w E 1ll) lC\~ T [ l~t;3] Contents: January 22, -1992~ The University FacultyI Administrators' Notes 243 N.D. Receives Award from International 244 Faculty Honors Communications Industries Assodation 244 Faculty Activities 243 Letters from the Provost 248 Administrators' Honors 248 Administrators' Activities Documentation The Graduate School 249 248th Graduate Coundl Minutes 264 Current Publications and Other Scholarly Works November 11, 1992 250 Academic Council Minutes November 12, 1992 258 University Committee on Libraries October 29, 1992 December 3, 1992 260 Faculty Board in Control ofAthletics September 15 1992 October 7, 1992 October 26, 1992 November 2, 1992 December 11, 1992 CUJ 7 1992-93 = The University N.D. Receives Award from Letters from the Provost International Communications Provost Timothy O'Meara, announces that letters to the Industries Association faculty regarding promotion, tenure, renewal and salary notification will be mailed this academic year on Friday, Its new, high-tech classroom facility has made Notre Dame April30. the first college or university to receive a major design award from the International Communications Industries Association (!CIA). The University earned second-place honors in !CIA's annual Achievement Awards competition for the systems and facili­ ties design of DeBartolo Hall, a $22-million building featur­ ing the latest in computer and audio/visual teaching tools. In the seven years of the ICIA awards program, Notre Dame is the first university to be honored in a category other than educator of the year. A four-judge panel cited the "Interest­ ing integration of technology" at DeBartolo in bestowing the award. 243 Faculty Notes Honors Activities Leo M. Corbaci, associate professor emeritus of economics John H. Adams, assistant professor of biological sciences, and in the Freshman Writing Program, and former dean of chaired the symposium "Molecular Analysis of Invasion and administration and university registrar, received the Rev. the Apical Complex of Plasmodium and Badesia" and pre­ John Cardinal O'Hara Award for 1992 from the University sented the opening introduction "What is the Apical Com­ of Notre Dame Alumni Association. The award reflects ap­ plex?" at the annual meeting of the American Society for preciation for exemplary services and dedication to the Uni­ Tropical Medicine and Hygiene held in Seattle, Wash., Nov. versity as an administrator and faculty member. 16-19. Jeffrey C. Kantor, professor of chemical engineering, has Panos Antsaklis, professor of electrical engineering, pre­ been elected a trustee of the CACHE Corporation. CACHE sented a paper titled "Modeling and Analysis of Hybrid is a not-for-profit consortium that promotes cooperation Control Systems," chaired a session titled "Discrete Event among universities, industry and government on the devel­ and Hybrid Systems" and participated in meetings of the opment of computer and technology-based ads for the board of governors of the IEEE Control Systems Society at chemical engineering profession. the 31st IEEE conference on Decision and Control in Tuc­ son, Ariz, Dec. 16-18. Douglas W. Kmiec, professor of law, has been appointed to the national advisory board of the Rocky Mountain Land Gary H. Bernstein, assistant professor of electrical engineer­ Use Institute, University of Denver. The institute engages in ing, presented the talk "Nanostructure Fabrication by Elec­ a variety of educational, service, and research activities and tron Beam Lithography" at the Department of Electrical En­ projects related to the public interest aspect of land use and gineering at Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich., Dec. 2. development. He was named to the board of editors of the Supreme Court Economic Review. Sunny K, Boyd, assistant professor of biological sciences, presented the paper titled "Gonadal Steroids Alter Vasotocin Edward Manier, professor of philosophy and fellow in the Receptor Concentrations in Amphibian Brains" at the an­ Reilly Center for Science, Technology and Values, has been nual meeting of the National Society for Neuroscience in elected to a second four-year term as secretary of the Section Anaheim, Calif., Oct. 24-30. for History and Philosophy of Science of the American Asso­ ciation for Science. Francis J. Castellino, dean of science and Kleiderer/Pezold professor of biochemistry, presented the lecture "The Do­ Rev. Ernan McMullin, O'Hara professor of philosophy, was main Structures of Proteins Involved in Blood Clot Dissolu­ chosen by the Society of Phi Beta Kappa as the Romanell tion" and presented the annual undergraduate lecture titled Professor of Philosophy for 1993-94. "The Molecular Participants in Blood Coagulation and Clot Dissolution Reactions" at the University of Waterloo in Wa­ Alven Neiman, assistant dean and concurrent