E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 156 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 2010 No. 112 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was THE JOURNAL Ms. PINGREE of Maine. Mr. Speaker, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The today I want to commend Chairmen pore (Mr. PASTOR of Arizona). Chair has examined the Journal of the WAXMAN and RUSH for introducing H.R. 5820, the Toxic Chemical Safety Act, a f last day’s proceedings and announces to the House his approval thereof. bill that will for the first time require DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- the chemical industry to prove that PRO TEMPORE nal stands approved. the chemicals in our products are safe. In America, we have too long failed f The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- to regulate chemicals and consumer fore the House the following commu- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE products—even those that we know nication from the Speaker: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the have links to cancer, learning disabil- WASHINGTON, DC, gentlewoman from Maine (Ms. PIN- ities, reproductive disorders, and other July 28, 2010. GREE) come forward and lead the House serious health problems. I hereby appoint the Honorable ED PASTOR Under the old Toxic Substance Con- to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. in the Pledge of Allegiance. NANCY PELOSI, Ms. PINGREE of Maine led the trol Act, 62,000 chemicals were grand- Speaker of the House of Representatives. Pledge of Allegiance as follows: fathered in. Only six chemicals have I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the been banned since its passage. Not even f United States of America, and to the Repub- asbestos—a widely known carcinogen— could be taken off the market. PRAYER lic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Maine has always been the leader in Pastor Shawn Black, Calvary Chapel, f toxic chemical regulation, passing new Costa Mesa, California, offered the fol- laws phasing out mercury, lead, and MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE lowing prayer: flame-retardant chemicals in everyday Dear Lord God in heaven, we thank A message from the Senate by Ms. products. In 2008, our legislature passed You for Your faithfulness, Your hand Curtis, one of its clerks, announced the groundbreaking Kid-Safe Products in creating this great Nation. We ac- that the Senate has passed without Act that establishes a new statewide knowledge that all wisdom, guidance, amendment bills of the House of the system to identify and phase out the and governance truly comes from You. following titles: most toxic chemicals that endanger Lord, we acknowledge that You tear H.R. 4380. An act to amend the Harmonized our children. down and You alone build up. Thank Tariff Schedule of the United States to mod- It is time for the Nation to follow You for Your hand in the affairs and ify temporarily certain rates of duty, and for Maine’s lead. It has never been more the hearts of those who govern, for You other purposes. important for Congress to pass the steer the hearts of kings and of na- H.R. 5849. An act to provide for an addi- strongest and most effective toxic tions. For to You alone belong mercy, tional temporary extension of programs under the Small Business Act and the Small chemical bill possible. forgiveness, and grace. Help us to re- Business Investment Act of 1958, and for f store what is neglected, submitting other purposes. with solitude and remaining resolute EXTEND TAX CUTS FOR THE f with this reflection in our lives. MIDDLE CLASS May You forgive us our trespasses ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina and renew in us a steadfast spirit, im- PRO TEMPORE asked and was given permission to ad- movable, dependent upon Your truth The SPEAKER pro tempore. The dress the House for 1 minute and to re- and grace. Chair will entertain up to 15 requests vise and extend his remarks.) May You today encourage, rebuild for 1-minute speeches on each side of Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. our lives, our Nation, with the stead- the aisle. Speaker, it’s time to give hardworking fast dedication in accomplishing Your f Americans incentives to invest in order will, devoted to none other than in God to create jobs and grow the economy. we trust. TOXIC CHEMICALS SAFETY ACT We must also protect middle class United in will, submitted in spirit, (Ms. PINGREE of Maine asked and Americans from significant tax hikes we thank You, and we praise Your holy was given permission to address the that are headed their way. Contrary to name. And in Jesus’ name we pray. House for 1 minute and to revise and liberal claims, these are not tax hikes Amen. extend her remarks.) only on the wealthy. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6165 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:49 Nov 05, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\H28JY0.REC H28JY0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H6166 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 28, 2010 The picture isn’t pretty if these tax But the offshore jobs and money are health care diminished and their access hikes go into effect. If you’re a family moving to Indonesia, Egypt, Brazil, limited. Emergency rooms will be of four and your income is $50,000 a and Venezuela. busier than ever, and it will be increas- year, you could pay $2,100 in additional The moratorium on drilling in the ingly difficult for Medicare and Med- taxes; if you’re married as a senior cit- Gulf of Mexico threatens America’s icaid patients to be seen. izen earning $40,000 a year, you could jobs and economy. It is a national secu- The unfunded medical mandates pay $1,400 in higher taxes; a single rity issue, and it gives a brutal buffoon forced onto the weakened financial sys- mom making $36,000 a year could end dictator like Hugo Chavez dangerous tems of the States are designed to col- up paying $1,100 in new taxes. influence. lapse and fail. The administration had Hardworking middle class Americans End the illogical, ill-advised, ill-con- no intention of keeping any of the across the country cannot afford an at- ceived offshore drilling moratorium. promises it made. Their only concern tack on creating jobs. The Federal It’s about time. was furthering their own agendas, even Government cannot pay off America’s And that’s just the way it is. at the expense of the taxpayer and the debt by higher taxes. American health care system. In conclusion, God bless our troops, f The American people stand ready to and we will never forget September the IN SUPPORT OF A NATIONAL support those of us who seek to repeal 11th in the global war on terrorism. OCEAN POLICY this disastrous health care bill, and I f (Mrs. CAPPS asked and was given stand resolute with my colleagues to do so. EXTENDERS BILL permission to address the House for 1 f (Mr. NEAL asked and was given per- minute and to revise and extend her re- mission to address the House for 1 marks.) 9/11 HEALTH LEGISLATION minute and to revise and extend his re- Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I rise (Mrs. MALONEY asked and was given marks.) today in support of the President’s ex- permission to address the House for 1 Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, in December ecutive order establishing a com- minute.) and again in May, this House passed prehensive national ocean policy. Now, Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, this legislation to extend a popular set of more than ever, we need a coordinated week, yesterday, we approved billions expiring tax provisions providing bil- approach for the management of our for the war in Afghanistan but Con- lions of dollars in relief to millions of ocean and coastal resources. gress has yet to fully address the im- American families. This tax bill passed The tragedy in the gulf is a wake-up pact of the events that caused the war the House and has been stymied in the call. We would have been much better in the first place, the 9/11 terrorist at- other body where only two Republican prepared to deal with this disaster had tacks. On 9/11, thousands of Americans Senators have stood up against their a national ocean policy been in place were murdered and killed in the first party’s filibuster for these tax cuts. before the spill. act of the war on terror on our soil, but The State sales tax deduction has But Mr. Speaker, oil spills are just thousands more on that day lost their provided parity for families living in one threat. Overfishing and ocean health when they ran into burning States without an income tax. acidification are also evidence of the buildings to save the lives of others. Let me tell you who’s suffering: urgent need to ensure wise stewardship Nine long years after the attack, we 600,000 families in Tennessee cannot de- of our coasts, our oceans, and the Great have yet to approve guaranteed help duct $1.3 billion of State sales taxes; 2 Lakes.
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