f m'"»1-*!, Of [Distributed to the Council C. 580. M . 197. 1924. I. 0d the Members of the League.] (Extract from Official Journal, November 1924.) LEAGUE OF NATIONS Geneva, October 10th, 1924. FREE CITY OF DANZIG GENERAL REPORT BY THE SECRETARY-GENERAL FOR THE PERIO D APRIL-OCTOBER 19241. In forwarding this report, which is intended to serve as a reference document, to the Council and Members of the League, the Secretary-General has the honour to draw attention o the general review of Danzig and Polish-Danzig questions for the year September 1923- iugust 1924, which is contained in the report and the supplementary report to the Fifth Assembly on the work of the Council2. I. Questions before the Council a t its 29th (June 1924) a n d 3 0 th (A u g u s t - S e p t e m b e r -O c t o b e r 1924) S e s s i o n s . In view of agreements or provisional agreements reached, as explained by the Rappor- itur at the opening of the Council session in June 1924, it was not necessary for the Council io deal during that session with one single Danzig question, although eight had originally en included on the agenda. The two questions mentioned below came before the Council at its following session 1. Quinones de Leôn, representative of Spain, acted as Rapporteur. His reports and the {solutions adopted by the Council on each question will be found in the Official Journal as nnexes to the Minutes. Other documents are indicated in footnotes to the present report. 1. Protection of the Interests in Poland of Danzig Nationals and Organisations. The Committee of Jurists appointed by the Council on March 11th, 1924, reported that, its opinion, the League of Nations was competent to deal with tlie questions referred to under the above title3. Two of the four cases (those of the West Prussia Life Insurance Company and the Bauern anlv) were settled3 as a result of negotiations conducted in accordance with a Polish-Danzig Teement of June 7th, 1924% in Danzig in July 1924, under the chairmanship of M. Weiller Milan. On September 9th, 1924, the Council requested the same Committee of Jurists Ï. Rotella and M. Unclcn) to examine the substance of the two other cases (those of Herr von uetzen-Kositzkau and Ilerr Schauer) from the legal standpoint7. 2. Expulsion of Danzig Nationals from Poland8. The Council, on September 13th, 1924, after hearing the statements of the Danzig and 6 Polish representatives, requested certain legal experts to advise the Rapporteur as to hether that part of the High Commissioner’s decision of August 1st, 1924, dealing with four finite cases of expulsion, was in conformity with existing treaties and with international w and international practice. 1 For preceding report, see C. 181. M. 51. 1924. I, or Official Journal, May 1924, pp. 812-815. The present report 'srs the period up to October 1st, 1924. ! See A. 8. 1924 and A. 8(a). 1924. ■ See Documents C. 173. 1924. I. and C. 226. 1924. I. t See Document C. 179. 1924. I. C. 389.1924.1. (The High Commissioner has informed the Secretary-General that the assent of the Polish diplomatic rtsentative in Danzig, which was required for the final settlement, has been given). 7 Official Journal, August 1924, pp. 1061-1062. Additional statements on these cases were submitted by the Polish Government for the use of the Committee. See Documents C. 409. 1924. I. and C. 456. 1924. I. s- d. N. 600 (F) + 675 (A) 10/24. Imp. d’Ambilly. — 2 — II. D e c i s i o n s b y t h e H ig h C ommissioner At the request of the Danzig Senate, copies of a booklet1 (in English and German), prepared by the Danzig Government and containing the High Commissioner’s (M. MacDonnell’s) decisions given during 1923, have been circulated for the information of the Council and the Members of the League. Tabulated summaries, also prepared by the Danzig Senate, showing the legal position at the beginning of March 1924 regarding the decisions of the High Commissioner given in 1921, 1922 and 1923, were circulated at the same time. Since the last general report on Danzig questions, the High Commissioner has given decisions on the following three questions : 1. The Conscription oj Franz Damaschke in the Polish Army. Decision of July 23rd, 1924. The High Commissioner stated that the Polish Government had declared its intention of making a formal appeal, but had also expressed its readiness to negotiate with the Danzig Government. 2. Nomenclature of Places in Poland and Danzig to be used in Official Correspondence. Decision of July 31st, 1924. Appeal by Danzig. The High Commissioner stated that the Danzig Government had expressed its willingness to enter into direct negotiations. 3. Expulsion of Danzig Nationals from Poland. Decision of August 1st, 1924. Appeal by Danzig. (See under (I.