UPDATE: August 3, 2021 includes COVID-19 Supported MCIR Vaccine Codes Including U.S. Licensed CVX, CPT-4, and MVX MCIR codes are a reflection, but not a complete list of, those maintained at the CDC National Immunization Program Website. For additional IIS Vaccine Code information please visit CDC’s IIS NDC Lookup Crosswalk Table. CDC Current CDC MCIR Vaccine Display Active/ CDC Product Procedural Manufacturer Vaccine CDC Vaccine Name Manufacturer Name Historical Name Terminology Code (MVX) Code (CVX) Code (CPT) Emergent 24 Anthrax Active BIOTHRAX Anthrax 90581 Biosolutions MIP cholera, live 174 Cholera (Vaxchora) Active attenuated Vaxchora 90625 PaxVax PAX COVID-19, mRNA, LNP-S, PF, 207 COVID-19 (Moderna) Active COVID-19 100 mcg/ 0.5 mL dose 91301 Moderna US, Inc MOD COVID-19, mRNA, LNP-S, PF, 208 COVID-19 (Pfizer) Active COVID-19 30 mcg/0.3 mL dose 91300 Pfizer-BioNTech PFR COVID-19 vaccine, vector-nr, 212 COVID-19 (Janssen) Active COVID-19 rS-Ad26, PF, 0.5 mL 91303 Janssen Products, LP JSN Diphtheria-Tetanus (DT 28 DT (pediatric) Active DT (GENERIC) pediatric) 90702 Sanofi PMC 106 DTaP Daptacel Active DAPTACEL DTaP (5 pertussis) 90700 Sanofi PMC 20 DTaP (Ped) Infanrix Active INFANRIX DTaP 90700 GlaxoSmithKline SKB DTaP-HepB-IPV 110 (Pediarix) Active PEDIARIX DTaP-Hep B-IPV 90723 GlaxoSmithKline SKB DTaP-Hib-IPV 120 (Pentacel) Active PENTACEL DTaP-Hib-IPV 90698 Sanofi PMC MSP Vaccine 146 DTaP-IPV-Hib-HepB Active VAXELIS DTaP-IPV-Hib-HepB 90697 Co(partnership Merck MSP and SanofiPasteur 130 DTaP-IPV Active KINRIX DTaP-IPV 90696 GlaxoSmithKline SKB 130 DTaP-IPV Active Quadracel DTaP-IPV 90696 Sanofi PMC 1 Update: August 3, 2021 CDC Current CDC Procedural MCIR Vaccine Display Active/ Manufacturer Vaccine Code CDC Product Name Terminology Name Historical CDC Vaccine Name Manufacturer Code (MVX) (CVX) Code (CPT) hepatitis B immune 30 HBIG: HepB globulin Active globulin HBIG: Hep B globulin 90371 NABI NAB 52 HepA (adult) Active HAVRIX-ADULT Hepatitis A adult (HepA) 90632 GlaxoSmithKline SKB 52 HepA (adult) Active VAQTA-ADULT Hepatitis A adult (HepA) 90632 Merck MSD 83 HepA (ped/adol) Active HAVRIX-PEDS Hepatitis A pediatric (HepA) 90633 GlaxoSmithKline SKB 90633 83 HepA (ped/adol) Active VAQTA-PEDS Hepatitis A pediatric (HepA) Merck MSD Hepatitis A-Hepatitis B 104 HepA-HepB (Twinrix) Active TWINRIX (HepA-HepB) 90636 GlaxoSmithKline SKB RECOMBIVAX- 43 HepB (adult) Active ADULT Hepatitis B adult (HepB) 90746 Merck MSD RECOMBIVAX- Hepatitis B adolescent (2 43 HepB (adult) Active ADULT dose) 90743 Merck MSD ENGERIX-B- 43 Hep B (adult) Active ADULT Hepatitis-B adult (HepB) 90746 GlaxoSmithKline SKB RECOMBIVAX- 44 HepB (dialysis) Active DIALYSIS Hepatitis B (dialysis) 3 dose 90740 Merck MSD Hepatitis B pediatric or 08 HepB (ped/adol) Active ENGERIX B-PEDS adolescent (HepB) 90744 GlaxoSmithKline SKB RECOMBIVAX- Hepatitis B pediatric or 08 HepB (ped/adol) Active PEDS adolescent (HepB) 90744 Merck MSD HepB adjuvanted 189 HEPLISAV-B Active HEPLISAV-B Hep B, adjuvanted 90739 Dynavax DVX Haemophilus influenzae type 48 Hib (ActHib/Hiberix) Active ACTHIB b (Hib) 90648 Sanofi PMC Haemophilus influenzae type 48 Hib (ActHib/Hiberix) Active HIBERIX b (Hib) 90648 GlaxoSmithKline SKB