VOLUME 34, NO. 19. PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 27, 1900. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. UJINPTUQr ArtWDO AS TO SPRING TRIPS. FOR NEW YORK STATE LEAGUE THE LEAGUE TEAMS ARE EARLY IMPROVEMENT. ALL ROOKED. The President Will Propose Measures An Inclination to Follow in Last to Prevent Violation ol ths Salary Year©s Ruts, and Train at Abont Limit The Chief Executive to Take the Same Places, as the Resilt Charge ol Contract Matters. ol Past Experiences. Auburn, N. Y., Jan. 2."?. Editor "Sport- ©Washington, D. C., Jan. 28. Editor Ing Life:" President J. H. Farrell, of the "Sporting Life:" Managers of the Nation New York League, is planning to make al League Club are now turning their at the League©s salary limit effective the tention to the work of having their teams coming season. As a rule salary limits In shape for the coming season. Nearly are of the dead letter order in minor all the clubs are looking for new grounds. leagues. The violation of the limit breeds Tte clubs in the Eastern Circuit usually discord and is a constant menace to the select a place along the Atlantic seaboard, general welfare of the organizations in at some point south of Washington. The which the limit is not respected. In con- Western clubs usually get in shape in utctum with this matter Mr. Farrell said: seme place in the Southwest. THE LIMIT QUESTION. The Biobklyn Club will probably train ©©One of the most difficult problems be at Savannah, Ga., again this year, leav fore the executive head of a minor league ing New York about March 10. The New Is to regulate the salary limit. One of the York team trained at Charleston, S. C., propositions I shall lay before our annual last season. The weather during their meeting Is a plan to govern this matter. stay at that place was propitious for 1 shall propose that all players© contracts training, although it did not seem to help be sent me direct from the player after the team to a respectable showing in the he signs. League standing. It is likely, however, that Charleston will again be decided upon. THE PLAN. The St. Louis Club has already decided "For instance, if the manager of the to send its players to the Arkansas Hot Albany Club agrees upon terms with a Springs. Manager Tebeau expects to have player, he shall scud the player a con the men there the first week in March. The tract, who in turn shall return it to the Pitcher Joseph Yaeger, ol Brooklyn, Hot Springs has become a favorite resort president of the League instead of to for ball" players. Many of them seek this the Albany Club. The presideut will be resort about February 1, and indulge lu. required to record the contract and then a mild form of training. This is particu- forward it to the club. I shall ad/ocate NEW LONDON NEWS. HAPLESS HOOSIERS. h-ily the case with pitchers, who find it to their advantage not to wait until about the imposition of a penalty for violations Manager Bind loss Thinks the City four weeks before the season opens to get of the salary limit." Watkins, Like All Other Minor Mag Wiil be Retained by the Connecti nates, Awaiting the Pleasure of the into shape. A GOOD MOVE. The Cincinnati Club will send Its play The violation of the salary limit In the cut League. League Men. ers to Vicksburg, Miss. President J. A. State League last year was responsible New London. Conn., Jan. 23. Editor Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 23. Editor Hart, of the Chicago Club, is contemplat for considerable trouble. It tended to ir "Sporting Life:" Manager George Bind- "Sporting Life:" American League man ing a trip to California, beginning about regularity in club strength and created an loss has announced that all negotiations agers are anxiously awaiting the report February 15. His plan is to have the unsatisfactory situation all around. If as regards P. Frank Woodruff©s assuming of the National League Committee on the t«©ym get into condition in Los Angeles, Mr. Farrell is able to carry his views into the management of the New London base circuit question. Until they ©know just and afterward make a tour of California, effect the stability of the State League jail team next season, are off. In a letter what cities will be in the circuit they can playing exhititlon games. If this is not done the players will probably go to New will be even more certain than at present. from Woodruff it was stated that it was do little toward making up their teams Manager Ewing©s intention to give him a with any degree of certainty. Mexico, where the team trained last year. thorough trial during the coming season President Watkins