zlet Police Chief Cleared of Charges SEE STORIES PAGE 3 The Weather Sunny and mild today. THEDMLY FINAL [I Cloudy tonight and tomorrow, T Red Bank, Freehold f chance of rain early tomor- row. I Long Branch J EDITION 40 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL: 95 NO. 188 RED BANK,, N.J N.J.. WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY, ,MARC MARCHH 28,197 28,1973 3 TEN CENTS iinuuiiUiiMiiiiiauiuiiiiuiuiiiuiiiiiiiiniinuiiMiinniniiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiii ••iiiiMiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIMIIII iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii •>•• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiinHiniitiiiiHiiuiHuinn 49 More POWs Freed, Last 61 Go Tomorrow CLARK AIR BASE, Philip- to Clark Air Base, the first the Communists under a re- Air Force Lt. Col. Walter M. sionary from Centralia, pines (AP) — The Commu- stop on their trip home. patriation program that be- Stischer, 42, of Austin, Tex., Wash., waved their arms exu- nists freed 49 more American The 10 prisoners of the gan Feb. 12. the senior military man freed berantly. Oppel and Mattix POWs in Hanoi today, in- Communist Pathet Lao ar- Hanoi says the 67 being by the Laotians, told the were captured last Oct. 28 cluding a charter pilot held rived first, in midafternoon. freed tomorrow are the last crowd of welcomers: "On be- when the Communists over- longer than any other U.S. ci- The other 40 Americans, who Americans held in Vietnam. half of all of us I would like to ran the town of Kingkok, in vilian prisoner in the war. had been prisoners of North When they are handed over, a thank you and all of the Southern Laos. Vietnam, landed three hours total of 587 American military people of the United States of Among the men freed were later. men and civilians will have America for making our re- nine Americans captured in The men freed today joined been released since Feb. 12. turn possible. Thank you." Laos. A young Canadian mis- 27 American military men and The C141 carrying the for- The 10 men all appeared in Questions sionary captured in Laos also five civilians released by the mer Pathet Lao prisoners had good condition. Two of them, was handed over. Viet Cong in Hanoi yesterday. to circle Clark Reid for 20 min- Lloyd D. Oppel, 21, a Cana- , Two big flying hospitals Together with 67 POWs to be utes because a T33 trainer dian missionary from British Cambodia brought the freed men from freed tomorrow, they are the had blown a tire on landing Columbia, and Samuel A. the North Vietnamese capital last POWs to be released by and was blocking the runway^ Mattix, 20, an American mis- Bombing WASHINGTON (AP) - SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT — Oscar winners, from left, Eileen Heck- Now that U.S. troops are only art, Joel Grey, foreground, and Liza Minneili join in singing "You Ought two days away from leaving to Be in Pictures" after the Academy Awards ceremony at the Music Cen- Do-It-Yourself Pap Test South Vietnam, Sen. J.W. Ful- ter in Los Angeles last night. Miss Heckart won best supporting actress; bright wants to know how the Nixon administration justi- Grey won best supporting actor and Miss Minneili won best actress. Up- fies continued American per right are James Coburn ond Dyan Cannon. bombing missions in Cam- Under Fire in Two States bodia. "What are American forces By DORIS KCLMAN tion of cervical cancer. State and U.S. Department of The Division of Consumer doing in Cambodia? Whom Female Laboratory Testing, Public Health Service offi- Affairs spokesman said "I are we striking? Whom are Brando Wins Oscar A spokesman for the N.J. Inc., which has just leased an cials, it has been operating was unaware" of Female we supplying? How many Division of Consumer Affairs office in Orangeburg, N.Y., out of a post office box in Fort Laboratory Testing, Inc., un- Americans are in Cambodia, said yesterday that it "will se- was incorporated in New Jer- Lee and, as of March 1, had til The Daily Register inquiry. in or out of uniform? By what riously consider action" sey last August. In full-page received about 1,000 replies to "But we will investigate," authority is the United States But Turns It Down against Female Laboratory advertisments in current is- its advertisements. he said, "and since a sister carrying on any military ac- Testing, Inc., which New sues of several nationally-cir- Show Cause Order state has taken action, we will tivities in Cambodia?" HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Mar- Brando had sent her to "regr- This was the second time in York Attorney General Louis culated women's magazines, A spokesman for the U.S. seriously consider action." Those were some of the lon Brando has turned down etfully'1 refuse the award. The two years that an Oscar for J. Lefkowitz has charged with it is offering a |9 do-it-your- Postal Service in