Haemophilus influenzae type 49 Hib (PedvaxHIB) Active PEDVAXHIB b (Hib)(3dose) 90647 Merck MSD 2 Update: August 3, 2021 CDC Current CDC Procedural Vaccine Code MCIR Vaccine Display Active/ Manufacturer CDC Product Name Terminology (CVX) Name Historical CDC Vaccine Name Manufacturer Code (MVX) Code (CPT) Human Papillomavirus 9- 165 HPV9 Active GARDASIL9 90651 Merck MSD valent vaccine 86 Immune Globulin (IM) Active GAMASTAN Immune Globulin - IM 90281 Talecris TAL Influenza, trivalent, Influenza aIIV3 (Fluad adjuvanted, preservative 168 Active Fluad 90653 Seqirus SEQ p-free) free Influenza aIIV4 (Fluad Influenza vaccine, 205 Quad, p-free, inj) Active Fluad Quad quadrivalent, adjuvanted 90694 Seqirus SEQ Flucelvax, Influenza ccIIV4 quadrivalent, Influenza, injectable, MDCK, (Flucelavax, quad, with 186 Active quadrivalent 90756 Seqirus SEQ preserv) preservative Influenza ccIIV4 Influenza, injectable, MDCK, (Flucelvax Quad P-free, Flucelvax preservative free, 171 Active 90674 Seqirus SEQ inj) quadrivalent quadrivalent Influenza virus vaccine, Fluzone quadrivalent (IIV4), 0.5 mL 158 Influenza IIV4 (Inject) Active 90688 Sanofi PMC Quadrivalent dosage Influenza virus vaccine, Fluzone quadrivalent (IIV4), 0.25 mL 158 Influenza IIV4 (Inject) Active 90687 Sanofi PMC Quadrivalent dosage Influenza virus vaccine, Afluria quadrivalent (IIV4), 0.25 mL 158 Influenza IIV4 (Inject) Active 90687 Seqirus SEQ Quadrivalent dosage Influenza virus vaccine, Afluria 158 Influenza IIV4 Inject Active quadrivalent (IIV4), 0.5 mL 90688 Seqirus SEQ Quadrivalent dosage Fluzone Influenza Shot (IIV4) (P-Free, Influenza IIV4 Ped (P- Quadrivalent, Inject) Quadrivalent 161 Active 90685 Sanofi PMC free pediatric Pediatric 3 Update: August 3, 2021 CDC Current CDC Procedural Vaccine Code MCIR Vaccine Display Active/ Manufacturer CDC Product Name Terminology (CVX) Name Historical CDC Vaccine Name Manufacturer Code (MVX) Code (CPT) Afluria Influenza, injectable, Influenza IIV4 Ped (P- Quadrivalent Ped quadrivalent, preservative Preservative SEQ 161 Free), inject Active free pediatric 90685 Seqirus free Influenza injectable, Afluria quadrivalent, preservative 150 Influenza IIV4 P-free Active 90686 Seqirus SEQ Quadrivalent free Fluarix, Influenza Shot (IIV4) (P-Free, 150 Influenza IIV4 P-Free Active Quadrivalent Inject) Quadrivalent 90686 Glaxo Smith Kline SKB Flulaval Influenza IIV4 P-Free, Inject 150 Influenza IIV4 P-Free Active quadrivalent Quadrivalent 90686 Glaxo Smith Kline SKB Fluzone, Influenza Shot (IIV4) (P-Free, 150 Influenza IIV4 P-Free Active Quadrivalent Inject) Quadrivalent 90686 Sanofi PMC Flulaval Influenza Shot (IIV4) (P-Free, 150 Influenza IIV4 P-Free Active quadrivalent Inject) Quadrivalent 90686 Biomedical IDB Influenza IIV4 High Dose (Fluzone High Fluzone High influenza, high-dose, Dose Quad, .7ml, p- 197 Active Dose Quad quadrivalent 90662 Sanofi PMC free) Influenza LAIV4 Flumist Influenza intranasal (LAIV4) 149 (Flumist) Active quadrivalent Quadrivalent 90672 Medimmune MED Influenza RIV4 (Flublok Flublok Influenza, recombinant, 185 Quad, P-Free) Active quadrivalent quadrivalent, injectable 90682 Sanofi PMC 10 IPV (polio) Active IPOL Polio (IPV) 90713 Sanofi PMC Japanese Encephalitis