OFFICE OF DIRECTOR GENERAL, ANIMAL HUSBANDRY & DAIRYING, HARYANA,PANCHKULA. Endst. No. /o/o/f~Oj~9- 8.1/ Dated ;;t-J,-/0 A copy of the Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana, Finance Department letter No. 28/11/2010-SB&C, dated 26.02.2010 is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action : - 1. Deputy Director, Intensive Cattle Development Project, Ambata, Kurukshetra, Sirsa, Gurgaon, Kamal, Jind and Bhiwani. 2. Deputy Director, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Faridabad, Narnaul, Mewat at Nuh, Hisar, Kaithal, Rewari, · Fatehabad, Yamuna Nagar, Panipat, Jhsjjar, Panchkula, Sonepat, Palwal and Rohtak. 3. Deputy Director, Sheep Breeding Farm, Hisar. 4. Deputy Director, Wool Grading-cum-Marketing Centre, Hisar and Loharu (Bhiwani). 5. Deputy Director, State Cattle Breeding Project, Hisar. 6. Chief Superintendent, Government Livestock Farm, Hisar. 7. Principal, Haryana Veterinary Training Institute, Dhansu Road, Hisar. 8. Sector Superintendent-I, Government Livestock Farm, Hisar. 9. Sector Superintendent-II, State Cattle Breeding Project, Hlsar. 10. Institute Director, Haryana Veterinary Vaccine Institute, Hisar. 11. Superintendent, Seed Farm, State Cattle Breeding Project, Hisar. 12. Mechanical Engineer, Government Livestock Farm, Hisar. 13. Assistant Director, Government Hatchery Farm, Bhiwani. 14. Assistant Director, Government Hatchery Farm, Hisar. 15. J.C.B.C. Jagadhari. 16. Assistant Poultry Development Officer, Ambala City. 17. Poultry Disease Investigation Officer, Kurukshetra. 18. Poultry Disease Investigation Officer, Ambala City. 19. Piggery Development Officer, Ambala City. 20. Assistant Director. Govt. Murrah bull Station, Bhiwani. -2- ·-2- 21. Sub Divisional Officer, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Rohtak, Jhajjar, Kalka, Ratia, Kosli, Charkhi Dadri, Jagadhari, Siwani, Gurgaon, Palwal, Tohana, Thanesar, Mohindergarh, Samalkha, Hathin, Gulha, Pehowa, Bhiwani, Bahadurgarh, Nuh, Hisar, Ambala City, Naraingarh, Rewari, Meham, Ferozpur Zhirkha, Loharu, Panchkula, Hansi, Gannaur, Ellenabad, Hodel, Sirsa, Dabwalf, Sonepat, Gohana, Faridabad, Ballabgarh, Narnaul, Assandh, Fatehabad, Jind, Narwana, Safidon, Karnal, Panipat, Kurukshetra and Kaithal. It is also pointed out that the enclosed prescribed Performa (B & C) be sent to his office after compliance within 3 days of the request of this letter. A copy of the same is also made available website of the Department. The same can also be down load from the website of the Department. s~ for Director General, Animal Husbandry a'},'11 ~irying, Haryana, Panchkula. Cr: v-~ ,,.'),.~110, Endst. No. /t0/§J ,,.,.-ff B.1 Dated /J-r-/o A copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action: - 1. Accounts Officer, Directorate. 2. Superintendent, D.D.R. Branch. 3. Gaushala Development Officer, Haryana, Panchkula. for Director General, ~m~usbandry/f'd Dairying, Haryana, Panchkula. .- ~' r 2, °'>" dt' lo • ....,.,u,... , u •lt,(J. •.•• f...lMS No. 28/1112.r.10.i:;s&c From The Financial Commissioner l. Principal Secretary to Government Haryana, Finance Department. To ~ 1. All the Head of Departments in Haryana. , ., ,:, I 2. Registrar Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chan(tlgarh. !'0:~-:· l 3. All Commissioners of Divisions. 4 All the Deputy Oommissioneafn Haryana State. u 4 MM 2010 'l Dated, Chandigarh, the .26th February, 2010. ~~~.::-:! \ Subject: Budget Monitoring System. ---- Sir, I am direc.ed to rei ·r ;cu 0,1 tne subject cited above and to say that L/1af'tt has been directed to introduce budget monitoring system frum the next /6'q- r/<l fi11:mcial year 2010-2011 through Director, Treasury & Accounts Departments, ¾aryana, Chandigarh. In this system, the procedure will be as under:- ~/ Proposed Budget Allocation Procedure Ai, 1. A Central Budget Allocation system will be developed which can be accessed from the website or Treasuries & Accounts Department. After th"' budget is passed 1n Haryana Vidhan Sabha, the bu.:lget data -4 2 ·--. will be uploaded 0.1 the web server at level of FD. 3. Se,,ior most scco •.mts personnel from Finance Department will be 'I\J ,cvi' )'lA "v u.,.. t>- designated as budget Controlling Authority (BCA for short) in the departments. The~ will t-1:o provided with a user 1d and password to SV\ access the system $'\> 4. When such authority ic,g., in to the system following options will be ('~ available: i. Controlling Officer level Budget Allocation /. /"~ ii. Controlling Officer level BudQet Addition ~~~ IL Controlling Officer level l:h;dget Reallocation iv. DDO level !:kdgct Allocation »¼'·f V ODO 'evel Budget Addition vi. ODO level B11dget Re311ocation [\.)// . A Withdrawal of Budget from Dt'. 0/ Controlling Officer ti v ~ vifi / View Buaget Report ;\• ...ri' 5. First three opticns w,11 be available in Cc1Se of department having two \'r; '~/ level of budget auocauon e.g Education, PWD (three wings), Health etc. po/' V_r,'1, I f1n these deptts. Budget Ccntrollin::, Officers (BCO in short) allocation will ~ 'JJ,p r1l _ '> / be done at tho head omce and these Budget Controlling Officers will ~ • further allocate budget to the DDOs under their jurisdiction. Such Budget -2- Controlling Officers will also be provided with a user id and password to access the system. 