University of Dayton eCommons The nivU ersity of Dayton Magazine Marketing and Communications 2-1-1950 The niU versity of Dayton Alumnus, February 1950 University of Dayton Magazine Follow this and additional works at: http://ecommons.udayton.edu/dayton_mag Recommended Citation University of Dayton Magazine, "The nivU ersity of Dayton Alumnus, February 1950" (1950). The University of Dayton Magazine. 114. http://ecommons.udayton.edu/dayton_mag/114 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The University of Dayton Magazine by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. ~7~ 'DOM4 ol1fJtdom evze ~ Sha" . ?J~jaHWe 7~ FEBRUARY 1950 Dr. Shuster to speak at Convocation ~luJ'k~~~~ .,4 ESTABLISHED 1929 Vol. XVI February~ 1950 No. 2 Mary Shay '44 . .......... .. .. .. ... ................ .... Editor James F. " Pep" Wilson .. Sports Editor "Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." Issued Monthly-October through June SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Associa­ tion, $5.00. Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni Association of the University of Dayton." For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is "The Uni­ versity of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio." Geo. N. Shuster, Ph .D. Father H enry J. Kobe, S.M., vice­ oneer and it was a wonderful new president at U.D., will preside. Spe­ experience for u all. Each day I Di tingui hed educators of the na­ cial music will be pre ented by a thank God for the knowledge and tion have been invited to attend an choral group from Mount St. John, the guidance I acquired during those academic convocation at the Uni­ and the University Mixed Chorus. four happy years pioneering. ver ity of Dayton, Thursday, March A luncheon in the Chaminade It would be nice hearing about the 16. Ha ll dining room, and an academic first clas of women. Did Alma College presidents, university ad­ procession of some eight hundred Braun become a Doctor ? What has ministrators, and representatives of persons from the campus to the NCR become of Lillian Sheeran ? Perhaps learned and professional societies ap­ Auditorium, will precede the con­ they could all take a few minutes proximating 200, are expected to vocation. and write a line or two about their attend and pay tribute to the Uni­ The committee in charge consist present status. versity of Dayton, on the occasion of of faculty members, Bro. Louis Faer­ I am married and have been for the 100th anniversity of the founding ber, S.M., and Dr. K. C. Schraut, seven and a half years. We have a of the university on March 19, 1850. co-chairman ; Dr. Richard Baker, boy, Michael, who is going on six George N. Shuster, president of Robert Koehn, Mrs. Alberta Prather, years. My hobby is raising pl ants, Hunter College, New York City, will Mrs. Eithel Rose, George Spahn, (African violets ), snail and caring present the principal address at the S.M., and Edward Janning, Cia for our goldfish and turtle " Pete" ceremonies of thi celebration in the of '51. from St. Petersburg, Fla. I was al­ Marianist Triple Centennial. Dr. ways interested in science at the Uni­ Shuster, president of Hunter College versity. In fact I had a minor in since 1940, is a well-known educator, ..e~ fuun ,4~ - science, with the help and guidance scholar, lecturer, and author. H e Dear M ary: of Bro. Seyfried, Doc Molz and his was born in Lancaster, Wiscon in, Just a few words of comment on the boys. Of course, I do a little-?­ August 27, 1894. Dr. Shuster re­ wonderful work the University of housework on the side (washing, ceived his education at St. Lawrence Dayton Chorus achieved while on ironing, dishes, cleaning, etc.) . I'm (preparatory) College, University of tour here in Lakewood, Ohio. All of also a teacher, nur e, psychologist Notre Dame; Univer ite de Poi tiers; their work this entire year, the na­ and a wife and mother. Columbia University; Hochschule tionwide television program, the My husband, Roger Barklow, is fur Politik, Berlin. broadca t over the network of the offi ce manager of the Mid-West Dr. Shuster was chairman of the Columbia Broadcasting System and Acoustical and Supply Co., here in department of English, Notre Dame the Chorus tour should be highly Cleveland, Ohio, sound-proofing Univer ity ; managing editor, The praised by each and every graduate engineer. Commonweal ; and fellow, Social Sci­ and student of the University. My best to Father Geo. ]. Renne­ ence Research Council. When I attended the University ker, Rev. Father