September 28, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S11715 And then, of course, a book has been and my friendsÐour children. Since I morous Members, one of the most dedi- finished. That has a unique title. The came here, Bill has married Debbie, cated Members, I think, to serve in the title of that book is ``In the Old Gazoo: and we could not have found one like SenateÐand with courage too, taking Observations From a Lifetime of that for him. They have given us two on little issues, tough issues, like enti- Scrapping with the Press.'' And that grandchildren in the passing years, tlements and Social Security and so book, of course, will be a remarkable Beth and EricÐjust dazzlers, both of on. document and certainly I will at least them. And then Susan is married to a I just compliment my colleague from sell 50 copies because I shall assign it wonderful man named John Gallagher. Wyoming, and I can speak on behalf of to my class. And so that will be at Again, if you could go shopping for all my colleagues, we certainly value leastÐnow, let us see, the royalty on those in-laws, sons-in-laws and daugh- his contributions to this body and to that. ters-in-law, those are two you would our country. We wish you and your Well, there is no question about pickÐDebbie and John. Colin is not lovely bride, Ann, all the best in the fu- where we are headed here. So enough. linked up with anyone as yet. But he ture. The legacy that I have with Social Se- has had a great deal of hot pursuit over Mr. SIMPSON. That is very nice. curity is going to go on to JUDD GREGG, the years, in my time here. He is a Thank you. wonderful, picking it right up where I wonderful, splendid man, the middle Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, I yield left off. The legacy of immigration will son. the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- go on to JOHN KYL and DIANNE FEIN- So my parents are, too, joined now ator from South Dakota. STEIN, and that is spirited and I am and gone since I came here. I close with Mr. PRESSLER. Mr. President, I pleased. The legacy of the Veterans' three things my parents taught me want to join the tribute to AL SIMPSON, Affairs Committee will go to ARLEN that I leave with you. the Senator from Wyoming. I came SPECTER and JAY ROCKEFELLER, and No. 1, my mother said, ``Humor is the here with him and there is almost no- they are both dedicated, passionate universal solvent against the abrasive body I admire more than AL SIMPSON. I people about veterans. In fact, almost elements of life.'' It is, and you need it enjoyed that speech very much. I wish too much so. That is why we will have here. I could be in your class at Harvard. I some further discussions together on No. 2 is our line of work, and Edmund think that would be fun. But stay with- that. Burke said it best. Listen to it: in the subject matter. But, I intend to work with young Those who would carry the great public Mr. SIMPSON. Buy the book. people. I intend to get involved with schemes must be proof against the most f the Third Millennium. These are not fatiguing delays, the most mortifying dis- antisenior people. These are young peo- appointments, the most shocking insults, THE FEDERAL AVIATION ple. If people between 18 and 45 cannot and the worse of allÐthe presumptious judg- AUTHORIZATION BILL ment of the ignorant beyond their design. figure out what is going to happen to Mr. PRESSLER. Mr. President, as them when they are 65, they will be That is our work. That is what we do. chairman of the conference on H.R. picking grit with the chickens. We are But in the combat of the day, the best 3539, the Federal Aviation Authoriza- going to work with them, we are going one of all, if you are doing anything, tion Act of l996, I rise to urge my col- to talk about the entitlements and So- you are making enemies. If you are leagues to permit the Senate to imme- cial Security and Medicare. doing nothing, or just want to be loved, diately proceed to consideration of the I commend the leaders I have worked get into another line of work, because conference report for this critically im- with, Senator NICKLES, TED STEVENS, here it is, all in this little couplet: portant legislation. H.R. 3539 is a bipar- Howard Baker, ROBERT BYRD, Al Cran- You have no enemies, you say? My friend, tisan, omnibus aviation bill which re- ston, WENDELL FORD, George Mitchell, your boast is poor. For anyone who has en- authorizes the Airport Improvement TOM DASCHLE, TRENT LOTTÐdoing a tered the fray of duty, where the brave en- Program [AIP], reforms the Federal tremendous job. I am very proud of dure, must have made foes. If he has none, Aviation Administration, improves small is the work that he has done; he has him. never cast a cup from perjured lips, he has aviation safety and security, and pro- And particularly to the Wyoming never struck a trailer on the hip, never vides long overdue assistance to the people who allowed me to do this in my turned a wrong to right, or beat a coward in families of victims of aviation disas- own way for 18 yearsÐin my own a fight. ters. unique way, however that is defined. I have lived that one. I commend it Mr. President, it is absolutely imper- But, to me it has been a true honor to to you. Finally, on my wall in leath- ative that the Senate approves this represent this proud people of Wyo- erÐappropriately, because leather is conference report before we adjourn ming, my native land, who are opinion- supple and toughÐis this phrase: and that the President signs the re- ated, thoughtful, articulate, and well port. Yesterday, the House met its re- Press on. Nothing in the world can take read; who really let you know how they the place of persistence. Talent will not; sponsibility to the American traveling feel and don't mince words, and that is nothing is more common than unsuccessful public by passing this legislation. If the way we do it out in the land of high men with talent. Genius will not; the Senate fails to approve this excel- altitude and low multitude. unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Edu- lent legislation which represents an- Someone asked me, what would be cation will not; the world is full of educated other significant legislative accom- the epitaph you would like at the end derelicts. Persistence and determination plishment for this body, we will have of public life? It did not take me long alone are omnipotent. failed to meet our responsibility to the to think of the answer. The answer is, I commend that to my colleagues. I American traveling public. For exam- ``You would have wanted him on your thank the Chair. ple, if we do not approve this report, side.'' It has been a great run. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- airports across the country will not re- God bless you all. ator from Oklahoma. ceive Federal funding which is vital for Mr. President, it is very important Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, I wish safety-related repairs and other im- that I relate the great pride I have in to congratulate the very distinguished provements. the fact that my father served in this senior Senator from Wyoming. I will If we fail to pass this report, the Sen- U.S. Senate and what a sheer privilege say, for one who has been in combat ate will have neglected our responsibil- and honor it has been to come here with my colleague from Wyoming, I ity to ensure the United States main- after him. He served here from 1962 to would always say that I want him on tains the safest and most secure avia- 1966 and retired because of arthritis my side. I look forward to reading his tion system in the world. For example, and Parkinson's disease, and he lived books. the conference report implements to be 95. So I want to say that to carry You might note, you will have at many of the aviation security rec- on his legacy has been a moving thing. least 51 copies I know you will be en- ommendations made by the White And as the passing parade of life goes riched by the royalties of. We have all House Commission on Aviation Safety on, in 18 years here, I want to recognize been enriched by your humor and par- and Security earlier this month. Bill, Colin, Susan, who are wonderful, ticipation in this body, one of the most Mr. President, there are dozens of im- dear, splendid people, all Ann's friends colorful Members, one of the most hu- portant provisions in this legislation, S11716 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE September 28, 1996 but I would like to focus my remarks the committee of their harrowing expe- person of rights without the benefit of on four main areas. riences. I promised those witnesses, as a hearing, debate, or even discussion. First, aviation security. Air trans- well as other families of victims in the Section 10501 of the ICC Termination portation in this country is safe. In- room, that Congress finally would act Act makes that point crystal clear.
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