Texas Radio KBER Square (78222)

Texas Radio KBER Square (78222)

KBER - Nov 13, 1961: 1150 khz; 1 kw -D, DA. mhz; 100 kw. Ant 390 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Texas Radio KBER Square (78222). (512) 648 -1150. KEPO Stereo. Rep: McGavren -Guild. Format: Adult Bcstg Inc. Net: MBS. Rep: Masla. Format: C&W. contemp. Stan Webb, gen mgr; Charlie Van, sls James E. Edwards, gen mgr; Doug Shane, prog dir; mgr. Dormier, Jim Morgan, prom mgr; Mike Murphy, mus dir; chief engr KQXT(FM) - (See listing following KCOR). Richard T. Roberts, news dir; Tom Ortiz, chief engr. Shamrock KSYM -FM Sept 1 5, 1966: 90.3 mhz; 800 w. KBER -FM -June 25, 1966: 100.3 mhz: 100 kw. - Ant 110 ft. 1300 San Pedro Ave. (78284). (512) KBYP 1948: 1580 khz; 250 w -D. Box 21. Ant 155 ft. Dups KBER 100%. - 734 -7311, Ext 391. San Antonio College. Net: (79079). (806) 256 -2157. Eugene B. Henderson KBUC - 1948: 1310 khz; 5 kw -D, DA. Box 20267 ABC /C. Format: Contemp. Jerome Weynand, pres: (acq 1962). Rep: Messina. Format: Variety. Spec (78220). (512) 222 -9191. Turner Bcstg Corp. (acq Jean Longwith, gen mgr; John Siercovich, chief progs: C&W 27 hrs; Relig 15 hrs, both wkly. 1- 20 -67). Net: ABC /I. Rep: Pro Time Sales. Format: engr. Johnny Carman, pres & gen mgr; Gladys Yates, coml C &W. Harrell Banks, gen mgr; Randall Clay, coml mgr; Charlie Martin, spts dir; Bill Franklin, prog & KTFM(FM) - See listing following KTSA. mgr; Mac Curtiss, prog dir; Tom Wayne, mus dir; news dir; Troy D. Johnston, chief engr. Jerry Franklin, news dir; Ray Hettinger. chief engr. KTSA - 1922: 550 khz; 5 kw, DA -N. 4050 Eisenhower Rd. (78218). (512) 655 -5500. KBUC -FM - Dec 31, 1967: 107.5 mhz; 100 kw. Sherman Waterman Bcstg Corp. of Texas (acq 1965). Rep: Ant 285 ft. Dups AM 100 %. KDSX (See Tex.) Blair. Format: Contemp. Bernard Waterman, pres: - Denison -Sherman, KCOR Feb 1, 1946: 1350 khz; 5 kw, DA -N. 411 Lee Taylor, sls mgr; Lee Randall, prog dir: Dixie - KRRV - October 1936: 910 khz; 1 kw, DA -1. East Durango. (78204). (512) 225 -2751. Inter - Hawkins, news dir; Caleman Barber, chief engr. Drawer M. (75090). (214) 893 -1151. Grayson American Radio Inc. (acq 1- 1 -61). Rep: Torbet. Radio Inc. (acq 5 -72). Net: Texas State; Rep: KTFM(FM) - Co -owned with KTSA. 1969: 102.7 Format: Ethnic. Al Wolin, pres: Nathan Safir, gen /Gates. Format: 10%2 mhz; 99 kw horiz, 63 kw vert. Ant 660 ft. Savalli MOR. Spec progs: Sp mgr; Sam Murray, coml mgr; Guillermo Lozano. prog hrs wkly. Jay Hicks. pres; Louis S. Nemec, gen dir; Carlos Garcia, news dir; Marvin Fiedler, chief KU KA - Jan 1, 1953: 1250 khz; 1 kw -D. 501 W. mgr; Ken Townson, prog dir: Terry James, mus dim: engr. Quincy St. (78212). (512) 225 -5757. Por Favor Inc. Roy Hall, news dir; Carl Stein, chief engr. (acq 6- 1 -61). Rep: Savalli /Gates. Format: Spanish. KQXT(FM) Co -owned with KCOR. Nov 19, KSHN(FM) 1969: mhz; 3 kw. Ant - Alex A. Coe, pres & gen mgr: Marshall Coe, coml - April 96.7 1967: 101.9 mhz; 100 kw horiz: 50 kw vert. Ant Box 1395. Texas mgr; Henry Pena, prog dir & prom mgr; Angel 265 ft. (75090). (214) 893 -6314. 