Newark said N.Y. Supreme Court Judge questions posed yesterday by the Academy Award for best announcement was greeted by best actor was turned down. not being a laboratory and self Pap test kit through the yesterday "we are looking Bernard Nadel has ordered Fulbright, D-Ark., chairman actor of 1972, sending an In-boos, then by scattered ap- George C. Scott said in ad- with fraudulently advertising a mails, and lists its address as into the matter" to determine Female Laboratory Testing, of the Senate Foreign Rela- dian girl to make the refusal plause as she said the refusal vance in 1971 he would not ac- medically unapproved, do-it- 2377 Lemoine Ave., Fort Lee, if any postal laws or regu- Inc. to show cause April 5 why tions Committee. because he thinks the film in- was because of treatment of cept if he won for his perform- yourself "Pap" test for detec- N.J. According to New York lations have been violated. it shouldn't be temporarily en- It is imperative, said Ful- dustry does not treat the American Indians by the film ance in "Patton." He won and joined "from offering for sale, bright, that the adminis- American Indian properly. industry and by television in the golden statuette is still un- advertising or selling to the tration explain its Cambodian Brando was selected for his movie reruns and because of claimed. public" its "Pap Chek" kit. policy. portrayal of the gangland boss recent happenings at Brando won an Academy Kenneth Fino, Nanuet, Fulbright made his demand in "The Godfather," which Wounded Knee, S.D. Militant Award in 1954 for "On the Wa- McGord to Answer N.Y., president of Female in a series of questions placed was named best. film of the Indians have held the historic terfront," and appeared per- Laboratory Testing and in the Congressional Record. year by the Motion Picture village for 29 days. sonally to accept the Oscar. named codefendant by Mr. Just before Fulbright's ques- Academy in ceremonies last Miss Minneili, daughter of He has been nominated six Lefkowitz, last Thursday can- tions were made public/White night at the Los Angeles Mu- the late entertainer Judy Gar- times for best actor. celled an interview with The House Press Secretary Ron- sic Center. land, gratefully accepted her "Cabaret" collected eight Watergate Queries Daily Register, scheduled for ald L. Ziegler was asked to Liza Minneili, the nightclub award after Brando's refusal Oscars, including one for Joel the following day, "because, cite President Nixon's con- singer of "Cabaret," was of his. Grey as best supporting actor WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate GOP Policy Com- Secretary Gerald L. Warren the furniture hasn't arrived" stitutional authority for con- picked as best actress. The "Thank you very much for as the music hall's master of Convicted Watergate con- mittee, told newsmen. said yesterday that a request for the firm's office at 2 Prel tinuing military operations in musical is set in Germany. this award. You have made ceremonies. spirator James W. McCord Jr, And Sen. Norris Cotton of by two House members to Plaza, Orangeburg. Cambodia. Sacheen Littlefeather said me very happy," she said. See Brando, page $ agreed to answer questions New Hampshire, head of the have Dean testify in con- under oath today at a closed- Senate Republican Confer- nection with hearings on exec- Mr. Fino confirmed yes- door interview with a special ence, said experience has utive privilege is being stud- terday (hat the Orangeburg Senate investigation com- taught him that it is bad po- ied. office isn't yet open. He re- mittee. : licy to prolong and drag out fused to comment on the at- 115 Federal Programs Seen The interview, arranged by "some kind of mystery or Reps. William S. Moorhead, torney general's charges. the committee late yesterday, scandal." DPa., and John N. Erlen- Spotlights Controversy is preliminary to later public Published reports say born, It-Ill., promised that The New York action hearings on the bugging of MeCord told lawyers for the Dean would not be questioned spotlights a growing medical Democratic headquarters in Watergate committee that about the Watergate or on controversy over the use and Correctable for Public Good anything that would infringe the Watergate complex here Dean and former White House reliability of so-called do-it- WASHINGTON (AP)-Sec- director, sounded a theme of "Many of these precious lion ceiling on the program and other alleged political es- on his confidential relation- yourself Pap tests, which ac- retary Caspar W. Weinberger government economy and effi- aide Jeb Stuart Magruder had ship with Nixon. dollars will be burned up in last year to halt runaway pionage and sabotage in last prior knowledge of the Water- tually are irrigation devices a of Health Education and Wel- ciency at his maiden news unnecessary administrative costs.
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