Chess Canada 2015.01 2 Chess Canada Chess Canada (CCN) is the elec- Chess Canada tronic newsletter of the Chess Federation of Canada. Opinions 2015.01 Next Issue... expressed in it are those of the You Gotta See This... (2) credited authors and/or editor, You Gotta See This... and do not necessarily reflect Pt 3: those of the CFC, its Governors, 2014 News Makers agents or employees, living or ...................................................... 11 Canadian Chess dead. Endgame Defence Year in Review subscriptions ..................................................... 32 CCN is distributed by email to Coded Messages? Profile: Qiyu Zhou CFC members who have submit- .................................................... 42 ted their email address to the Coming Soon... CFC: [email protected] Around Canada Student Issue · World U16 Teams BC Junior Championship submissions .................................................. 43 · BC Junior CCN is looking for contributions: tournament reports, photos, an- · 2014 Pan-Ams notated games. For examples, Appendix · Canadian University Ch see this issue or read the 2013.06 · Nicholas Vettese anada Appendix for other ideas. World Championship Blunders .................................................. 50 C suggestions Cover: Magnus Carlsen mosaic If you have an idea for a story you Columns Upcoming Events ..................................... 3 would like to write, email me: every photo of inter- [email protected] Editor’s notes .......................................... 5 national chess appear- Critical Positions ...................................... 7 ing in Chess Canada in 2014, combined using hess - John Upper (this PDF has bookmarks) Andrea Mosaic. 2015.01 editor CCN C Upcoming Events 3 May 22-24 June 6 Ch. Ouvert Laval June 19-28 Halifax Open Mississauga Standard Centre Communautaire 10th Edmonton International Fri: 6; Sat & Sun: 10, 4. Erindale United Church, 1444 St.Louis-de-Montfort, Laval Chess Festival TC: 120 + 30 Dundas Crescent Ven: 19h; Sam & Dim: 10 & Sat: 9:30, 12:30, 2:30, 4:30 15:30 Org: Ken Cashin Edmonton International: http://www.nschess. TC: G/10 + 10 Cad: 75m/40c + 20/mat + ca/?page_id=186 http://www.miltonchess.ca/images/ 30s GM Vasil Ivanchuk GM Pentala Harikrishna cfc/ms1.pdf 2500$ en pris garantis GM Sam Shankland GM Surya Ganguly May 23-24 http://www.fqechecs. qc.ca/cms/activite/ Edmonton Open: June 26-28 (max. 20 players) Ontario Youth June 6-7 ch-ouvert-laval-19-21-juin Championship Trumpeter Classsic City Hall, Kitchener Sandman Hotel, Grande Prairie, June 20-21 Side Events: GM Lecture, Harikrishna Simul, Blitz Org: Patrick McDonald Alberta. Guelph Summer Pro-Am Players MUST pre-register Sat: 10, 2:30; 7. Sun: 9, 1:30 Contact: Edmonton Chess Club, Micah Hughey http://oycc.ca/default.html http://www.gpchessclub.com/ Guelph Univesity Centre, trumpeter-classic.html rm.441 http://edmonton-international.com/ May 30-31 Sat: 10, 2, 6:30; Sun 10 & June 13 2:30 Calgary International TC: 90 + 30 Qualifier & Fundraiser K-W Team Tournament City Hall, Kitchener Org: Hal Bond Calgary Chess Club [email protected] July 10-16 Org: Vlad Rekhson Sat: 10, 11:30, 1, 2:30, 4. Canadian Closed http://calgary-international.com/ TC: 25 + 10s delay Harbourfront Chessfest sideevents.php Org: Ed Thompson Winner represents Canada at World Cup anada [email protected] Toronto Harbourfront Baku, Azerbaijan, Sept.10–Oct.4, 2015. June 5-7 Boulevard Tent & South C TORO ($5000 guraranteed) June 19-21 Lawn Peter Clark Hall, University of Guelph, ON. Maison du Citoyen, Gatineau Eastern Ontario Open Sat & Sun: 11am–6pm Fri: 7:30; Sat & Sun: 10, 3. RA Centre, Ottawa The Chess Institute of Can- Eligibility: 2100 CFC, FQE or FIDE as of 2015/05. TC: 90 + 30 Fri: 7:30; Sat & Sun 10 & 3. ada and the Annex Chess Format: 9 round Swiss. Org: Marcel Laurin Org: Halldor Palsson Club provide a day of chess TC: 40/90 + G/30 + 30s. http://www.matoutaouais.org/ http://www.eoca.org/resources/2015- programming for all ages EF: $250 wp-content/uploads/2015/04/ Eastern-Ontario-Open.pdf and skill levels. hess Org: IA Hal Bond TOROpub2015.pdf http://www.harbourfrontcentre. 