natstand: last updated 16/10/2014 Person: Joseph Hesselgrave Thompson (1811 – 1889) Description: Herbarium specimens Herbarium: University of Hull ( HLU ) Extraction date: 2014 September Annotated by: Richard Middleton Notes: Specimens arranged chronologically rather than taxonomically to document his movements. Sample of J H Thompson’s handwriting: Typical label: This demonstrates his handwriting, the characteristic way in which he writes the date and the printed, or part printed element typical of so many of his labels. - 1 of 26 - natstand: last updated 16/10/2014 Bracketed data is that inferred from, rather than written on, the label. It can be seen that the greater proportion carry little, if any, collector details. Date Plant Collector Locality vc 1832 0 0 Minuartia hybrida ((Thompson J H)) Banstead Downs 17 1834 0 0 Epipactis palustris (J H Thompson) Cottingham 61 1836 7 0 Pyrola media (Thompson J H) Bracklyn Callender 87 1836 7 12 Antennaria dioica (Thompson J H) Loch Vennachor 87 1836 7 16 Sedum rosea (Thompson J H) Stuic-a-chroin, 87 Perthshire 1837 6 0 Thalictrum minus (Thompson J H) Lydstep Bay, Tenby 45 1837 6 27 Euphorbia portlandica (Thompson J H) Caldy Island, Tenby 45 1837 6 27 Euphorbia paralias (Thompson J H) Caldy Island 45 1837 8 27 Aster tripolium (Thompson J H) Artrog 48 1837 9 1 Parietaria judaica (Thompson J H) Caernarvon Castle 49 1838 8 0 Carex viridula subsp. (Thompson J H) Barmouth 48 viridula 1838 8 27 Radiola linoides (Thompson J H?) Arley? but county is 48 clear 1838 9 5 Achillea ptarmica (Thompson J H) Waterfall at Llanberris 49 1838 9 10 Daucus carota (Thompson J H) Menai Bridge 52 1839 9 10 Anthemis arvensis (Thompson J H) Danes Dyke, 61 Flamborough 1839 9 12 Plantago maritima (Thompson J H) Walls of the Castle 62 Scarborough 1840 6 17 Catapodium rigidum (Thompson J H) Nottingham Castle 56 1840 6 29 Hyoscyamus niger (Thompson J H) Church Yard, 56 Edwinstow 1840 7 21 Myriophyllum (Thompson J H) The Ryelands 56 verticillatum 1840 7 27 Lathyrus sylvestris (Thompson J H) Returning from 56 Thrumpton near Clifton, Notts 1840 8 0 Hieracium Baynon Rev (ex herb Bewdley 37 Thompson J H) 1840 8 28 Antirrhinum majus (Thompson J H?) Walls of the Abbey, 71 Ballasalla 1841 0 0 Leonurus cardiaca (Thompson J H) B G (Oxford Botanic 23 Garden) 1841 0 0 Carduus crispus (Thompson J H) Ridgmont 61 1841 0 0 Fritillaria meleagris (Thompson J H) BG (Botanical Garden) 23 1841 0 0 Eriophorum latifolium (Thompson J H) Bullingdon Green 23 1841 6 0 Consolida ajacis (Thompson J H) Cultivated 0 1841 6 11 Cirsium dissectum (Thompson J H) Nr Oxford 23 1841 7 10 Rumex (Thompson J H) River Isis 23 hydrolapathum 1841 8 0 Gentianella amarella (Thompson J H) Swaby 54 1842 0 0 Trifolium ochroleucon Baynon (ex herb Down Hall, Essex 18 Thompson J H) 1842 0 0 Solanum dulcamara (Thompson J H) Oxford near 23 1842 0 0 Orobanche minor Mrs --- (label by Stowlangtoft 26 Thompson J H) 1842 0 0 Polygonatum (Thompson J H)? Cultivated 0 multiflorum 1842 0 0 Cyperus longus ex herb Govett Alderney 113 (Thompson J H) 1842 0 0 Hieracium (Thompson J H) Oxford 23 amplexicaule - 2 of 26 - natstand: last updated 16/10/2014 1842 6 0 Juniperus communis (Thompson J H) 0 1842 7 0 Fumaria