The Chronicle A Publication of The Historical Society of Trappe, Collegeville, Perkiomen Valley, Inc. 4 November 2002 A.D. Volume XXXI No. ' \ Descendent Receives Multlenberg Leaders/tip Award Th e President's Message On Tuesday, November I 9th, Dr. John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg of Wyomissing, Penn­ Dear Friends: sylvania, will receive the distinguished It is not oft en that Ifind mys elfin such a sp ecial situation to f&,,--'\11.�A� Muhlenberg Leadership Award for "''°¢j; announce the recipient of the Muhlenberg LeadershipAwa rd The ff�/k>� : � Vision, Integrity, Faith, and Service Muhlenberg Leadership Committee has announced the selection 1�� � ·' ji�to the community, to humanity, and of Dr. John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg of Wy omissing, Pennsyl­ ;� to God, as represented in America vania, as the recipient of the prestigious Muhlenberg Award 2002. �:?: The Rev. Henry Melchior Muhlen­ 'by Dr. Muhlenberg, a descendent of the Muhlenbergs, has been a berg and his familyat the founding of our nation. tremendous supporter of The Historical Societyand its programs. Dr. and Mrs. Muhlenberg are members of And not least of all, Dr. Mu hlenberg exemplifies the Muhlenberg Atonement Lutheran Church in Wyomissing. tradition of principles rooted in fa ith and hard work and Dr. Muhlenberg has a special re lationship to commitment to the condition of humankind Muhlenberg House and The Historical Society. Share with us the award ceremony and reception fo r Dr. Jo hn From the beginning, he has shown his interest, Peter Gabriel Mu hlenberg on November 19th at 4:00pm at the visited as the exploratory work was being done, Berman Museum, Ursinus College, Collegeville. and became a member ofthe Society. He not only Our November Dinner Meeting on No vember I J, 2002, at has supported the restoration but has enlisted other members ofthe Muhlenberg familyin Penn­ 6:30pm will be held this year at St. Luke 's Un ited Church of sylvania and other states to become supporters of Christ in Trappe, with The Muhlenberg Piano Quartet in concert the restoration and the ongoing activities of the aft er dinner in the sanctuary of the church. Cost per person will Muhlenberg House. Through Dr. Muhlenberg's be $10.00. efforts , there were 23 Muhlenbergs present in We had an excellent summer with visitors from all over the I 989 forthe dedication of the Muhlenberg House. country. Several displays and exhibits drew large crowds. It was Study of the familyhisto ryhas been one of Dr. a good year fo r the Society. I hope it has been a good year fo r Muhlenberg's interests. He has given presenta­ you as well. tions on the lives of the father and the sons. He Sincerely, spoke at Woodstock, Virginia, where Peter fij Muhlenberg put on his uniformof the 8th Virginia �� rt! Regiment, and in Lititz, Pennsylvania, at the Dr. Herbert Mi chel, ; H Lutheran Retirement Center. At the 200th anni­ President versaryof the dedication ofthe Perkiomen Bridge at Collegeville, he related the part that General Peter took in raising money for the bridge by Muhlenberg House and has given a two-volume set of the records of the chairing the committee that ran the lottery.He has offi cers and men from Pennsylvania who fought in the American Revolution. encouraged many people through his regular atten­ Dr. Muhlenberg graduated from Mercersburg Academy in 1946 as class dance at the meetings and events of The Historical president, Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia in 1950, and Society of Trappe, Collegeville, and the Perkio­ the University of Pennsylvania Medical School in I 954 as class president. He men Valley. He most recently participated in the completed his four-year residency in Pediatrics as ChiefResident Physician at 2002 Heritage Sunday at the Muhlenberg House . Children's Hospital in Philadelphia in 1958 and dedicated his lifeto the care These are just a fe w of his many contributions. of children. He practiced pediatrics from 1958 to 1999, was with the Dr. Muhlenberg is a member of the Pennsyl­ Children's Clinic of Wyomissing from 1970 to 1999, and was Chief of vania Chapter of the Order of the Cincinnati, of Pediatrics of Reading Hospital and Medical Center from 1978 to 1995. which General Peter was one of the foundersand He has given community service through many societies and organizations which brought together officers who served with in Berks County and other areas. As a physician, he has been active in county, and under Genera l George Washington. This state, and national professional societies. Chapter has supported the restoration of the continued on page 2 Muhlenberg LeadershipAw ard continuedfrom page I From The Journals of Dr. Muhlenberg was the son ofHi ester Henry Muhlenberg, M.D., and Anna