iilE ^filiiCE DAME :;^^^^^^^M^^M^^^^^M^MO^^^^^i^^^^WS^^^^^^«^^^^k^^S^I^«^/W%^^^^^rfV«^N«>^^-w^w 3% In This Issue: NEWS SPORTS . Start.work on.Rockne, Memorial .-.:..?; Hold Pittsburgh vs. Irish huge Pitt i-ally; . ^. tomorrow . Interhall "Scrip" out next week schedule changed . ; . Lawyer's .dance Cagers practice . next Friday 1- .... The, Splinters . Introduc­ .Week .. College, Parade . ... Musical ing ... On the Ene­ Notes. mies' Bench. KNUTE K. ROCKNE Educator, Coach. Director November 5. 1937 i^^^^^MVMMVMMVVMMVMVVVM^^^WVWM^VV^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A^^^^^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A^^^^^^^^^^^tfMMMMMWMMMMVW^M^^^'U'l/tnJXf m rm SAWKMYBfiNMG POST ffiiSW^SK^• 1 M"^ ERE'S excitement, football, and love, crammed H into a fast new novel by the man who wrote ;/ "Pigskin Preview".. .All-American prospect Larry Todd hits the campus and declares one-man war NOTRE against professional, "razzle-dazzle" style football. He even steals the coach's girl! In four fast in­ DI^MES stallments, starting today. COaCH BEGIN A NEW NOVEL IKVDEN •^^^m. of love and high-pressure football telh you about the toughest by FRANCIS WALLACE job in football Author of "Kid Galahad" and "The Double Ride" "Following a genius in anything is a trying role to play. There was only one Rock." Thus Coach Elmer F. Lay den talks, with Charles Moran, for the first time of how it feds to inherit the job of coaching a team with a thousand recruits, "suidde" sched- tiles, and a reputation for winning. I'M FOLLOWING ROCKNE • • • SHORT STORIES... by Leland Jamieson, :^a^ Lester Atwell, I. A. R. Wylie, Stephen Vincent Benet, Everett Rhodes Castle. SPECIIVL ARTICLES ... How to Make a Movie, by Grover Jones. I Went to Red yt--: China, the inside story of China's urdted front ag£dnst Japan, by Edgar Snow . .. Are Fish Citizens? by Frank Kchardson Pierce. And others. m^ A T YOUR SERIALS, ecHtorials, humor, cartoons, fun. NEWSSTAND The Notre Dame Scholastic Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. iVcceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918. ZI88 Vol. 71 November 5, 1937 No. 7 YEAR'S BIGGEST PEP SESSION WILL FEATURE 'SCRIP' MAKES YEAR'S BURNING, IN EFFIGY, OF PITT PANTHER INITIAL APPEARANCE By Graham Starr "Quarterback Percy Pitt" will be hung, quartered, and burned alive tonight Scrip, the Notre Dame literary on a huge 25-foot scaffold constructed at the north end of the "Green" Parking cjuarterly magazine, will make its Field, as the pre-Pitt game pep rally bursts forth in exuberance tonight. Not first appearance of the 1937-38 school- only that, but insult will be added to injury when his ashes are scattered to year on the campus next Friday aft­ the four winds. , ernoon, Nov. 12. The students' re­ The fourth in a series of pep meet­ sponse to the call for Scrip material ings characterized by an ever in­ was especially satisfactory this year creasing enthusiasm, tonight's festiv­ and Editor Charles Nelson announced ities will top them all. Besides the this week that a considerable amount "great execution" of "Percy," the of excellent material is available for dummy, there will be an immense this issue. bonfire, which, coupled with skyrock­ An attractive new cover is being ets and the regular flares, will pre­ designed by Edward Kort, a junior sent quite a spectacle. in the College of Arts and Letters "Red" Barber, WLW announcer, from West Palm Beach, Fla. Other and Warren Brown, of the Chicago drawings by Kort will appear in- this Herald and Examiner, will be outside issue and others during the year. speakers for the rally. The Rev. Hugh O'Donnell, C.S.C, chairman of REV. LEO WARD, C.S.C. Numerous writings in poetry have the faculty board in control of ath­ Sponsors "Sci-ip." been submitted for consideration and letics, and Elmer Layden constitute some excellent verse writers were the Notre Dame speakers. A last uncovered in these contributions. Al­ minute attempt may be made to se­ "Little Jamboree" To so appearing in the quarterly wiU be cure Frank Wallace, Notre Dame several pieces of fiction, and a few alumnus whose latest serial is now Feature Radio Week short stories. running in the Saturday Evening The "Little Jamboree" with Phil There will be two critical essays. Post and also Bill Cunningham of the McHugh and liis "Modernairs" will One on "Coventry Patmore," and an­ Boston Post. be the feature program of the radio other on "Francis Thompson." John Kelley, cheer meeting chair­ week. This program, which is to be man, has been mustering rally com­ tried Monday evening at 9:15, will The Freshmen sketches which have mittees all week for the big event. present a complete campus dance or­ been a popular