WELCOME to FLAVORS Press Box, 409.765.5958, 2401 Postoffice St

WELCOME to FLAVORS Press Box, 409.765.5958, 2401 Postoffice St

FLAVORS heritagetexas.com FLAVORS Patio Grill, 409.974.4854, 5316 Broadway patio-grill.com Little Caesars Pizza, 409.741.9000, 2806 61st Street littlecaesars.com Porch Café, 409.762.0808, 1625 East Beach Dr. galveston.com McDonald’s, 409.750.9945, 517 Seawall Blvd. mcdonalds.com Press Box, 409.765.5958, 2401 Postoffice St. galveston.com McDonald’s, 409.744.5886, 5223 Broadway mcdonalds.com WELCOME TO FLAVORS Queen’s Bar-B-Que, 409.762.3151, 3428 Avenue S galveston.com McDonald’s, 409.744.5214, 2912 61st Street mcdonalds.com A Heritage Texas Properties Publication Rainforest Café, 409.744.6000, 5310 Seawall Blvd. galveston.com Papa John’s Pizza, 409.741.7272, 6600 Seawall Blvd. papajohns.com Safari’s Beach Company Bar & Deli, 409.762.1420, 910 Avenue M Rear galveston.com Pizza Hut, 409.740.3400, 2705 61st Street pizzahut.com Saltgrass Steak House, 409.762.4261, 1502 Seawall Blvd. saltgrass.com Popeye’s Famous Fried Chicken, 409.762.5744, 3027 Broadway popeyes.com Tip for Using FLAVORS Popeye’s Famous Fried Chicken, 409.740.4335, 2904 61st Street popeyes.com Familiarize yourself with the cuisine categories contained in this brochure. Many restaurants serve several types Seahorse Grill, 409.741.8400/409.497.4372, 3802 Cove View Blvd of cuisine so, if you do not find it listed under one, look under another. Schlotzsky’s, 409.740.3616, 2705 61st Street schlotzkys.com Quizno’s Subs, 409.740.3616, 2705 61st Street quiznos.com Schlotzsky’s, 409.763.6173, 500 Seawall Blvd. schlotzkys.com Sonic Drive-in, 409.740.9009, 6502 Seawall Blvd. sonicdrivein.com Season’s Gourmet Food & Grocer, 409.443.5800, 2701 Broadway Sonic Drive-in, 409.762.6223, 5127 Broadway sonicdrivein.com Please Note. Shy KatZ Deli & Bakery, 409.770.0500, 1528 Avenue L shykatzdeli.com Subway Sandwiches, 409.762.8280, 2521 Broadway subway.com Every effort has been taken to ensure accuracy of the contents of our dining guide (information as of 1/01/16.) Smooth Tony’s Juice Bar & Grill, 409.765.5200, 415 9th Street smoothtonys.com Subway Sandwiches, 409.762.7827, 4908 Seawall Blvd. subway.com However, if you find an error, please e-mail us at . We will make sure it is corrected [email protected] Subway Sandwiches, 409.744.3370, 2303 61st Street subway.com before the next printing. Sonny’s Place, 409.763.9602, 1206 19th Street galveston.com Soul 2 Soul Cafe, 409.539.4351, 3104 Market St., soul2soul-galveston.com Taco Bell, 409.740.1616, 5701 Broadway tacobell.com Star Drug Store, 409.766.7719, 510 23rd Street galvestonstardrug.com Taco Cabana, 409.740.1316, 2729 61st Street tacocabana.com Sunflower Bakery & Café, 409.763.5500, 5121 4th Street thesunflowerbakeryandcafe.com Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers, 409.762.8195, 2328 Seawall Blvd. wendys.com Additions: Texas Pit Stop BBQ, 409.744.2222, 6612 Seawall Blvd, txpitstopbbq.com Whataburger, 409.762.7622, 528 University Blvd. whataburger.com _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Hodgepodge Café, 409.443.5557, 1914 23rd St. Whataburger, 409.744.6344, 6327 Stewart Rd. whataburger.com _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Jetty Restaurant at Holiday Inn Resort, 409.740.3581, 5001 Seawall Blvd. galveston.com The