THE NE1W YORK HERALD. SA1rURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1922. 11 James McVickar PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. Mme. Gordon Sings MRS. C. F. HOFFMA[N CELEBRATES ISenator Edge and PROFESSIONAL AIR' FOR MRS. M. I. ROTHSCHILD DEAD. f JUNIOR LEAGUE SHOW , NEW YOHK. Hater of Ira INt-lson MorrU, Weds Mrs. Mrs. Eliot Wadsworth has come from as in HER ! AGE Bride Sail to Sweden. Minister Disston, to the Belmont. Brangaene DA UGHTER'S COMING OF To-day 7'o Give Three Performances Washington for Charities It Supports. Chicago, Dec. 15..Mrs. Maurice L. Surprising Friends Mrs. E. Henry Harriman returned Tristan und Isolde' on the Majestic rtothachild, 60, widow of a wealthy .esterday to New York from Members of the Junior League of New c clothing merchant and slaterChlagoof Washington. York will give their annual dramatic * rh. Nelson Morris. American Minister Replaces Mme. in I j Sweden, died suddenly to-day. Her Marriage of Prominent Society Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lewis Oneg'in trover Loening; Going to; a,nd musical offering for the benefit of h unhand and brother were with her Members Is of Wide will entertain at dinner next Gillespie Performance of theSecond to le charities It supports at the Waldorf- mthen she died. Tuesday. Hfr^HL 'fl| M|k Europe Study astoria on January 30 and 31 and Mrs. Rothschild was a daughter of AeroI le late Nelson Morris, pioneer Chlcag Interest. Mr. and , Opera. Service. n 1 under the chairmanship of Mrs. Mrs. George Rose have closed ^ n BMKBfe'if ^jtefchL plane Febiaryacker. She was the widow of A. M. :heir house In Roslyn, L. I. and are at K Roland N. Harriman. While the plothHchlid, head of Rothschild & Co., 16 East Sixty-fifth street for the winter. cli&racter of the performance has not' <jeDiirtmrnt store lirm, which site Mrs. William Disston, a member of »y w. jr. iibxoeiisos. Senator Walter Evans Edge and his een divulged, the committee in its fore- ri after his death. dlBcted Mr. P. a ord says tliat "fantastic-ally and artls- a of I'hilaiielpr.ia and Stuyvesant PlUott will give "Wagner's "Tristan iride, who was Miss Loyall prominent fumily lupper und dance to-night at und Isolde" hid Carpilla ^callv this will be the league's most Sherry's to- " am-1 equally well known in New York anil for his daughter, Miss Rosalie ritlot. ta second performance of the season ishe Sewall of Bath, Me., will ^ail j, if inilM nrnrt lift Inn Tt {« an- T in Paris and London, was married to it the Metropolitan Opera House last ay by tho Majestic of the White Star n<ounced that "certain surprises" »m MARRIAGES. Mrs. Clarence \V. to K Ive a "professional air" to this amateur Mr. James McVickar of 375 Park Dolan, accompanied evening. There were two in -Ine for their wedding: trip Europe. M N. os t>y her daughter, Miss Rita Dolan, has changes ndertaklng. The motif will be merely IcDONALD.BOYLE..At Albany. T., at 5 o'clock afternoon ;hO ca8t. Mme. SicrM 'heir marriage took place last Satur- > Monday, December 11. 1022. Elsie Sauter yesterday avenuetome from Philadelphia to the entertain the three audiences and, Boyle to D. McDonald. in the home of the Rev. A. F. Bender, to Mme. lay In Hath. The bride is a daughter >ntrary to tradition, the argument will George Ritzffarlton.ftay Jeanne Gordon as f and Mrs. Harold M. Bewail. Some the Dutch Reformed Mr. j'"e sustained hy male characters. pastor of Second and Mr. Whitehlll, whoUranjaeneh"d 0if their fellow passengers will be J. Mr. McVickar Mrs. Oliver Pcrln had among her will Mrs. The responsibility of selecting the cast Church in Jersey City. lung tho exacting role of Atlianacl in ShIP 1'rands A. Clark, who join as been to Miss Muriel DIED. the quests at luncheon yesterday at the C.'lark in where their children given had obtained the license Monday at 'Thais" on the previous was Versailles, Mrs. S. Iflnman Bird is designingVanderllt. Marguery Mrs. Edward 8. J. McVickar, evening, a re In school; Lady Strathcona, Clans A. j,amber, Roger R. Mason, Addie R. office of the City Clerk. Mrs. Oliver elieved by Gustavo le costumes and Roshanara is to have nnnnlng, Catharine 8. Thereaa W. Iselin and Miss Mary King Schuetzendorf as Mrs. John Bassett Moore _ McHugo. and Ipreckels. hand in arranging some of the enaem- H lelenberg, Doulsa Miller, Ellen After tiie ceremony Mr. Mrs. Kurvcnal. Neither change was a.nd Herman C. Huffer. C Mrs. J. Prentice 81 East been booked by les. Tlie leading roles havo been as- auldwell, J. A. Morris, John J., Jr. McVickar came to New York and went Kellogg, Mme. Gordon's voice is OfbeneIcial. BBfip Bassage also has igned to Mrs. Henry Potter Russell, rourh, Leslie