NORTH AM E RI C AN BAPTIST GENERAL C ONFE R ENCE ·. December 24 1959 "Glory to God in the Highest" Number 26 11 Christm as in a Time • T he Cameroons, Africa of Fear and Tension Revisited h Dr. Dunger r BAPTIST HERALD CONTENTS • Word of Life Press in Tokyo pro­ will be eighty years old in June, 1960. ed in that country since the com­ duces 40 million pages of Christia n Her friends are joining With her in munists took over a nd the government Volume 37 No. 26 literature annually. Brightly colored, the "H elen K eller Crusade for the will not permit the importat ion a nd well written, professionally printed lit­ Blind" in an effort to raise Sl,250,000 distribution of large qua ntities of December 24, 1959 era ture is reaching many who could t o bene!it the 14,000,000 blind people Scriptures. The government permits not otherwise be reached. Its "Tract of the world. Funds will be for ex­ the society to import about 200 copies a Day Club" ha s 2,200 members. pancling services and establishing new of the Bible a month, by r egistered projects for the education, training and ''Glory to God in the Highest" * e The number of Christia ns in the mail. Prior to September, 1956, the employment of the blind of the world. society imported about 60,000 copies Cover ------------- --- - ----- ----- Don Knight F ar East has increased by ne ~ly 100 "Glon' to God in the Highest." a nnually. per cent dur ing the past five years, - The L ink Unless we let Cluist come into our hearts, Christmas is merely March of Events - ------- ---------------- 2 "'=""" Baptist Briefs ----- --------------- - - ----- 2 according to Dr. Clyde W. Taylor, • Today there are fewer missionaries • A la rge shipment of clothing and a holiday. For the true Christian, Christmas is a holy day. llis eyes executive secretary of the Evangelical in the Middle E ast tha n in almost any I Editorial g· h ,, 3 supplies for the leper colony at D r. have been ·opened by faith to see the "glory to God in the highest." "Glory to God in the ig est ------ --- F'or ei.gn Mi.ssions Association. Statis­ a rea of the world. According to In­ Albert Schweitzer's hospital in La m­ "Fcnr Not!" 4 t ics from Formosa, Japan, Korea, terdenomina tiona l Foreign Mission As­ ba rene has been donated by various His soul looks heavenward in wonder and awe to fathom the mystery Dr. Bernard Schalm ----- - ----- ------- Hong Kong, and the Philippines re­ "\Ve \Vorship Him!" socia tion figures there is only one St. Louis, Mo. businesses a nd will be of God's revelation in the Christ-child. Everything in the Christmas Rev. Donald P. Patet - ---- ---------- -- 5 veal that there are now 5.2 million missionary for every 110,000 people a birthday gift to Dr. Schweitzer, who celebration points to "Christ, the Hope of the World." "Christmas in a Time of Fcnr nnd Tension" Christians in these lands as compared in the Arab world. This compares with will be 85 years old on J a nua ry 14. Dr. John Suthc.rlnnd Bonnell --------- 6 to 2.6 million five years ago. one missiona ry to 28,000 people in 0 T he CRmeroons, Africa, Revisited" Lisle M. R am sey, St. Louis business­ Every Chl'istmas carol and every festive thought at this season Dr. Geome A. Dunger -------------- - 8 Latin America; one to 17,500 in Afri­ ' e Protestan t M issionaries. According m a n and a well-known Baptist church uBnve You Read the Lat"Cst • • • ?" ca; or one to 60,000 in the F a r E ast. lea der, was instrumental in initiating of the year show how we glorify God by acknowledging Christ as Dr. M. L . Leuschner --- - --- --------- - - 10 to the Missionary Research Library Why? Undoubtedly, beca use results Christmas Poems --- ----------------- - - - 11 the projec t. Mr. Ram sey is president Savior. Is it necessary to remind ourselves that the trne heart of 0 (New York), ther e are at present 1 are m eager and som e doors are closed ' Rc,•icws of I mportant Books 38,606 Protestant missionaries work­ of R eligious H eritage of America and Christmas is worshipping and honoring Christ? "This is life eternal, Dr. L. M. Leuschner ----- ------ - - - ---- 12 in Ara b counties. cha irman of the boa rd of t he Chr is­ .,-Fro·m the P rofessor's _Desk" ing in various parts of the world. This - Moody Mon thly that t hey might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Dr. Walter W. Wessel ----------- - - -- 13 figure is three times as many as in t ian Civic Founda tion of Missouri. He thou hast sent" (John 17 :3). Like the shepherds and wise men of old, "We, the Women" . 