March 2007 The International AIDS Society (IAS) is a global membership organization of professionals committed to the fight against HIV/AIDS. The IAS Newsletter is a tool for the organization’s diverse members to find out more about past, ongoing and future activities at the IAS and to learn how to become involved. For more information about the IAS, to search for and contact other members, or to find breaking news in HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment, and updates on upcoming IAS conferences, please visit the website at www.iasociety.org Image: HIV daughter cells bud off the surface of a T-Cell AIDS Denialists This edition’s feature article examines the global impact of AIDS denialism page 4-5 Message from the President page 2 IAS 2007: Narrowing the Gap Between Science Initiatives Update page 9 Recent Public Statements from the IAS page 2-3 and Practice page 7 Letter of Intent Signed for FORO 2007 page 10 Message from the Executive Director page 3 Education Activities at IAS 2007 page 7 IAS Adopts Regional Development Strategy page 10 The AIDS Denialists are Still Around page 4-5 AIDS 2008 Conference Coordinating Committee The IAS Talks With Dr. Hector Perez page 11 Members page 7 The XVI International AIDS Conference: Will it IAS Member Map page 12 Governing Council Approves Policy and Advocacy Have a Legacy? page 6 Download Free HIV/AIDS Slides and Images page 12 Framework page 8 From the President IAS Newsletter March 2007 IN THIS ISSUE of the IAS newsletter, you well as better integrate the research, best will find an article on the continued dam- practices and lessons learned presented at age being done to our efforts to implement these meetings with the International AIDS effective prevention, care and treatment Conference. programmemes by those who, despite all evidence to the contrary, continue to deny FiNALLY, OUR EDUCAtiON and training that HIV is the cause of AIDS. These “HIV initiatives are also expanding and, in part- denialists”, as the article by Mark Wain- nership with the Australasian Society for berg, Joanne Bergman and John Moore HIV Medicine (ASHM), we are delivering make clear, have caused untold damage a pilot education programme for young in- and death, particularly in the developing vestigators in basic, clinical and biomedical From the President world, through their concerted disinfor- prevention science immediately prior to the mation campaign. I believe that the IAS, 4th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, TWO THOUSAND AND seven promises to as an organization which supports an evi- Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2007) being be another landmark year for the IAS as dence-based approach to HIV/AIDS, has held 22 – 25 July in Sydney. we expand our work in three key strategic a unique responsibility to challenge the areas addressed at the November 2006 unconscionable messages promulgated REGARDING THE NEXT IAS Conference on Governing Council (GC) retreat: policy by this small but determined group. I hope Pathogenesis, Treatment and Biomedical and advocacy, regional development, and you will read this article and pass it on to Prevention, I am confident that we are build- education and training are all areas that friends and colleagues. ing a program containing the highest level will have increased staffing capacity and of scientific information in the field. direction, based on the guidance from the IAS’ PROFILE AT the regional level con- GC and our Strategic Framework. Our tinues to increase, and IAS staff and GC WE LOOK FORWARD to seeing you in Sydney. ■ members may have noticed that the IAS members are working closely to support profile on international AIDS advocacy has regional meetings, such as the Interna- already increased, with a series of position tional Conference on AIDS in Asia and the statements immediately prior to the holiday Pacific (ICAAP). Our efforts are intended break on breaking stories related to AIDS. to strengthen the IAS’ engagement in and And of course we will be seeking input from support for regional capacity-building, to our membership over 2007 on key policy offer technical and logistical support to Pedro Cahn and advocacy issues. the regional conference organizers, as IAS President lulose sulfate was associated with increased Open Letter to the Libyan Secretary of Recent Public Statements risk for HIV infection among women in the Justice Calling for Release of Health- from the IAS CONRAD-sponsored trial. Earlier trials of Care Workers the same compound involving 500 partici- Dear Secretary Ali Umar al-Hasnawi Microbicide Trails Halted pants did not indicate safety concerns. THE IAS ACKNOWLEDGES the February 2007 THE INTERNAtiONAL AIDS Society (IAS) is announcement that two Phase III trials of “WHILE EXTREMELY DISAPPOINtiNG, this the world’s leading association of profes- Ushercell (a cellulose sulfate based topical setback is also an opportunity to learn why sionals working in HIV/AIDS, with over gel being testing for HIV prevention in some women who used Ushercell were 10,000 members in 171 countries. We are women) have been halted due to