6. Whiie allocating bUd9et1 the Object headwlse budget allOO!ted for the department will be shown depending on the various options selected viz. Plan/Non-Plan, Demc:nd Number, Scheme, Voted/Charged, Recurring/Non-Recurring and Scheme type (State/Central/Shared). 7. A datasheet will appear showing district wise all the DDOs in the department Amount can be entered for these ODOs object wise for that particular scheme. The budget already allocated to DDO's will be checked so that the further allocation does not exceed the total budget allocated. 8. Slmilarty in the case of additional allocation of budget, the total budget of department and budget already allocated to a particular ODO will be shown. Further allocation can be done object wise for that ODO. 9. The system will provide or,llne facility to the designated'· official of the I r department to withdraw the budget from a ODO from a schema J,CJ that the same Is allocated to other ODO. This will however be ensured by HODs, / I on basis of expandlture data obtained from DOOs or from concerned treasury, that only unutilized budget of a ODO is withdrawn. If this is not ensured ~en when ~ata is down loaded at Treasury level, such -- .. modification will not be accepted by OTIS, If ~nditure already incurred by any· WO-exce&fS"'~:,~lmt~et~IJ: cl!~-----·-.. expenditure data becomes available onlioe, the System will verify from the central server exo,:nditure database- as to whether there are enough funds (excluding the expenditure, the ODO has already incurred or the reserves ._,.f.t• with controlling officers) avallable for withdrawal from an object head. If the funds are ~oilable then it will allow withdrawal of budget from the ODO charge In the budget data base from the ODO otherwi"e "!n error message will appear on the screen. 10 In case of exigencies the data man~ement cell of T&A Department will be atile to do all of the above activities on behalf of the department provided it reoeives a fonnal request from.ti-, user department '.~- 11. The T&A department(DMC) wlll procure the list of DOO's so that it can be uploaded on the web aerver An option wlll be given to T&A to add any newDDO. 12.A module w1U be provided In OTIS to dOWnloed tha DDO wise Budgat,~:.. Allocation data In the treasury. In case, budget is transferred from ,;me ODO to another in a particular scheme/object and more exprendituF_!t has already been done by flr11t ODO, theJl a message will be ~ '1hat the. budget can not be Jhifted to the other ODO. 13. Separate one day tralo!rtg wlll be conducted for all th~ B~ Controlllng Authorities and Budget Controlling Officers of all the departments. ~---3 •.... f , -3- All the departments are, therefore, requested to send lists of their DDOs as well as details of Budget Controlling Authority and Budget Controlling Officers in format as per annexure 'A', 'B' and 'C' (overleaf), to the Director, Treasuries and Accounts Department, Haryana, 2nd Floor, 30 Bays Bullding, Sector 17, Chandigarh by 07.03.2010 positively. For solution of queries, if any, co.itact the Director, Treasuries & Accounts, Haryana, Chandigarh over Tetephone No. 0172-2702438. Yours faithfully ---:-c:;: -;,{ ~k. .,.l Superintel'laen(Budget & Committee for Financial Commissioner & Principal Secreta;y to Government, Haryana, Finance Department. Endst. No.28/11/2010-58&C Dated: 26111 February, 2010. A copy of the above is forwarded to Director, Traasuries and Accounts D13partment, Haryana, Chandigarh for information and necessary action. ~-.... -,<. >o:...~ Superintendent Budget & Committee for Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana, Finance Department. Encist. No.28/11/2010-SB&C Dated: 26111 February, 2010. A copy of the above is forwarded to Ail the Treasury Officers and Assistant Treasury Officers in the State of Haryana for information and necessary action. ---:-:,:;;:,-rl... s:.•• .A.. Supelint«mdenf Budget t. Committee for Financial Commissioner & Princ!Pal Secretary to Government, Haryana, Finance Department. Endst. Mo.2tY11/2010-5B&C Dated: 26111 February, 2010. A copy of the above is forwarded to the State Information Officer, NIC, Haryana State Unit, 9th Floor, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh for information and necessary action. · .,---.:;-.__.,(_ ~:... ...<...__ Superintendent Budge(&~ommlttee for Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana, Finance Department. Endst. No.28/1112010-5B&C Dated: 26th February, 2010. A copy of the above Is forwarded to the all branches in Finance Department for information and necessary action. Suµe~rintende"n"-t -B'""ud g~et ~! Committee for Flnanctal Commissioner & Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana, Fin.;nce Department P.T.O. ' Namt; of Department: _ E-Mail Designation of Address Telephone Address Budget Number Controlling Authoritv fBCA) Annexure 'B' * Nzme cf lllei,artment: _ De.a:l!Jnatlen of Budget Co11trclll11p o·mca1· (\I any) : _ Telephone E-Mail DDOCode Designation Address Sr.
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