Tredtin, Dr. D. L. Other peakers s.cheduled for the "Down In the Valley," (in the Al­ Leary, Father Ed. Leimkuhler, Bro. 2 p.m. convocation at the National bert Emanuel Library) the Univer­ Paul in the cafeteria, and the good Cash Regi ter Auditorium elude : sity of D ayton Chorus had too little Sisters of Notre Dame. Also Bro. Fr. John A. Elbert, S.M., chairman prominence in the world about u . Tom Price, Miss Ryan, Mary Tuite, of the governing board at U.D. and My, but it has grown. The school also and Bro. Charles Belz. provincial of the Society of Mary ; has grown in the past eleven years. Sincerely yours, Fr. George ]. Renneker, S.M., presi­ I was one of the thirty-one stu­ Judy Weckesser Barklow '39 dent; and a representative of the dents who entered the College of 1265 Webb Rd., alumni, faculty and student body. Women in Sept. 1935. We were pi- Lakewood, Ohio 2 ADMINISTRATIVE POST CHANGES ANNOUNCED A. Holian, S.M. Business Manager J. McAvoy, S.M. Wm. A. Dapper, S.M. J. Kline, S.M. Comptroller Treasurer Purchasing Agent records and the processing of incom­ fortieth anniversary of the '10 class. An expansion in the "Office of ing money and disbursements. T emporalities" (Admini tration of Res pon ibilitie of the purchasing 1912- Rol Bevan, Wes t Point foot­ Finances) of the University of Day­ office also will continue as in the ball trainer, was speaker at a dinner ton became effective Monday, Janu­ pa t. All purchasing for the uni­ of the Dayton Betas of Theta Pi, at ary 30, according to Rev. George J. versity by the administration, deans the Engineer's Club, Dayton. Renneker, S.M., president. and department heads will be con­ Bro. Au tin J. H olian, S.M., pre­ ducted through the purchasing 1919- Joe H ammen, Fort Wayne, viously associate profe sor of electri­ agent. Indiana, is interes ted in contacting cal engineering, replaced Bro. Jerome Bro. Austin Holian, the new busi­ any St. Mary's Institute or U.D. men A. McAvoy, S.M ., as business man­ ne s manager, holds a bachelor of in and around Ft. Wayne. He i do­ ager. Bro. McAvoy will ass ume the science in education from the Uni­ ing public contact work for the new post of university comptroller. ver ity of Dayton; a bachelor of Pennsylvania Railroad in the north­ Bro. William A. Dapper, S.M., will science in electrical engineering from ern part of Indiana. continue as treasurer. The status of Case School of Applied Science Bro. James H . Kline, S.M., purchas­ (Cleveland ) and a master of science 1921- 0ur deepest ympathy is ing agent, wi ll also remain un­ in electrical engineering from Case. changed. extended to Mr . Joseph Holscher, He served a a istant dean, Uni­ Father Renneker said, "The ex­ Chicago, on the death of her hus­ ver ity of Dayton, 1944-46, and was pan ion in our financial office wa band. Joe died as a result of a heart brought about by the overall growth acting dean of the College of Engi­ attack on Jan. 31. He was an as o­ of the university since the war. We neering at U.D., 1946-48. Before be­ ciate and sale manager for the Dahl expect the new organization to be ing assigned to the University of Electric Co. functioning smoothly by the start Dayton, he taught in Society of of the fi scal year, July 1, 1950." Mary high chools in Kentucky, 1925- Sympathy Is extended to As Busine s Manager, Bro. Holian Iowa, California and New York. John vV atermeier, ew Orleans, La., will be res pon ible for all financial on the death of his father, Dec. 25, matters of the university, the con­ 1949. Merle P. Smith wa given the struction of new buildings, mainte­ oath of offi ce as a member of the nance of the physical plant, and will Dayton City Commission. Sympathy erve as chairman of the committee is extended to Lew Boehmer, Cov­ on finance. 1890-Sympathy is extended to the ington, K y., who lost his mother on Bro. McAvoy will begin at once to family of Michael J. Co tello, who Jan. 27th. put the university on an integrated died recently in Dayton. budget set-up. A comprehensive bud­ 1926- Sympathy is extended to the get plan will be establi hed for the family of John L. Robinson, Cincin­ 1902- John J. Werst, Sr., i now nati, who died in May, 1949. entire university, the individual col­ in the wholesale plumbing and heat­ leges and the department heads. "A ing supply business in Louisville, Ky. committee comprised of deans and 1928- Congratulations are extend­ H e is pre ident of the Plumbers Sup­ department heads will eventually ed to Mr.
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