says that while he LITTLE INTER-STATE. with the New York Base Ball Club, and has done much thinking in regard to the as he has signed with the club he wiW not Hoosiers for next season he has taken A Wilmington Party Beading a be able to take the management of the no decisive steps toward signing players. Admits the Staunch Little Town New London Club next season. He would like to see the circuit question Move For a League to Include settled at once, so that he can begin to of Petersburg Once More to That City. TO REMAIN IN LEAGUE. Fellowship. Manager Bindloss has been going over figure on his. club. He says that no Wilmington. Jan. 19. Pitcher Denny matter what is done the "cranks" will Petersburg. Va., Jan. 22. Editor "Sport Kenney, of this city, heads a movement the ground and reports that he thinks the have no cause to feel disappointed in the ing Life:" Mr. A. F. Edwards, superin for the formation of a State or inter-State chances for New London having a team team which will represent this city. tendent of the Southside Railway & De base ball league for the season of 1900. the coming season are favorable. Already Frank Motz has decided to again don velopment Company, has received a letter He has received some encouragement from lovers of the game have pledged themselves the spangles, and will be seen in his old from Mr. Jake Wells, of Richmond, to the business men. His plan is to have a first- to subscribe a considerable amount, and if position at first base with the Indianapolis effect that the Virginia Base Ball League class team in Wilmington. and to have it thinks that the club can start out in a Club next season. Several weeks ago has granted the Petersburg base ball fran affiliated with teams in enough other sound financial condition, he will assume Motz said that he would probably not chise to Mr. F. M. Foster, of Lexington, places, mostly on the peninsula, to insure the management of the club himself, as in play ball again, as he had gone into Va.. an experienced base ball man. an interesting schedule of games. He the last season. business at his home, in Akron, O. Motz Mr. Edwards is endeavoring to secure for thinks Wilmington, New Castle, Dover, THE TEAM CAPTAINCY. says, however, that much depends on the the Southside Railway & Development Smyrna, Laurel arid Seaford, Del., and It was also stated by him that Hatfield contract which is sent him by President Company an option on the base ball park Salisbury, Md., with possibly one or two would not captain the team this year. Watkins. This is about the time of year on upper Washington street. If this park places in this State, or in Maryland, Penn Manager Bindloss finds that there is con that the Akron player begins to wrestle cannot be obtained then the company will sylvania, or New Jersey, would make a siderable feeling against him among the with the contract question, and he usual endeavor to secure some place on the line circuit that would not prove expensive or >atrons of the game, and he will try, as ly keeps it up until the players report for of its road where games of base ball caa cumbersome. as possible, to consult.their wishes. practice. be played,duxiug the season. SPORTING Jan.. 2 7. BALL. I guess he knows what he is talking To be successful a batter has to study his about." pitcher, and this is just as essential as it NEWS NOTES. is for the pitcher to study the batter." Clarence Childs has signed with St. HART©S DENIALS. Louis for Another year. He says that The Chicago president flatly denied that there could be any truth to the report of THE TEAM MAKE-UP HOT he is in excellent condition and well Pulliam being put in charge of the Or AUSPICIOUS TIME FOR AN OPPOSI content to sign at this early date. phans, and any one who. knows the condi tions; does not doubt the truth of the de SATISFACTORY, nial. "I consider Loftus the greatest man TION LEAGUE, YOUNGSTOWN BRIEFS. ager In the country," said Hart yesterday, "and, as far as I am concerned, he wil5 President Robison Advised to Let the Still They Come Cy Voorhees After continue as the club©s manager. Pulliam Tie Forest City Would Lifce the Local Team A Chance For came here from Indianapolis, where he had been to see Brush, the object of his Shift For Itsell and to Jack Glasscnck. visit in both eases being in jregard to the in at the Anson-Qaia Association Youngstown, O., Jan. 22. Editor "Sport reduction of the circuit," ing Life:" The latest to place an applica Take Better Care ol the Mound City tion for the management of the local team A New Northern Ohio League is Pitcher Cy Voorhees.
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