parviflora (Thompson J H) Pere la Chaise, Paris, France 1842 8 0 Kickxia spuria (Thompson J H) Down Hall, Harlow 18 1843 0 0 Geranium (Thompson J H) Temple Cowley near 23 rotundifolium Oxford 1843 0 0 Vicia tetrasperma (Thompson J H) Bagley Wood 23 1843 0 0 Lythrum salicaria (Thompson J H) Godstow near Oxford 23 1843 0 0 Lythrum hyssopifolia (Thompson J H) Cowley Field 23 1843 0 0 Myriophyllum (Thompson J H) Porl? Meadow 23 spicatum 1843 0 0 Oenanthe lachenalii (Thompson J H) Cowley Marsh 23 1843 0 0 Populus nigra (Thompson J H) Medley near Oxford 23 1843 0 0 Pulmonaria longifolia (Thompson J H) Cultivated 0 1843 0 0 Kickxia spuria (Thompson J H) Oxford, near 23 1843 0 0 Mentha arvensis (Thompson J H) Bagley Wood 23 1843 0 0 Leonurus cardiaca (Thompson J H) Cultivated O B G 0 (Oxford Botanic Garden) 1843 0 0 Galium mollugo (Thompson J H) St Boniface Down 10 subsp. erectum 1843 0 0 Carduus crispus (Thompson J H) Godstow 23 1843 0 0 Zannichellia palustris (Thompson J H) Between Bullingdon 23 Green and Cowley Marsh 1843 0 0 Groenlandia densa (Thompson J H) Near High Bridge, River 23 Isis, Oxford 1843 0 0 Parnassia palustris (Thompson J H) Shotover, just above 23 Open Harlings Wood 1843 5 0 Legousia hybrida (Thompson J H) King Stone, Rollich 38 (Rollright) Stones 1843 5 5 Carex elata (Thompson J H) Banks of the Cherwell, 23 Islip 1843 7 10 Ophrys apifera (Thompson J H) St Boniface Down, 10 Ventnor 1843 7 11 Linum bienne (Thompson J H?) St Catherines Point 10 1843 7 11 Lathyrus nissolia (Thompson J H) Blackgang Chine 10 1843 9 0 Colchicum autumnale (Thompson J H) Botley Pound Copse 23 1843 9 0 Juncus subnodulosus (Thompson J H) Bullingdon Green 23 1843 9 4 Nymphoides peltata (Thompson J H) River Isis 23 1843 9 12 Aristolochia clematitis (Thompson J H) Godstow, Oxford 23 1844 0 0 Saxifraga stellaris (Thompson J H) Heights of Ben Lomond 86 1844 0 0 Euphorbia (Thompson J H?) Bishops Wood 37 amygdaloides 1844 0 0 Gnaphalium supinum (Thompson J H) Heights of Ben Lomond 86 1844 0 0 Allium vineale (Thompson J H) Windermere 69 1844 0 0 Carex divulsa (Thompson J H) Birchen Grove 37 1844 0 0 Campanula trachelium (Thompson J H) Hallow 37 1844 0 0 Dipsacus pilosus (Thompson J H) Henwick 37 1844 6 0 Prunus cerasus (Thompson J H) Ledbury 36 1844 6 25 Sedum rosea (Thompson J H) Heights of Ben Lomond 86 1844 6 29 Ceratocapnos (Thompson J H) Tarbet, Loch Lomond 99 claviculata 1844 7 2 Digitalis purpurea (Thompson J H) Loch Lomond 99 1844 7 5 Neottia nidus-avis (Thompson J H) Dunaquaich Hill 98 1844 7 15 Trientalis europaea (Thompson J H) Craig Phadrick, 96 Inverness 1844 7 19 Circaea alpina (Thompson J H) Urquhart Bridge, Loch 96 Ness - 3 of 26 - natstand: last updated 16/10/2014 1844 7 19 Cirsium heterophyllum (Thompson J H) Fall of Foyers 96 1844 7 20 Erica tetralix (Thompson J H) Field of Culloden 96 1844 7 20 Achillea ptarmica (Thompson J H) Cullodon Heath 96 1844 7 24 Atropa belladonna (Thompson J H) Ruins of Kinloss Abbey, 95 Morayshire 1844 7 27 Pyrola media (Thompson J H) Blair Atholl, Glen Tilt 89 1844 7 30 Circaea alpina (Thompson J H) Cora Linn 77 1844 8 0 Campanula patula (Thompson J H) Henwick 37 1844 9 0 Chenopodium (Thompson J H) Henwick Mill 37 polyspermum 1845 6 20 