VAL 134 IM Active Ixiaro Japanese Encephalitis (IM) 90738 Valneva MenACWY-D Meningococcal Conjugate 114 (Menactra) Active MENACTRA (MCV4) 90734 Sanofi PMC 4 Update: August 3, 2021 CDC Current CDC Procedural Vaccine Code MCIR Vaccine Display Active/ Manufacturer CDC Product Name Terminology (CVX) Name Historical CDC Vaccine Name Manufacturer Code (MVX) Code (CPT) meningococcal polysaccharide MenACWY-TT (groups A, C, Y, W-135) TT 203 (MenQuadfi) Active MENQUADFI conjugate 90619 Sanofi PMC Men ACWY-CRM Meningococcal 136 (Menveo) Active MENVEO Oligosaccharide (MCV4O) 90734 GlaxoSmithKline SKB Meningococcal B vaccine, 162 MenB-FHbp Active Trumenba fully recombinant 90621 Pfizer PFR Meningococcal B vaccine, recombinant, OMV, 163 MenB -4C Active Bexsero 90620 GlaxoSmithKline SKB adjuvanted 03 MMR Active M-M-R II MMR 90707 Merck MSD 94 MMRV (ProQuad) Active PROQUAD MMRV 90710 Merck MSD Pneumococcal Conjugate, 13 133 PCV13 (Prevnar) Active PREVNAR 13 valent (PCV13) 90670 Pfizer PFR 96 PPD Intradermal Active Tubersol Tuberculin-TST Sanofi PMC Tuberculin-TST (PPD 96 PPD Intradermal Active Aplisol Intradermal) Parkdale PD Pneumococcal MSD 33 PPSV23 (Pneumovax) Active PNEUMOVAX 23 Polysaccharide (PPSV23) 90732 Merck 175 Rabies-IM Diploid Active IMOVAX IM Diploid cell culture 90675 Sanofi PMC 176 Rabies-IM Fibroblast Active RabAvert IM Fibroblast culture 90675 GlaxoSmithKline SKB 34 RIG: Rabies globulin Active HyperRAB RIG-HIT 90376 Grifols GRF 5 Update: August 3, 2021 CDC Current CDC Procedural MCIR Vaccine Display Active/ Manufacturer Vaccine Code CDC Product Name Terminology Name Historical CDC Vaccine Name Manufacturer Code (MVX) (CVX) Code (CPT) 34 RIG: Rabies globulin Active Imogam RIG 90375 Sanofi PMC 34 RIG: Rabies globulin Active HyperRAB RIG-HT 90376 Talecris TAL 93 RSV-MAB (Synagis) Active Synagis RSV-MAB IM 90378 Medimmune MED Rotavirus Monovalent (2- 119 RV1 (Rotarix) Active ROTARIX dose, Rotarix, RV1) 90681 GlaxoSmithKline SKB Rotavirus Pentavalent (3- 116 RV5 (Rotateq) Active ROTATEQ dose, Rotateq, RV5) 90680 Merck MSD 75 Smallpox Active ACAM2000 Smallpox (Vaccinia) None Sanofi Pasteur PMC Td (adult), 2 Lf tetanus toxoid, Tetanus-diphtheria adult Massachusetts preservative 09 Td (adult) adsorbed Active (Td) 90718 Biological Labs MBL free, adsorbed Td (adult), 5 Lf tetanus toxoid, preservative free, 113 Td PF (adol/adult) Active Tenivac 90714 Sanofi PMC adsorbed 115 Tdap (adol/adult) Active ADACEL Tdap (adol/adult) 90715 Sanofi Pasteur PMC 115 Tdap (adol/adult) Active BOOSTRIX Tdap (adol/adult) 90715 GlaxoSmithKline SKB TIG: Tetanus immune TIG: Tetanus immune 13 globulin Active HYPERTET globulin 90389 Talecris TAL 25 Typhoid (oral) Active Typhoid (oral) Typhoid (oral) 90690 PaxVax PAX 101 Typhoid ViCPS Active TYPHIM VI Typhoid 90691 Sanofi PMC 6 Update: August 3, 2021 CDC Current CDC Procedural Vaccine Code MCIR Vaccine Display Active/ Manufacturer CDC Product Name Terminology (CVX) Name Historical CDC Vaccine Name Manufacturer Code (MVX) Code (CPT) 21 Varicella (Varivax) Active VARIVAX Varicella (VAR) 90716 Merck MSD VZIG: Varicella zoster 36 VZIG Active VariZIG globulin 90396 Unknown 37 Yellow Fever Active
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