http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society GENERAL INDEX Acheulian Implements, 72-76. Boxley, St. Mary. Cistercian Abbey. Adam of Charing. Son of Ivo, died Description Plans. Founded 1146. 0. 1206. Connection with Thonias Colonized from Clairvaux. Bexley Becket, 92-95. House attached to ruins. Corbels Aerofilms, Ltd., 67. with Abbey Arms, 45-51. Mr Surveys, Cambridge, 175. Brand, J. History of 117ewcaotle Coal Allen, A. P., Discoveries at Chalk, 130; Trade, 1702, 39. Local Secretary for Gravesend, xliii. Breakwater. "The New Works." Almonry Chapel. Land given by King Margate, 1646, 37. Henry II replaced in 1319. Exterior Bricknell, C. Finder of silver penny, reliefs re-used, 13, 14. A..n.92, 157. Bridge, Jahn W., F.S.A. Kent Hop- Andrews, John H. The Thanet Sea- Tokens. I Plate, 60-63. ports, 1650-1750, 37-44. Bridge, 3, W., F.S.A. Owner of Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 140. " Weavers," 170. Antiquaries, Society of, S. British Museum (Natural History). Archa3ological Horizons in the North Miss J. E. King thanked, 69. Kent Marshes, By John H. Evans, 33atornle7 Cheater , The, gympeainm F.S.A., F.R.G.S. 6 appendices, 10 summarized by N. Pierey Fox, 172, figures, 103-146. 173. Archbishop of Canterbury. Regener- Broodbank, D. A., A.R.I.B.A., Is. ated Font from Pavilion. Plate 11, 4, Building Research Station, Reculver. Archives Office, Kent. a, County; Dr. Norman Davey, 59. Ecclesiastical; c, Commissioners, Burials, Holborough. Folding chair, d Parochial, Estate and Family amphorae, lead sarcophagus ex- Archives. Collections catalogued, 64- cavated, 71; Special display, xliii. Byron, Lord, 101. Arrowhead, Iron, 154. Byzantine influence, 12. Augustine's Abbey, Saint, 5. Augustine, Saint, Corbel, 4. Cambridge, Trinity College. Canter- bury Psalter showing waterworks, a. 1165, 13. Barking, Abbey of, 666; Abbess of, Camden's Britannia, Reoulver, 57. 1256, 142. Canterbury Excavations, Easter, 1953. Barnack Stone, xlii. By s,s,F., 163, 164; Further exca- Becket, Thomas. Murdered December vations, ; Norman Columns of 29, 1170, 94. Great Dormitory Undercroft ex- Belgic, Burial from Borough Green, A. cavated, xli. 2 figures. By Alan Warhurst, 157- Canterbury, Royal Museum, Quern 160. stone lid and inscription, 4; Terra Belgic Coin. Vosenus. By j.B., 164. Gotta head possibly Gala Caesar, 5; Belgic dominance, 55. Effigy of "King Canute," Plate v, Bexley Borough Librarian, 80. 5, 6 ; Librarian and Curator, Mr. Birley, Eric, M.B.E., M.A., F.S.A., Frank Higenbottam thanked, 5; Lullingstone Roman Villa, Appendix 2nd effigy found, 9; Quatrefoil 2. Mortarium. Fig. 4, 34, 35. decoration, 11 ; MSS. presented by Bodleian Library, MS. with Quatre- Archbishop Beoket and Herbert of foils, 11. Boshara to Christ Church, 12 ; Great Book Decoration. Schools of Mont St. Fire, 1174, 13; Thomas Beoket, Michel and Bayeux, 11. Adam of Charing! 92-97. Borough Green, Stonegate Cross. Canute, Effigy of King now in Victoria 13elgio burial pot and contents. By and Albert Museum, Plate V, 5, 6; Alan Warhurst, 167-160, Probably Sacred Figure, 8-14; Boxley Abbey, 140, 141. Second relief found, Plate VI, 12. 181 GENERAL INDEX Caiger, J. E. L. Darenth. Wood Dane- Eadgifu, Queen. "Recital of Title," hole, 147-149. 