preliminary found to be at increased risk of HIV infec- writing to you to express our shock and results at some sites indicating potential in- tion,” said Dr. Pedro Cahn, President of the dismay at the guilty verdict and subsequent creased risk for HIV among women who use IAS and Director of Fundación Huésped death sentences imposed on five Bulgarian the compound. The findings of increased in Buenos Aires, Argentina. “This will nurses and a Palestinian doctor in relation to risk were identified at some sites in a trial strengthen future microbicide research and the spread of HIV at Benghazi Hospital. sponsored by CONRAD, a cooperating increase our overall knowledge of how such agency of USAID administered through the compounds work.” IT IS ALLEGED that these health workers de- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology liberately spread HIV amongst 426 children at Eastern Virginia Medical School in the “THE imPORTANCE OF developing a safe and in the hospital, and caused the subsequent United States. The CONRAD trial was being effective microbicide to protect women from death of 52 of these children. While we are conducted in South Africa, Benin, Uganda HIV infection cannot be understated,” said certainly not indifferent to the tragedy of and India. While emphasizing the urgent Dr. Cahn. “We must give women the tools the deaths, and extend our condolences to need for the timely development of an ef- to protect themselves, independent of their the families of the children, we are outraged fective microbicide to protect women from partners’ actions.” that the blame for these infections and HIV infection, the IAS also recognizes the deaths has been placed at the feet of the utmost importance of safety, and applauds THE HALTED TRIALS were two of six Phase heath-care workers. the decision to halt the studies to evaluate III microbicide trials underway at the start the preliminary findings. of 2007. Four additional Phase III trials of EVIDENCE HAS CONFIRMED that the doctor other candidates are ongoing. and nurses are not responsible for the FAmiLY HEALTH INTERNAtiONAL, sponsor spread of HIV at Benghazi Hospital. Both of the second halted trial in Nigeria, had FURTHER DATA ON microbicides and other Luc Montagnier, the co-discoverer of HIV, not found similar results but halted the biomedical prevention tools will be dis- and Vittorio Colizzi of Rome University have trial as a precautionary measure, given the cussed during the upcoming 4th IAS Con- testified that the HIV infections pre-dated preliminary results in the CONRAD trial. At ference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment the defendants’ arrival at the hospital. In this point, it is not clear why the use of cel- and Prevention in Sydney. addition, a study of the children’s blood con- IAS Newsletter March 2007 Message from the Executive Director Coordinator, Nicolas Faurès – Webmaster, Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. ■ Olivia Mettler – Senior Accountant, Isabel Gonzalez – Conference Programme Project Officer and Pattharaporn Meinich – Junior Administration Assistant. Christian Öborg has changed position within the organization – his new post is Senior Manager – Quality Assurance and Business Integration. Florin Craig McClure Costea is now Team Leader for the IT De- IAS Executive Director partment. In addition, the first local staff for AIDS 2008 Mexico are in place: Luz Alcocer Message from the – Local Conference Project Coordinator, and Katja Suarez – Local Conference Logistics Executive Director Officer. And finally, the IAS wishes a warm farewell to Olivia Dunlop, our former Senior THE SECRETARIAT IS charging ahead with Accountant. the implementation of our workplan for 2007. We are pleased to have exceeded ON THE GOVERNING Council, the IAS bids our targets for 2006 in “Stronger Together goodbye to Dr. Jaap Goudsmit of the Neth- – IAS Strategic Framework 2005-2009”. erlands and thanks him for his six years AIDS 2006 in Toronto demonstrated the of service. Replacing him until the end of significant strides that have been made his term in 2008 is Dr. Andrzej Horban of over the past two years towards permanent Poland. We welcome Dr. Horban back to capacity and expertise in the Secretariat to the Council and thank him for stepping in deliver on our goals. temporarily to fill this vacancy. FOLLOWING DECISIONS MADE at the annual FiNALLY, THE IAS Governing Council and Sec- retreat of the IAS Governing Council in No- retariat are thrilled to congratulate Professor vember 2006, the Secretariat has expanded Michel Kazatchkine, European Governing 4th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, in a few key areas. The following individuals Council member, on his recent appointment Treatment and Prevention | 22-25 July 2007 have joined: George Valiotis – Education as Executive Director of the Global Fund to ducted by Oxford University has shown that a comprehensive strategy to prevent new given these significant caveats,” McClure the sub-type of HIV involved was present in HIV infections worldwide,” said Dr.
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