H. 1'armly. Nina D. to Rtta-Oarlton. where the bride has Fifty-sixth street, will give a luncheon Cleorge McGrath, former Accountant- "jilss Sheila j,laley, Anna F. PoIV, Charles S. tho tnd theater party to-day for her quality, while that of Mme.soprano CJeneral of the Irish Free State, who Byrne, Mrs. Henry Clapp [lerker, Thomas H. Rogers. Eva W. York home for several x mith, Miss Miss Olivia n'uatie, Ann J. Schneider, Anna made her New Miss Barbara Kellogg. daughter,Matzenauer, who sang Isolde, leans c ante hero on a financial mission for Betsy Flagg, is Sir Kobert Balrd. K. J'nhnson, Miss Helen Hoadiey and ticht-merdla, Elsie E. Thoma. Frank years. Their marriage, which of :oward contralto timbre, in hlis Government; losers. and Irker-on, 8. K Veltrh, David 8. Mrs. Patrick A. Valentine will go to especially II. E.. managing director of the Belfast Herbert Adains Henry Bar- £Idwards, Ida F. wide interest, came as something of a ts - Widmayer, Marie T. next to the lower range. Thus tho musical 1 and associated papers; the t( I. i lahn, Myer Wilson, Henry C as no announcement of Chicago Wednesday pass "vleijraph Miss Beatrice I'ratt will be Mrs. IV surprise, public lollUays with her sons, Messrs. :ontrast planned by Wagner was IIon. and Mrs. Arthur J. P. Howard, liar-1 nabe, Louis Zellweger, Anna L. their engagement had been made. Philip K. C. ri man's right hand assistant as vice-1 D. and Lester Armour. and this, in a lyric drama reversed,in CJen. Sir Menus O'Keefe, M. D., Mrs. Disston was before her first JJ. G.; L>r. David Bergstrom, Swedish c'mlrman of the production committee, In Memnriam. Miss Raphael 13. a R'hich the organic union of w1th Mrs. William J. as secre- EImmona, Charles E. Gorman, Gertie A. marriage Dunlop, Mr. Lawrence Jennings will come mood, text JMinister at Toklo, and Mrs. Bergstrom, Stlirges daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ind musical color is so was 'arlos de Socasa, Attache of the Chil- ftiry, Miss M. Rouise Dixon as treasurer next week from Yale to pass the complete, U1ad E of Philadelphia. Mrs. John Dunlop lisadvan e an Count de Bellegarde, Miss Marjorie Cleveland as publicity :AM15KR..At Galveston. Texas, December is her and with his parents, Mr. and holiiaysMrs. tageoua. Legation; d irector. If. Roger Robert Member of Summit, N. Jr., only daughter,W'anamaker,silver G. I"rancois Crucy, ftpeclal representative Mrs. Winthrop W. Aldrich In she has one son, Mr. William Disston. Jennings. It seems futile, however to v 111 over the office as far as J., Ills Mth year, son of tho late Robert H plead o f Prtit Pariaien and L'lliustration, tor preside box L. Mamber and Augusta Nellls of She hus lived In London and Paris a for the artistic aims of tlle boxes are and Mrs. John Llpe Mr. and Mrs. George R. D. 8chieffelin Wagner. He AI. Clemenceau's American tour; Rob- concerned, Brooklyn. He is survived by his widow, great deal. himself died a Vleyerkort will get the for J uiio M. Smith and two Mrs. lave closed their houee in disappointed man e rt W. Armltage, Yorkshire colliery advertising sisters, Mr. McVickar. whose family Is one Morrlstown, he felt secretary tl XT programs, for which a member of Chaunccy Marshall and Mrs. Frederick M. J., and are at the home of her that the world persistedl>ecause o wner; Maksymiljan Kolski, Sterling Seeley. Funeral services at of the oldest In New York. Is a son of In his 0 f the Polish finance delegation; Leslie tlic league will design a special cover. the late Mr. and Mrs. James McVickar. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herlbner,parents.ignoring purpose to transform Church of the Epiphany, Lexington av. it a East Sixty-sixth street. npcra into "drama per musica" and a nd Philip Runclman, London steamship and 35th st.. New Yor" city, on His mother before her marriage was wners; J. R. Wierdsma, chairman of JOHN J. MORRIS DEAD. December IB, aY2 P. M. PleaseSaturday,otnlt Miss Ada Jaffray, a daughter of Ed- viewed such works as 'Tristan und flowers. he Holland-American Line; Arthur . ward S. Jaffray. one of the famous Mrs. Colgata I-Ioyt gave a luncheon Isolde" through the eyes of tho mere Sir Ernest BANN'ING..At Lyme. Conn., on Friday, Iweetser, Swiss Journalist; 11 crumbs Now York merchants of his day. Mr. {it Pierre's yesterday for Mrs. Preston meeker after entertainment. The ildham. Brltlst barrister; Lieut.-Col. H. to Injuries Received In December 13, 1922. Catharine Scofleld McVickar'a brothers are Messrs. Will- ['ope Satterwhltc, Mrs. John H. Child Banning, widow of S. Waldo Manning. widen Wagner lamented conditionsstill '"~-t£^V^ J.
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