y Canadian Commission / International Year for Human Rights Commission Canadienne / Année Internationale des Droits de 1*Homme. Speakers* List / Liste de conférenciers Newfoundland St. John1s Hr. John Cornish C.F. 5368, East End Station. Prince Edward Island M. Yves Breton Agent de liaison (Nouveau-Brunswick et Ile-du-Prince-Edouard), Citoyen­ neté Canadienne, Edifice fédéral, rue Principale. Nova Scotia Halifax Mr* Norman Peterson Liaison Officer, Citizenship Branch, 1521 Dresden Row. New Brunswick Moncton R.P. Clément Cormier, c.s.c. Université de Noncton M. Yves Breton Agent de liaison (Ile-du-Prince- Edouard et Nouveau-Brunswick), Citoyenneté^Gan&dienne, Edifice fédéral,-rue Principale. Québec Me René IXissault Professeur à la Faculté de Droit, Université Laval. Me Jean-Charles Bonenfant Bibliothèque de la Législature, (Spécialités: Libertés civiles, Culture, Education) M. Nicolas Zay Directeur de l ’Ecole des services sociaux, Cité Universitaire, (Spécialités: Santé et Bien-être) M. J.-Raymond Laliberté Président, Corporation des fiiseignants du Québec, 2136, Chemin Ste-Foy, Québec 10. Mme Louise Savard Officier de Liaison â Québec, Citoyenneté Canadienne, Palais Montcalm, ch. Zh "B", rue St-Jean. Rouyn H. Gérard Gagné Bureau de poste,97, rue Perreault (C.P. 923) Montreal Prof. John P. Humphrey Faculty of Law & Political Science, McGill University, 36^ Peel St. Prof. J.R. Mallory Dept, of Economics & Political Science, McGill University. Prof. Saul Frankel Dept, of Arts & Science, McGill University. Prof. Richard Arens Faculty of Law, McGill University. Prof. Perry Meyer Faculty of Law, McGill University. 2 y 4 . O _ Montreal con’d Prof. V.E. McWhinney Faculty of Law, McGill University. v Prof. J.J. Gov — Institute of Comparative and Foreign Law, McGill University. Prof. Michael Brecher < ^ McGill University. Prof. Michael Oliver McGill University. —l Dr. D.-E. Woodsworth McGill School of Social Work. Dean Maxwell Cohen Faculty of Law, McGill University. Mr. (and Mrs.) Saul Hayes, ;;.C. Executive Voce-President of Canadian Jewish Congress, ^93 Sherbrooke St. W. Me Claude Artnand Chepard Plâce Victoria (Spécialités: “Libertés civiles, Minorites) Mr. Murray Ballantyne Citoyenneté Canadienne Mme Rita Cadieux Suppléante, Officier de Liaison,. Citoyenneté Canadienne, Région du Ouébec, 303 ouest, boul. Dorchester, Chambre 1025. M. Langis Siroix Officier de Liaison, Montréal, Citoyenneté Canadienne, ch. 1025, 305 ouest, boul. Dorchester. Mr. Lavy Becker Canadian Inter-Faith Conference, 9785 Jeanne St., Montreal 12. Mme Therese Casgrain 250, avenue Clarke, Montréal 6. M. Query Leblanc Directeur des Relations publiques, CNR Région du St-Laurent, C.P. 80?, Montréal 3- Prof. Frank R. Scott French Canada Studies Programne, McGill University. Ontario Ottawa M. Alban Daigle Directeur, Commission Canadienne, Année Internationale des Droits de l'Homme, 270, rue Maclaren, (233-5619) Director, Canadian Comission, International Year for Human Rights, 270 MacLaren St. )jt. Arthur Stinson Director, Canadian Citizenship Council, 270 MacLaren St. (235-1^7) Mr. Kalmen Kaplansky Director, International Labour Office, 178 Queen St., Ottawa *+. M. Jean Boucher Directeur, The Canada Council (Le Conseil du Canada), l*+0, rue Wellington Mr. Myer Belkin National Liaison Officer, Human Rights Programme, Citizenship Branch, Dept, of Secretary of State, 130 Slater St. Mr. David Bartlett