- k y$$f,$$$? u c A 2 1 1 eg 4 W 808 License number MATERIALS LICENSE j SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 30 3073 I ( < Amendment No. 09 f>( l-i ' i M |4 (i Victoreen, Inc. (Delaware) j 6000 Cochran Road I q Solon, OH 44139-3395 In accordance with letter dated May 17, 1993,, license Number 34-25957-01 is amended as | Fj je follows: , ; [ [ t - - 4 y, ; . - i1" Conditions ll.C and 24. are amended *to read: k k(t , i < ~ ss j 11. C. The Radiation Saf(t) Officer for this license is B'arbara M. Kapsar. y C ~',f , , i |$ 24. Except as specifical.ly provided otherwise in this license, the licensee shall 4 conduct its program 5in accordance with the statementsr representations, and d procedures contain$d in the ddcu'ments, including ag 'ni;enclosuges,, listed below. The d U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulatio'ns4 hall govern unless the statements, f representations,1and procedure's in'the' licensee q more restrictive than the regulations.'eJ. uj)ts:[ application'"and{ correspondence are A .. .x's e. N 4 A. Applications idated Jiarch 6,T.1985,1 Novemberf l6,1987, Augdit 3,1988 (with ,4 attachments),' August 331,1990;4Eeb'ruar' L6','1991'.(with attschments) and y ~ ,2; f October 8, 1991s (with" attachments)'; [inds , ,. .. D . ' h !q B. Letters dated 'J nuary 28,11983, Dec' W r -embe 16 ?)984, Mar'c5 6, 1985, May 31, 1985,. 4 March 12, 1986,-June 8, 1987, Decemberc9,*1987, January 13, 1988, March 11, k ~1988, March 28,1988, April 11, '1988,' -July 7,' 1988? August 3,1988, jj September 8,1988, Tune 9,1989, March 26,1996G{ebruary 25, 1991, May 17, g ! 1993 and June 15, 1993. y # - * - p@ll ,, i # ; $ 1 \ | 6 j' ! $ 4! FOR THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ii$ ~ Date y -- G/25 98 ~&~ * |4 ' a rials Licenslng section, Region III (n 'il 9310190048 93062F PDR ADOCK 03030/36 3 /."N ~ / c ep" COPY !] j k{ t - - m m u m - u u u z e x * x e - 2 - a m m v a m e Jm - w J __ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . * . - m . *O , w . , ' ' : (FOR LFMS USE) 'O : INFORMATION FROM L15 * -------------------- 8 BETWEEN: : : LICENSE FEE MANAGEMENT BRANCH, ARM : PROGRAM CODE: 03610 O AND STATUS CODE: 0 REGIONAL LICENSING SECTIONS : FEE CATEGORY: 3A 3N 1D 3F 3E : EXP. DATE: 19931031 FEE COMMENTS: O * DECOM FIN ASSUR REGDI"V~~~~~~~~~~~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 : : m:Te !**' . 6 6 LICENSE FEE TRANSMITTAL ,i ' k -I- . / g" h O - ,.j j k 4. ' " ' ", A. REGION ygFcI g.;e; J E' ~ " ' qg ' n 1. APPLICATION ATTACHED h0 V APPLICANT / LICENSEE: VICTOREEN, INC. (DELAWARE) RECEIVED DATE: 930518 ~ ' ' ~ ~C.__ DOCKET NO: 3030736 , ' CONTROL NO.: 395129 Rh, db' /D ?F3E O tiCruSg uo.: 34-33,37_01 Fee cani. cry ACT10N TYPE: AMENDMENT - p3 pe, Parth! R2 O 2- ;c or, ~. ' m' ~ CHECKggUp!E NO.: HED,4 2p~$~~(@ 'r' ' O 3. COMMENTS SIGNED 4 f[ rill- / mE : m : m m :::::r::::::: f B.LICENSEFEEMANAGEMENTERANCH(CHECKWHENMILESTONE03ISENTERED_/l_/)/ )_ , h_ C 1. __ _______, , FEE CATECORY AND AMOUNT:__) h _ _h 2. CORRECT FEE PAID. PILICATION MAY BE PROCESSED FOR: MMM["' -------------- RECEIVED LICtNSE O -- : :----------- 3. OTHER ------------- -------------------- | 1 . JUL 151993 -----...----- -----...------...--gde; O SicNED ----- 6----- ...-)2t S,>y , G- U 7 GION 111 ------------ -j f ,. y --- O r / . W .6Wlb< W ' M T . ff$Yeh$'"W~ ' e6.A>L < -- - - - . m (-)" - , VICtOreen, inc. REi!BillEE23|| | t ivicrcmceul My R M3 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IU Materials Licensing Section 799 Roosevelt Road Glenn Ellyn,IL 60137 Subject: Amendment to License Number 34-25957-01, covering change in Radiation Safety Officer To Whom it May Concem: On 5/31/93, Victoreen's Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) will be changed to Robert H. Mack. Reponing to Arthur C. Lucas (Vice President-Technology), Mr. Mack will operate as RSO and Govemment Contract Administrator. Barbara M. Kapsar will remain as Assistant to the Radiation Safety Officer. Resumes of these three are enclosed. In support of his resume, Mr. Mack will be registered 9/1/93 in an RSO course operated by Nuclear Medical Associates. An equivalent course will be taken should we be able to find one offered sooner. Currently Mr. Mack is being informed and instructed on the content and implementation of Victoreen's program for radioactive materials and radiological protection. This infonnation and work transfer is being conducted by Robert A. Jucius, the present RSO, and will endure to 5/31/93. The change in RSO is being made for economic reasons; it is consistent with Victoreen's reduction in its use of liquid and gaseous sources, and with completion of its physical move from its fonner plant at 10101 Woodland Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Enclosed is a check in the amount of $ 370.00 for the amendment fee. If there are any questions, please contact the undersigned at (216) 248-9300. Lce. ? h'J).. } }__ .= & _ _. p, . ; Very truly yours, ~ ' c; b;te|.p n ] k./2:$W'jXW7?*' . $$ ? 9 *n b $ b. .- hh?h _4 0 k ;Oi-|ftfa _7 _ _ . Arthur C. Lucas | , ' |a . .N Vice President-Technology . > ~.4.-. N Tn M+ .2~~ ; "Yt. _--.c !)