,Wally Ris a Winner Again " The Weather Today Wally Ris wins again on world record­ Partly cloudy today. Fair tomorrow. High breaking 800-meter relay team. Story on today 82; low 58. Yesterday's high 75; low Sports Page. at owan 61. Established J86S-Vol. 80, No. 263-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 1945-Five Centa G'OP Readies limited. Inflation" Control law * * * Soulh Sia lis Had Yen ·tor Yen, No Craze for Blaze Bill Would 1'OKY (JP)--.Japane police at Hiroshima, investigating lin ar on' ca e, qUeRtioned 1\ neig-hbor. No, he insi ted, he hadn't On Poll Tax; stsrt d any fil'c. All he had ever done was rob that bank mes­ Re-Establish s nger last fall of half Ii milJion yen. H e 01 0 told officers XII t1~, how he'd managed the robbery­ Taff Slumped which police had nevcr----------------------------- b en able to solv , Credil (onlrol WASHmGTON (JP)The southern WASHINGTON {JP) - Republi. filibuster against a bill to repeal can leaders reached an agreement the poll tax droned on yesterday Guard ·Insures Peace last night to start a lI.miLed anti­ wlth Senator Hill of Alabama inflation bill rolling through con­ reading the history of the con­ greSB today_ stitution In a slow Dixie drawl. The alTeement Wall announc­ Senator Tllet (R-Ohio) has said AI Univis Lens Plant ed b,. Senator Tall (R-Ohlo), tbat in his opinion it is "absolutelY chaIrman of the senate GOP impossible" to break the filibuster. DAYTON, OHIO (JP)- Peact.'----en{orc ct by national guard guns, POlle,. committee. ..... Rep. "The only solution Is to change bayonets and tanks - came to lhe stl'ike-troubled Univis Lens Wolcotl (R-Mlch), chairman or I\P Wln!photo the senate rules so that we can plant ye 'terday. the house bankln, eonunlUee. IRATE OSKALOOSA HOUSEWIVES lean anlnsa the blade of a baUdonr In an attempt to stop re­ limit debate, but r don't think we TheIr announcement followed But not lo the CIO united e\retrical worker, J whose 91-day moval of 137 ahade trees alonr an qenue tJuoourh the cl&y. The buUdozer Wall stopped an~ yesterday can do that before the regular ses­ strike for rA't\ining right: l'('SuIted in pi k t-line batH and a two-hour meeUnl' or Tan. 'Jpare the Trees'- mornlD, a court order temporarily halted all work. The tree. were belne taken out to widen a federal sion in Jan uary," he sald. ba a Wolcott and several memtierw ht&'hway through the city. municipal stale or emergel1ry. The GOP policy leader said he The company resumed produc- of the senate bankln&' commU­ , would ask a special Republican tion yesterday when approximate­ tee. conIerence today to decide whe­ ly 350 of Its normal 658 employes As outlined by Wolcoll, the ther to back a plan to submit the returned to the plant between Dewey May Tour house banking committee will poll tax Question to the states as sta rt cons ide ra tion today or a a constitutional amendment. lines of sleel-helmeted troops who for resorted once w use of tear gas, Midwest this Fall senate-approved bill to re-estab­ Hope ·Seen Berlin Settlement Southerners have Indicated they While nearly 1,400 guardsmen Iish consumer cl'edit controls. would not filibuster such a move. Would Increase Reserves 1t would, however, require a two­ maintained a cordon about the PAWLING, N. Y.(JP}-Campaign plant area, 10 keep ou t strikers, plans, possibly calling for an open­ Wolcott said the bill would be thirds approval of both houses and used as a base. He explained that Optimism Follows Stalin Talks Oskaloosa Is Tense ratification by three-fourths of the sympathizers and the cu rious, Ing swing through the midwest and Your Guide to states, union members ran Into trouble perhaps to the Pacific coast short­ he would oller amendments in ly alter Labor Day, were mapped committee to r(!Store the g61d re­ HilL declared the poll tax bill elsewhere, BERLIN (JP)-w with Prime Minis- yesterday by Gov. Thomas E. Dew­ serve requirements for federal Commencement ~rcl~I~~)~:~~~l~::r(;~~s After Court Delays had been brought before the sen­ Lou Kaplan, U,E. field agent ey and Herbert Brownell Jr. reserve banks to their 1945· level, ~er talin are Cx ]~ cc~ed here to res~llt in a new B~g l~OI~r power con- Tree-Cuttl"ng ProJ"ect ate "In the heat of a political cam­ and leader of the strike, was and probably an amendment to 11MB: 8:00 p,m. tonight. (erence and the IIftmg of the oVlet blockade of Berlin, paign - under pOlitical pressure - clapped in jail for 10 days for Dewey and Brownell, the Repub­ Lican presidential nominee's cam­ increase the reserves