— 2) above.) III. P o l is h -D a n z ig A g r e e m e n t s . 1. Agreements concluded with the collaboration of the High Commissioner. Since the last general report, the seven agreements mentioned below have been con­ cluded in Danzig, with the collaboration of the High Commissioner. Most of these agreements concerned questions which have already been brought before the Council at one time or another. (a),(b),(c)and(d). Agreements of Mag 4th, 19242, concerning : (a) the right of the Harbour Board to contract loans and to sell its immovable property ; (b) the Berne Railway Conference (May 1923) and the signature of the Conventions drawn up at that Conference ; (c) the appli­ cation of Article 27 of the Warsaw Agreement of October 24th, 1921 (co-operation of the Polish authorities in the issue of passports to Danzig nationals abroad3), and (d) the manner in which the contractual position of the Free City is to be notified to the State concerned in the case of commercial treaties. (e) and (f). Agreements of June 7th, 1924, concerning (e) the question of the protection of the interests in Poland of Danzig nationals and organisations4 ; and (f) railway questions . Mr. J. A. Kalff, Director-General of Netherlands Railways, was appointed as Chairman and Mr. H. Marriott, of the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co., as Technical Adviser for the negotiations provided for in the latter agreement, negotiations which began on September 15th, 1924. (g). Agreement of August 29th, 1924, concerning the Polish Postal Sorting OHice for overseas parcels1’. 2. Other Agreements concluded in 1924. Four other agreements concluded in 1924 have been communicated to the Secretariat by the High Commissioner during this period. They are as follows : , (a). Agreement of February 14th, 1924, concerning guarantees for and the payment o 1 'gal expenses (as provided for in Article 61 of the Warsaw Agreement of October 24th, (b) and (c). Agreements of March 17th, 19247, concerning (b) double taxation an ( c.) judicial assistance in matters of taxation. (d). Agreement of July 4th, 1924, concerning frontier traffic. ' Sec Document C. 279. M. 88. 1921 I. , . ZlJ,jn 2 Agreements fa), <b). fc) were published in the Official Journal for June 1924, pp. 890-891, and agreement ( the Official Journal for November 1924. * See also Documents C. 158. 1924. I. and C. 182. 1924. I. * Published in the Official Journal of August 1924, p. 1061. See also under (I.— 1) above. ‘ Published in the Official Journal, August 1924, p. 1061. * Published in the Official Journal, November 1924. See also C. 200. 1924. I. and C. 410. 1924. I. 7 See F. 169. — 3 — 3. Agreements concluded between 1920 and 1923. At the request of the Danzig Senate, copies of a book prepared by the Danzig Government, containing a collection . f agreements concluded between 1920 and 1923, is to be circulated to the Council for its information. This book contains the text of the following nine agreements, concluded since the establishment of the Free City, which have not previously been brought to the attention of the Council : Railway Agreements. (a). Provisional agreement of July 20th, 1921, regarding officiais ; (b). Final agreement of October 22nd, 1921, concerning officials ; (c), (d) and (e). Additional agreements supplementary to the agreement of September 23rd, 19211 ; (c) between the Polish Railway Administration and the Danzig Government, dated November 24th, 1921 ; (d) between the Polish Railway Administration and the Danzig Harbour Board, dated November 24th, 1921 ; and (e) between Danzig and Poland, iated December 20th, 1921. Other Agreements. (f) and (g). Protocols of March 17th, 1922, concerning : (j) the regulations of the sugar trade between Danzig and Poland, and (g) the traffic in petroleum in Danzig ; (h) Statement of December 2nd, 1922, by the President of the Danzig Senate, concern­ ing the registration of aliens ; (i) Protocol of August 3rd, 1923, concerning the provisional regulation of emigration and immigration through Danzig. IV. O t h e r Q u e s t i o n s 2. 1. The Upkeep of the Mottlau and of the Kaiserhafen. The text of the High Commissioner’s decision of October 19th, 1923, and of the Danzig appeal have been circulated to the Council3 and the observations of the Polish Government n the appeal have been received in the Secretariat. The two Governments have been con- ucting direct negotiations with a view to arriving at a settlement. 2. Financial Situation of the Free City1. The work of the Economic and Financial Organisations of the League in the financial sphere as regards the Free City of Danzig5 was noted with satisfaction by the Fifth Assembly of the League6.
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