EIS 1314 Environmental impact statement: Quirks Quarry, Eviron Road, Evi ron j I-~- / C) -~)I !) -~ NSW DEPARTMENT OF 1 RAt RESOk.IcES 1 U c S U R Environmental impact Statement Prepared by Brian J. Mackney & Assoc. Pty. Ltd., Coopers Shoot Road Bangalow N.S.W. Phone (066)871289 Fax (066)871647 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT QUIRKS QUARRY EVIRON ROAD EVIRON May, 1995 Prepared by: Brian J. Mackney & Associates Pty. Ltd. Coopers Shoot Road Bangalow Phone (066) 871289 Fax (066) 871647 In Association with Ian Pickles Town Planning Pty. Ltd. 4 f66i 24LO V, Form 2 Submission of (EPA Regulation 1994) environmental impact statement (EIS) prepared under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 Section 77 EIS prepared by name Brian James Mackney, Civil Engineer qualifications B.T. (Civil), M. Eng. Sc., Grad. Dip Bus. Admin. LGE address Brian J. Mackney & Associates Ply. Ltd. Coopers Shoot Road Bangalow NSW 2479 in respect of Quirks Quarry development application applicant name Mr. Robert Quirk applicant address Duranbah Road, Via Kingscliff N.S.W. 2487 land to be developed: address Eviron Road, Eviron Lot no, DP/MPS, vollfol Lot 12 DP 601427 etc. Parish of Cudgen, County of Rous or 0 map(s) attached - see Figure 2 proposed development Proposed Extension of Existing Quarry environmental impact statement 0 an environmental impact statement (EIS) is attached certificate I certif,' that I contents to the best of my it is in accordance with clauses 51 and 52 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 1994, and it is true in all material particulars and does not, by its presentation or omission of information, materially mislead. signature - (' name date BRIAN JAMES MACKNEY 4 / 5 / 95 Brian J. Mackney & Associates Pty. Ltd., Bangalow Phone 066 871289 (i) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES iv LIST OF TABLES V LIST OF APPENDICES vi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY vii SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Proposal 1.2 The Need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 1.3 The Proponent 2 1.4 Format of the EIS 2 1.4.1 EIS Requirements 2 n 1.4.2 Consultation with Other Authorities 1.4.3 Study Team 4 SECTION 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE LAN) AND EXISTING ENVIRONMENT 5 2.1 Land ownership, size, location. 5 2.2 Physiographic Setting 5 2.2.1 Regional Topography 5 2.2.2 Meteorology 9 2.2.3 Wind 10 2.2.4 Local Topography 12 2.3 Geology, Soils 12 2.4 Land Zoning Provisions 12 2.4.1 Zoning Objectives 12 2.4.2 Surrounding Zonings 14 2.5 Visual and Landscape Character 16 2.5.1 Visual Sensitivity 16 2.6 Local Population and Habitation 18 2.6.1 Population Tweed Shire 18 2.6.2 Local Habitation 20 2.6.3 Growth of the Tweed LGA 20 2.6.4 Local Population Growth Potential 22 2.7 Landuse, Site and Surrounds 23 2.8 Fauna and Flora 25 2.8.1 Flora 25 2.8.2 Fauna 25 2.9 Archaeological 27 2.9.1 Site Investigation 27 2.10 Acoustic Environment 28 2.10.1 Background and Maximum Planning Noise Levels 28 2.10.2 Blasting Noise Level 30 2.10.3 Operational Noise Levels 31 2.11 Traffic Environment 32 Brian J. Mackney & Associates Pty. Ltd. Bangalow Phone 066 871289 SECTION 3 POTENTIAL OF THE RESOURCE 35 3.1 Existing Supplies 35 3.1.1 Background 35 3.1.2 Alternative North Coast Pavement Resources 36 Metasediments 36 Clarence - Morton Sedimentary Rocks 36 Basalts and Other Igneous Deposits 36 Estuarine Deposits, River Gravel & Sands 37 3.2 Existing Quarries 38 3.3 Future Demand 38 3.4 Description of Material 40 3.5 Extent of Resource 40 3 6 Material Quality 41 3.7 Alternative Sources 41 3.7.1 Metasediments 41 3.7.2 Clarence - Morton Basin 41 3.7.3 Basalts and Other Igneous Deposits 41 3.7.4 Estuarine Deposits, River Gravels and Sands 41 3.8 Processing Methods 42 3.9 Economic Assessment 43 3.10 Need for Quarry 43 SECTION 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL 45 4.1 Objectives of the Proposal 45 4.2 Outline of Operations 46 4.3 Plan of Management 46 4.3.1 Staging 46 4.3.2 Retention of Topsoil 47 4.3.3 Noise Control 47 4.3.4 Stormwater Control 48 4.3.5 Transport and Haulage 48 4.3.6 Stockpiling 49 4.4 Life ofProject 49 4.5 Hours of Operation 56 4.6 Noise Generation 56 4.6.1 Drilling and Blasting 57 Drilling 57 Blasting 58 4.7 Crushing, Screening and Stockpiling 59 4.8 Loading and Transportation 59 4.9 Fly Rock 60 4.10 Waste Disposal 60 4.11 Services/Fuel and Oils 60 4.12 Safety 60 4.13 Employment 61 4.14 Energy Statement 61 4.14.1 Operational Energy Requirements 61 Extraction 61 Loading and