feature in past years Signs were placed in the halls to the chestra in several swing selections. will be continued this year. This de­ effect "Whip Pitt," and the rally Guests of the program will be Don partment is exclusively for-the men committees functioned in much the Tiedeman, singer, and Jerry Hogan, of '41 and they are urged to cooper­ same manner as they did for the elocutionist. Hogan will repeat his ate by submitting contributions. Navy game. The unofficial "dawn rendition of "The Last Recruit," the patrols" will probably function to­ number that brought him many con­ Editor Nelson also announced that morrow morning as they did before gratulatory letters following its pres­ there would be some new mechanical the Navy fray. entation on last year's Varsity Hour. arrangements in the literary quar­ Other regular programs of the terly this year, the exact extent of The band will stai-t the parade at which has not as yet been determined. the Morrissey quadrangle at approxi­ week include: Monday at 7:45, fac­ mately 7:50, after Benediction. ulty talk; Tuesday at 7:45, "Music Bill Costello is chairman of the of the Masters"; Wednesday at 4:15, bonfire committee, consisting of John "Man in the Tower" with Redmond Start Study Groups Duggan; Thursday at 7:15, a sports Hynes, Robert Halbert, and Tom William Mahoney, president of the Judge. The wood for the fire was program with Steve Miller; and at 7:45, the Department of Music pro­ Schoolmen, announced that the soc­ obtained from the business men of iety has been divided into four study South Bend, through the cooperation gram with a talk by Mr. Elton Cre- peau. groups. The Theodicy group is under of Mr. Connelly, campus dining hall the leadership of George McMorrow; manager. Philosophy of Communism (Ethics), If possible, the pep gathering will hands to the S. A. C. to help make George Keenen; Philosophical Aspect be broadcast, at least in part through this the "biggest and best" of the of Sociology, Jim Dahon; and the a local station. John O'Connor and year. Philosophy of Art, August Sidler. John McMahon are co-workers on the In case of inclement weather, the broadcasting and public address sys­ meeting will be held in the fieldhouse, A meeting to form a fifth study tem committee. John Wilson is in but afterward "we will bum 'Percy group. Legal ethics, was held Thurs­ charge of fireworks. Pitt' even if we have to pour gaso­ day evening. A faculty supervisor for The Presidents Council, under line on him." The speaker was Scott each study group will be appointed Charles Callahan, is lending several Reardon, S.A.C. president. shortly. THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC BOB WIDMOR TO PLAY FOR ANNUAL LAWYER'S PLAN ACTIVITIES FOR BALL AT COLUMBIA CLUB. NOV. 12 VARSITY DEBATE The varsity debating schedule, Next Friday evening, Nov. 12, one of the highlights of the Notre Dame though still tentative in some re­ social year will take place, when the annual ball sponsored by the Notre Dame spects, is starting to take shape. Law Club is held at the Columbia club in South Bend. This year's ball prom­ Prof. William J. Coyne, who will lead ises to be one of the finest yet held. The music committee, headed by Charles the debaters again this year, enter­ W. Dolinalek, of Chelsea, Iowa, has tains thoughts of a highly successful secured the services of Bob Widmor season. and his radio broadcasting orchestra. The Widmor organization is well Both the "A" and "B" debating known to the colleges and universi­ teams will participate in the Man­ ties of this section of the country as chester, Indiana, tournament which a favorite wherever college men and will be held in the latter part of Feb­ women dance. ruary. Last year the Noti'e Dame de­ baters won nine of the ten engage­ Among the several innovations ments at this meeting. planned for the ball this year is a new method of issuing invitations. In March the "A" team will en­ This year's in\atations will be sent in gage the University of Iowa. Later subpoena form. The bids will be in the same month it will take part .$2.00. in a tournament at the University of Anyone is eligible to attend the ball Wisconsin. Michigan State is also except freshmen. The time of dance listed as an opponent of the Irish %vill be from 9:00 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. wi-anglers. Other collegiate engage­ The president of the Lawyers' club ments not as yet determined will is Louis Vettel, of Ashtabula, Ohio, swell the list of foes that the debat­ ers will encounter before their sea­ and the genex'al chairman in chai'ge LAWYER GEORGE MURPHY of ai-rangements is George Murphy, son is completed.
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