Pointe Restaurant & Bar, 409.220.3030, 4161 Pointe West Dr. pointwestbeachclub.com FINE DINING _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Spot Restaurant & Tiki Bar, 409.621.5237, 3402 Seawall Blvd. thespotgalveston.com The Steak House at the San Luis Resort, 409.744.1500, 5222 Seawall Blvd. sanluisresort.com Galvez Bar & Grille, 409.765.7721, 2024 Seawall Blvd. hotelgalvezandspa.com _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Terrace Restaurant at Moody Gardens, 409.741.8484, 7 Hope Blvd. moodygardenshotel.com Grotto Ristorante, 409.744.1500, 5222 Seawall Blvd. sanluisresort.com The West End Restaurant & Sand Bar, 409.497.4152, 21706 Burnet Dr. galveston.com Nonno Tony’s World Kitchen, 409.621.5100, 2100 Harborside Dr. nonnotonys.com _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tremont Café, 409.763.0300, 2300 Mechanic St. wyndhamtremonthouse.com Number 13 Prime Steak and Seafood, 409.572.2650, 7809 Broadway number13steakhouse.com Waffle House, 409.741.9323, 2825 1/2 61st Street wafflehouse.com Pelican Club, 409.761.5503, 3828 Avenue T pelicanclubgalveston.com Wing Stop, 409.740.9464, 6202 Broadway wingstop.com Porch Café, 409.762.0808, 1625 East Beach Dr. galveston.com AMERICAN & NEW AMERICAN Yaga’s Café & Bar, 409.762.6676, 2314 Strand St. yagapresents.com Riondo’s Ristorante Bar & Grille, 409.621.9595, 2328 Strand St. riondos.com Rudy & Paco, 409.762.3696, 2028 Postoffice St. rudyandpaco.com Saltwater Grill, 409.762.3474, 2017 Postoffice St. saltwatergrill.com America’s Kitchen, 409.763.4906, 500 Harborside Dr. galveston.com ASIAN Shearn’s at Moody Gardens Hotel, 409.741.8484, 7 Hope Blvd. moodygardenshotel.com Bahia Oaks Island BBQ & Beer, 409.443.5122, 12410 Stewart Rd. China Sea, 409.762.9998, 4402 Broadway Ave J The Steak House at the San Luis Resort, 409.744.1500, 5222 Seawall Blvd. sanluisresort.com Big Amos BBQ, 409.762.2714, 2902 Seawall Blvd. galveston.com Happy Buddha, 409.744.5774, 2827 61st Street happybuddhagalv.com Trattoria la Vigna, 409.497.4927, 412 20th Street trattorialavignagalveston.com Blake’s Bistro at the San Luis Resort, 409.744.1500, 5222 Seawall Blvd sanluisresort.com Healthy Chinese Buffet, 409.356.4289, 6125 Central City Blvd. galveston.com Waterman Restaurant, 409.632.0233, 14302 Stewart Rd. waterman-galveston.com Blue Water Grill, 409.974.4934, 16708 San Luis Pass Rd. galveston.com Joe’s Seafood Restaurant, 409.763.0763, 3702 Broadway galveston.com Board Game Café, 409.762.0144, 213 Tremont St. boardgameisland.com Pho 18, 409.762.8849, 704 Holiday Dr. galveston.com FOOD TRUCKS Brew’s Brothers, 417.230.6644, 2404 Strand St. galveston.com Pho 20, 409.750.9200, 2101 Broadway galveston.com Brick House Tavern & Tap, 409.763.5649, 3502 Seawall Blvd. brickhousetavernandtap.com Pho Tai, 409.762.3888, 3728 Broadway galveston.com Darlene’s Shrimp Shack, 409.740.4118, 1727 61st Street Bryant’s Jungle Cafe, 409.741.8300, 2525 Jones Rd. Sky Bar Steak & Sushi Bar, 409.621.4759, 2107 Postoffice St. skybargalveston.com Diver City Grill, 8422 Stewart Rd. BBQ Barn & Burgers, 409.740.2783, 5703 Stewart Rd. galveston.com Yamato Japanese Restaurant, 409.744.2742, 2104 61st Street yamatotx.com Don Juve’s 3200 Broadway Avenue J Café in the Park, 409.741.8484, 7 Hope Blvd. moodygardenshotel.com Golden Rooster Taqueria, 3324 Broadway Avenue J Café