1903, nearly 50% grea ter than in • The Brit ish a nd F or eign Bible So­ will present the gift to Dr. Schweitzer Mrs. Freda Reddig -------- ----- ------ 14 1936. Of this number, 65% are from ciety is still una ble t o work freely in personally. we draw near to the Ch1ist-child and express our love and homage to "Preparations for Yot!th Week" N ort h America. Yugoslavia. No Bibles have been print- - The W atchman-Exanniner !\tr. Arthur Patzm - --------------- - -- 14 him by glorifying his Name in all that we do. "For thine is the king­ What's Happening - - --- --- ---------- ---- 15 • A year-long " prayer-wat ch" will be dom, and the power, and the glory forever!" This is Christmas at its THE LONG SEARCH By Sallie Lee Bell inaugurated in January by the Morav­ best and brightest in a Christian's heart! Chapter Fh'c - --------------- -------- 16 ian church in America, restoring a cus­ " Sunday School l,C!'soi:is" tom which was instituted in 1727 a nd Briefs Our "glory to God" hinges upon our good wHI toward men. This Re,-. Bruno Schreiber ------- ---------- 18 which lasted more than a century. Our Denomination in Action -----;:---- ---- 19 was trne in that first Christmas as the angels sang their heavenly "Ch urch Giving in the United Stntcs Bishop K enneth G. Ha milton of Beth­ Church Statistics --------------------- 23 lehem, Pa., conference president, sta t­ • Tent Revivals in Germany. Six mis­ gelistic m eetings, encouragement of chorus. It has not changed in the least since then. We glorify God in Obituaries --- - --- - - - ---- ---- -------- --- ---- 23 ed tha t "a sense of urgency of the sion t ents were moved about West the soul winners savings ca mpa ign, de­ the ordinary, daily tasks of life. The love to Christ prompts us to share October Contribution s - - ------------- - - ----- 23 present world situation and the need Germany and W est Berlin this sum­ velopment of interest in the Second the joys and blessings of this season with others, especially with those for the power of the church, which m er as evangelistic m eetings were held Asian Baptist Youth Conference we believe will come through prayer" in 46 cities, the Ba ptist Union of Ger­ scheduled for Tokyo in 1961, a nd im­ less fortunate than we are. This springs not from our own goodness * prompted the re-establishment of the m any reports. The Year of Eva nge­ provements in S unda y School a nd but from our becoming hosts to God's personal Christmas Gift to each "prayer wa tch." Bi-weekly Publication of the lism is being forwarded also in m any Tra ining Unions. one of us in Christ. God is always glo1ified when our thoughts and • On May 11 the Evangelical Library churches by tra ining and in special NORTH AMERlCAN BAPTIST • Negro Baptist Conventions. The Na­ of Chile opened in Santiago t o supply courses a rranged during vacation deeds b1ing blessing to others in his Name. The one and self same GENERAL CONFERENCE times. The German Ba pt ist Union has tional Baptist Convention, U. S. A., t he Christian public with sound Chris­ Inc., lar gest Negro church group in commandment to love God with all our h eart also includes the com­ 7308 Ma dison st., Forest Park, Illinois tian reading m atter. Eliseo T oro, a ba ptized m embership of 97,550. There were 2,714 bapt isms in 1958. En­ the world, plans st eps toward eventua l mand: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." The sharing of these Martin L. Leuschner , D .D., Editor cha irma n of t he library committee r eunion with the Nat iona l Baptist a nd manager of the Baptist Bookstore, rollment in Sunday schools is 32,642 blessings of life with others at Christmas accentuates the angels' and in young people's groups, 10,729. Convention of America . The groups led the dedica tory service . T he Inter­ split 44 yea rs ago over ownership of song: "Glory to God in the highest!" varsity Chapter dona ted the chairs for t he library and m eets there regularly. • Mrs. Martin Visits Central Ame rica. a publishing house. Som e 20,000 dele­ We also gloiify God by beholdfog the wonder of God's great gift, * The libra ry is a project of the Chris­ Mrs. George R. Martin, cha irman of gates a pproved the a ction a t an an­ T HE BAPTIST HERALD ls a publication of t he Women's Depar tment of t he Ba p­ nual m eeting of the 5,000,000-member the Savior. Christmas fills all of our hearts-young and o1d alike­ the Nort h American Ba ptist General Con­ t ian Literatu re Committee of Chile ference with h eadqu art~rs at 7308 r;i:adl ~on which was organized in N ovember of tist W orld Allia nce, left home October U.
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