Glen Cove Public Library Newsletter January/February 2017 GLEN COVE LIBRARY’S BUS TRIP THE WONDERS OF HOLLAND AT THE PHILADELPHIA FLOWER SHOW TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 8AM - 7:30PM From windmills, wooden shoes and cheese, to bicycles, canals and vibrant tulip and flower fields, the largest flower show in the U.S. will offer diverse stories of horticulture, innovative eco-design and modern urban greening and sustainability efforts of the Netherlands. Enjoy lunch on your own (either at the historic Reading Terminal Market across from the convention center or at the Flower Show). The cost is $83 and is payable by check or money order at the time of registration. Registration is in person at the Reference desk. Please make checks or money orders payable to: The Glen Cove Library Bus Trip Fund. Please note: The price of each seat reflects that person’s share of the cost of the bus and activities provided. These items are all pre-paid and there is no profit to the Library. Therefore, no refunds are possible. If you cannot attend, your ticket can be purchased by an individual on our waiting list. Should there be no waiting list, you may choose to give your place to another person. Registration is encouraged. Please register online through the Adult Services tab at www.glencovelibrary.org or call the Reference desk @ 516-676-2130. BOOK DISCUSSIONS AT THE LIBRARY NUTSHELL ANOTHER BROOKLYN BY JACQUELINE WOODSON BY IAN MCEWAN ITH MY ONDELLO WITH KATHIE FLYNN W A M UESDAY EBRUARY TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, T , F 21, 2PM 2PM Yes, there’s murder and New York Times best-selling and mayhem, but this tale is told National Book Award-winning from the perspective of an author Jacqueline Woodson’s inquisitive nine-month-old book, Another Brooklyn, is a in mommy’s womb. beautifully written novel of loss, friendship, family, race and the Copies of Nutshell are magic of memories. Copies of available at the Reference Another Brooklyn are available desk. at the Reference desk. 1. Registration is encouraged. Please register online through the Adult Services tab at www.glencovelibrary.org or call the Reference desk @ 516-676-2130. SUNDAY CONCERTS CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS THE CONTINENTALS IN CONCERT BRAIN FITNESS CLASS SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 2PM TUESDAY, JANUARY 3 & Enjoy the music of The Continentals five-piece en- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2PM semble repertoire and jazz improvisations of swing era We’ll focus on improving memory skills, building brain strength, tunes from the 1930s, 40s and early 50s. Listen to positive thinking and nutrition for the brain. It’s fun, easy and you tunes made popular by the likes of Count Basie, Les will be amazed by how you can boost your brain power. This class Brown, Duke Ellington, The Dorsey Brothers, Glen is for people of all ages! Miller, Frank Sinatra and many others. WRITERS’ GROUP SOUL OF THE CENTURY: SATURDAYS, JANUARY 7 A RAY CHARLES TRIBUTE & FEBRUARY 4, 10AM FEATURING VINNY ST. MARTEN If you are a serious writer, come join the Writers’ Group for a lively AND THE SEEING EYE DOG BAND exchange of ideas. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2PM Glen Cove native and blind musician Vinny St. Mar- HOW TO PAY LESS INCOME TAX ten was eight years old when he lost his sight. When TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 7PM he first heard Ray Charles sing, he did not know that Barry Lisak presents a free seminar to help reduce one’s Federal and the singer was also blind and he became Vinny’s mu- New York State income taxes. Topics include education, retirement, sical hero. Join as Vinny St. Marten offers a tribute home ownership, charitable contributions, investments and miscella- show to the music and memory of Ray Charles. This neous deductions. Obamacare laws will be discussed as well as new entertaining show will have you cheering for more. laws enacted this year. FAMILY ARCHAEOLOGY TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 7PM The New York City Municipal Archives contain a treasure trove of original, late 1800s and early 1900s family genealogy records. Mi- chael Chaplan, who has an M.A. in Anthropology, will demonstrate ARTS & CRAFTS PROGRAMS his successful research there as a model for family history research- ers to achieve fascinating results. GOLD COAST STENCIL ARTISANS MART RIVER OURSE SATURDAYS, JANUARY 14 AARP S D C RIDAY EBRUARY AM PM & FEBRUARY 11, 1PM F , F 10, 9 —5 The cost is $20 for AARP members and $25 for non-members The Gold Coast Stencil Artisans welcome new mem- (payable by check or money order to AARP). Be sure to bring your bers to join them in creating unique and beautiful AARP membership card with you to get the member rate. Register in works of art. person at the Reference desk. PAINT PARTY WITH CELICIA