Michael Burger, 409.740.3639, 11150 San Luis Pass Rd. cafemichaelburger.com Jenny From the Block, 2122 61st St. jennyfromtheblocktx.com Chili’s Grill & Bar, 409.766.1690, 500 Seawall Blvd. chilis.com BAKERIES/COFFEE/DESSERTS Taqueria Melchor Ocampo, 48th St. and Seawall, Open March until October CJ’s Deli & Bakery, 409.356.6110, 2225 33rd Street galveston.com Ben & Jerry’s, 409.770.9566, 4408 Seawall Blvd. benjerry.com Better at the Beach BBQ, 53rd and Seawall Denny’s, 409.763.5954, 1410 Seawall Blvd. dennys.com Blake’s Bistro, 409.744.1500, 5222 Seawall Blvd. sanluisresort.com Lucky Star Shaved Ice and Iced Coffee, 23rd St. and the Strand, Open Wed-Sun, from March until Oct. Eat Cetera, 409.762.0803, 408 25th Street eatcetera.net Bahama BUCK’S Original Shaved Ice, 409.632.7436, 500 Seawall Blvd. #390 bahamabucks.com Shrimp N’ Stuff Food Truck, 409.539.2459, Jamaica Beach shrimpnstuff.com Farley Girls, 409.497.4454, 801 Postoffice St. farleygirls.com Cupcake Cowgirls, 409.762.1111, 2108 Church St. #101B galveston.com Tacon’ Madre, 2100 Strand Hendley Green Park Float Pool & Patio Bar, 409.765.7946, 2828 Seawall Blvd. yagapresents.com Dawn Donuts, 409.765.7778, 706 Holiday Dr. Fuddruckers, 409.539.3444, 111 23rd Street fuddruckers.com Dawn Donuts, 409.741.0044, 6302 Stewart Rd. INDIAN Galvez Bar & Grille, 409.765.7721, 2024 Seawall Blvd. hotelgalvezandspa.com Donut Palace, 409.765.8022, 2117 Broadway galveston.com Golden Corral Buffet & Grill, 409.744.1080, 6200 Seawall Blvd. goldencorral.com Frios Gourmet Pops, 513.488.3664, 6302 Seawall Blvd Himalayan Taste Sports Bar & Restaurant, 409.740.4240 5902 Broadway Blvd. himalayantaste.com Graffitti’s Café, 409.750.9319, 2121 Strand St. graffittiscafe.com Happy Coffee, 409.974.4492, 5102 Broadway galveston.com Rice & Curry Indo-Pak Cuisine, 409.904.4906, 712 7th St. Gypsy Joint, 409.497.2069, 2711 Market St. Hey Mikey’s Ice Cream, 208.602.3286, 2120 Postoffice St. heymikeysicecream.com Harborside Mercantile, 409.770.0690, 2021 Strand galveston.com Ile Petite Bakery and Deli, 409.497.4259, 2108 Church St. ITALIAN Hubcap Grill, 409.220.3551, 2021 Strand St hubcapgrill.com La’ King’s Confectionery, 409.762.6100, 2323 Strand St. lakingsconfectionery.com CiCi’s Pizza, 409.740.3300, 6105 Stewart Rd. cicispizza.com Huli Huli Hut Café, 409.682.2467 312, 19th St. hulihulihut.com Marble Slab Creamery, 409.740.1229, 2706 61st Street marbleslab.com DiBella’s Italian Restaurant, 409.763.9036, 1902 31st Street galveston.com Hummel’s General Store & Deli, 409.737.9954, 13722 San Luis Pass Rd. galveston.com Mod Coffee House & Café, 409.765.5659, 2126 Postoffice St. modcoffeehouse.com Gino’s Pizzeria Pasta & Subs, 409.762.6481, 6124 Stewart Rd. ginositalianfood.com IHOP, 409.740.7474, 5228 Seawall Blvd. ihop.com NADA, 409.539.5241, 408 20th Street galveston.com Grotto Ristorante, 409.744.1500, 5222 Seawall Blvd. sanluisresort.com Jack’s Pub, 409.539.5595, 2406 Postoffice St. galveston.com Navarro Bakery, 409.765.1771, 3801 Broadway galveston.com Mama Teresa’s Flying Pizza, 409.765.6262, 416 Moody Ave galveston.com Jimmy Johns Gourmet Sandwiches, 409.741.1000, 6302 Seawall Blvd. jimmyjohns.com Oasis Juice Bar, 409.762.8446, 409 25th Street oasisjuicebar.com Mario’s Pizza, 409.443.5556, 13708 San Luis Pass Rd.

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