2015.01 com/whatson/today. C cfm?id=7150 Detailed PDF Upcoming Events 4 June 26-28 July 4-5 July 29 - Aug 3 BC Senior Championship Aurora Summer Open Calgary International Comfort Inn& Suites, Surrey Royal Canadian Legion, Aurora Calgary Chess Club Fri: 6; Sat: 10, 4; Sun: 9, 2. Details: TBA TC: 90 + 30 TC: 90 + 30 Featuring: Org: Paul Leblanc http://www.aurorachessclub.ca/ GM Aleksandr Lenderman http://wordpress.cvining.com/ bc-senior-2015/ GM Michael Roiz July 17–25 GM Victor Mikhalevski AIDEF-Quebec Open Collège Brébeuf, Montréal Format: 9 round Open Swiss TC: 40/90 + G/30 + 30s July 6-9 Association Internationale des Échecs Franco- phones combined with the 2015 Quebec Open. Side Events: CYCC Banff National Park (July 29) Blitz Tourny (Aug.2) Waterfront Hotel, Windsor, ON. Format: 9rd Swiss; Open, U1600 TC: 40/90 + G/30 + 30 ...more TBA Winners represents Canada at WYCC http://www.fqechecs.qc.ca/cms/ Organizer and TD: Vlad Rekhson Porto Carras, Greece activite/3e-rencontres-inter-des-echecs-francophones Oct.24–Nov.5, 2015. http://calgary-international.com/index.html Format: 7 round Swiss. July 25 – August4 TC: G/90 +30. anada Kitchener Chess Festival EF: $225 by June 10, $250 after. C Eligibility: http://www.chess.ca/handbook#section-7 RETURNING NEW 6th Canadain Seniors Ch. FIDE Kitchener Masters th http://www.windsorchess.com/CYCC2015/ 9 Canadain Amateur Ch. (July 31 - Aug.4) 2nd North American U20. 2 Scheveningen-style events for [email protected] July 26-30: 9 rd Swiss for 9-round GM and IM norms. GM and WGM norms. hess http://www.chessfest.ca/ 2015.01 C Another issue of Chess Canada rockets onto the internet... from the editor 5 In this Issue cent minimum number of pages to make a bett er informed com- the thousands of engineers at Intel Once a year Chess Canada collects and move the rest to the next issue. parison of World Champions past and programmers from Microsoft games from beyond its offi cial beat and present. Readers can judge for through ChessBase and Stockfi sh — any player in Canada, Canadian Spoilers... themselves how today’s top players who made that computer analysis players anywhere — and presents There was a much-noted double- compare with their predecessors in possible. them as a year-summing smorgas- blunder in game 6 of the Carlsen- the blunder department. bord. The previous issue (2014.12) Anand World Championship match Blunderology featured games selected and anno- – Carlsen played a move which No Respect Second-rate moves are easy to un- tated by regular Chess Canada con- hung two pawns, Anand didn’t see Some people might not like seeing derstand: chess is diffi cult, and, as tributors, the games, “you would it and went on to lose. the mistakes of the great players of Boris Gelfand said in a recent post- show your chess friends because Hyperbole ensued: One of the the classical era collected, dissect- mortem, “errare humanum est”. you think they really have to see great blunders in World Champion- ed and displayed. But blunders are paradoxical, it.” This issue concludes the sum- ship history!! It might encourge disrespect for especially when made by strong mary with reports on the top news I don’t know much about chess those players. players. To recognize a move as a makers, as well as a feature on two history, but even I could think of a It shouldn’t. blunder requires us to know what theoreti cal rook endgames which couple of WC blunders that were First, this collecti on doesn’t show is wrong with it and to know what came up repeatedly in high-profi le up there with that one. So I did a those players at their best: it ex- the bett er moves were. But once games in 2014. litt le digging, and the Appendix col- plicitly shows them at their worst. we (ordinary) players know this, lects the results: some of the most A fair judgment about thier playing it becomes hard to imagine why a Smaller and Faster famous World Championship blun- skill would look at all their moves, world-class player did not see it. All of this was ready for the 20014.12 ders, and adds to that list some of not just the bad ones. When moves are outrageously issue, but I decided to split it in two the worst ones I found in just the Second, there’s no reason for bad it’s reasonable to ask whether anada based on reader feedback: Steinitz matches. readers to feel smug: unless you something else might have been • some people complained that C correctly solve all the Criti cal Posi- going on. Was the player in ti me the cover dates don’t match Spoiler Alert ti ons there’s no reason to think you trouble? Was he ill? Was he trying the calendar dates the issues Appendix contains would have avoided their blunders. to throw the game? have been released. many outrageously Third, the fact that a modern • no one has ever said they like awful moves. computer-assisted analyst can fi nd Typos? the size of the extra large is- their mistakes —and so we all can Before speculati ng about outside Schadenfreude is disgusti ng, but sues. know things they didn’t know— is forces, a sensible fi rst step is to The simple soluti on is to release its fans will fi nd plenty. A more hess no reason to be parti cularly proud, check the game score to see if those each issue when it reaches a de- edifying reason to review them is as credit has to be shared with 2015.01 moves actually were played.
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