----------------·----- • • • Photography contest winners I VOL. XV , N0.69 an independent student newsp-aper serving notre dame and saint mary's MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1980 .l Security RA 'splay vital role in prepares ND/SMC community By Mary Leavitt Student Affairs towards the end Saint Mary's News Editor of January. All candidates who pass the initial screening are for break A resident assistant plays an then directed to contact the integral part in campus life at rector of the hall or halls in both Notre Dame and Saint By Rich Fischer which they w~sh to serve. At this Mary's. Although there are point, the process moves from differences in the systems the Office of Student Affairs to Director of Security Glenn mployed by each school, the the dormitories. Terry and his staff will implement basic goal is the same: to help The rector of each hall is special security precautions students live together comfort- responsible for selecting his du~·ing the month-long Christmas ably and profitably in the RAs. The process differs a bit break. resident halls. In order to do from hall to hall, but, in general These measures include chain- this, the RA is expected to the rector and a committee locking all the entrances but one fullfil! certain requirements and to each of the dorms, a standard live up to certain standards. l\r10 ND AY :=:=:=:=======::.:=:=:=:=:=::::::: practice during breaks. Maids, Most importantly, he serves as a janitors, and hall staff will be the link between the college's staff ·.·.·.·.•.•.· ..- ....... only people other than security and its students. ·.·.·.·.·.·;·.·.·.··FOCUS staff to have keys to the remain- "Of course, we see every RA ing doors. as a student first," explained Fr. I In addition, Terry announced Gregory Green, assistant vice- consisting of assistant rectors that the number of campus foot president of student affairs. and current RAs interview the patrols will be greatly increased "But a good RA should be able candidat•.:-s, assess each of them to provide more effective sur- to fulfill both his position as a and decide by vote whom they veillance of the residence halls student here and his position as wish to .~mploy. A complete list and academic buildings. a member of the staff." of RA choices is due to the When asked if he anticipates a The acquisition of the posi- Office of Student Affairs at the rash of break-ins and disturbances tion itself is an extremely com- beginning of March, and candi­ during the Christmas break sim- petitive process. Of the 500 to dates are subsequently notified ilar to the incidents that have 600 candidates who apply of their acceptance or rejection. occurred over the mid-semester yearly at ND, only 130 RAs are The selection process at SMC breaks, Terry answered with a needed. Usually, 20 of these differs from the one at ND in definite "no." positions are filled by returning that the entire process begins He explained that the breaks veterans. At SMC, there are 48 and ends in the Office of are very different in character. resident asf~stant positions of Residence Life. Application Specifically, Christmas break is which half are usually filled by forms along with three recom­ marked by the absence of the The steeple ofthe Sacred Heart Church is silhouetted magestically returnees. Seventy to 100 mendations are due in the office ..;tudents, while the mid-semester against a dark and threatening sky (photo by Chris Salvino) students apply for the remain- in mid-January. The recom­ vacations do not empty the ing positions yearly. mendation forms are to be filled out by a present resident ad­ <.ampus. c / The system of selection dif- The exodus of students for Carter Secur.:ty ounc.; fers between the two schools. visor, a member of the College's ( hristmas makes it easier for 1 11 11 At Notre Dame, the process faculty staff or administration Security to effectively guard ~ p l nd • • rtarts in the Office of Student and a personal friend or former ar,ainst both vandalism and con er on 0 a criSIS i-.ffairs. Applicants are expect- employer. Each applicant is burglary because Security can ' t:d to pick up the required form then required to interview with limit access to the buildings WASHING TON (AP) - President Carter conferred packet personally at the office. each of the residence directors more drastically. Further, it is Sunday with the National Security Council over the Polish Included in these packets are a and two RAs. Each candidate is easier to account for the presence , crisis ~nd a 'White House official said a Soviet intervention in schedule for RA selection, a also assigned to an apprentice­ of any person on the campus. : Pola~d "co'.lld take place because preparations for it are general description of the posi- ship group consisting of fivt to ·'Jjustdon'tanticipatearashof: completed.'' · tJOn, an application form and eight applicants and two cur­ break-ins," said 1erry. , The White House said in an announcement that Soviet : three recommendation forms, rent RAs. The group meets in­ For those students living off : preparatiom "for possible... intervf'ntion in Poland" have : two of which are to be com- formally twice for two to three campus, security arrangements been completed. : pleted by members of the resi hours. If candidates are inter­ are not so well-defined. Roughly A senior White House official stepped back from an ;- dtnce hall head staff and the ested in trainmg for their in­ 2700 Notre Dame students cur- assertion he made last week that a Soviet intervention in · third to be completed by a terview, an optional interview rently live off campus, in arrange- , Poland was not imminent. The official stated on Sunday:" As : former employer. The appli- skills workshop is offered. ments ranging from complexes ' of now, we're not in a position to say whether it is imminent ; cant is required to be either a There are certain additional like ND Apartments to Campus or not. \Y! e are in a position to note that it could take place : senior or a graduate student, requirements expected of the View to single or multi-residence because pr{ parations for it are completed." ; have an accumulative average appicants. Only sophomores or houses. Whatever security "It is our ~ope that no such intervention will take place," . of at least 3.0 and not to have juniors may apply, a minimum arrangements are to be made for ; the White House said in a written statement handed to i any other "job" requirements. GPA of 2. ~ is required and the the policing of this area over i reporters. Law students must have the ap- RA may not serve in Student break, Terry stressed, are not the 1 The National Security Council meeting lasted one hour pwval of the law school before Government positions or retain responsibility of Notre Dame [ and 50 minutes Sunday afternoon. At the end, House and they will be considered. employment exceeding five Security. I Senate Democratic and Republican officials- house Applications usually open at Last year, the management of i the beginning ofDecember and fcon/. '.'~:ed on page 7} Notre Dame Apartments made 1 [continued on page 101. are due back to the Office of arrangementsperson to check with the security apartment for a ~·=::::=::=:=========·-:::: --·.. - --- ... -=.=·--:::.=:-:.-=.::-:._:::--=-=-=-=-=-=.:====-=·==-=-=-=·=:-:.==~I============-== cumplex every few hours. ND 1V J'l .rr,lepu/Jback' Apartments paid the security ~·U ~-~ ... ..., staff wishes you personnel themselves for this s • J: •J • h J ;.~~tw!':':?cc~:;;:.~~d' !~ >_Yrta, Joruan wzt uraw troops a joyous pt:rsonnel going to and returning Christmas. from work, so as not to diminish DAMASCUS, Syria mediation effort by Saudi Persian .Gulf war between Iran coverage of the campus itself. (AP)- Tanks and troops rolled Arabia and that about 25 per­ and Iraq. The ND Apartment manage­ back on both sides of the cent of the forces on both sides Syria began the buildup Nov. Publication ment has not yet contacted Syrian-Jordan border yesterday had been withdrawn. 2, deploying a total of 50,000 Security this year to make any after a two-week military con­ There was no immediate soldiers and 1,200 tanks on the will similar arrangements. frontation pushed the two Arab word from from officials in southern border. Jordan re­ The other residence areas. countries to the brink of war, Amman on Jordanian pull­ sponded by sending an esti­ resume including Campus View, are official Syrian sources reported. backs. "We are still taking this mated 600 tanks and 30,000 advised to contact either the seriously,'" said one Jordanian troops to within six miles of the management of their complex or The sources, who declined to source of the border crisis that Syrian forces. Jan. 15. the South Bend Police to see be id( ntified, said the full-scale threatened a .iecond conflict in [continl4etl on page 3] about security arrangements. pullback began Saturday after a an area already tense over the ------~-· ----------- ----------~-- --- 1\T~fl)Sct=)=1=~=j=~~~=S==========~==================··=M=o=n=da=y=,=D=e=ce=m=b=e=r=8,=1=9=8=0~=p=a=g~e2 by The OhsertRr and The AsJ()ciated Prt'SJ .fuside Monday Parents of three of the ·Americans held hostage in Iran ignored a chilly drizzle yesterday to attend a flag-raising marking the 39th anniversary of the Japanese Th~ Spirit of Christmas attack on Pearl Harbor and the 400th day of captivity for the 52 Americans. Only about 50 people braved the weather for It's 18 days until Christmas and the second the ceremony at Hill Crest Memorial Park, one of the week of Advent.
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