Miller Henry Melchior Muhlenberg Muhlenberg. He was delivered at home on December 0, 1928, by his fatherwho I 1742 was a pediatrician and who delivered 6,000 other babies. Dr. Muhlenberg marriedDorothy Snider in 1956, November 25, Thursday. In the morning, .,..............,..,,_.,""""' about eight o'clock, we arrived at Philadelphia. and they had three children: Sarah M. Grace who So farthe Lord hath helped! I was a stranger in has fourchild ren; Martha M. Doto who is a health Philadelphia and at firstdid not knowwhich way care worker; and William Hiester Muhlenberg who to tum. On the way I had heard by chance that was born in 1960 and died of Muscular Dystrophy Mr. Zwifler was still alive and living in in 1991. He has one sister living, Catherine Philadelphia. First I stopped offat an inn, and Muhlenberg Smith, a member ofour Society, who then sought out Mr. Zwifler. Mr. Zwifler lives near West Chester. received me kindly, and I inquired about The award will be presented in the Main Gallery Germantown, and Providence. of the Berman Museum of Art at Ursinus College, December I I, Saturday. Quit my lodgings Collegeville, at 4:00pm. All members of the at the Englishman's and, besides other expendi­ Society and the pubic at large are invited to attend. tures, had to pay dearly enough. Rode out of A contribution of $10.00 per person will provide Philadelphia about nine o'clock with Mr. Kraft forthe reception which will be available forall in and arrived first at Germantown, where Mr. attendance. A special invitation and reservation form is enclosed. ! Krafttook me to several houses and introduced • • me to the people. In the afternoon we had heavy, steady rain, To ur Groups We lcome Historic Sites were wet through and through and had to ford Get a party of six or more and tour both Dewees Museum and Henry Muhlenberg the two swollen streams in the darkness ofnight. House to get the full impact of the 225th Anniversary of the Continental Army The one deacon ofProvidence, who lived not far camping from Trappe to Collegeville to Evansburg. fromthe streams, went ahead of us through the The Visitor's Center at Muhlenberg House and the Society office at Dewees murky night and guided us through the water. Museum has books, maps, tiles, Trappe flags,and notepaper forsale, which may be The gracious God helped us safelythrough and purchased as gifts. The exhibit at Dewees Museum celebrates the Continental Army we put up at the home of the senior deacon who and includes 19th century Washington prints. To tour, contact Dr. John refreshedus again. arrange a Shetler, Museum Director/Historian, at 610-489-2624. ! December 12, Sunday. I preached for the • • first time at Providence in the senior deacon's since the poor folkthere have no church as barn, yet. Afterthe sermon Mr. Kraftread to the con­ Stove Plates are Cast gregation my letter from the Rev. Court The two sets of plates for the five-plate stoves, or jamb stoves as Preacher. The congregation appeared to be they are also known, have been completed and delivered. They have pleased. In the congregation there are many received the necessary coats of stove blackening and buffing. members fromthe province of Darmstadt who It is expected that the flues will be built in the opening of each :nust have had good instruction in their youth. of the fireplaceson the firstfloor and the stoves assembled to be [n the evening some of the members were Jresent with us and we engaged in edifying daubed into place the last week in October. ;onversation and closed with prayer. If all goes as planned, it is expected that the stoves will be dedicated on Sunday afternoon, December 1st. Please write this date in your book now. Members will receive informationabout the exact time and details. We expect that Pastor Henry Muhlenberg will return forthis event. ! Making It Safe r fo r Th ose • • with Wa lking Problems >St estimates are now being reviewed forla ying I CERTIFICATE OF GIFT or on-grade concrete walk to the west door ofthe I f DEWEES NEW ENTRANCE WALK !Wees Museum. This door, not having been Enclosed is a check made payable to The Historical Society. ed formany years, is accessible without a step. : Designated for: the same time, it is planned to alter two one­ ---------------------- I _ _________ _ ln the Name ot ___ ____ ____ :p doorways in the west rooms of the Dewees ! In Memory of: use um. ----------------------- The amount received to date is $435.00. Cost I Street be several thousand dollars. Work will not ! JI gin until sufficient fundsare available to com­ I City State Zip Tel I :te one segment. A contribution certificate is 0$25 0$50 0$100 0$500 0 $1,000 0 Other Jvided at right. Contributors will be recorded in I ! : Society's Book of Sponsors.
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