assistant pro­ terloo, Ontario, Canada, No_v. 10-11. fessor of arts and letters, has been appointed to a four-year term as a member of the review board of Educational Theory. John Chateaneuf, associate professional specialist in the Radiation Laboratory, presented the paper "Spectroscopic James S. O'Rouke IV, associate professional.specialist in Detection and Reactivity of the Chlorine Atom-Carbon Dis­ business administration and director of the Notre Dame ulfide Molecular Complex" at the fifth inter-American Pho­ Center for Business Communication, has been appointed a tochemical Society winter conference in Clearwater Beach, member of the editorial review board of The Bulletin ofthe Fla., Jan. 3-6. Association for Business Communication. Daniel J. Costello Jr., chairman and professor of electrical Donald E. Sporleder, professor of architecture, was elected engineering, co-authored a paper with Yannick Levy, Ph.D. chairman of the board of the Hoosier Rails-Trails Council, student in electrical engineering, titled "An Algebraic Ap­ the Indiana Chapter of the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. The proach to Constructing Convolutional Codes from Quasi­ HRTC is active in monitoring railway abandonment and Cydic Codes" at the joint IEEE/DIMACS workshop on Cod­ planning/promoting linear greenspace and trail develop­ ing and Quantization in Piscataway, N.J., Oct. 21. ment in Indiana. Sporleder was appointed to the National Council of Architecture Registration Boards Building Design George B. Craig Jr., Clark professor of biology, presented a Grading Committee as a coordinator for the December 1992 paper titled "The Diaspora of Aedes albopictus" at the annual Architects Registration Examination. meeting of the Ohio Vector and Mosquito Control Associa­ tion in Mentor, Ohio, Oct. 4-6. As the Indiana representa­ tive to this consortium, he presented a paper titled "Current 244 Faculty Notes Status of the Asian Tiger Mosquito in the LaCrosse Belt" at gebras and Arithmetic in the Witt Group" for the the NCR-165, Insects and Human Health, regional research Mathematisches Institut at Bielefeld, Dec 11. He presented conference sponsored by 12 North Central States in Ames, the colloquium lecture "Quadratische Formen and Quadra­ Iowa, Nov. 2-3. He presented a paper titled "Just Another tische Algebren" for the Mathematisches lnstitut Der Uni­ Japanese Import: Aedes albopictus in the USA" at the Illinois versitat Dortmund, Dec. 14. Hahn gave the seminar lecture Mosquito and Vector Control Association in Rockford, lll., "Applications of the Arf Invariant" to the Graduierten Kolleg Nov.18-20. of the Mathematisches Institut Der Universitat Munster, Dec. 15. He gave the seminar lecture "The Group of Qua­ james T. Cushing, professor of physics, chaired an invited dratic Algebras and Arithmetic in the Witt Group" at the session on the history of the Physics Department at the Uni­ Mathematisches Institut Der Universitat Bochum, Dec. 17. versity of Chicago at its centennial celebration in Chicago, Ill., Dec. 1-2. John D. Halfman, assistant professor of civil engineering and geological sciences, presented the paper "Bottom Cur­ John G. Duman, associate dean of science and professor of rent Dynamics in Lake Superior: The Ilmnologic and biological sciences, gave a lecture on "Antifreeze Proteins" at Paleoclimatic Implications" co-authored with M. Wegner at the University of Chicago in Chicago, Ill., Oct. 14. the American Geophysical Union annual fall meeting in San Francisco, Calif., Dec. 7-11. Ralph El-Chami, assistant professor of finance and business economics, presented the paper "Transfers, Incentives and Ronald A. Hellenthal, associate professor of biological sci­ German Reunification" co-authored with jeffrey Fischer at ences, was an invited participant in a National Science the fall 1992 meetings of the Midwest International Eco­ Foundation sponsored workshop on computerization of nomics Group at the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, natural history collections held at the Kellogg Biological · Pa., Oct. 18-20. Field Station in Hickory Comers, Mich., Nov. 13-18. Guillermo Ferraudi, professional specialist in the Radiation Carlos Jerez-Famin, associate professor of romance lan­ Laboratory, presented the paper "Magnetokinetic Effects on guages and literatures, presented "Mari-Gaila: Reclamo y the Inner-Sphere Electron Transfers Between Transition Claudicaci6n de una individualidad subyugada" at the Metal Complexes and Inorganic Radicals" at the fifth inter­ Primer Congreso lntemacional Valle-Inclan y su Obra in the national meeting of Inorganic Chemistry in Conception, Departament de Filologia Espanyola at the Universitat Chile, jan. 4-7. Aut6noma de Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 18. He served
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