?.1 N - - . - . ACurhnw RECEIVED Enclosure wmo,%, e Geve!and. Ohio 44139-3395 (216) 24Wo300 gg g ]g' IAN (2lb) 24B 9301 ' { DAT A (21t'y '48-004 3 REW N IU m m M. 8 9 5 1 2 " . T - , ^ m [_) ~ . W ~ . ARTHUR C. LUCAS . SUMMARY OF PROFESSIONAL EIPERIENCE: EDUCATION: B.S. in Physics from Marquette University,1951 PEOFESSIONAL: General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1951 to 1962- Physicist. EG&G, Santa Barbara Laboratory,1962 to 1970-Senior Scientist (1968 to 1 1969 - IDA to work at National Bureau of Standards on studies in pro- duction of mono-energetic X-Rays for detector calibration and standardization.) Barshaw Chemical Company, 1970 to 1981-TLD Program Manager; Crystal and Electronic Products Division,1981-Director of Research. VICTOREEN, INC. , 1983 to present-Vice President. EXPERIENCE: General Electric Medical Systems - Work related to ionization in gases, patient dose reduction, and electronic design. EG&G - Studies in neutron dosimetry, design of environmental irradia- tion f acilities, gansna ray, beta ray, and neutron standardization, and design of a high-rate calorimeter. Harshaw - As TLD Program Manger, designed and implemented a Fil Spec personnel dosimetry system for the U.S. Navy. As Director of Research, directed development of radiation detectors, design of elec- tronic systems for radiation measurement and work on growth of new and different electro-optical, optical and scintillation crystals. VI CTOREEN, INC. - Direct development of advanced instruments for rad- iat ion measurement. I PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS- | AAPM, IEEE , APS, HPS, NCRP; certified by examination in Health Physics, 1960 i 1 1 i . maEL395129 . G ' * - p . O- m . -. W BARBARA M. KAPSAR Princiole tasks cerformed: (cont'd.) Measurement of spectrum of X-Ray source Assisted in establishing standard thermoluminescence measurement systems at NBS. Study sensitive TL dosimetry systems for use in personnel dosimetry and environmental monitoring Experience with unsealed forms of radioisotopes (i.e., powder and/or liquid): 1) AM-241 Form: AmC1 3 in .1N in HNO3 Activity: 1 millicurie This material was used to dope various scintillation phosphurs which were subsequently grown into single crystal form and used as pulsers. Duties included: A) direct supervision of transferring radioactive material to growth container B) radiation monitoring of facility during growth process (including air monitoring) C) radiation surveys of the facility D) supervision of or decontaminating the facility if necessary 2) C-14 Form: tagged BaCO3 Powder Activity: 10 rnillicuries This material was transferred in small aligots to a container of water wherein a radioactive solution was obtained. Duties included: A) making the solution B) depositing the solution onto various thermoluminescence or scintillation materials C) encapsulating the doped matenals into va.-ious containers D) radiation surveys of the facility E) decontamination of the facility (0!!Ih0$. 81 8 9512 9 L- ' . g , - . v w , BARBARA M. KAPSAR SUMMARY OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: EDUCATION B.S. in Chemistry from John Carroll University Successful completion of two-week seminar in radiation protection at University of Michigan School of Public Health PROFESSIONAL Employed at the Crystal and Electronics Division of Harshaw Chemical Company, 1969 to September,1983; Radiation Safety Officer, 1973-1983. Employed at Victoreen, Inc. from 1983 to present; assignments include Dosimeter Staff Scientist / Manager for TLD and radio-photoluminescent dosimeter product line; Assistant to the Radiation Safety Officer. EXPERIENE Radiation Sources routinelv used: 100 mci Cobalt-60 100 Ci Cesium-137 12 Ci Cesium-137 Uranium Metal Carbon-14 Americium-241 Am-Be Neutron Source Pu-Be Neutron Source Cf-252 Neutron Source Radiation Instrumentation used routinefy: 1 cc. Standard lon Chamber Extrapolation lon Chamber Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter VICTOREEN 440 Survey Meter Neutron Activation Foils GeLi Spectrometer Scintillation Gamma Ray Spectrometer Scintillation Beta Ray Counter Thermoluminescence Dosimeters Princiole tasks nerformed: Quality Control Measurements for TL Materials Standardization of Sources: ' Gamma X-Ray Beta Neutron mata n 8 95129 r * - e ' ~ . w , ~ l ROBERT H. MACK SUMMARY OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE EDUCATION B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Poly'echnic Institute,1953 PROFESSIONAL General Electric Company, Syracuse, New York,1953 to 1954 - Engineering Test Program. Officer in Signal Corps, U. S. Army,1954 to 1956 - Tour included participation in atomic bomb tests at Nevada Test Site under Armed Forces Special Weapons Program. General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York,1956 to 1969 - Engineering, product planning, business planning, product management, and marketing management relative to transmitting tubes. Martin P. Andrews, Inc.,1969 to 1971 - Manufacturers Representative for line of electronic and electromechanical devices.
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