1064, 134. Carrel*, 3. N. Report, 161, 162. Earthwork and Hut Circles on Hayes Chalk, near Gravesend. Belgic and Common. Bronze Age Flint Imple- Roman remains. A. F. Allen, 150. ments from " Keaton, by Charter, Saxon, 133. N. Pieroy Fox, 162, 163. Church, Richard. Lecture at Tim- Eastry Church Dominical Dial, 82-85. bridge Wells, Eiliston-Erwood, F. C., F.S.A. Plans Cistercian Abbey. St. Mary, Boxley, of and Brief Architectural Notes on 45-51. Kent Churches. Second Series. C/iffe-at-Hoo, probably Cloveshoch Part Ill, The Church of the Cistercian venue for early Church Councils, Abbey of St. Mary, Bexley. Large a.D.673, 134, 136. plan. Plan of Precinct, 45-51. Clarke, R. D. On Beoket's Well, Lesnes Abbey, Bow, Indent, 150-152. Otford, xlii. English Coasting Trade, 1600-1750, 37. Cobham Family, John de Cobham, English Romanesque Sculpture, 6. 1272, 141. Ethelbald, King. Son of Ethelburht. Coin of Domitian from Dartford. By Palace at Northbourne, 5. L. R. A. Grove, 157. EtheIbert Inn, King, Reculver, 52. Cook, N. C. Burials at Holborough, Evans, Captain H. W. Peat bed, 114. xlii, Evans, John H., F.S.A., F.R.G.S. Copus, Geoffrey. Field Names at Archteological Horizons in the North Orpington, 173. Kent Marshes. 5 appendices, 10 Corbels in Faussett Pavilion. From figures, 103-146. Northbourne. Plates II, Ill, 4,1. Excavations at Reeuiver, Kent. By Councer, C. R. Review, 177, 178. F. H. Thompson. 1 plate, 2 figures, Cucullus or Hooded Cloak, 86. 52-59. Faussett, Bryan. Antiquarian. In- Danson Park, Welling, 81. cumbent of Monks-Horton and Darenth Wood Denehoie. 1 fig., 1 Nackington, d. 1776. Formed plate, by J. E. L. Caiger, 147-149. Pavilion. Antiquities scattered in Dartford Heath. Cray and Darent 1950, 1-14. confluence with Thames, 74, 75. Faussett Pavilion, The, 1-14 ; Part 1. Dartford Museum, 80. The Pavilion, by R. F. Jessup, Debtors: Trades, Accounts, Prisons, F.S.A., 1.8; Fart 2. A Romanesque 99, 100. Sculpture, by George Zarneeki, M.A., Deity wearing Cucullus-Telesphorue, Ph.D. 7 plates, 8-14. 87. Figurines. Cult of Hooded Dwarfs. Den eholes, 147-149. Geographical Distribution of Dominical at Eastry Church, examples, 90. 82-85, Flint flakes, Bronze Age, 162. Discovery of Acheulian Implements in Font from Faussett Pavilion. Plate II, the Deposits of the Dartford Heath 4-7, Terrace. By P. J. Tester. 2 figures, Fox, N. Mercy. Earthworks and Hut 72-76. Circles at FLe.yes. Bronze Age Flint Dodwell, Dr. C. F. Forthcoming book Implements from Millfleld, Keaton, on Canterbury Sehool of Illumina- 162, 163; The Bromley Charter, tion, 12. 172, 173. Warhol* Site, xlii. Lecture by Col. Meates at Bromley, xliii. Dominica' or Sunday Letter Dial in Eastry Church, Kent. By F. H. Frere, Mr. S. Excavations at Canter- Worsfold, F.S.A. 3 plates, 82-85. bury, 1953, xli. Dowker, George, at Reculver, 53. Frese, Lambin. IVIoneyer, 1184, 05. Duoarel, Dr. Andrew. Librarian at Gelling, Mrs. Margaret, Secretary of Lambeth Palace, 1764, 6. the English Place Name Society. Dungeness Lighthouse. An early The Bromley Charter, 172, 173. sketch of. Illustration. By Ian Genius Cueullatus in Kent, The. A Jones, 170-172. Note on the Romano-Gaulish Clay Dunning, G. C., F.S.A., thanked, 52. Figurine found at Reeulver. By Durham Book Decoration, in 11th Frank Jenkins. 