CARGILL CUT YOUR GROCERY COSTS & SAVE MONEY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 7PM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 7PM Susan Samtur, the “Original Coupon Queen,” will share her money- Artist Celicia Cargill will supply all the materials saving secrets with you. She’ll teach you how to shop smart by stay- needed for this colorful celebration! A fee of $15 ing aware of special savings opportunities, seasonal (check or money order payable to Authentic HeART- savings, store rewards, refunds and the latest in inter- work) includes canvas, paint and brushes. Registra- net deals including electronic and printable coupons. tion is in person at the Reference desk. 2. MOVIES AT THE LIBRARY PROGRAMAS EN ESPAÑOL FIRST FRIDAY FLICKS Join us on the first Friday of each month to watch the USE LA BIBLIOTECA PARA latest movie releases for free on our 80” ultra-high APRENDER INGLÉS definition television. Aprenda Inglés usando la computadora y su tarjeta de la Biblioteca. Le enseñaremos y podrá después estudiar en casa. Comenzando enero 12 a las 9 am. Para más infor- mación venga a y pregunte por su bibliotecaria bilingüe Maria Fernanda Pardo. DISCUSIÓN DE LIBROS EN ESPAÑOL: MAL DE AMORES DE ANGELES MASTRETTA PRESENTADO POR MARIA FERNANDA PARDO MIÉRCOLES 7 DE DICIEMBRE, 7PM La historia de Emilia Sauri, sus amores y aventuras tejidas alrededor de la Revolución Mexicana. Una va- liente mujer que supo despojarse de las ataduras y CAFÉ SOCIETY MAGNIFICENT SEVEN prejuicios de la época a pesar de su propia fragilidad. FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, Copias del libro están disponibles detrás del escritorio 2PM 2PM de Referencia. Por favor pida una copia a la Bibliotecar- 96 min. (PG-13) 2016 ia de turno. 128 min. (PG-13) 2016 CLASES DE COMPUTADOR EN ESPAÑOL OTHER UPCOMING MOVIES MARTES 6:30PM - MIÉRCOLES 6:30PM JUEVES 9AM Y 10AM Ofrecemos clases gratis de computador en español. Aprenda las habilidades básicas necesarias para escribir cartas, hacer anuncios y folletos, formatear documentos, insertar y guardar. También aprenderá como comunicar- se, hacer compras, estudiar y mucho más usando el computador. Es necesario registrarse en el escritorio de Referencia. LA BIBLIOTECA DE GLEN COVE UN LUGAR DE ENCUENTRO PARA ESCRITORES EN ESPAÑOL Únete al grupo de es- critores en español FLORENCE FOSTER JENKINS HELL OR HIGH WATER “El Sabor de las Pala- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, bras” que se reúne en 2PM 6PM la Biblioteca de Glen 110 min. (PG-13) 2016 102 min. (R) 2016 Cove el cuarto miércoles de cada mes a las 7pm. Duran- te hora y media, escribimos sobre un tema seleccionado ART EXHIBIT cada semana por uno de los miembros del grupo, y vo- luntariamente compartimos nuestros escritos. Escritores nuevos y con experiencia son bienvenidos. Para más FEBRUARY información pregunte por Maria Fernanda Pardo su bi- PAINTINGS BY GILBERT A. GALLEGO bliotecaria bilingüe. 3. FROM THE ROBERT R. COLES LONG ISLAND HISTORY ROOM For additional information call (516) 676-2130 or email [email protected] PRATT ESTATE OF YEARS GONE BY WAS A CITY WITHIN A CITY Many skilled Italian immigrants came to Glen Cove as a result of the Pratt family and their large estate. It all started in the late 1880s when Pratt Oval Charles Pratt, the patriarch of this wealthy family, purchased the old Winthrop farm along Dosoris Lane and many surrounding properties. All these properties, 1,100 acres in all, were later developed by his six sons. All of his children built homes in our city with the exception of one daughter, Mrs. W. Ern- est Dane, who established her home in Brookline, Massachusetts. At one time, the estate employed more than 400 day laborers and gardeners, many of whom were the new Italian immigrants to Glen Cove. The families of Stanco, Furlano, Famigletti and Anzalone were just a few of the area’s immigrants who worked on the estate. The old, tough but fair Scottish foremen sought out the best of these new arrivals to take care of the grounds and beau- tify them. In 1920, there was a herd of 100 thoroughbred Jersey cattle on the estate. There were 25 miles of paved roads, three quarters of a mile of prime shorefront on the sound, a private water company, twenty full-time Irish watchmen and a police car with its own modern radio unit there as well. Up until 1923, the estate had a community dining hall which held up to 40 people at one sitting. Mr. Pratt can be credited with bringing the Italian fig tree into our region. One Italian gardener, (Angelo Capobianco’s grandfa- ther) was encouraged to smuggle “shoots” of this sub-tropical fruit tree and other beautiful plants on his frequent trips back to the “old country.” The fig trees on the estates were uprooted in the fall, placed in holes in the earth and covered with soil below the frost line.
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