670 ft. Prog sep from KCOR. Stereo. Format: Btfl Inc. Rep: Paul Miller. Format: Easy C &W. Toledo, news dir; Gilbert Villerreal, prom mgr; Ken Airwaves mus. R. D. Cullins, coml mgr; David Safir, prog dir. Farm ranch hrs wkly. Albert W. Hyman, chief engr. Spec progs: & 36 Brown, pres; Commodore R. Wood, gen mgr; Tom KEDA March 14, 1966: 1540 khz: 1 kw -D. - WOAI - September 1922: 1200 khz; 50 kw. Box Lively, prog & mus dir; Jack Flippen, news dir; Chuck 226 % Dolorosa St. (78205). (512) 226 -5254. D & E 2641. (78299). (512) 226 -4251. TWX 910 -871- Bunting, sls & prom mgr; Ken engr. Bcstg Co. Rep: UBC Sls. Format: Ethnic. Manuel Wilson, chief 1030. Avco Bcstg Co. (acq 9- 15 -65). Net: NBC. G. Davila, gen & coml mgr; W. G. Egerton, asst mgr KTXO Dec 19, 1947: 1500 khz; 1 kw, DA -D. Rep: Avco. Format: Contemp. John T. Murphy, - & dir of engrg. Box KTXO Inc. pres: Joel M. Thorpe, gen mgr; Don Overton, gen 220. (75090). (214) 893 -7477. (acq 5 -72). Rep: Messina. Format: C&W. Larry L. Hen- KEEZ(FM) - 1951: 97.3 mhz; 100 kw horiz, 70 sales mgr; Michael O'Conner, prog dir; Bob Guthrie, derson, pres, gen & coml mgr; Duane Peters, prog kw vert. Ant 450 ft. 2800 Tower Life Bldg. (78205). news dir; Phil Keen, chief engr. KMOLITV) affil. dir; John Guinn, news dir; Tom Spellman, chief engr. (512) 223 -3004. San Antonio Bcstg Inq. (acq 11- 15-72). Rep: Selcom. Format: Rock. Stereo. L. San Marcos Lowry Mays, pres; Al Pavey, gen mgr; Larry Hunt, Silsbee KCNY 1948: 1470 khz; 250 w -D. Box 2150. coml mgr; Dave Michaels, prog dir; Dave Hayden, - KKAS Oct 13, 1959: 1300 khz; 500 w -D. Box (78666). (512) 392 -3354. Central Bcstg Co. (acq 7- - chief engr. 455. (77656). (713) 385 -2883. Jewel P. White. 29-57). Spec progs: Sp 21 hrs wkly. William C. (acq 12- 1 -64). Rep: Riley. J. P. White, pres & gen KEXL(FM) Co -owned with KITE, Terrell Hills, Veidt, pres & gen mgr; Dave Bayse, news dir; C. A. - mgr. Tex. Oct 1. 1966: 104.5 mhz; 100 kw horiz, 64 kw Swanson. chief engr. vert. Ant 660 ft. 8400 Data Point, Suite 535 KIXL (See Austin, Tex.). Sinton (78229). (512) 696 -9940. Doubleday Bcstg Co. - (acq 3- 1 -67). Progs sep from AM. Rep: Radio Ad- KRMH(FM) - Co -owned with KIXL. June 1, 1971: KIKN -July 13, 1959: 1590 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 w- vertising Reps, Doubleday Media. Format: Prog. 103.7 mhz; 97 kw. Ant 530 ft. 1018 W. 11th St., N, DA -2. Box 2827 (78403). (512) 884 -3986. Dy- David G. Scribner, pres; H. J. (Hal) Davis, gen mgr; Austin, Tex. (78703). (512) 477 -9926. Advance Inc. namic Bcstg Corp. (acq 7- 1 -70). Net: ABC /E. Rep: Rex Tackett, stn mgr; Allen Grimm, prog & mus dir; Net: ABC /I. Rep: Torbet. Format: MOR /Progressive. Torbet. Format: C &W. C. Ronald Rogers, pres; Otis Phil Cook, news dir; David Stephen, chief engr. Spec progs: Black 1 hr wkly. R. Miller Hicks, chmn Dunagan Jr., gen mgr; Bill Schimmel, sls mgr; Bill of bd; J. R. Barger, gen mgr; Melissa