1 plate, 1 map, Century, 11. Appendix, 86-91. 182 GENERAL INDEX Gervase of Canterbury, 13. lloIborough, Snodland. Barrow proved Glaciation, period of. Glacial Eustacy, Roman, xlii. 104. Hollingbourne Indent, 155, 156. Goblins and Dwarfs, 88. Home, Major Gordon at Reculver, Golden Numbers used with Dominica' thanked, 4, 8, 53, 56. Numbers to find Easter, 83, 84. Hoo, Debtor's Prison at, 100. Hops. Grown in Kent from 1524, 62, Goodson, Robert H. The Kentish, 63. Stour by .?.W J., 178, 179. Hop-tokens, illustrated, 61. Gordon Ward, Dr. The Bromley Hughes, Edward. Kent Sketches and Charter, 172, 173; Identification of Annotations, 174. Historical Places and Charters, 134- Hugo, Monk of Exeter. Illuminator, 137. 11. Gough, H. E. Herne Bay Library and Hull, Felix, B.A., Ph.D., Archivist Museum, re Reculver, 57. K.C.O. The Kent Archives Office, Greenfield, Mr. E., thanked, 16. 64-71, xl. Grove, L. R. A. Royal Museum, Canterbury, 77; Medieval Objects Iguanodon, Lower Femur found at from Kent, 1 fig., 152-155; Romano- High Brooms, xliii. British Rubbish Pit at Radfield, Indents, 151, 156. 166.157; Coin of Domitian, 157; Innings or Enclosure, 142. The Repairing of the Medway Forts, Inscriptions translated on antiquities c. 1700, 165-170; Pronunciation of in Pavilion in 18th century Latin, the name Hosted, 174; Reviews, 6-8. 176, 177. Inventorium, Sepulchrale, 1772, 2, Guernes de Pont Sainte-Maxence Two Iron Age, Late. Tradition at Reculver, Notes on Vie de Saint Thomas. By 54, William tiny, 92-97. Gunnis, Rupert. Dictionary of British Sculptors, 1660-1851. Review by Jenkins, Frank. On Pottery, 78. L. R. A. Grove, 176. Report on 2 Kilns, c. 130-159, xli. Jenkins, Frank. The Genius Cucullatus Harbledown Hospital for Lepers. Pen- in Kent. A Note on a Romano- sion granted by Henry II still paid, Gaulish Clay Figurine found at 96, 97. Reouiver. 1 plate, map, appendix, Harbours and Ships of Thanet, 37.40; 86-91. Ten ports listed, 1701, Coal Trade Jessup, R. F., P.S.A. The Faussett Import, Corn Trade Export, Pas- Pavilion. Part I. The Pavilion. senger Services. 6 plates, 1-8. Harding, Miss N. Dermot. First Jessup, R. F. Bronze Age Relics, 128. archivist to K.C.C., 1933, 64. On Boundaries, 133. Wye Church, Harrison, Sir Edward, 158. 149, 150. Reviews, 175, 176, 179. Harwood, Mary W. Kentish. Village: Report on the Roman Barrow at Hastingleiyh. Review by C. R. Holborough, Snodland, xlii. Councer, 177, 178. Jones, Ian. Roman Remains in Lydd Horsted, Edward. Activities with Rype, 160, 161. An Early Sketch of Brian Faussett, I. Dungeness Lighthouse. I figure, Hosted. Pronunciation. L. R. A. 170-172. Grove, 174. Head, Sir Francis. Rebuilt house at Kempe Family, 150. Bighorn, 3. Kent Archives Office, The. By Felix Henry II, King. Gave land for Almnory Hull, B.A., Ph.D. Archivist, Kent Chapel, 13, 14. At Harbledown County Council, 64-71 ; Tradesmen's Hospital, 1174, 96, 97. Records, 98-102 ; Kent County Heppington House Antiquities. Owned Council, 64, 75. by Mr. Chapman, 1931. Pavilion Kentish Tradesmen in the Early Nine- treasures dispersed under advice.
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