Haulage 61 Total Fuel Usage 61 4.14.2 Justification of Fuel Usage 61 4.15 Rehabilitation 62 4.16 Final Use 62 Brian J. Mackney & Associates Pty. Ltd. Bangalow Phone 066 871289 SECTION 5 COMPENSATORY MEASURES AND SAFEGUARDS 63 5.1 Visual Environment 63 5.2 Acoustic Environment 63 5.2.1 Noise Control Objectives 63 Background Noise Level 64 Planning Noise Level 64 Blasting Noise Levels 65 Traffic Noise Levels 65 5.2.2 Predicted Acoustic Impacts 65 Drilling Operations 66 Blast Overpressure and Ground Vibration 66 Extracting and Processing 68 Front End Loader 68 Bulldozer 68 On-site Trucks 69 5.2.3 Haulage 69 5.3 Aquatic Environment 69 5.3.1 Surface Waters 69 5.3.2 Groundwater 70 5.3.3 Flooding 70 5.4 Atmospheric Environment 70 5.5 Flora and Fauna Environment 71 5.6 Land Use Environment 72 5.7 Archaeology Environment 72 5.8 Traffic Environment 73 5.9 Monitoring 74 SECTION 6 CONSULTATION WITH AUTHORIETIES 75 6.1 Department of Planning 75 6.2 Department of Agriculture 76 6.3 Department of Fisheries 77 6.4 Department of Conservation and Land Management 77 6.5 Department of Mineral Resources 78 6.6 Department of Water Resources 79 6.7 National Parks and Wildlife Service 80 6.8 Department of Public Works 81 6.9 Roads and Traffic Authority 81 6.10 Environment Protection Authority 82 6.11 Tweed Shire Council 82 6.12 N.S.W. Sugar Milling Co-Operative 83 6.13 Duranbah Swamp Drainage Union 83 SECTION 7 CONCLUSIONS 85 7.1 Statutory Planning Summary 85 7.1.1 Tweed Local Environmental Plan 1987 85 7.1.2 North Coast Regional Environmental Plan 1988 85 7.1.3 State Environmental Planning Policies 85 7.1.4 Other 86 7.2 Justification of the Proposal 87 7.3 Alternatives to the Proposal 88 7.4 Consequences of Not Proceeding with the Proposal 90 7.5 Reasons for Choosing this Proposal 91 7.6 Summary and Conclusions 91 Brian J. Mackney & Associates Pty. Ltd. Bangatow Phone 066 871289 (iv) LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1 REGIONAL SITE LOCATION 6 Figure 2 LOCALITY SITE PLAN 7 Figure 3 SITE CONTOUR MAP 8 Figure 4(a) MONTHLY AVERAGE RAINFALL FOR MURWILLUMBAH (mm) 10 Figure 4(b) MONTHLY AVERAGE SURFACE WIND DIRECTION MURWILLUMBAH Figure 5 ZONING MAP - SITE AND SURROUNDS 15 Figure 6 VISUAL CATCHMENT OF THE SITE 17 Figure 7 CENSUS COLLECTORS DISTRICT POPULATIONS - TWEED LGA 21 Figure 8 LANDUSE - SITE AND SURROUNDS 24 Figure 9 EXISTING VEGETATION AND TRAPPiNG LOCATIONS AT QUIRKS QUARRY SITE 26 Figure 10 NOISE MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS 29 Figure 11 ROAD NETWORK 33 Figure 12(a) EXISTING LANDFORM 50 Figure 12(b) PROPOSED EXTRACTION - STAGE 1 51 Figure 12(c) PROPOSED EXTRACTION - STAGE 2 52 Figure 12(d) PROPOSED EXTRACTION - STAGE 3 53 Figure 12(e) FINAL LANDFORM 54 Figure 13 EXISTING AND FINAL LANDFORM 55 Brian J. Mackney & Associates Pty. Ltd. Bangalow Phone 066 871289 (v) LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 POPULATION GROWTH - TWEED SHIRE 1986 - 1991 19 Table 2 POPULATION & DWELLINGS CENSUS COLLECTORS DISTRICT IN THE VICINITY OF THE QUIRKS QUARRY 19 Table 3 POPULATION PROJECTIONS TWEED SHIRE COU]CTh COMMUMTY PROFILE 20 Table 4 BLAST OVERPRES SURE AND GROUND VIBRATION 30 Table 5 GENERATED NOISE LEVELS 31 Table 6 ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC IN THE VICINITY OF THE QUARRY 32 Table 7 TWEED SHIRE - EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRY FIGURES 39 Table 8 PROPOSED HOURS OF OPERATION 56 Table 9 PREDICTED NOISE LEVELS AT NEAREST RESIDENCE WITH DISTANCE ATTENUATION APPLIED 67 Brian J. Mackney & Associates Pty. Ltd. Bangalow Phone 066 871289 (vi) LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A CONSULTATION WITH THE DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING APPENDIX B CONSULTATION WITH AUTHORITIES APPENDIX C FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT APPENDIX D ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORT APPENDIX E NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT APPENDIX F MATERIAL RESOURCES MAP - NORTH EASTERN DI VISION GRAVEL PITS AND QUARRIES APPENDIX G STORMWATER DETENTION BASINS AND SEDIMENT CONTROL STRUCTURES APPENDIX H PLAN OF MANAGEMENT APPENDIX I CHECKLIST APPENDIX J PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING DESIGN EASEMENT ACCESS TO DURANBAB ROAD Brian J. Mackney & Associates Ply. Ltd. Bangaow Phone 066 871289 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared on behalf of Mr. Robert Quirk and provides an assessment of the proposed extensions to the existing quarly on Lot 12 D.P.
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