Secretary General, Canadian National Commission for UNESCO, 1**0 Wellington St. Ottawa con’d * i Hile Monique Bégin Secretaire générale de la Coaaniaaion Royale d ’Ehquéte sur la situation de la femme, C.P. 2520 Mr* Peter Trueman United Mations Association in Canada, /■ -jj- 63 Sparks St., Ottawa 4. Dr* Alexander Laidlaw Cooperative Union of Canada, 111 Sparks St., Ottawa 4. Mrs. Gloria Blaine 335 Cooper St., Ottawa. Scarborough Prof. R.L. James Dept, of Sociology, Scarborough College, 1265 Military Trail, West Hill, Qnt. London Mr. Gordon Freeman . liaison Officer, Citizenship Branch, 457 Richmond St. Sudbury Mr. Ken Alexander Suite 525, 19_Lisgar South St. Windsor Prof. Mark HcGuigan Faculty of Law, Windsor University (Specialty: Civil liberties) Toronto Dr. Walter Tarnopolsky Osgoode Hall Law School (Specialties: Civil Liberties, Minorities, International Conventions) Miss Muriel W. Jacobson Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Room 440, 86 Bloor St., Toronto 5 (Specialties: International Conventions, Education) Dean R. St. John Macdonald Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. Prof. Charles £• Hendry Toronto School of Social Work Prof. Sidney R. Peck University of Toronto (Specialty: Civil Liberties Prof, ferry W. Arthurs Osgoode Hall Law School (Specialties: labour, Civil Liberties) Prof. Tim Reid York University, Toronto (Specialty: Education) Mr. A. A'P*” Borovoy Director, Toronto and District Labour Committee for Human Rights, 10 1/2 Spadina Road, Toronto 4 (Specialty: Labour an& Human Rights) Mr. Myer Sfcarzer 150 Beverley St*, Toronto 2B (Specialty: fete literature) Dr. Earl Beiger - President - UKA Branch, 4 St. Thomas St Toronto 5 {Specialty: Civil liberties in International Conventions) Mr. Sid Linden c u n n t e n r k Civil Liberties Association, €2 Ricfcaond St. V»9 Suite 903» Toronto 1 (Specialty: Civil Liberties) Manitoba • Winnipeg Pr^Jaroslav B* Rudnyckyj Ukrainian PYee Academy of Science, * /• r;... ^ University of Manitoba, JFbrt Garry Mr. Weil ter M. Hlady Liaison Officer, Canadian Citizenship Branch, *+01 Federal Bldg., Winnipeg. Saskatchewan Regina Mr. N.K. Rebin Liaison Officer, Suite 202, Derrick Bldg. Saskatoon Dr. Douglas A. Schmeiser Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Saskatchewan, Sask. Alberta Edmonton Mr. G.E. Hughes Liaison Officer, Western Region, Canadian Citizenship Branch, 1053^ - 100th St. Mr. R.J. Con Liaison Officer, Canadian Citizenship Branch, 1053^>- 100th St., Alberta. Calgary Mrs. Newton Zemans British Columbia Vancouver Mr. Brian D. Marshall Liaison Officer, Canadian Citizen­ ship Branch, Suite 6l*+, 325 Granville St., B.C. Mrs. Sail y Ostapchuk Executive Director of the B.C. Commission for Human Rights, 119 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. (Rione: 8?6-2*+3*+; (Specialty: Minorities) Add to New Brunswick Fredericton Dr. Noel Kinsella P.0. Box 580, Dept, of Labour Mr.- J. Michael O ’Brien P.0. Box 580, Dept, of labour ■ ^ St. John Mrs. Sarah Simon Big Cove, Kent County. Mr. Joseph Drummond 5 Phillips Court Dr. J* Lionel Guravich 19 Rosedale Crescent. Bathurst M. Alexandre J. Savoie Directeur du programme du Plan du Nord-est du N.