of federal PLACE: The Armory-West Official sil ence cloaked the Moscow negotiations in 1hi li blo k­ at a time when the senate ought contempt of court. end of the lowafieldhouse. OSKALOOSA (JP) - A tense not to be conSidering any funda­ paign manag,cr, held a t.hree-hour reserve banks by three percent on aded eity last nighl but it iii known that American and British oc­ Kaplan and four other strike demand deposits and one percent Use sou th en trance near air of watchful wailing settled mental changes in the law." lieutenants, Including a former strategy session. cupation commanders are being k pt advised of devclopm nts by James C. Hagerty, Dewey's press on time deposits. b~ball diamond, upon this community last night W'ashilwton lU1cl 1Jondon, There were only eight senator' state senator, Kermit N. Kirken­ PARKING: Supervised park­ after an uproarious morning secretary, told reporters "nothing rnereasinr the reserves cuts Informed unoffi'illl ROtlrCE'S, in their seats and less than 25 per­ dall, were fined $100 for con­ will be announced at this time." dowp the amount or mone,. ing north and south of Field­ which saw angry housewives use sons in the ga Ileries as HlII ended a tempt. house. showing their first signs of optim­ umbrellas to protect their shade six-hour, 13-minute 5peech. It is no secret, however. that banks can lend. The theory Is Big Capital Keeping AU were jailed pending posUng Dewey wants to get starte" early SEATING A VA1LABLE: Ap­ ism in weeks, indicated they had treel! from a highway crew. tha.t this is a. check on Infla­ reason to believe Monday night's The debate continued unUl 8:16 of $2,500 bond each to guaran­ next month on a vigorous dlrve. tion. proximately 5,000. No tickets Allhough tftndered by the wo­ (Iowa timE') when the senate quit tee they would remain out of the Word from Dewey aldes Is that I'tquired. 'Ike' for a Greater meeting in Moscow would result in Presidenl Truman had recom­ an east-west compromise and the men, who stood beside the trees until today at noon, strike zone, the opening tour probably will be INFORMATION' FOR CAN­ Senator Lucas (D-Ill) said Sen­ Two other union leaders wero mended that the government be breaking of the Berlin deadlock. as the workmen fastened chains what they call "a big swing" into empowered to increase reserve DIDATES: ate Republicans have staged the picked up on charges of engaging Em.ergency-Dennis "You can't expect things to re­ around the trunks. the crew pull­ the middle west. requirements on time deposits by 1. Secure academic appar~l ed out hal! a duz n ot th I:'!? poll.ialt IIobata lor poLitical pur­ in pil!k t lin skirmishes last The curtain-raiser trip also may before 5:00 p,m. NEW YORK (JP) -Eugene Den­ turn to normal around here," said poses only, four percent, and on demand de­ one source when questioned whe­ trees scheduled to go in connec­ week, and lwo men employed by take him to the far west although posits by Len percent. 2, Assemble at 7:30 p,m, west nis, general secretary of the Com­ tion with a federal aid street­ "This ballle on the poll tal< so a bakery were seized for inter­ Dewey's running mate, Gov. Earl munist party, told the party na­ ther he thought the blockade far as the Republicans are con­ Scrap Truman Prorram DC the Armory, wouid be lifted, Olners expres­ widening project. fering with the guardsmen, Warren o[ California, is expected Arrange yourselves in col­ tional convention yesterday "big cerned is a sham and a delusion, Common Pleas Judge Paul T, to bear the brunt o[ the campaign The Republican leaders have sed the same view. At that point a group of house­ They don't intend to paS! the bill marked lor the discard most ot umns of two facing east in capital is saving (Gen. Dwight holders got a court order tem­ Klapp, sentencing lhe five con­ ln that ar a, D.) Eisenhower for a more acute This same source was pessimistic and they know it," he told hi' coi­ the Truman anti-inflation pro­ I line with the placard in­ porarily delaying the project and tempt defendants, told them "you I I die a tin g your degree emergency." over whether a new Big Four leagues. gram, which calls among other meeting would suoceed in settling an uneasy peace settled on this have done an unjustifiable and group, (In case of rain Dennis devoted most of his "You are not looLing the Ameri­ miserable thing to this community Change Nebraska things for powers to control some east-west issues, but he predicted community.
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