Jones, coml Peyton, prog dir; Sid Tull, news dir; Ron Shaw, chief KITE (See Terrell Hills. Tex.). - mgr; Leonard Liss, prom mgr; William Traphagen, engr. KISS(FM) - (See listing following KMAC). prog & mus dir: Mike Wolverton, news dir; William KMIO(FM) July 1, 1972: 101.3 mhz; 100 kw. Curtis, chief engr. - KITY(FM) - (See listing following KONO). Ant 360 ft. Box 1366 (78387). (512) 854-1016. Sinton Bcstg Co. (acq 5- 1 -69). Stereo. Rep: Bun - KKYX 1926: 680 khz; 50 kw -D, 10 kw -N, DA -N. - San Saba chez. Format: Spanish. Johnny Masqueda, gen 8022 Bandera Rd. (78228). (512) 684 -0068. KBAL -- Dec 15. 1956: 1410 khz; 500 w -D. Box mgr; Rafael Palafox, prog dir; Claude E. Sessions Jr., Swanco Bcstng Co Inc. (acq 6- 14 -67). Net: Texas 206. (76877). (915) 372 -5131. San Saba County chief engr. State. Rep: Eastman. Format: C &W. Gery Bcstg Co. (acq 5- 21 -58). H. A. Stephens, owner & Swanson, pres; Richard F. Marcellan, VP & gen mgr; KOUL(FM) Co -owned with KCTA, Corpus mgr; Bobby Stewart, chief engr. - Dennis Griffin, coml mgr; Bill Rohde, prog dir; Max Christi. May 20, 1968: 103.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 310 Gardner, mus dir; Paul Morgan, prom mgr; Joe ft. Box 898, Corpus Christi, Tex. (78403). (512) Simpson, news dir; Edward J. Pryor, chief engr. Seguin 643 -3541. Bcstg Corp. of the Southwest. KWED - Sept 9, 1948: 1580 khz; 1 kw -D. Box KMAC Dec 26, 1926; 630 khz; 5 kw, DA -2. - 989. (78155). (512) 379 -2234. Seguin Bcstg Co. Slaton Aurora Apt Hotel, 509 Howard St. (78212). (512) (acq 12- 31 -69). Format: MOR; Spanish. Stanley 223 -6211. The Walmac Co. Howard W. Davis, KCAS Jan 15, 1962: 1050 khz; 250 w -D. 133 W. McKenzie, pres & gen mgr; Edward Englehardt, - own, gen & coml mgr; Shirley Browning. prog dir; S. Ninth St. (79364). (806) 828 -4217. Star of the coml mgr; Lowell Huffman, prog & mus dir: Henry Bob Baker, prom mgr; Joe Anthony, mus dir; Lou Plains Bcstg Co. Rep: Keystone; Charles Bernard Lehnhoff, news dir; Joe DeMoss, chief engr. Roney. news dir; Clarence W. Betz, chief engr. Inc. Dee Bowman, gen mgr & farm dir; M. Dean KWED -FM Sept 9, 1970: 105.3 mhz; 38 kw. Robertson, sls mgr; Rick Maacci, prog dir; Richard KISS(FM) Co -owned with KMAC. December - - Ant 130 ft. Dups KWED 40%. Format: MOR. Grainey, news dir; Jolene Fondy, traf dir; Alvie Ivey, 1946: 99.5 mhz; 12.9 kw. Ant 570 ft. Dups AM 5 %. chief engr. Format: Contemp. Seminole KMFM(FM) May 5, 1964: 96.1 mhz; 60 kw. Ant Snyder - KIKZ - April 15. 1968: 1250 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 135 ft. 134 E. Agarita Ave. (78212). (512) 732- 308 (79360). (915) 758 -3798. KIKZ Inc. (acq 8 -1- KSNY - Dec 22, 1949: 1450 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- 7807. Harry Pennington Jr. Stereo. Harry Pen- 71). Rep: Messina. Format: C &W. Michael Horne, N. Box 1008. (79549). (915) 573 -9322. Snyder nington Jr., Rosa Lee Pennington, gen mgr. owner; pres: Guy Russell, gen & coml mgr.

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