-B., La Société d*Aménagement Régionale, Case postale 20 international yeàr for human rigttts / l'année internationale des droits de ilf 7 0 tue M acLaièrr S t . Ottawa 4 Canadian Commission ■si!;IS- •« '■ .Commission■_ . Canadienne P a tro n Hiÿ Excellency the R'ghl Honorahi«* Sort Excellpoce Hono'iW e ■'--CA­ .. Roland MicHor>»»r O C *Gove*no» Gpnetal Gouvetneo» Gené'a' SENT TO PROVINCIAL COMMITTEES . Honorary President President d honneur The-Rigrtt Hono'ftbie Le T’é«. *nnoiab'i» Lcstef B Pea'son PC V P Prime Minister P»emie* minist*** In three months* time representatives from all sections Executive Committee f>en. of Canada and from all walks of life will convene in Ottawa to President President John Humph-n assess the year’s Human Rights programme, to examine the present ■* situation of Human Right's in Canada and to decide where to go C h airm en : P rès Kalmen Kaplansk* from here* p David Bartlett Monique Bèg<n As most of the 1968 effective projects were initiated Myor Bollun , L8«v B’eckei by the provincial committees, so also can we expect the major Haig Bevlénan decisions at the National Conference to come from the delegates .Thésèse Casg'atn Maxwell Cohen of the Provincial Committees. They were the people involved René.-tussau U during the year and they most likely will be the ones to give Saul Hayes René Hurtubise effective leadership in the carrying out of the recommendations Munel Jacohson affecting the post sixty-eight programme. Alexander Laidlaw Raycpond Lalibertè • Eméry LeBlanc We know that your committee has already given much :•?. Monique lussie» John Macdonald thought to the selection of its delegation and that it will ; ÎEtédiWlr.Pnce be a true spokesman for your area. Each^provincial committee I^Ubjüis^abpuf ' n I^Aje'^n'dr^S'avoie is entitled to five delegates. They do not have to be members ||^d.|ÿ;'g}îi^i^rnéiser , • of the committee. §^ ^ p^ ^jÿa|fç?ï:iarnoRoisk.v We know that, finance is often a serious obstacle to iS* Sç.c^tré s overcome when travel expenses constitute a sizeable item. May Ar hu lèn'riSÇto we suggest that you do not overlook the possibility of financial ïirectei/f support from your Provincial government. 'It has shown noticeable interest in your 1968 programme. It might be useful to remember also the Federal agencies which may have previously assisted you financially during the year. Will your committee be there? That is up to you. But now is the time to plan your participation. (a) The programme is substantially set (copy attached) / r .fb.);v(b) Excellent and competent speakers have accepted to . ^ a d.. d . A. r eaddress s s tthe delegates. il¡UÉ ; lllfe -JJ : Aa Cc) ^SDecialf\E ‘ ' ‘ - ^ ; • •• * - ■ \|p\ ‘ * * We expect you to prepare, specifically'two items for' the Cotfererice* ( . (1) An activity report covering t h e v ~ i o u s projects initiate.d and developed as part of the International Year programme on Human Rights, § N.3,< To be sent to the' -S&iacLian Commission on* or before October 13 and thence distributed to- the delegates before the Conference. •(c) ,A 5 to 10 minute statement on the Human Rights situation within the Province covering the legislation, the gaps, the attitudes, the crucial problems and the urgent solutions. 300 .copies: 330 in English and ISO in French. N.E. To be ready for distribution at the Conference following the venbal presentation of the statement at 11:X a.n., December 0, 1968. We request that you ask your delegates to return the registration form to us as soon as possible and the enclosed reservation card, to the hotel.
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