victory.The Labor party,led by Shimon assistance." Peres, proclaimedits intentionto build Beilinand Peresendeavored to increase upon theadvantages won duringits diplo- the prospectof religious-settlervotes in macy with the Palestiniansto secure favorof Peres'scandidacy by negotiating Israel's permanentpresence in the occu- an agreementwith Rabbi Yoel Ben Nun, a pied territories.The Likud, meanwhile, memberof YESHA [theCouncil of Jewish led by Netanyahu,emphasized its ideolog- Settlementsin the West Bank and Gaza ical commitmentto settlementthroughout Strip].Ben Nunhad said thathe and other GreaterIsrael while acknowledging its ac- settlerswould organize support for Peres's ceptanceof the politicalfacts created by reelectionif Peres guaranteed the future of Labor. all settlementsunder Israeli sovereignty as On 15 February,Peres agreed the gov- partof a finalstatus agreement; continued ernmentmust providean answerto the buildingin settlements;and madea public "naturaldevelopment of theJewish com- goodwillgesture, such as increasedbudg- munitiesin Judea, Samaria, and Gaza," ac- ets forsettlements or recognitionof their cordingto MinisterRabbi Yehuda Amital, masterplans. whomPeres brought into the cabinet as a Accordingto the Ha'Aretz,on 3 April, gestureto the religious-settlementlobby Peres"agreed in principlethat settlements afterthe Rabin assassination.Amital ex- will not be evacuatedand agreed to the plained that "natural development"in- settlementbloc conceptaimed at creating cludes populationgrowth, more housing, territorial continuity between settle- and morepublic buildings. ments."One day earlierthe Knessetap- Laterthat week, Peres said thathe did provedan additional$7 millionallocation notsee theneed toremove any settlement, to thesettlements. evenin thecontext of a finalstatus agree- In earlyApril, Peres made perhapsthe mentwith the Palestinians. As he toldIDF most substantiverevision of his political Radio on 2 April:"I said we wouldneither strategyby announcing that, as with removesettlements, nor add new ones. Syria,any agreement with the Palestinians That is the differencebetween us and the on thefinal status of theoccupied territo- Likud.' rieswould be submittedto a publicrefer- This content downloaded from on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 20:41:59 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions SETTLEMENT MONITOR 127 endum.The intendedpolitical effect of the up all our most basic values. Whoeveris announcementwas to increasethe pros- readyto rush out of Hebronis willingto pect that religious voters with doubts leave half of Jerusalem.... The basic dif- about Peres'scommitment to settlements ferencebetween us and Labor is thatwe would vote for him knowingthat they will restoreto the peace processwith the could alwaysvote againstwhatever agree- Palestiniansthe principlethat we are tak- ment he reached with the Palestinians. ing responsibilityfor security." The referendumidea, firstraised last No- vemberafter the Rabin assassinationby 1996 Likud Party Platform:Provisions Beilinin talkswith religious parties, was Relevantto Settlements welcomedby theIsraeli public, which reg- [Thefollowing points were extracted from isteredover 70 percentapproval for the theLikud Party Platform of 1996.] idea. Opposition to the referendumcame * "Immigrationwill be increased,and fromthe Meretz party, Labor's current co- settlementwill be strengthened.The deci- alitionpartner. Meretz is expectedto lose sion to freeze settlementswill be re- perhaps half of its currentseats in the scinded."(Chapter 1, Peace and Security, Knesset,and its liberalsupporters oppose Preamble) Peres'sefforts to woo the religious-settler - "The Govemmentof Israel will honor vote. internationalagreements, and will con- tinuethe diplomaticprocess to achievea Likud Favors Autonomy just and lastingpeace in theMiddle East. The Likuddid not endorsethe Oslo II It will recognizethe factscreated on the accords which resultedin the redeploy- groundby the various accords,and will mentof the IDF out of the West Bank's act toreduce the dangers to thefuture and major citieslast autumn,but it is recon- securityof Israel resultingfrom these ciled to theirexistence and supportsthe agreements."(Chapter 1, Peaceand Secur- creationof an autonomousPalestinian en- ity,Operative no. 1) tityin the territoriesthat the IDF has al- * "The Governmentof Israel will enable readyleft. Eliahu Ben Elissar,a hard-line the Palestiniansto manage their lives Likud leader,said he was "evenready to freely,within the frameworkof self-gov- giveup sovereignty[over the entireWest ernment.However, foreign affairs and de- Bankand Gaza Strip]if only there will be fense,and matterswhich
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