Coronopus didymus (Thompson J H) Kenton, near Exeter 3 1845 6 21 Euphorbia portlandica (Thompson J H) Torquay 3 1845 6 23 Helianthemum (Thompson J H) Daddy Hole, Torquay 3 apenninum 1846 0 0 Tilia platyphyllos (Thompson J H) Beck near Alfick 37 1846 0 0 Verbena officinalis (Thompson J H) Three Cocks, Glasbury 42 1846 2 0 Phyllitis JHT (Thompson J H) Claines 37 scolopendrium 1846 6 0 Ranunculus lingua (Thompson J H) Glasbury 43 1846 7 4 Campanula patula (Thompson J H) Lyswen 42 1846 8 0 Clinopodium (Thompson J H) Astley 37 ascendens 1846 8 12 Bupleurum (Thompson J H) Pond Nr Nunnery Farm 37 tenuissimum 1846 9 0 Galium mollugo (Thompson J H) Pershore 37 1846 11 0 Chenopodium murale (Thompson J H) Worcester 37 1847 0 0 Lepidium draba (Thompson J H) Cultivated, root from 37 Powick 1847 0 0 Mercurialis annua (Thompson J H) Hyde Abbey, 11 Winchester 1847 0 0 Solidago canadensis (Thompson J H) Canal side, Worcester 37 1847 0 0 Epipactis helleborine (Thompson J H) Malvern 37 1847 0 0 Centaurium erythraea (Thompson J H) Bredicot 37 1847 5 29 Convallaria majalis (Thompson J H)? Monks Wood 0 1847 6 12 Carex caryophyllea (Thompson J H) Malvern 37 1847 6 28 Galium mollugo (Thompson J H) Stonehenge, among 8 subsp. erectum the great stones 1847 7 20 Orobanche minor (Thompson J H) Wick 37 1847 8 13 Vaccinium myrtillus (Thompson J H) Lower Lickey 37 1847 8 13 Mentha x gracilis (Thompson J H) Lower Lickey 37 1847 8 13 Senecio sylvaticus (Thompson J H) Lower Lickey 37 1847 8 23 Trifolium fragiferum (Thompson J H) Wisly Wells 37 1847 9 15 Spiranthes spiralis (Thompson J H) Crookbarrow Hill 37 1848 0 0 Barbarea vulgaris (Thompson J H) Worcester 37 1848 0 0 Sedum acre (Thompson J H) Percys Alley, Worcester 37 1848 0 0 Sedum acre (Thompson J H) Percys Alley, Worcester 37 1848 0 0 Sedum forsterianum (Thompson J) Bristol 34 1848 0 0 Ribes rubrum (Thompson J H) Wood on Bredon Hill 37 1848 0 0 Ribes rubrum (Thompson J H) Stourport 37 1848 0 0 Heracleum Pope Miss (ex herb Stourport 37 sphondylium Thompson J H) 1848 0 0 Pulmonaria officinalis (Thompson J H) Whittington 37 1848 0 0 Anthemis arvensis (Thompson J H) Railway, Worcester 37 1848 0 0 Centaurea cyanus (Thompson J H) Railway, Worcester 37 1848 0 0 Hyacinthoides non- (Thompson J H) Sapey Brook 37 scripta 1848 0 0 Luzula (Thompson J H?) 0 1848 0 0 Narcissus (Thompson J H) Mathon 37 - 4 of 26 - natstand: last updated 16/10/2014 pseudonarcissus 1848 0 0 Hieracium anglicum (Thompson J H) cultivated 0 1848 0 0 Hieracium vulgatum JHT (Thompson J H) North Hill, Malvern 37 1848 0 0 Pilosella officinarum JHT (Thompson J H) Hartlebury Common 37 1848 4 0 Gnaphalium (Thompson J H) Malvern Hills 37 sylvaticum 1848 4 6 Viola hirta (Thompson J H) Mathon 37 1848 5 10 Sorbus torminalis (Thompson J H) Helbury Mill 37 1848 5 17 Menyanthes trifoliata (Thompson J H) Hartlebury Common 37 1848 5 18 Hypochaeris glabra (Thompson J H) Hartlebury Common 37 1848 5 30 Carduus crispus (Thompson J H) Ham Castle 37 1848 5 30 Carex strigosa (Thompson J H) Sapey Brook 37 1848 6 20 Tilia cordata (Thompson J H) Sheawley Wood 37 1848 7 6 Carduus crispus (Thompson J H) Teme mouth? 0 (Worcester/Shropshire ?) 1848 7 27
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